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The new issue of Istorijski zapisi 2/1996 is published


  • Rolf LEHAMANN, Da li je u ratu Jugoslaviji samo jugoslovenski, Naš odgovor je – ODLUČNO NE, 1-11  Download

REZIME: Da bi se pouzdano odgovorilo na postavljeno pitanje, izvršena je analiza više aspekata jugoslovenske krize 1991-1995. godine. Posebno se to odnosi na vojno-politički i čisto vojni aspekt. U Jugoslaviji su anganžovane znatne snage Ujedinjenih nacija, snage NATO i druge intervenističke snage: srpski dobrovoljci, muslimanski fundamentalisti i Tuđmanovi plaćenici. U ključnim momentima jugo-krize politički akteri –OUN, Evropska zajednica i Savjet bezbjednosti su se svrstali uz jednu stranu. I kada je došlo do intervencije vojnih snaga NATO- i one su svrstane samo na jednu stranu. Da ne govorimo o masmedijima koji su, u ogromnom procentu vidjeli krivca za jugo-krizu-samo na jednoj strani. U istom smislu treba istražiti i naoružanje ratujućih strana u Bosni i Hercegovini. I s tim u vezi funkciju internacionalnog crnog tržišta. Najblaže rečeno uloga SAD i Savezne Republike Njemačke u ratu u Jugoslaviji, takođe je nesporna. Zato se ovaj rat može smatrati i kao intervencionistički.



  • Vukašin PEŠIĆ, Istorijsko i filozofsko (i naučno) saznanje univerzuma, 13-24  Download



  • Blagota MRKAIĆ, Moralne i psihološke dimenzije istorijskog u nekim romanima Mihaila Lalića, 25-40  Download



  • Miloš STAROVLAH, Unapređivanje rada osnovne škole u knjaževini (kraljevini) Crnoj Gori, 41-52  Download




  • Luka M. VUKČEVIĆ, Odjek belvederskog događaja 26. juna 1936. godine, 53-79  Download




  • Lenka ČELEBIĆ, Prepis IV knjige notarskih spisa u državnom arhivu u Kotoru, 81-98  Download



  • Milan TERZIĆ, Odnos maršala Josipa Broza Tita prema „27-martovskom heroju“ generalu Dušanu Simoviću, 99-110  Download

SUMMARY: General Dušan Simović was appointed head of the Yugoslav Royal government after the 27th coup in 1941, and was dismissed in January, 1942. Being dissatisfied by his dismissal, he stayed on in London, ready to contact NOP.J.B. Tito was aware of the political importance of the 27th March authority and he knew that his political star was fading away his name still meant something. That’s the reason why he was trying to use it for goals of NOP, so he asked for general’s comeback, haring promised him military and political positions. General Simović returned to Yugoslavia in May. 1945, but not as he had planned in 1941.



  • Slobodan ŠĆEPANOVIĆ, Tragovi starih naseobina na Bjelasici, 111-125  Download



  • Branislav KOVAČEVIĆ, Ukidanje zakona o zaštiti javne bezbjednosti i poretka u državi i zakona o državnom sudu za zaštitu države, 127-136  Download

SUMMARY: It was the abolishment of both ‘The National Security and Public order in The State law’, and ‘The law of Legal Protection of the State’ in Novembar 1943, that the Communist Party in Yugoslavia was oficially legalized. With these actions, the Royal Government and King Peter II following the British policy of compromise, sought to secure their participation in the Government of Yugoslavia.



  • Živko M. ANDRIJAŠEVIĆ, Neka neobjavljena pisma Nikole I Petrovića Njegoša, 137-145  Download

SUMMARY: The letters we are publishing here can be found in the Library of Historical Institute in Podgorica and all of them are, in fact, transcriptions from the holdings of the Department of Archives of the State museum in Cetinje

The first three letters are a part of a voluminous correspondence between prince Nikola and the Grand Vizier. The first letter is in the file No. 50 and  in it Prince Nikola informs the Grand Vizer about his activity on the establishing the regular situation on the Montenegro-Turkish border in the area of Herzegovina.

The second and the third document are in the file No. 51. The second document is the Prince’s reply to the Grand Vizer’s dispatch, by which he invites Montenegro to take part in the World’s Exhibition in Vienna as a part of the Turkish Empire. Such a possibility Prince Nikola, with his reply, decisively refuses.

The third Prince’s letter to the Grand Vizier concerns the mutual relations and the position of Montenegro towards the uprising in Hezegovina during 1876.

The next seven letters of Nikola I Petrović Njegoš appeared during the opperations for liberation of Bar and were send to Vojvode Mašo Vrbica, one of the commanders of the Montenegrin army in this action. All these letters are in the file No. 411 (Documents of the Senate 1870-1879).



  • Marijan MILJIĆ, Zoran Lakić, Istorija i istoriografija, Bijelo Polje, Podgorica 1995, str. 327, 147-153  Download
  • Miomir DAŠIĆ, Vojislav Boljević-Vuleković, Crmničko pleme Boljevića u prošlosti Crne Gore, Istorijsko-etnološka studija, 155-162  Download
  • Branislav KOVAČEVIĆ, Nikola L. Gaćeta, Radovi iz agrarne istorije i demografije, Novi Sad 1995, 556 strana, 163-170  Download
  • Dobrilo ARANITOVIĆ, Dr Momčilo Isić, Seljaštvo u Srbiji 1918-1925, Beograd, Institut za noviju istoriju Srbije, 1995, 399, 171-176  Download
  • Branislav KOVAČEVIĆ, Momčilo Pavlović – Veroljub Trajković, Savezničko bombardovanje Leskovca 6. septembra 1994., Studija i dokumenti, Leskovac 1995, 342, 177-180  Download
  • Branislav MAROVIĆ, Rajko Klikovac, Duvan i duvanska privreda u Crnoj Gori, Nikšić, 1994, str. 291, 181-184  Download
  • Marko MARKOVIĆ, Dr Dušan J. Martinović, Dr Niko S. Martinović /1914-1975/. Život i djelo. Centralna narodna biblioteka Republike Crne Gore “Đurđe Crnojević“, Cetinje, 185-188  Download
  • Zoran LAKIĆ, Dragomir Lončar – Ljubomir Dimić, Branko Petranović – Bibliografija i biobibliografija, Filozofski fakultet Beograd 1996, 264, 189-191  Download
  • Zdravka RADULOVIĆ, Novak-Studo Mandić, Zemlja zvana Gacko, Beograd, SIB, Srpsko prosvjetno i kulturno društvo „Prosvjeta“, 1995, tom. I-II, 1330, 193-198  Download