Uncategorized – Istorijski Zapisi https://istorijskizapisi.me Istorijski Institut UCG Wed, 24 Apr 2024 15:48:54 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=6.5.3 Call for papers for new issue of Istorijski zapisi 1-2/2024 https://istorijskizapisi.me/2024/04/24/call-for-papers-for-new-issue-of-istorijski-zapisi-1-2-2024/ https://istorijskizapisi.me/2024/04/24/call-for-papers-for-new-issue-of-istorijski-zapisi-1-2-2024/#respond Wed, 24 Apr 2024 15:08:49 +0000 https://istorijskizapisi.me/?p=6327 The editorial board welcomes authors submissions for papers for the journal ‘’Istorijski zapisi’’, the oldest scientific journal in Montenegro. We accept:

  • Original Research papers
  • Short reports
  • Review Articles
  • Case Studies
  • Publication of archival documents

Written in regional South Slavic languages as well as in English, French, and Italian.

The deadline for the papers is May 15th 2024. The next issue will be published in July 2024.


Accepted papers will be published online ISSN (Online) and printed ISSN (Print).

We kindly ask you to distribute this among your colleagues and graduate students.

Before submitting your paper do check our website www.istorijskizapisi.me to find all the technical instructions and topics our international journal covers.

If you have any questions, do not hesitate to contact the Editorial Board at istorijskizapisi@gmail.com.



Istorijski zapisi

https://istorijskizapisi.me/2024/04/24/call-for-papers-for-new-issue-of-istorijski-zapisi-1-2-2024/feed/ 0
The new issue of Istorijski zapisi 3-4/2023 is published https://istorijskizapisi.me/2024/04/24/the-new-issue-of-istorijski-zapisi-3-4-2023-is-published/ https://istorijskizapisi.me/2024/04/24/the-new-issue-of-istorijski-zapisi-3-4-2023-is-published/#respond Wed, 24 Apr 2024 14:32:19 +0000 https://istorijskizapisi.me/?p=6336 The new issue of the journal Istorijski zapisi 3-4/2023 is available on the website of the Historical Institute of the University of Montenegro, as well as on the website of the magazine.

In the section Articles are published the works of Dragana Kunčer,  The World without Women: Gender Issues in the Gesta Regum SclavorumMaja KatušićTradittional Patterns of Dubrovnik Immigrants in Kotor during the 18th CenturyDušan Fundić, Conflicts Between Austria-Hungary and Montenegro in Northern Albania at the End of the 19th and the Beginning of the 20th Century; Luka FilipovićLeague of Cummunists of Yugoslavia and the First Attempt to Organize the Mediterranean Conference of european Communist parties in 1967-1968 and Ilija KukobatMontenegro in the Air Traffic System of Yugorslavia 1930-2006.

In the special segment Archeology, the result of the research of archaeologist Dejan Gazivoda Remains of Basilica in Zaljevo was published.

The Contributions segment brings the works of Janko Paunović Slave Status (Servim Ancille) in the Cotor Statue (1616, Venice) and its Roman Legal Framework and Milić DujovićMonastery of the Holy Trinity in Pljevlja from its Foundation up to 1859.

Finally, in the Sources section, Miljan Gogić presents the document Transcripts of Kotor Documents from the Lectionary and Pontifical of the Diocese  of Kotor in the CASA manuscript Collections in Zagreb.

https://istorijskizapisi.me/2024/04/24/the-new-issue-of-istorijski-zapisi-3-4-2023-is-published/feed/ 0
Objavljen je novi broj Istorijskih zapisa 3-4/2019 https://istorijskizapisi.me/2021/01/10/objavljen-je-novi-broj-istorijskih-zapisa/ https://istorijskizapisi.me/2021/01/10/objavljen-je-novi-broj-istorijskih-zapisa/#respond Sun, 10 Jan 2021 08:53:56 +0000 https://istorijskizapisi.me/?p=1727 Novi broj časopisa Istorijski zapisi 3-4/2019 dostupan je na našoj veb stranici.

U rubrici Članci objavljeni su radovi dr Olge Pelcer-Vujačić o robovima i oslobođenicima u Lidiji i Frigiji u vrijeme ranog Rimskog carstva; dr Hasana Babcana i dr Abedina Temizera, The Muslim census book found with a soldier registered in Taşlica (Pljevlja) district; dr Galine Ševcova Деятельность комитета «Зеленый крест», состоявшего под покровительством великой княгини Милицы Николаевны. 1914-1916; dr Vesne Đikanović, Crnogorska politička emigracija u SAD (1922-1924) – aktivnosti i jugoslovenski odgovori; i dr Ivana Lakovića, Crnogorska policija u očima posmatrača OEBS 1997-2006. godine.

Segment Prilozi donosi radove Danila Kalezića, The nature of political transformations in Montenegro in early 90s: prolongated transition and halted democratization i Aiše Kurbardović, Teskere kao istorijski izvori osmanske provenijencije u arhivu Istorijskog instituta Crne Gore.

U ovom broju, u rubrici Izvori, objavljena su dokumenta koje su priredili dr Miljan Gogić, Kotorske isprave iz ostavštine Vicka Antuna Paskvalija i dr Radoslava Raspopovića, Nekoliko ćirilskih dokumenata o Šćepanu Malom.

U pripremi je broj 1-2/2020.

https://istorijskizapisi.me/2021/01/10/objavljen-je-novi-broj-istorijskih-zapisa/feed/ 0