The new issue of the journal Istorijski zapisi/Les Ecrits Historiques 3-4 / 2020 is available

The new issue of the journal Historical Records 3-4 / 2020 is available on the website of the Historical Institute of the University of Montenegro, as well as on the website of the journal.

Within the section of the Anniversary, on the occasion of the sixty years since the founding of the Non-Aligned Movement, the work of prof. Dr. Ljubodrag Dimić, Action “Peace” (or how the “high awareness” and “skill of anticipating” the political moves of the participants in the Conference of Heads of State and Government of Non-Engaged Countries in Belgrade in September 1961) was achieved.

In the Articles section, the works of Ifigenia Radulović and Snežana Vukadinović, Dokimasija against Philo or about bad citizens and honest foreigners were published; Nemanja Vujčić, Slaves from the Adriatic in Classical Greece; Vladimir Tomić, Connections of Cetinje and Belgrade, Crnojević’s role models in the Belgrade Four Gospels; Luka Milunović, Wedding of Montenegro with the sea, On the painting of I. Žmirić in the light of an archival document; Sasa Knezevic, Montenegro and the Eastern Question at the End of the 19th Century; Peter Mikša and Matija Zorn, Shattered Slovenia 1941-1945 on the example of occupation borders; Bogdan Živković, From New Reconciliation to Strategic Alliance: Relations between Yugoslav and Italian Communists from 1962 to Tolyatti’s visit in January 1964; Jelisaveta Blagojević, “Libyan Spring”: fragmentation of the patrimonial army.

The Contributions segment brings the work of Radenko Šćekić, The Cold War in the New Millennium.

In this issue, Reviews by Ivan Laković, Branko Bogdanović, Dr. Radoslav Raspopović, MONTENEGRIN WEAPONS / MONTENEGRIN WEAPONS were also published. Illustrated monograph on the development of infantry weapons in Montenegro (1870-1916); Žarko Leković, Budimir Aleksić, FROM THE PAST OF MONTENEGRO AND HERZEGOVINA; Marek Białokur, Agnieszka Misiurska, Andrzej Nowak Sur l’histoire, not for idiots. Conversations et affaires, Wydawnictwo Literackie, Krakow 2019, p. 623.À propos d’un pays trop petit pour être une superpuissance, mais trop grand pour accepter le rôle d’une petite nation… Some reflections; and Vukota Vukotić, Luka Milunović, MONTENEGRIN ACTORS. From the 19th century until the First World War.


The full number of Historical Records 3-4 / 2020 can be found by clicking on the front page.

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