aid program – Istorijski Zapisi Istorijski Institut UCG Sat, 06 Nov 2021 12:08:29 +0000 en-US hourly 1 The new issue of Istorijski zapisi 1-4/2005 is published Sat, 05 Nov 2005 13:28:01 +0000 ČLANCI

  • Nevenka BOGOJEVIĆ-GLUŠČEVIĆ, Rimska pravna pravila u zakonjačama Opšteg imovinskog zakonika za knjaževinu Crnu Goru, 7-34  Download

ABSTRACT: While doing “General Property law”, Valtazar Bogišić used legal postulate and principles of Roman law. This was especially noticed in 45 rules, in the end of General Property law so called Zakonjače, orders to explain sense and spirit of the law. 37 of 45 rules were original Roman rules and the rest, except one couldn’t be understood from the concept, also based on the Roman jurisprudence. The originality of Bogišić’s work in the reception of the Roman law is seen in the way he actually expressed those rules in both unique and understandable way interpreted in the domestic language. On this way the basic principle of Roman law in Zakonjače became” viva vox docet” of the people in Montenegro at the end of XIX century. With great respect for domestic slovenic tradition he built in being of Law of Montenegro the best concept and space of Roman law.


  • Sait Š. ŠABOTIĆ, Petar I Petrović Njegoš i Nikšićka kapetanija, 35-79  Download

ABSTRACT: From the beginning of his governance in Montenegro in 1784 till his death in 1830., the bishop Peter I Petrovich Njegosh led an active politics in internal and foreign affairs. During his activities he respected the vicinity a lot, especially the district of Niksich, which was of the great interest for Montenegro. For the whole period of ruling by Peter I in Montenegro the captain Osman Musovich was at the head of Niksich’s district. Peter I was very cautions in political relations with Niksich, taking care that his purposes were positively dovetailed with the attitudes of The Big forces referring to Montenegro. At the same time he made efforts to raise an international position and reputation of Montenegro. All his activities showed that Peter I was capable to the tasks which he had to fulfill at the particular historical period.


  • Vukajlo GLUŠČEVIĆ, Faktori migracionih kretanja stanovništva Crne Gore u XIX vijeku, 81-91  Download

ABSTRACT: In the aspect of migrations movement, in it’s history, Montenegro has been a rare example of the state of that kind. Mixture and complexivity of natural and social factors have expressed their influence in this example. In that place and in that time these factors combined both in very complex and connected way, that they actually formed „permanent boilind migrational spring”.

One of the most influential natural factor was, so called, Montenegrin carst, and cassuality, and far as social factors are concerned,it’s important to point out “vađevine”, as a way of lending money with interest,mutual conflicts and Turkish violence.


  • Nenad PETROŠEVIĆ, Razvoj industrije piva u Nikšiću (1896-1956), 93-107  Download

ABSTRACT: The foundation of the brewery “Onogošt” (1896.) and the first savings bank of Nikšić represent the earliest beginning of the industrial and banking capital and, at the same time, a turning point of further development of economy and social relations in Nikšić. A brewery called “Trebjesa” was built in Nikšić in 1911. These were the only breweries in Montenegro.

Both of the breweries were working with varying success and their development was interrupted during the First World War when both of them sustained damage. The brewery “Onogošt” didn’t continue working, and “Trebjesa” wasn’t restored until 1931. The brewery “Trebjesa” won a gold medal for quality in Paris (1932.) The development of the brewery continued till 1941. when it managed to stabilize, but it was severely damaged during the Second World War when its production was suspended. This brewery was renewed by the end of 1946, and the first hectoliters of beer were delivered to the market.

From 1946. to 1956. the annual production of beer was below the targets and its results were inconstant. The production was sometimes at the lower limit of the profitability.

“Trebjesa” was on the rise during 1960’s when it was being worked a lot on its development and on the pattern of skills of the workers, and this provided a basis for its successful work and development.


  • Ivan LAKOVIĆ, Operacionalizacija programa vojne pomoći SAD Jugoslaviji 1951-1958, 109-142  Download

ABSTRACT: American military assistance and support were the main source of modernization of Yugoslav armed forces after its break with USSR and the countries from eastern bloc. The program was conducted by Yugoslav Department for Receipt of Military Assistance and American Military Assistance Staff, which were planning, organizing and executing its technical part. Planning and administrating of the US military support had contained the system of annual programs of aid, whose contents Yugoslav officials have often considered unsatisfactory in both qualitative and quantitative ways. Those programs have reflected the development of US – Yugoslav relations during the fifties, being more generous and rich in modern war equipment as Yugoslavia was showing the willingness to go along with Western interests, and getting more restricted and prone to delaying when recipient tried to conduct more independent policy. The program itself had been executed throughout the shipments of arms and other military goods from the US Army and NATO factories, bases and stocks, as well as trough “off shore” programs that were relaxing the pressure on mentioned sources. Participating in MDAP, Yugoslavia joined in NATO logistic system, enabling its future full integration into western military alliance. Although the majority of obtained equipment had been mentioned to be delivered to the units based in the line of expected Soviet attack towards northern Italy, Yugoslavs have tended to rearm with new material as much of the rest of army as it’s been possible. On the other side, Americans have used that tendency to broad their intelligence activities and get more data about Yugoslav forces through inspection and control of deliverance, usage and storage of given equipment.



  • Ljiljana JOKIĆ, Neka pitanja položaja žene u pravu stare Crne Gore, 143-149  Download
  • Žarko LEKOVIĆ, Poštanska služba u Crnoj Gori za vrijeme Petrovića, 151-188  Download
  • Dušan J. MARTINOVIĆ, Pjevačko društvo “Njegoš” između dva svjetska rata (1918-1940), 189-205  Download
  • Dragana KUJOVIĆ, Aktivnost kulturno-prosvjetnog društva Gajret u Crnoj Gori prema pisanju istoimenog lista (1922-1941), 207-226  Download
  • Luka I. MILUTINOVIĆ, Ugovori o smještaju diplomatskih predstavništava na Cetinju krajem XIX vijeka, Rusija, Francuska i Grčka, 227-233  Download
  • Željko BJELETIĆ, Učešće boraca iz Crne Gore u junskim događajima u Hercegovini 1941. godine, 235-244  Download


  • Radenko ŠĆEKIĆ, Evropski bezbjednosni identitet – pokušaji ostamostaljenja evropske politike odbrane i bezbjednosti, 245-267  Download

ABSTRACT: The topic of the paper should point to the attempts to make European defense and security policy independent, as part of its common foreign and security policy. Through the factors and events that led to the strategic European significance in the conflict of superpowers, the idea of eliminating the military dependence on the United States runs through. By creating a stronger economic and political union, Europe is trying to redefine its relations with the United States by pursuing an autonomous policy in the field of defense and security, in accordance with its global economic strength.



  • Miomir DAŠIĆ, Neki prelomni događaji u južnoslovenskim zemljama na početku 20. stoljeća i njihovo reflektovanje na donošenje ustava za knjaževinu Crnu Goru 1905. godine, 269-287  Download

ABSTRACT: This paper discusses some of the major events from the late 19th and early 20th centuries that had an impact on the political, social, economic and cultural conditions in Montenegro, as well as changes in the policy of the autocratic regime of Prince Nikola Petrović. The first part of the paper synthetically presents the political, social, economic and cultural development of Montenegro in the years preceding the adoption of the Constitution of Montenegro in 1905, and the implementation of some administrative reforms in the Montenegrin state. The second part discusses the turning points from the beginning of the 20th century in the South Slavic countries, which reflected on the policy of the autocracy of Prince Nikola, which could have been influenced by this ruler to “grant” the 1905 constitution to the Montenegrin people.


  • Darko ANTOVIĆ, Srpsko pjevačko društvo “Jedinstvo” u Kotoru, 289-299  Download



  • L. ŠEMJAKIN, Neostvareni prevrat: Srpska emigracija, Crna Gora i Rusija 1885-1887. g., 301-311  Download



  • Đorđe BOROZAN, Četvrta knjiga istorije Crne Gore, 313-316  Download
  • Slobodan BACKOVIĆ, Istoričar velikog zamaha, 317-318  Download
  • Branislav KOVAČEVIĆ, Značajno naučno pregnuće, 319-326  Download
  • Radoje PAJOVIĆ, Iskorak crnogorske istoriografije, 327-329  Download
  • Branko PAVIĆEVIĆ, Slovo autora, 331-332  Download



  • Dušan J. MARTINOVIĆ, Evgenij L. Nemirovskij: Gesamtkatalog Der Frühdrucke In Kyrillischer Schrift, Band VI, Die zweite Druckerei von Božidar Vuković in Venedig. Verlag Valentin Koerner Baden – Baden, 2003, 514 Seiten, 333-336  Download
  • Mihailo VOJVODIĆ, Dr Saša Knežević, Velika Britanija i aneksiona kriza, Istorijski institut Crne Gore, Podgorica 2005, 337-340  Download
  • Žarko LEKOVIĆ, Dr Branko Babić: Grbovi i zastave – grbovni simboli, dvoglavi orao u Crnoj Gori do 1916. godine, Cetinje 2005, str. 155, 341-343  Download
  • Sait Š. ŠABOTIĆ, Živko M. Andrijašević, Nacija s greškom (Istorijski eseji), Centralna narodna biblioteka Crne Gore “Đurđe Crnojević”, Cetinje 2004, str. 320, 345-349  Download
  • Saša KNEŽEVIĆ, Branislav Kovačević i Marijan Mašo Miljić, Drobnjačke davije i presude 1872-1902, Grafo Crna Gora, Podgorica 2005, 351-353  Download
  • Milica KOSTIĆ, Mr Trivo Zolak i Olivera Kulić u saradnji sa izabranim ženama, Čudesna moć žene-2, Uspješne, istaknute i zanimljive žene Crne Gore, Bar 2004, str. 480, 355-357  Download


  • Izvještaj o radu Istorijskog instituta Crne Gore za 2004. godinu, 359-371  Download
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