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The new issue of Istorijski zapisi 1/1996 is published


  • Šerbo RASTODER, Mlada Crna Gora 1918-1920, 1-31  Download

SUMMARY: This article deals with the political statements and praxis of the Montenegrin elite for union, supporters for unconditional union between Montenegro and Serbia. This political stream had been grown up from the beginning of second decade of the 20th century through the work of so called Montenegrin university youth organization in Belgrade which was led by Marko Daković, the famous opponent of the King Nikola’s regime, and which worked under the political patronage of the Serbian regime.

After 1918 the adherents of this stream took over the control in Montenegro with the main goal to defend the acquirements of the Podgorica Parliament which were endangered by the armed resistance of the opponents of the unconditional union.

They got many opponents in Montenegro by their tactless and intolerant and they did not even enjoyed disposition from the official Belgrade because they were suspicious to the policy of Nikola Pašoć. The activity of this organization, called Young Montenegro, ended in 1920, when its disappointed leader Marko Daković, withdrew out of the political life and his adherents joined other political parties whose headquarters was in Belgrade.



  • Bogoljub ŠIJAKOVIĆ, Istorija, Moć, Identitet, 33-46  Download

SUMMARY: Philosophy has from the ancient times sought to understand ‘reality’ in its entirety. Philosophers believe that they are the ones who understand such reality best. Philosophy is, in that judgment, a diagnosis of the time, which means that it is also invariably in the field of the philosophy of history.

History as a science is in historical development. Its subject is a ‘total social phenomenon’. The understanding of historical facts is projected through the facts themselves. Thence a possibility of ‘producing historical reality. And this may mean that there is no ‘objective’ history.

The German historian Leopold Ranke set history a task – to give an account of what has really happened. This has, over time, become the principle of the historical science. Positivistic historical science sees historical truth as stored in archive documents, thus overlooking the fact that archives, too, are calling cards of political power. They can be dead witnesses to abuse of political power.

In this sense not to be a slave to determinism and to oppose fatalism means to give sense to historical events. In that way the historical science asserts itself as the guardian of responsibility of all before themselves and the community. When history takes over the identity card of the past, it does so relying on its authority in the present.


  • Čedomir M. LUČIĆ, Varvarizam kao viteštvo u obličajnom pravu plemenskog društva Crne Gore do kraja 18. vijeka, 47-58  Download

SUMMARY: Some barbaric customs among the Montenegrins developed as a result of Turkish influence and clan primitivism. It is true that cases of brutality towards a living or dead adversary were known even before. The Turks found the original justification for brutality in the Koran, which says that ‘the world given to infidels…is not binding’. Indeed, the teaching of Islam proclaims equality of all the Muslims, whereas ‘infidels’ are out of any law. What results from this is that every war is invariably a religious war. There are many examples of barbarism and banditry by the Ottoman Turks. Let us mention just the Ćale Kula, a tower in the vicinity of Niš. Built from the Serb heads cut off after the 1809 battle of Čegar. There are however, plenty of examples of violence committed by the Turks and stigmatized in folk songs.

The Montenegrins cut off heads of Turkish oppressors. A cut off head of an enemy would become a kind of a war trophy. The practice of cutting heads spread from the Turks to the merchants in the Bay of Kotor and sometimes to the local converts to Islam, too. Over time this practice came to be regarded as chivalry. Montenegro’s Venetian neighbors insisted on being given Turkish heads as proof that the enemy had been defeated. In this way heads of the dead became object of a kind of trade between Montenegro and Venice.


  • Zoran LAKIĆ, Seminarni istoričari, Značajan doprinos nastavi istorije, 59-67  Download




  • Čedomir POPOV, Evropska ratišta u vrijeme Mojkovačke bitke 1916., 69-77  Download

SUMMARY: The 19th century left Europe with the heritage of nations and of nation states, bestowing it towards its end, with an accelerated technical and technological transformation.

This speeded up the race of the strong and rich countries of the world, those who were striving to achieve a new redistribution of the riches of the world. The historical progress once again became a locomotive dragged by tigers. The Central Powers-Germany and Austro-Hungarian Empire-however. Had neither demographic nor economic, nor military supremacy over the powers of the Entente. Indeed, the weaker side planned to overcome the stronger by a surprise attack. In that aggressive struggle, without rules or compassion, the first and the worst affected victims were small peoples and their states:the people of the Balkans, in the first place and Serbia and Montenegro.

Within a short time one by one various countries entered the First World War. Battles on a large scale took place in which neither arms nor people were spread. One of these battles was the Battle of Mojkovac, which took place in early 1916. The victory took another two and a half years.


  • Perko VOJINOVIĆ, Mojkovačka bitka 1916. u udžbeničkoj literaturi, 79-90  Download

SUMMARY: It is well known that scientific literature corresponds with textbooks, i.e. with history textbooks used in teaching. That is when the quality  of teaching is at a high level. The historical science did not study this subject at any length, which was reflected in textbooks. Scientific meetings dedicated to this specific subject, like the ones organized to commemorate the anniversary of the 1916 Battle of Mojkovac are an opportunity to learn more of this event, resulting in an enhanced quality of its presentation in both the scientific literature and in textbooks. And not only from the aspect of military operations or from that of the political history. I believe that its challenge for the arts-literature, fine arts, folk art-is really equally important.

The main shortcoming of many a textbook is an inadequate presentation of the 1916 Battle of Mojkovac. Many textbooks fail to mention the allegedly Minor battles related to the main event-the Battle of Mojkovac. Some accounts are imbued with a ideological approach, therefore differences in judgment are evident.



  • Marija CRNIĆ PEJOVIĆ, Prilog proučavanju društvenih prilika barkonog doba u hercegnovskom kraju. 91-101  Download



  • Jasmina ĐORĐEVIĆ, Onomastika kretanja u Dračevici i Riđanima krajem XV i u prvoj polovini XVI vijeka, 103-129  Download

SUMMARY: The Ottoman register of nahiyes Dračevica and Riđani, that represent north-west Boka Kotorska and its immediate background, from 1541 contains not only names of actual holders of bastines but also names of previous 2-3 generations of holders and so enable continual survey of onomastic phenomena and developments on precisely defined area for about a century.

The basic characteristics of the evolution of personal names from XIV to XVI century are observed in growth of christian names and reduction of names of Slavonic and, particulary, Valachien and Albanian names by origin; prevalence of base Rad- and name Radosav; reduction of base Hran-, Prib- and Voj-; growth of participation of shortened names and names Nikola and Radonya. But there are also some new tendencies as reduction of participation of base Vuk- and name Radosav in generation of sons in both nahiyes and growth of participation of base Drag- in both nahiyes, from generation to generation.

All aforementioned developments are present both in Dračevica and Riđani but there is a difference in their intensity. In Riđani things change more slowly and Dračevica, which is more subjected to foreign influences because of its geographic location, goes further on with novelties.

More than a half of Muslim names in the register are those of Arabic origin and the rest is of Hebraic, Turkish and Persian origins.


  • Saša KNEŽEVIĆ, Posjeta Knjaza Nikole Londonu 1898. godine, 131-141  Download

SUMMARY: This study is about Prince Nikola’s visit to London in 1898. The visit is realized after families connection between the Montenegrin and the British dynasties. With this visit, Prince Nikola wanted to make contact with the British financial circles for the sake of obtaining a loan for Montenegro. The Montenegrin monarch also wanted to gain support of Great Britain for his foreign political plans. The results of that visit were not as Prince Nikola had expected. Nevertheless he was striving to achieve his goals in the course of the next few years.

Documentation for this study has been taken from the Archive of Serbia in Belgrade, AVPR in Moscow, State Archive in Cetinje, as well as from domestic and foreign press.



  • Branislav MAROVIĆ, Spoljno tržište i izvoz stoke i stočnih proizvoda Crne Gore u XIX i početkom XX vijeka, 143-160  Download

SUMMARY: On the basis of the archive and other sources, it is given review of Montenegrin foreign trade with Austria-Hungary, France, Italy, Malta, Serbia in livestock and livestock products in the given period. It is pointed to weak development of internal market of Montenegro and its dependance on foreign market, both economic and political, mainly of Austria-Hungary with which it was intensively connected through Bay of Boka Kotorska. It is also pointed to law regulations and interstate trade agreements which regulated custom and other mutual trade relations between Montenegro and other states, as well on boycott of Austria-Hungary merchandise by the end of 1908 and at the beginning of 1909 by Montenegro, because of the Austro-Hungarian annexation of Bosnia and Herzegovina.

Livestock and livestock products made the most important part of export, even more than a half of the total amount in structure of Montenegro export, in the given period.

It is also given survey of export of total number of certain kinds of livestock and the value of that export.



  • Momčilo M. ŠALETIĆ, Brigadir Agica Lakić, 161-168  Download



  • Branko PAVIĆEVIĆ, Vladimir D. Jovićević, Danilov zakonik, Snaga države, Priština 1994, 7-485., 169-171  Download
  • Momčilo ZEČEVIĆ, Đorđe Stanković, Izazov nove istorije (2) , Boegrad 1994, 290, 173-177  Download
  • Dimitrije L. MAŠANOVIĆ, Dr Dušan Martinović, Luča tamom obuzeta – Bibliološki eseji: ‘Obod’ Cetinje i Centralna narodna biblioteka republike Crne Gore ‘Đurđe Crnojević’, 1995, 179-185  Download
  • Goran SEKULOVIĆ, Prof. dr Slobodan Tomović, Filozofsko-Bogoslovenski pojmovnik Njegoševog djela, Pobjeda-Podgorica 1995. str.180, 187-192  Download
  • Zdravko DELETIĆ, H.N. Hitrova, Rusija i Crna Gora, 193-197  Download
  • Branislav MAROVIĆ, Dr Šerbo Rastoder, Životna pitanja Crne Gore 1918-1929, knjiga I, Bar 1995, str. 189, 199-202  Download
  • Zoran LAKIĆ, Slavko Stanišić i saradnici, Podgorički SREZ u NOR-u 1941-1945, zbornik dokumenata, knj. 1, Podgorica, str. 504, 203-206  Download
  • Jasmina ĐORĐEVIĆ, Glasnik CANU, br 8 i 9/1995, 207-209  Download
  • Tomislav ŽUGIĆ, Balkan poslije drugog svjetskog rata – Institut za savremenu istoriju, Beograd, 1996, 211-213  Download



  • Izvještaj o radu Istorijskog instituta za 1995. godinu, 215-233  Download



  • Jovan Radov Bojović (1934-1995) (Radoje PAJOVIĆ), 235-240  Download