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The new issue of Istorijski zapisi 2/1997 is published


  • Šerbo RASTODER, O vakufima u Crnoj Gori s kraja XIX vijeka, 1-39  Download

SUMMARY: This work is the first attempt to enlight the problem of founding, management with vakufs (property of Muslim religion community) in Montenegro by the historic facts. Vakufs are the memorials known in the islamic world that often originate by the testament of a individual for the good purpose and according to the teaching of islamic religion. These memorials are known here since the Turks came (from the islamization). In the former Turkey the question of vakufs was regulated by the regulations of the Sharia law (Muslim law). Since 1878, Montenegro guaranteed the right on property to the Muslims (after the Berlin congress), so the vakufs continued to exist there where the Muslim citizens were.

From 1918, from the creation of the Kingdom of Serbs, Croats and Slovenes, vakufs slowly came under straight state administrations and supervision.

Here are analyzed rights and regulations that regulate the status of vakufs in Montenegro (1878-1918) in the Kingdom of Serbs, Croats and Slovenes (1918-1941(, and after that one by one are numbered vakufs in Montenegro (in Bar, Ulcinj, Podgorica, Pljevlja, Plav, Rožaje and Bijelo Polje), the time of their foundation, material values, way of management and their purpose.

It is possible to conclude from this research that the vakufs were the social base of work of the islamic community in this area.


  • Nevenka BOGOJEVIĆ, Isključenje iz nasljedstva u srednjovjekovnom kotorskom pravu, 41-66  Download

SUMMARY: In Medieval City of Kotor, as well as in the most of the coastal cities of that time, there was, according to the bylaws, a possibility of excluding descendants from inheritance. According to Article 144 of the Statute, it was issued that a descendant can be excluded from inheritance if he endangers, by his own behavior, the physical integrity and personal dignity of his parents. The decree concerning exheritance represents the regulation from modern lawyers’ practice of the city of Kotor (XIV century) which reflects well expressed strengthening of concept of private property compared to collective family one. Regulation according to the bylaws was derived from decrees of Justinian 115th Amendment and both 11th and 13th Byzantine Codifications EKLOGA which were, in revised form, joined the Medieval Law. The citizens of Kotor retreated from conceptual scopes of Justinian and Byzantine Law as well as from General Law of exheritance in two cases: when the law concerning exheritance of both parents is discussed as well as in case when form of property from which one can be excluded is discussed. In Medieval Kotor the parents were not equalized in the Law concerning exheritance. The excluding from inheritance could be done by father, and mother could do that only if she is a widow and from her own part of property. These retreatings are understandable and are certainly caused by historical, socioeconomic and separately family-lawyers’ regimes which were the expression of local characteristics of Medieval City of Kotor.



  • Branko PAVIĆEVIĆ, Umjetnički i istorijski lik vladike Danila, 67-75  Download

RESUME: The bishop Danilo, founder of the Petrović-Njegoš dynasty, provoked a great deal of interest in history regarded as science and in art too. The interest for this magnificent historical figure has not decreased in more than a hundred years. Montenegro, with him as a leader, was considered as a part of European history, and the bishop Danilo as an important figure of his time. “Badnje veče” and “Carev Laz” are the dates and events in which his personality dominates. Thus, these events and the Montenegrin bishop in them have not become creative inspiration and scientific motif by chance.


  • Igor JAKOVENKO, Pravoslavlje i istorijske sudbine Rusije, 77-92  Download

RESUME: As a country in which Orthodoxy has become the ruling religion since the 10th century,  Russia has gone throughout an interesting journey in its long historical development. There are various scientific views regarding such a choice: predetermination of the Russian Slav for such a choice and the influence of powerful Byzant neighbor. At any rate, the role of confession as a factor which determines nature of the culture. In time, it has spread till the natural border of cultural circle, to those limits beyond which other views about the world and other civilizations dominate. In the synthesis of the Catholicism and Orthodoxy, cultural circles of East and West are formed. As time went by there were great differences between East and West concerning dogmas, rituals and church organization; later, it has influenced the whole social life. The laws and hierarchy, which ends with the victory of laws. On the other hand, the Byzant legality has never grown into law because it was submitted to the aims and orders of the authorities. It is especially emphasized in the so called “Soviet period” of Russian history.


  • Šefika ALIBABIĆ, Vrednost koncepta opismenjavanja u NOR-u 1941-1945. godine, 93-102  Download

SUMMARY: Ever since its appearance in the culture of the lave epoch and up to the time for modern civilizations, the concept of literacy and the practice of reading and writing has been of an undiminished importance. It therefore deserves an exceptional and expert attention. In the course of history there were socio-cultural movements within the frame of which the teaching of adults to read and write was given full recognition. One such socio-cultural movement was born during the national liberation struggle 1941-1945, whose focal point was enabling adults to read and write. The goals and principles of this literacy program realized during the national liberation struggle and its aims can be considered as a source from which modern drives and concepts of literacy have sprung. For this reason they are estimated as a positive part of our adult-education heritage.

The experiences of the war and the immediate post-war period indicate the indispensability of utilizing and improving newly acquired literacy in order that does not vanish and the army of illiterates does not reappear. Such experiences are the reasoning for updating literacy-maintenance programs.



  • Miodrag-Miško VUKOVIĆ, Pet godina od stvaranja SRJ, 103-112  Download

RESUME: Yugoslavia has gone through an interesting journey in its historical development, since the foundation from the 1st of December 1918 until the adoption of the legal Constitution on the 27th of April 1992. It had many names: Kingdom of Serbs, Croats and Slovenes, Kingdom of Yugoslavia, Democratic Federative Yugoslavia, Federative Republic of Yugoslavia, Socialist Federal Republic of Yugoslavia, to adopt its present name of Federal Republic of Yugoslavia. Each of aforementioned names was followed by at least one change of the Constitution. This implies the country’s dynamic internal development but also announces a set of complex external circumstances. All these facts have influence on the actual Yugoslavia, the third one which is still challenged and facing hard processes of international affirmation and internal stabilization, which are the conditions of sine qua non of its further development.



  • Lenka BLEHOVA-ČELEBIĆ, Vanbračna djeca (kćeri) u kotorskim latinskim spisima 1326-1470. godine, 113-127  Download



  • Čedomir LUČIĆ, Neka imovinsko-pravna rješenja u Crnoj Gori 16. i 17. vijeka, 129-139  Download



  • Milan BULATOVIĆ, Crkva Tronoša u Loznoj, 141-145  Download

REZIME: In the area of Polimlje many monasteries and churches were built in the medieval period. One of them was the Tronoša church in Lozna. According to the author, this church was the foundation of duke Vratko’s sons, more familiar with the name of “Old Jug Bogdan”, who ruled the regions of Polimlje and Toplica in the 16th century.

According to some foundations in the medieval period in Lozna, there also existed a monastery with six monks living in it.

During the centuries the church was demolished, and by the beginning of this century only its foundations remained.



  • Zoran LAKIĆ, Svjedočenja o nestanku prethodne Jugoslavije, 147-156  Download

SUMMARY: A lot of books on recent crisis and disappearance of the former Yugoslavia have been written and published. Their authors were both Yugoslav and foreign authors. Considering how important historical event it was, every testimony to that is precious and especially when it comes from the most important witnesses. That was the main motive for making the list of 25 questions and sending it to high Yugoslav politicians to answer to them. These questions illustrate the complexity of these events; we expect the answers to them to clear up a lot about the events.


  • Dušan MARTINOVIĆ, Četiri nepoznata pisma Valtazara Bogišića Marinu Drinovu, 157-162  Download




  • Čedomir M. LUČIĆ, Kroz daljine i svete i klete, Povodom knjige, Boj Crnogoraca i Brđana sa Mahmut-pašom 1796. godine, Svetigora, Cetinje, 1996, 163-169  Download
  • Branislav MAROVIĆ, Dr Dušan Martinović, Portreti VI, Cetinje 1997, 171-172  Download
  • Zoran LAKIĆ, Branko Petranović, Istoriografija i kritika, CID, Podgorica 1997, 173-175  Download
  • Tomislav ŽUGIĆ, Stojan Karadžić, Njegoš, drobnjački zavjerenici i Samil-aga Čengić, Beograd 1997, 177-180  Download
  • Sreten VUJOVIĆ, O građanskom i studentskom protestu u Beogradu 96/97, Ajmo, ajde, svi u šetnju – građanski i studentski protesti 1996/7, Beograd 1997, 181-186  Download
  • Zoran LAKIĆ, Značajan susret crnogorskih i grčkih istoričara, 187-188  Download
  • Vukašin PEŠIĆ, Kosta Mihailović, Vasilije Krestić, Memorandum SANU – odgovor na kritiku, Beograd 1996, 189-198  Download



  • Dr Miloš Hamović (1933-1997) (B. KOVAČEVIĆ), 199-201  Download
  • Dr Ljubomir Durković-Jakšić (12. II 1907-16. III 1997) (B. ĐUKANOVIĆ), 203-205  Download
  • Vladimir N. Popović (1923-1996) (V. CVIJOVIĆ), 207-209  Download