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The new issue of Istorijski zapisi 1/1997 is published


  • Radoica LUBURIĆ, Jugoslovenska informirovska emigracija između iluzija i stvarnosti (1948-1953), 1-26  Download




  • Desimir TOŠIĆ, Antagonizam između nauke i politike, 27-38  Download



  • Ilija PAVLOVIĆ, Istorijski aspekti demokratije (Većina i manjina u demokratiji), 39-45  Download



  • Tomislav ŽUGIĆ, Opšte i nacionalno u nastavi istorije, 47-53  Download




  • Živko M. ANDRIJAŠEVIĆ, Osnovni pravci nacionalne ideologije Nikole I Petrovića Njegoša (1860-1878), 55-65  Download

SUMMARY: The national ideology of Nikola I Petrović Njegoš is composed of an assembly of visions and attitudes that concern with the problem of national and state position of Montenegro and Montenegrins, that is the Serbian people as a whole. Also, it is an ideology by whose visions and attitudes are represented the political aspirations of Montenegro and which shows its historical character. Its name “national ideology” refers to the fact that it is an ideology that is in the function of a political concept directed to achievement of definite national objectives.

The basic thematic circle on which the whole national ideology of Nikola I Petrović Njegoš is conceived and from which it starts, is the circle that defines the historical character of Montenegro. On the basis of such historical vision of Montenegro, Nikola Petrović Njegoš defines its political character, that is, defines the character and objectives of its struggle. In accordance with that, he represents Montenegro as the country whose struggle has for the ultimate objective – the liberation of the whole Serbian people and renewal of the Serbian Empire. Only then, he believes, the “Serbian problem” will be definitively solved, and Montenegro will get its place that belongs to it historucally.



  • Saša KNEŽEVIĆ, Britanska politika prema pitanju razgraničenja Crne Gore i Turske 1878-1880., 67-101  Download




  • Slobodan ŠĆEPANOVIĆ, O porijeklu i značenju naziva Drobnjak, 103-111  Download




  • Dušan MARTINOVIĆ, Opsada Skadra (10. oktobar 1912 – 22. april 1913) – dnevnik Hortenze pl. Cambaur (Zambaur), 113-154  Download



  • Zvezdan FOLIĆ, Dnevnik Don Antona Miloševića 1923-1950, 155-169  Download

SUMMARY: Diaries, as a form of acquisition of historic facts, have not, lest for the period between 1941-1945, represented a major source for the research onto the Yugoslav epoch. Consequently, the “Diary” of Anton Milošević, a priest, covering the period from 1923-1950, due to its abundance in varied topics as well as the time span covered and observed through the eyes of a veracious ecclesiastic, presents an invaluable source material for historians. At the same time, it reveals unknown dimensions of well-known events and people which makes possible a more complex comprehension of them. We rely upon future research to commence at last so as to analyze, one by one, the constituent parts of this inspiring and valuable source complex.



  • Jasmina ĐORĐEVIĆ, Ljiljana Čolić, Turski dokumenti za istoriju Srpske pravoslavne crkve. Fond Gliše Elezovića, Priština 1996, 171-172  Download
  • Zoran LAKIĆ, Bogumil Hrabak, Nikšić do početka XIX veka, Beograd 1997, 173-177  Download
  • Saša KNEŽEVIĆ, Viljem Denton, Crna Gora, njen narod i njegova historija, prevela i priredila Bojka Đukanović, Podgorica 1996, 179-184  Download
  • Zoran LAKIĆ, Dobrovoljci u oslobodilačkim ratovima Srba i Crnogoraca, Beograd 1996, 185-187  Download
  • Tomislav ŽUGIĆ, Milorad Zečević, Jovan R. Popović, Dokumenta iz istorije Jugoslavije – Državna komisija za utvrivanje zločina okupatora i njegovih pomagača iz drugog svjetskog rata, Beograd 1996, 189-192  Download
  • Slavka GVOZDENOVIĆ, Miloš Starovlah, Osnovna škola u Crnoj Gori 1944-1994, Podgorica 1996, 193-196  Download
  • Branislav KOVAČEVIĆ, Odnosi Jugoslavije i Rusije (SSSR) 1941-1945. Dokumenti i materijali, Beograd 1996, 197-203  Download
  • Dragica VOJINOVIĆ, Dr Zdravko Deletić, Sredstva informisanja u Vasojevićima, Berane 1996, 205-209  Download



  • Izvještaj o radu Istorijskog instituta u 1996. godini, 211-230  Download