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The new issue of Istorijski zapisi 3/1997 is published


  • Dragiša ĐOKOVIĆ, Kada su i gdje osnovane prve banke u Crnoj Gori, 1-28  Download

SUMMARY: In the study, according to the time sequence, is described the establishment of the banks in the principality and the Kingdom of Montenegro and the reason is the dispute about the year of the establishment of Montenegro bank at Cetinje in 1906, between Montenegrobank d.d. – Podgorica from one side and Nikšićka and Podgorička banks from the other side.

The dispute was provoked by the Decision of Montenegrobank d.d. – Podgorica whire it is asserted that this bank is the historical, traditional and legal successor of Montenegro bank from 1906 and due to this representative of “Montenegro” banking that is contested by other banks at the territory of Montenegro, as well as that name that it wants to inherit.


  • Čedomir PEJOVIĆ, Radnički pokret u političkom životu Crne Gore 1921-1923, 29-43  Download




  • Miomir DAŠIĆ, Spomenici kulture – temeljni historijski izvori (Povodom knjige dr Čedomira Markovića i dr Rajka Vujičića: Spomenici kulture Crne Gore, izdavači: “Presmedij” – Novi Sad i Republički zavod za zaštitu spomenika kulture Cetinje, 1997. str. 460), 45-63  Download



  • Milija STANIŠIĆ, Oslobodilački ili građanski rat, 65-91  Download

SUMMARY: There have been notable attempts nowadays to declare the 1941-1945 Liberation War in Yugoslavia a civil war. Some Yugoslav historians join this trend, but this article confronts with their opinion.

The author believes that the war aims and war practice are major objective criteria by which the war character can be scientifically determined. This is the base on which his theoretical and methodology model is made, documented and presented to the readers.

The article is a detailed analysis of the Chetnik movement of Dragoljub Mihajlović. His collaboration with the occupier and major causes of his historical defeat are lucidly elaborated.


  • Srđa VUKADINOVIĆ, Struktura jugoslovenskog društva krajem šezdesetih godina XX vijeka, 93-106  Download

SUMMARY: Consideration of this work are the ideas of the Yugoslav society structure until the end of the 60’s od the 20th century. Every point of view about society structure and about the problem of the social grouping, in the period indicated, is theoretical, without empiric researches. The thing specific about Yugoslav society structure until the end of the 60’s, in the way analyzed by most of the authors, is that it is defined as classless or overclassed. According to theoretical opinion of the authors of this period, in Yugoslav (socialistic) society, old classes or old social groups are disappearing in a structural sense. Thesis dominating in theoretical approaches is contained in defining society structure as oneclassed. The only existing class is the working class, and all other socio-professional groups represent its integral part.



  • Vojislav MILJANIĆ, 120-godišnjica oslobađanja od Turaka, 107-121  Download



  • Branislav MAROVIĆ, Pedeset godina Društva istoričara Crne Gore (1947-1997), 123-136  Download




  • Bogumil HRABAK, Crnogorski vojni logori u Italiji 1918-1921, 137-156  Download



  • Čedomir LUČIĆ, Previranja u Raškoj oblasti krajem i početkom 20. vijeka, 157-170  Download



  • Živko ANDRIJAŠEVIĆ, O ciljevima državne politike Knjaževine Crne Gore (1852-1878), 171-183  Download

SUMMARY: Since the 19th century, the aims of the state politics of Montenegro were conceptionally more clearly formed, while the struggle for their realization was implemented more intensively in the established institutions of the governmental authorities. Since the time of Prince Danilo, it is considered that the main aims of the state politics of Montenegro were to acquire the international recognition of the state independence and the territorial extension to the adjacent, more fertile regions. That was both political and existential imperative of the Montenegrin state. Especially by insight into the basic indexes of economic life of Montenegro, one can notice how essential it was for these aims to be achieved. It was simply considered that without achieving these aims Montenegro could not exist as an independent country, nor could she be built as a state.

In the ideological aspect, these aims of the state politics of Montenegro were founded on the principle of “historical right”. That means that Montenegro requested the great power to recognize its political status which it, but factually and by her historical identity, had, as well as to recognize its right to territories which used to be included in it. The struggle for realization of these aims marked the period from 1852 to 1878.



  • Dušan MARTINOVIĆ, Vasilije Ivanov Špadijer (1815-1890), 185-192  Download
  • Nikola RAJKOVIĆ, Ko je bio senator Mihailo Pasarić, 193-195  Download



  • Lenka BLEHOVA-ČELEBIĆ, Joef Janačel, Rudolf II i njegovo doba, Prag 1997, str. 565, 197-207  Download
  • Radoje PAJOVIĆ, Jasmina Đorđević, Dračevica i Riđani sredinom 16. vijeka, Beograd 1997, str. 131, 209-213  Download
  • Tomislav ŽUGIĆ, Stojan Karadžić, Vuk Šibalić – Drobnjak, Porodice u Drobnjaku i njihovo porijeklo (Drobnjak, Jezera, Uskoci i Šaranci), II izmijenjeno i dopunjeno izdanje, Stručna knjiga, Beograd 1997, 215-217  Download
  • Branislav KOVAČEVIĆ, Pavle Radusinović, Pavel Apolonović Rovinski – Stazama njegovog života i rada, Podgorica 1996, 219-222  Download
  • Goran SEKULOVIĆ, Slobodan Tomović, Filozofija otkrovenja, NJP Pobjeda, Biblioteka “Luča mikrokozma”, Podgorica 1997, 223-226  Download
  • Tomislav ŽUGIĆ, Norman Kan, Poziv na genocid, Matica srpska, Novi Sad 1996, 227-228  Download
  • Zoran LAKIĆ, Dr Dragoljub Petrović, Od narodnog fronta do jednopartijskog sistema, Beograd 1997, str. 269, 229-231  Download
  • Miloš STAROVLAH, Branko Kostić, 1991 – da se ne zaboravi, “Filip Višnjić”, “Beogradsko slovo” – Rijeka Crnovića, Beograd 1996, 233-237  Download
  • Srđan VUKADINOVIĆ, Zagorka Golubović, Bora Kuzmanović i Mirjana Vasović, Društveni karakter i društvene promjene u svetlu nacionalnih sukoba, Institut za filozofiju i društvenu teoriju i “Filip Višnjić”, Beograd 1996, 239-241  Download
  • Miloš STAROVLAH, Seminari istoričara – Potreba permanentnog usavršavanja nastavnika, 243-246  Download