Istorijski Zapisi Istorijski Institut UCG Mon, 13 Jan 2025 17:38:32 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Call for papers for new issue of Istorijski zapisi 1-2/2025 Mon, 13 Jan 2025 13:56:23 +0000 The editorial board welcomes authors submissions for papers for the journal ‘’Istorijski zapisi’’, the oldest scientific journal in Montenegro. We accept:

· Original Research papers

· Short reports

· Review Articles

· Case Studies

· Publication of archival documents

Written in regional South Slavic languages as well as in English, French, and Italian.

The deadline for the papers is May 15th 2025. Accepted papers will be published online ISSN (Online) and printed ISSN (Print).

We kindly ask you to distribute this among your colleagues and graduate students.

Before submitting your paper do check our website to find all the technical instructions and topics our international journal covers.

If you have any questions, do not hesitate to contact the Editorial Board at



Istorijski zapisi

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Poziv za radove za novi broj Istorijskih zapisa 1-2/2025 Mon, 13 Jan 2025 13:54:35 +0000 Redakcija časopisa Istorijski zapisi poziva autore da u najstarijem naučnom časopisu u Crnoj Gori publikuju:

· Originalni naučni rad

· Pregledni rad

· Prilog

· Prikaz

· Izvornu građu

Radovi mogu biti dostavljeni na južnoslovenskim jezicima, kao i na ruskom, engleskom, francuskom i italijanskom jeziku.

Rok za predaju radova za broj 1-2/2025 je 15. maj 2025. godine.

Prihvaćeni radovi biće objavljeni u štampanom i elektronskom izdanju.

Ljubazno vas volimo da proslijedite poziv svojim kolegama i studentima. Prije dostavljanja radova, molimo vas pogledajte naš website kako biste se upoznali sa tehničkim uputstvima i temama našeg časopisa.

Ukoliko imate dodatnih pitanja, molimo vas da se obratite Redakciji putem emaila na

Redakcija časopisa

Istorijski zapisi

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Welcoming Note to New International Editorial Board Members Sun, 24 Nov 2024 16:56:30 +0000 The new editorial board of the journal Historical Records, led by Editor-in-Chief Dr. Radenko Šćekić, would like to extend a warm welcome to the new members of its international editorial board from the region and beyond:

  • Dr. Gideon Greif, visiting lecturer in Jewish and Israeli history at the Schusterman Center for Jewish Studies, University of Texas at Austin, and a guest lecturer at universities in Australia, Estonia, Israel, Lithuania, Germany, New Zealand, and Poland;
  • Dr. Hatice Oruç, Deputy Director of the Department of History, University of Ankara;
    Prof. Dr. Dejan Jović, full professor at the Faculty of Political Science, University of Zagreb, and Editor-in-Chief of the journal Politička misao (Croatian Political Science Review);
    Prof. Dr. Aleksandar Rastović, Director of the Historical Institute in Belgrade, Serbia;
    Dr. Mitko Panov, Director of the Institute of National History, Ss. Cyril and Methodius University, Skopje.
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Dobrodošlica novim članovima međunarodnog uredništva Sun, 24 Nov 2024 16:53:09 +0000 Novo uredništvo časopisa Istorijski zapisi, na čelu sa glavnim i odgovornim urednikom časopisa dr Radenkom Šćekićem, ovim putem želi da izrazi srdačnu dobrodošlicu novim članovima međunarodnog uredništva iz regiona i šire:

  • Gideon Grajfu, gostujućem predavaču za jevrejsku i izraelsku istoriju na Šusterman centru za jevrejske studije na Univerzitetu Teksas u Ostinu, kao i gostujućem predavaču na univerzitetima u Australiji, Estoniji, Izraelu, Litvaniji, Nemačkoj, Novom Zelandu i Poljskoj;
  • Hatidže Oruč, zamenici direktora Katedre za istoriju, Univerziteta u Ankari;
  • Dejanu Joviću, redovnom profesoru na Fakultetu političkih nauka Univerziteta u Zagrebu i glavnom uredniku časopisa Politička misao (Croatian Political Science Review);
  • Aleksandru Rastoviću, direktoru Istorijskog instituta u Beogradu, Srbija;
  • Mitku Panovu, direktoru Instituta za nacionalnu istoriju, Univerziteta Sv. Kiril i Metodije, Skoplje.
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The new issue of Istorijski zapisi 3-4/2023 is published Wed, 24 Apr 2024 14:32:19 +0000 The new issue of the journal Istorijski zapisi 3-4/2023 is available on the website of the Historical Institute of the University of Montenegro, as well as on the website of the magazine.

In the section Articles are published the works of Dragana Kunčer,  The World without Women: Gender Issues in the Gesta Regum SclavorumMaja KatušićTradittional Patterns of Dubrovnik Immigrants in Kotor during the 18th CenturyDušan Fundić, Conflicts Between Austria-Hungary and Montenegro in Northern Albania at the End of the 19th and the Beginning of the 20th Century; Luka FilipovićLeague of Cummunists of Yugoslavia and the First Attempt to Organize the Mediterranean Conference of european Communist parties in 1967-1968 and Ilija KukobatMontenegro in the Air Traffic System of Yugorslavia 1930-2006.

In the special segment Archeology, the result of the research of archaeologist Dejan Gazivoda Remains of Basilica in Zaljevo was published.

The Contributions segment brings the works of Janko Paunović Slave Status (Servim Ancille) in the Cotor Statue (1616, Venice) and its Roman Legal Framework and Milić DujovićMonastery of the Holy Trinity in Pljevlja from its Foundation up to 1859.

Finally, in the Sources section, Miljan Gogić presents the document Transcripts of Kotor Documents from the Lectionary and Pontifical of the Diocese  of Kotor in the CASA manuscript Collections in Zagreb.

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Objavljen novi broj Istorijskih zapisa 3-4/2023 Wed, 24 Apr 2024 14:31:10 +0000 Novi broj časopisa Istorijski zapisi 3-4/2023 dostupan je na internet stranici Istorijskog instituta Univerziteta Crne Gore.

U rubrici Članci publikovani su radovi Dragane KunčerThe World without Women: Gender Issues in the Gesta Regum Sclavorum; Maje KatušićTradicionalistički obrasci dubrovačkih useljenika u Kotoru tijekom 18. stoljeća; Dušana FundićaSuparništvo Austrougarske i Crne Gore u Severnoj Albaniji krajem 19. i početkom 20. veka; Luke FilipovićaSavez komunista Jugoslavije i prvi pokušaj organizacije mediteranske konferencije komunističkih partija Evrope 1967-1968. godine i Ilije Kukobata, Crna Gora u sistemu jugoslovenskog vazdušnog saobraćaja 1930-2006.

U posebnom segmentu Arheologija objavljen je rezultat istraživanja arheologa Dejana Gazivode, Ostaci crkve u Zaljevu.

Rubrika Prilozi donosi radove Janka PaunovićaStatus robova (servi, ancille) u kotorskom Statutu (1616, Venecija) i njegov rimsko-pravni uticaj i Milića DujovićaManastir Sveta Trojica kod Pljevalja od osnivanja do 1859. godine.

Na kraju, u segmentu Izvori, Miljan Gogić je priredio dokument Prepisi kotorskih isprava iz Lekcionara i Pontifikala Kotorske biskupije u rukopisnim zbornicima arhiva HAZU u Zagrebu.

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New issue of Historical records published 1-2/2023 Sat, 06 Jan 2024 09:14:15 +0000 The new issue of the journal Istorijski zapisi 1-2/2023 is available on the website of the Historical Institute of the University of Montenegro, as well as on the website of the magazine.

In the section Articles are published the works of Mladen Zagarčanin, Archeology of architecture for the example of the church of St. Michael the Archangel in Prevlaka; Mila Bakovića, Archaeological research of the site Ćaf Kiš; Janko Paunović, The use of the “checks and balances” mechanism in the Kotor Statute (printed in 1616 in Venice) and Darko Bakić, Conflict in Donji Vasojević in August 1912.

The Contributions segment brings the works of Petr Lekić, Analysis of the Cult of St. Trojice na Montenegrin mountains and Filip D. Vučetić, Elections in the Principality/Kingdom of Montenegro 1905-1913. years.

In the Sources section, Ivan Laković presents the document Major General Branislav Barjaktarević, US Military Aid to Yugoslavia, Archive of the Armed Forces of Serbia, Fund II of the Administration of the General Staff of the JNA, unsorted material, box no. 21, folder III, R-3

This issue also includes an account of: Radenko Šćekić, Slavko Burzanović, Boban Batrićević, “Monumenta Montenegrina Vaticana – Concordat between the Holy See and the Principality of Montenegro from 1886”, Ministry of Culture of Montenegro, Obod, Cetinje, 2020.

In the In Memoriam section, Božena Miljić recalled the work of historian Branislav Marović (1933-2022).

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Objavljen novi broj Istorijskih zapisa 1-2/2023 Sat, 06 Jan 2024 09:11:39 +0000 Novi broj časopisa Istorijski zapisi 1-2/2023 dostupan je na internet stranici Istorijskog instituta Univerziteta Crne Gore, kao i na internet stranici časopisa.

U rubrici Članci publikovani su radovi Mladena Zagarčanina, Arheologija arhitekture na primjer crkve Svetog arhangela Mihaila na Prevlaci; Mila Bakovića, Arheološka istraživanja lokaliteta Ćaf Kiš; Janka Paunovića, Upotreba mehanizma “checks and balances-a” u kotorskom Statutu (štampan 1616. godine u Veneciji) i Darka Bakića, Sukobi u Donjim Vasojevića avgusta 1912. godine.

Segment Prilozi donosi radove Petra Lekića, Analiza kulta Sv. Trojice na crnogorskim planinama i  Filipa D. Vučetića, Izbori u Knjaževini/Kraljevini Crnoj Gori 1905-1913. godine.

U rubrici Izvori Ivan Laković donosi dokument  General-major Branislav Barjaktarević, Vojna pomoć SAD Jugoslaviji, Arhiv Oružanih Snaga Srbije, Fond II Uprave Generalštaba JNA, nesređena građa, kutija br.21, fascikla III, R-3

U ovom broju dat je i prikaz: Radenko ŠćekićSlavko BurzanovićBoban Batrićević, „Monumenta Montenegrina Vaticana-Konkordat između Svete Stolice i Knjaževine Crne Gore iz 1886. godine”, Ministarstvo kulture Crne Gore, Obod, Cetinje, 2020.

U rubrici In Memoriam Božena Miljić podsjetila je na rad istoričara Branislava Marovića (1933-2022).

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Objavljen novi broj Istorijskih zapisa 3-4/2022 Fri, 04 Nov 2022 15:50:00 +0000 Novi broj časopisa Istorijski zapisi 1-2/2023 dostupan je na internet stranici Istorijskog instituta Univerziteta Crne Gore, kao i na internet stranici časopisa.


U rubrici Članci publikovani su radovi Mladena Zagarčanina, Arheologija arhitekture na primjer crkve Svetog arhangela Mihaila na Prevlaci; Mila Bakovića, Arheološka istraživanja lokaliteta Ćaf Kiš; Janka Paunovića, Upotreba mehanizma “checks and balances-a” u kotorskom Statutu (štampan 1616. godine u Veneciji) i Darka Bakića, Sukobi u Donjim Vasojevića avgusta 1912. godine.

Segment Prilozi donosi radove Petra Lekića, Analiza kulta Sv. Trojice na crnogorskim planinama i  Filipa D. Vučetića, Izbori u Knjaževini/Kraljevini Crnoj Gori 1905-1913. godine.

U rubrici Izvori Ivan Laković donosi dokument  General-major Branislav Barjaktarević, Vojna pomoć SAD Jugoslaviji, Arhiv Oružanih Snaga Srbije, Fond II Uprave Generalštaba JNA, nesređena građa, kutija br.21, fascikla III, R-3

U ovom broju dat je i prikaz: Radenko ŠćekićSlavko BurzanovićBoban Batrićević, „Monumenta Montenegrina Vaticana-Konkordat između Svete Stolice i Knjaževine Crne Gore iz 1886. godine”, Ministarstvo kulture Crne Gore, Obod, Cetinje, 2020.

U rubrici In Memoriam Božena Miljić podsjetila je na rad istoričara Branislava Marovića (1933-2022).

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The new issue of Historical Records 3-4/2022 has been published Fri, 04 Nov 2022 15:15:00 +0000 The new issue of the journal Istorijski zapisi 3-4/2022 is available on the website of the Historical Institute of the University of Montenegro, as well as on the website of the magazine.

In the section Articles, the works of Miljan Gogić were published, Was Grimoald the bishop of Kotor at the end of the 11th or the end of the 13th century? « ; Marina Odak, On the money of the city of Drivasta following a numismatic note; Savo Marković, Si aliquid supervenit: about the higher social class of Bar in the 14th century with the truth of the Guliermos; Aleksandar Životić, The Rivalry of Serbia and Montenegro and the Liberation of Metohija and Sandžak in 1912 and Aleksej Timofeev, Statistical Analysis of Punished “Cominformers”: Nationality, Length of Sentence, Age, Gender Structure, Relatives, Returnees

The Contributions segment brings the works of Burhan Celebić, Old Muslim sights in Tuzi; Svetozar Savić Agricultural education in Montenegro 1875-1941; Jelisavete Blagojević, Boris Yeltsins Post-Soviet Policy towards NATO

In the Chronicle section, the speeches from the opening of the exhibition “Greeks and Montenegrins: two friendly nations” were transmitted: Speech of His Excellency Panagiotis Partsos, Ambassador of the Republic of Greece at the opening of the exhibition “Greeks and Montenegrins: two friendly nations”; Address of Mrs. Satka Hajdarpašić, representative of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Montenegro and the Diplomatic Academy at the opening of the exhibition “Greeks and Montenegrins: two friendly nations”; Speech by Dr. Panagiotis Kolimichalis, collector, author of the exhibition “Greeks and Montenegrins: two friendly peoples”

This issue also includes the following reviews: Savo Marković, Officia variorum sanctorum (BnF Latin 916), Croatian National Council of Montenegro, Tivat 2021; Sreten Ćuzović Otilo, Dejan Vuković, “PORT OF MONTENEGRO DIPLOMACY” Faculty of Montenegrin Language and Literature (FCJK) – Cetinje, 2021; Ivan Laković, Dmitar Tasić (2021), NATIONAL DEFENSE CORPS OF YUGOSLAVIA (KNOJ) 1944-1953, Belgrade: Institute for Recent History of Serbia, ISBN: 978-86-7005173-8, 511 pages. ; Radenko Šćekić, Miomir Maroš: ENROLLED MONTENEGRO 1-2, IVPE/CEKUM, Cetinje/Podgorica 2020/2021.

You can find the entire issue of Historical Records 3-4/2021 at this link.

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