The new issue of Istorijski zapisi 3-4/2001 is published

GODIŠNJICE Radoman JOVANOVIĆ, O Njegošu kao vladaru i Crnoj Gori njegovog doba, 7-28  Download ABSTRACT: This paper has been written on the occasion of the 150th anniversary of death of Njegoš. It represents a general survey to the statehood activities of the Bishop Petar II Petrović Njegoš. Usually, the emphasize

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The new issue of Istorijski zapisi 1-2/2001 is published

GODIŠNJICE Radomir V. IVANOVIĆ, Doprinos epistolografji Marka Miljanova Popovića, 7-27  Download ABSTRACT: NA RUSKOM   Jovan ČAĐENOVIĆ, Marko Miljanov i naše vrijeme, 29-43  Download ABSTRACT: In his narrative works regarding the life in Kuči and the other tribes, Marko Miljanov had described various subjects. He had made sketches of strong

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The new issue of Istorijski zapisi 3-4/2000 is published

ČLANCI Vasilije KRESTIĆ, Biskup Štrosmajer u svetlu novih izvora, 7-48  Download SUMMARY: In the corpus of documents called Monumenta Vaticana Croatica, as a special edi-tion, vol. 1, The State Archive of Croatia, Christian Present (Kršćanska sadašnjost) and Home and World (Dom i Svijet) had published, during 1999 in Zagreb, a

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The new issue of Istorijski zapisi 1-2/2000 is published

ČLANCI Slobodan TOMOVIĆ, Svjetlost hrišćanstva (Povodom 2000. god.), 7-31  Download SUMMARY: In his article, the author treats Christianity as a universal, genuinely new phenomenon, which has marked the world in a unique way. He sees Christianity not as a social movement, but rather a way of thinking that causes internal

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The new issue of Istorijski zapisi 3-4/1999 is published

ČLANCI Rade MIHALJČIĆ, Gospodar – vladarska titula Ivana Crnojevića, 7-15  Download SUMMARY: Well known in the languages of all Slavic people, the word gospodar (Lat. Domminus) had several meanings during the Middle Ages. A gospodar could have been the head of a household, the head (elder) of a family or

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The new issue of Istorijski zapisi 1-2/1999 is published

ČLANCI Đurđica PETROVIĆ, Uredbe Dubrovačke vlade o svadbenoj praksi (XIII-sredina XIV veka), 7-35  Download SUMMARY: The basis of this article is two legal ordinances in Dubrovnik in the 13th century. The first, „Ordo de dotibus et nuptiis“, concerns dowery and marriage. It dates from 1235 and represents the first ban

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The new issue of Istorijski zapisi 3-4/1998 is published

JUBILEJI Branislav KOVAČEVIĆ, Riječ na svečanoj akademiji povodom proslave pedesetogodišnjice istorijskog instituta Crne Gore, 7-14  Download SUMMARY: The founding of the Historical Institute of Montenegro is one of the most significant events in the cultural and scientific life of Montenegro. Due to the lack of scientific institutions, the Institute was

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The new issue of Istorijski zapisi 1-2/1998 is published

ČLANCI Branko PAVIĆEVIĆ, Bogišićeve pripreme za izradu opšteg imovinskog zakonika za Knjaževinu Crnu Goru, 15-41  Download REZIME NA FRANCUSKOM   Miomir DAŠIĆ, Petar II Petrović Njegoš u revoluciji 1848. i 1849. godine, 43-67  Download REZIME NA FRANCUSKOM   Natalia A. NAROČNICKAJA, Rusija i istočno pitanje, 69-92   DownloadNA RUSKOM: НАРОЧНИЦКАЯБ

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The new issue of Istorijski zapisi 4/1997 is published

UVODNIK Zoran LAKIĆ, Od “Zapisa” do “Istorijskih zapisa” (1927-1997), 7-17  Download   ČLANCI Jelena GUSKOVA, Sukobi interesa u kontekstu sudara civilizacija na Balkanu, 19-28  Download NEMA ABSTRACT   Saša KNEŽEVIĆ, Velika Britanija i Crna Gora na početku XX vijeka, 29-50  Download SUMMARY: In those years contacts between Great Britain and

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The new issue of Istorijski zapisi 3/1997 is published

ČLANCI Dragiša ĐOKOVIĆ, Kada su i gdje osnovane prve banke u Crnoj Gori, 1-28  Download SUMMARY: In the study, according to the time sequence, is described the establishment of the banks in the principality and the Kingdom of Montenegro and the reason is the dispute about the year of the

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