In the Articles section, the works of Dr. Olga Pelcer-Vujačić on slaves and freedmen in Lydia and Phrygia during the early Roman Empire; dr Hasan Babcan i dr Abedin Temizer, The Muslim census book found with a soldier registered in Taşlica (Pljevlja) district; Dr. Galina Shevtsova Activities of the Committee “Green Cross”, which was under the auspices of the Grand Duchess Militsa Nikolaevna. 1914-1916; Dr. Vesna Đikanović, Montenegrin political emigration to the USA (1922-1924) – activities and Yugoslav responses; and Dr. Ivana Laković, Montenegrin Police in the Eyes of OSCE Observers 1997-2006. years were published
The Contributions segment brings the works of Danilo Kalezić, The nature of political transformations in Montenegro in the early 90s: prolonged transition and halted democratization, and Aiša Kurbardović, Teskere as historical sources of Ottoman provenance in the archives of the Historical Institute of Montenegro.
In this issue, in the Sources section, documents prepared by Dr. Miljan Gogić, Kotor documents from the legacy of Vicko Antun Paskvali and Dr. Radoslav Raspopović, Several Cyrillic documents about Šćepan Mali were published.
The next issue, 1-2 for 2020 is already in preparation.