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The new issue of Istorijski zapisi 2/1995 is published


  • Novak RAŽNATOVIĆ, Razgraničenje Crne Gore i Turske (1883-1887), 1-33  Download

SUMMARY: During the visit of prince Nikola to Sultan Abdul Hamid in Constantinopole in August 1833, their representatives reached the Contract on determining and establishing the new Montenegrin Turkish border all the way towards Albania and the Sanjak of Novi Pazar. The Contract in Constantinopole was not quete precise, which caused many misunderstandings and difficulties in the field to the Demarkation Commission. Nevertheless, the Contract on the border between the Skadar Lake and the peak of the Planinica Mount near the town of Gusinje was reached in Autumn 1883 without difficulties. Further way, on the clearly monutainous ground all the way to Čakor, there were many difficulties concerning the wuestion of dividing Christian and Moslem settlements as well as the one of the ownership of the dominating heights. Eventually, in 1887, they reached the solution of establishing and marking the borders of the real estates of the Christian and the neighbouring Moslim villages as the new interstate border between Montenegro and Turkey.

There was a difficulty in determining the border towards the Sanjak of Novi Pazar since the Moslims stayed in the village of Polja Kolašinska. After a fight with the Montenegrins these Moslems were expelled in 1886. after this event, the border to Čakor, around Berane to the Tara River near Mojkovac and further along the river to the Šćepan Polje, was easily and duly determined.


  • Fransoa KOKEN, Rusija je jaka i kada nam izgleda da je slaba, 34-57  Download




  • Slobodan VUKIĆEVIĆ, Preispitivanje mita o nauci o istoriji, 58-73  Download
  • Miomir DAŠIĆ, Sjaj zajedničke prošlosti, 74-89  Download
  • Zdravko DELETIĆ, Ciljevi i zadaci osnovne škole i nastava istorije u Crnoj Gori od 1834. do 1916. godine, 90-109  Download



  • Zoran LAKIĆ, Duhovni otpor fašizmu Jugoslaviji 1941-1945, 110-117  Download
  • Živko M. ANDRIJAŠEVIĆ, Vladika Danilo Petrović Njegoš – Izbor novog puta (povodom 260. godine od smrti – 1735-1995), 118-127  Download



  • Dušan OTAŠEVIĆ, Proslava stogodišnjice rođenja P. P. Njegoša u Pragu, 128-144  Download
  • Branko BOŠKOVIĆ, Pleme Mrkovića na Rumiji i crkva Svetog Proroka Ilije na brdu Radomitu u Veljem selu, 145-149  Download



  • Veselin ĐURETIĆ, Titovska antisrpska upotreba „proleteskog internacionalizma“, 150-167  Download



  • Božidar ŠEKULARAC, Spomenica učiteljske škole u Beranama, Berane 1994, 168-171  Download
  • Branislav KOVAČEVIĆ, Dr Ivo Jovićević, O ljudima i događajima, Sjećanja jednog federaliste, 172-177  Download
  • Branislav MARKOVIĆ, ing. com. Blagota Radović, „Privredne prilike u Crnoj Gori između dva svjetska rata“, 178-184.  Download
  • Ilija PRELEVIĆ, Monografija osme crnogorske brigade, 185-189.  Download
  • Zoran LAKIĆ, Vlado Strugar, Crnogorski sabor srpske sloge, Beograd 1994. str. 287, 190-197  Download



  • Naučnik za Poštovanje i pamćenje: akademik Dimitrije-Dimo Vujović (1922-1995) (Zoran LAKIĆ), 198-212  Download