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The new issue of Istorijski zapisi 3/1995 is published


  • Vladimir JOVIĆEVIĆ, Od francuske revolucije do crnogorskog pitanja-prilog kritičkom preispitivanju, 1-63  Download

SUMMARY: The idea of establishing nations changed the picture of thr world in the 19th century. Since the period of feuds, nation has liberated great moral, social, political, enterprenurial and economic energy, offered new freedom of thought and created new values ideals leading to the new planetary connections and integrations. Free citizen and national state have been the ideals of most national movements. The most important contribution of the great French Revolution is that it was the first to establish the bond between the state and the nation.

The most widespread theories and views about nation are: Marxism, Austromarxism, Structural-Funcionalist Theory, Soviet Theory of Nation, Theory of Systems and Communications and Yugoslav Concept of Nation. Since different nations have been established in different ways, there are many definitions of nation. Nation is based upon ethnos, (people), common language, territory, history, culture, religion and customs.

The solution of the multiethnicism in Yugoslavia from 1918 to 1991 and the attitude of the Communist party of Yugoslavia (later the League of Communists) towards this significant question, especially in Montenegro, were treated ideologically and dogmatically for a very long time. For this reason, it has to be the subject of a serious historical re-evaluation. The Third State Conference held on December 12, 1923 in Belgrade dealt with national question in Yugoslavia.. In his paper, Sima Marković, emphasized that “the solution of the national question is actually a constitutional question.” Constitutional organizations of the Kingdom of Serbs, Croats and Slovenians was not recognized at the Fifth Congress of the Comintern in July 1928. As a consequence, the approach to the national question was also changed. The Comintern proclaimed and demanded fight against bourgeoisie. Theoretically as well as practically the Comintern stood for the disintegration of Yugoslavia, justified by the alleged right of secession from the monarchy. Since then till 1991 various attempts were made to materialize this idea unconditionally. Numerous ethnical, cultural, religious, social as well as civilizational consequences and failures were not taken in consideration.

Sima Marković’s  ideas were severely criticized at the Fourth Congress of the Communist Party of Yugoslavia. The state of Yugoslavia was treated as a product of imperialism that was to be destroyed. The Communist Party of Yugoslavia accepted the instructions of the Comintern concerning the formation of the independent states of Croatia, Slovenia, Macedonia and Montenegro. This paved the way to separatism and destruction which didn’t have any prospects from the historical viewpoint. Djilas, the main ideologist of the Communism Party of Yugoslavia ‘solved’ the problem of the Montenegrin nation by separating it from the Serbian. Forty years later, he admitted his mistakes and defined the Montenegrin nation as an artificial product.

In the new global and planetary trends the idea of nation can only survive and exist with a developed awareness of both itself and the universal.



  • Majra ĐELEN, Zašto su evropljani prešli okean i druge zagonetke šesnaestog vijeka, 65-86  Download
  • Čedomir M. LUČIĆ, Mistifikacije kao agnes naučnih skretanja, 89-105  Download
  • Božidar ŠEKULARAC, Isotrijska neologija i istorijsko saznanje u nastavi i udzbenicima istorije, 107-117  Download



  • Milija STANIŠIĆ, Pogled domet nauke u obradi trinaestojulskog ustanka, 119-124  Download
  • Tomislav ŽUGIĆ, Pedeset godina ujedinjenih naroda, 125-141  Download



  • Slobodan ŠĆEPANOVIĆ, O porijeklu porodice i korijenima predaka Ruđera Boškovića, 143-157  Download



  • Zoran LAKIĆ, Položak manjina u višenacionalnim državnim zajednicama (iskustva Jugoslavije), 159-173  Download



  • Zoran LAKIĆ, Dr Đuro Batrićević, Dr Anto Gvozdenović, General u tri vojske – crnogorci u rusko-japanskom ratu, Obod Cetinje, 1994, str. 359, 175-178  Download
  • Zvezdana FOLIĆ, Radmila Radić, Verom protiv Vere (država i verske zajednice u Srbiji 1945-1953), Beograd 1995, str. 428, 179-182  Download
  • Saša KNEŽEVIĆ, Mr Radoica Luburić, Društvo Crne Gore u drugom svjetskom ratu 1939-45, 183-185  Download
  • Branislav KOVAČEVIĆ, Milan Bulajić, Razbijanje jugoslovenske države 1991-1992 – zločin protiv mira, Odgovornost Vatikana i Njemačke, Beograd 1994, str. 372, 187-193  Download
  • Zoran LAKIĆ, Knjiga o ratu i miru, 195-199  Download
  • Aleksandar RISTOVIĆ, Srbija u modernizacijskim procesima XX veka, Beograd 1994 str. 452, 201-206  Download



  • Akademik Branislav Đurđev (1908-1993) (Miomir DAŠIĆ), 207-225  Download
  • Mišo Leković 1923-1995 (Zoran LAKIĆ), 227-234  Download