economy – Istorijski Zapisi Istorijski Institut UCG Sat, 06 Nov 2021 12:18:00 +0000 en-US hourly 1 The new issue of Istorijski zapisi 1-2/2018 is published Thu, 10 May 2018 15:00:44 +0000 JUBILEJI

Povodom sedamdeset godina postojanja Istorijskog instituta i izlaženja Istorijskih zapisa

  • Radoslav Raspopović, Uz sedamdesetu godišnjicu Istorijskog Instituta Univerziteta Crne Gore i Istorijskih Zapisa, 7-24   DOWNLOAD

Abstract: The paper focuses on the beginnings of the institutional study of the past of Montenegro and the importance that the Historical Institute of Montenegro had for the scientific achievements in that area. Since its founding in 1948 and during the later decades of its work, together with the seventy-year-long publishing of the journal Istorijski Zapisi (Historical records), exceptional results have been achieved not only in the development of Montenegrin historiography, but also in the overall scientific thought in Montenegro.

  • Radoje Pajović, Zapis o počecima (o mojim prvim danima u Arhivu CKSKCG za istoriju Saveza komunista i Istorijskom institutu SR Crne Gore), 25-38  DOWNLOAD

ABSTRACT: This text is an autobiographical recount of the author’s professional beginnings in the Archive of the Central Committee of the League of Communists of Montenegro for History of the League of Communists and at the Historical Institute of Montenegro. It describes not only the course of the career of historian Radoje Pajović, but also the development of the Historical Institute of Montenegro from the start of the 1970s. It also gives a recollection of the people who worked in this institution and who participated in the affirmation of the historical science in Montenegro.

  • Dragana KUJOVIĆ, Osvrt: Segmenti Orijentalno-Islamske Kulture u Crnoj Gori, kao teme magistarskih radova odbranjenih u okviru postdiplomskih magistarskih studija (Studijski Program: Istorija Kulture i Istorijska Antropologija) u Istorijskom Institutu UCG, 39-46  DOWNLOAD

ABSTRACT: If we know that cultural studies, dealing with different cultural and multicultural registers, have an increasingly dominant place in the field of humanistic disciplines and represent a series of very different research practices, the relative heterogeneity of the themes of the master thesis proposed to candidates within the program entitled History of Culture and Historical Anthropology of the Postgraduate Master Studies at the Historical Institute of University of Montenegro. Cultural artifacts reflect their contexts and open the possibility of scientific description through the repertoire of topics on different aspects of culture and identity, so that the three master‘s theses are successfully defended in the field of Oriental-Islamic Culture in Montenegro.

  • Zoran Lakić, UZ JUBILEJ, 47-54  DOWNLOAD

ABSTRACT: The subject of the paper is the content, authors and the importance of the journal Zapisi (1927-1933; 1935-1941) and Istorijski zapisi (from 1948 to the present) for science and culture in Montenegro and abroad. In this paper, we will try to analyze the themes and ways of presentation, the number of authors, types of contributions, present the scientific and cultural significance of the journal.

  • Dragica LOMPAR, ISTORIJSKI ZAPISI (1948–2018), 55-61  DOWNLOAD

ABSTRACT: This paper gives an overview of the most important data on the first Montenegrin scientific journal „Historical Records”, celebrating the Jubilee of seventy years of its publication. As the oldest scientific journal in the country, „Historical Records” enabled the appearance of the articles on various aspects of Montenegrin past, such as historiography, sociology, history of arts, ethnology, linguistics, archaeology and many others.


Abstract: The subject of the paper is the content, authors and the importance of the journal Zapisi (1927-1933; 1935-1941) and Istorijski zapisi (from 1948 to the present) for science and culture in Montenegro and abroad. In this paper, we will try to analyze the themes and ways of presentation, the number of authors, types of contributions, present the scientific and cultural significance of the journal.

  • Žarko LEKOVIĆ, Plemenska istorija na stranicama Zapisa – Istorijskih zapisa, 77-91  DOWNLOAD

ABSTRACT: Tribal history is a condition to all synthesis which have a regional and broader scientific significance. There are no great historical studies without thetribal themes which were scientifically processed, there is no national history without them. Scientific results on pages of the “Zapisi Istorijski zapisi” significantly broadened the horizons of tribal history and discovered the genesis of many historical movements. Historical processes, even though they are situated in the field of tribal thematic, unarguably have the widest frame. Political, industrial, educational, cultural and social circumstances and socioeconomic relations among the tribes are being analyzed throughout historical essays, along with battle for liberty of our people, which hasn’t been fully expressed yet. Montenegrin politics regarding the tribes has also been shown, and the political programme of Montenegrin territorial expansion. These works represent a starting point for all of those who wish to look into their past with a new perspective, and are an inspiration to further accomplishments in the domen of local history.

  • Radenko ŠĆEKIĆ, Politikološke i opštedruštvene teme na stranicama časopisa „Istorijski Zapisi“, 93-100  DOWNLOAD

ABSTRACT: The journal „Historical Records”, which continuously has been published for seven decades, in its pages indicated the numerous topics from history. Designed primarily as a specialized magazine for the study of historical topics, occasionally gave space also to papers and themes from other fields, such as law, economics, politology, geopolitics, literature and others. In this article we will try to present a number of such works that have enriched the enormous opus of the magazine.

  • Božena Miljić, Crna Gora druge polovine XX vijeka u „Istorijskim zapisima“, 101-115  DOWNLOAD

ABSTRACT:‘’Istorijski zapisi’’ journal exists for over 70 years now. During that time, many different subjects from Montenegrin history occupied the minds of the authors that had published their articles in it. This paper examines who and in what way, had dealt with contemporary history of Montenegro, to be precise- with second half of the 20th century and the beginning of the 21st. KEYWORDS: ‘’Istorijski zapisi’’, Historical Institute of Montenegro, Montenegro, paper representation, research topics, contemporary history


  • Branko Bogdanović, Modernizacija streljačkog naoružanja Kraljevine Jugoslavije i Čehoslovačke, 117-152  DOWNLOAD

ABSTRACT: As a consequence of the very scarce archive sources, the true extent of the cooperation between the Kingdom of Yugoslavia and the Republic of Czechoslovakia or its Arms Factory Zbrojovka of Brno during the period from 1919 to 1941 remained unknown till nowadays. Due to the newly discovered documents, and thecourtesy of the Military History Institute of Prague, all aspects of the cooperation came to the light, that is to say, we found out the accurate number of different types of small arms, their prices, delivery terms, arms patterns and the conditions under which Yugoslavia acquired these arms. This allowed to correct the mistakesthat have occurred in the domestic literature from 1945 to the present days.

  • Savo MARKOVIĆ, Prethodnica modernog građanstva: barski rod Alatović, 153-194  DOWNLOAD

ABSTRACT: On the basis of documents from the State Archives in Dubrovnik and a historiography, civic kindred Alatović of Bar was considered prozopographically and multidisciplinary. Their social activity and influence in the sixteenth century announced the bourgeois dynamics of a later times throughout Europe. A member of this kindred was Ratac’s abbot between 1510/11 and 1522. The testament of Dubrovnik’s inhabitant Luka Alatović from 1591, among other, reveals the data on the property of the Archbishopric of Bar and on the church of St. Mary out of the walls (fuori delli muri di Antivari).

  • Nemanja Vujčić, Kraj Ahajskog saveza, 195-225  DOWNLOAD

ABSTRACT: The paper examines the circumstances surrounding the beginning of the so-called Achaean war (146 BC) and the subsequent dissolution of the Achaean league by the Romans. The causes of these events, motives and explanations behind them are a source of confusion and disagreement for modern historians. The main reason for this is rather problematic, occasionally even contradictory, nature of the main sources, the book 38 of Polybius’ Histories and a segment of the book 7 of Pausanias’ Description of Hellas. In this paper the claim is made that the Achaean war was essentially a Roman surprise attack directed against a federation of city-states that displayed tendency for independence that was far too strong, at least from the Roman standpoint. Both Polybius and Pausanias (whose account is based on Polybius) describe and interpret events from a position that is distinctively pro-Roman. Polybius was not able to surmount political and ideological obstacles that stood in the way of objective analysis of the events. As in other places in his work, he decided that any serious critique of the Roman state, its representatives and their actions, is something completely unacceptable. Instead, the reader is presented with a contradictory narrative in which causes and effects switched places, the aggressor is painted as a neutral and well-meaning party, while the victims are forced to take the blame.

  • Mirjana MANOJLOVIĆ, Crnogorski period života i stvaralaštva Pavla Apolonoviča Rovinskog u naučnim istraživanjima i arhivskim materijalima, 227-246    DOWNLOAD

ABSTRACT: Pavel Apolonovich Rovinski is a famous russian scientist who dedicated the majority of his scientific work to Montenegro. He addresses some scientific problems and questions of great importance which attract the attention of historians even nowadays.


  • Гросул В.Я., Два портрета: Н.И. Хитрова и А.Л.Шемякин, 247-251  DOWNLOAD


  • Dr Konrad Clewing, Knjiga o njemačko-crnogorskim istorijskim vezama predstavljena u Berlinu, 253-256  DOWNLOAD
  • Dr Radoslav RASPOPOVIĆ, Speech at the Promotion of the Book “Montenegro and the German Reich in Documents of the Political Archive of the Foreign Affairs Office in Berlin” (from 1906 to 1914), Volume I, Held at the Humboldt University on 28 February 2018, 257-260  DOWNLOAD


  • Radenko Šćekić, Miomir Dašić: „ŠKOLA, ISTORIJA, POLITIKA“ Izdavači: UNIREKS i „UNIREKS GRUP“, Podgorica/Beograd 2018, 261-266  DOWNLOAD
  • Žarko Leković, Miljan Drobnjak: Drobnjaci iz Štitara kod Berana hronologija i rodoslov, Herceg Novi, 2019, str. 324, 267-270  DOWNLOAD


Zapisi 2018-1-2-271-278   DOWNLOAD

Zapisi 2018-1-2-279-282  DOWNLOAD

The new issue of Istorijski zapisi 3-4/2015 is published Tue, 10 Nov 2015 09:05:29 +0000 ČLANCI

  • Ljubodrag DIMIĆ, Srbija i vinovnici Velikog rata krize, ratovi i bilansi (1912-1918), 7-31   DOWNLOAD

Abstract: This paper is an attempt to highlight the paradoxes of the epoch before the First World War, to identify the causes of the war, to name the responisble for its outbreak, to describe Serbia`s war effort, and to identify the outcome and the consequences of the war.

  • Stjepan MATKOVIĆ, Temeljne promjene u hrvatskoj politici uoči Sarajevskog atentata, 33-48  DOWNLOAD

ABSTRACT: This paper deals with the development of Croatian politics ahead of the Sarajevo assassination and the outbreak of the First World War. The focus of attention is the question of a national issue whose interpretation of 1903 is gaining new significance due to the acute crisis of dualism, change of government in the Kingdom of Serbia, and the increasingly prominent activity of the heir, Duke Franz Ferdinand. On the basis of the analysis of parliamentary party programs and the activities of relevant political groups, unilateral dissatisfaction with the Croatian position in Austria-Hungary is noticed, and in the context of the state relations with Hungary, it stands out as an overwhelming problem of achieving Croatian financial autonomy. After the implementation of the annexation of Bosnia and Herzegovina, the approach to the national issue is tightened, and from then on, a considerable number of political actors have seen its solution only in affirmation of the principle of national unity in the integral area of the southern Slavs.

  • Albert BING, Prvi Svjetski Rat i omasovljenje političke (samo)svijesti: slučaj Hrvatske, 49-68  DOWNLOAD

Abstract: One of the most important heritage of the First World War was the change in the political consciousness of the broader social groups of the small nations. This article deals with this far-reaching turnaround in the political culture of Croats, primarily Austro-Hungarian soldiers, whose core was made up of peasants. The paper provides an insight into the broader context of political and social in Croatia and the Austro-Hungarian monarchy; questions were raised – the maturation of national and class consciousness of national masses – which in the post-war period would be an important factor in radical social changes. The basic sources used in the paper are autobiographical records and diary memories of war participants as well as the records of individuals who participated in public life in the given period.

  • Olga PELCER-VUJAČIĆ, Prilog proučavanju ilirskog identiteta u rimskim naseljima na tlu Crne Gore, 69-78  DOWNLOAD

ABSTRACT: The Roman settlements of southeastern Dalmatia, namely Risinium, Doclea and Municipium S. were organized as other provincial municipal communities in the Roman Empire. The social structure of indigenous societies in this region before conquest is not clear. In the coastal settlements such as Risan, the process of Romanization started earlier and had deeper roots. In the central region, Docleates were peregrines, led by tribal aristocracy from the castelli such as Salthua, on the main road from Narona to Scodra. Their names suggest they were not Roman citizens, although they use Latin language in their inscriptions. In the hinterland epigraphic evidence shows a strong early presence of indigenous elite in the network of municipal political institutions.

  • Nevenka BOGOJEVIĆ-GLUŠČEVIĆ, Pravni režim na imovini udate žene u srednjovjekovnim zetskim primorskim gradovima, 79-109  DOWNLOAD

ABSTRACT: The subject of the research in this paper is the question of the legal regime on the property of the women in the Zeta medieval cities at the time of their highest rise (XIII and XIV century). This question is essential to explain the questions of the legal position of women in these areas, and the comparison of its position in relation to other coastal city centers in their closer and further surroundings. In this context, will analyse the statutory regulations on the legal status of woman property in the town of Kotor, Budva and Shkodra and based on them, to examine the legal systems that have had the greatest impact on the normative format of such legal regime. An important link in explaining the property position of women in these communes makes notary books in which actually reflected the application of the norms of the statutes in practice. The paper will be on the basis of numerous data from the Latin original material the archive (analysis of the contracts concluded and their implementation, as well as disputes of any kind) to establish real property status of women in society and to determine any possible differences between her normative and real position. Doing complete answers to the questions we used comparison with the legislation and legal practice about the position of women in other medieval centers along the Eastern Adriatic coast, in which they were also directly or indirectly present various legal effects (the Slovenian, Byzantine, Serbian, Roman and receptional Roman law). It will explore more fully in relation to the previous point to the interaction of the various legal cultures in shaping of the legal regime on the property of the women in the medieval coastal towns on the Adriatic coast and in its hinterland.

  • Biljana VUČETIĆ, Some Considerations on the Emergence of the Serbian Chetnik Movement in Macedonia during the Last Period of Ottoman Rule, 111-128  DOWNLOAD

ABSTRACT: The aim of this paper is to research when and how the first organized Serbian armed bands in the Ottoman Empire appeared. Various historical sources have provided contrasting information, but it was obvious that the Serbian national movement in Macedonia became an organized and efficient force in 1904. Also, that is testified in documents of foreign provenance, primarily Bulgarian and Greek. Serbian Defense Organization consisted of several various groups of national workers: the “Private Initiative” from Belgrade, Serbian inhabitants of Macedonia, and the Serbian Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

  • Adnan PREKIĆ, Politika bratstva i jedinstva u Crnoj Gori 1945-1955, 131-150  DOWNLOAD

Abstract: The paper analyses the basic elements of the politics of brotherhood and unity in the first decade of communist rule in Montenegro. The ideal of fraternity and unity is one of the most important political ideas of the Communist Party, which has additional significance in Montenegro as a specific multinational and multiconfessional community. The paper deals with the sources of religious and national intolerance in Montenegro and analyzes the role of the Communist Party, which through the activities of party organs, mass organization, education and culture, addresses these problems by the politics of fraternity and unity. The research is based on archival material related to the work of the Communist Party, literature as well as the daily and periodical press. The starting hypothesis of the research is based on the thesis that the Communist Party, through the politics of fraternity and unity, tried to pacify antagonisms from the past and through the socialist ideology and its elements solve the issue of violated religious and national tolerance in Montenegro.



  • Varvara Borisovna HLEBNIKOVA, Memoari Gavra Vukovića kao ogledalo crnogorske spoljne politike, 151-161  DOWNLOAD

Abstract: This paper discusses the Memoirs of the Ministry of foreign affairs of Montenegro, Gavro Vuković; a place to search for important historical facts. A known politician from the turn of the 19th to 20th century, summed up the memories of his political career and gave a detailed analysis on the work of government of the Principality, with special emphasis on the efforts on strengthening the international position of the state. In his opinion, diplomatic efforts of Montenegrin political elite were not sufficient. The efforts of Gavro Vuković to learn the lessons from mistakes, made by government of the Principality, were of the particular significance.

  • Radenko Šćekić, Željko Bjeletić, Društveno-ekonomska kretanja u Crnoj Gori tokom druge polovine XX vijeka, 163-185  DOWNLOAD

ABSTRACT: Montenegro represented the poorest republic of the Yugoslav federation after the Second World War. Planned and the party orchestrated economy, during the 50s and 60s of XX century, developed industry, tourism and transport infrastructure. The reverse side of this policy represented a massive migration from rural to urban areas, neglecting of agriculture and cattle breeding and artificial maintenance of unprofitable factories. Social unrests in combination with national issues have led to the change within the one-party system during 1989. Period of sanctions, war environment and political turmoils during the 90s – have additionally complicated socio-economic situation in Montenegro.



  • Šerbo RASTODER, O značaju djela Ahmed Dževdet Paše za izučavanje istorije balkanskih zemalja sa posebnim osvrtom na Crnu Goru, 187-225  DOWNLOAD

ABSTRACT: Regarding this work, the author is occupied with analysis of activity of Ahmet Cevdet Pasha, as historical source, very important for studies of the Balkans history. From comprehensive lists of works of Ahmet Cevdet Pasha, we apstracted the work „Teskere 18-19“, in which the author is occupied with the description of population of Skadar‘s Sandzak, which territory was extended to the representative part of present-day Montenegro and Albania. The work was probably made in the period of residence of Ahmet Cevdet Pasha in Skadar in 1861, and in such manner it should be served to the military strategists for measuring military capacity in the case of new war. This work was translated and published in German, and it was a basis for author to present this paper.

  • Radoslav RASPOPOVIĆ, Jedna od svesaka iz neobjavljenog rukopisa Mitra Martinovića: „Ratna istorija Crne Gore“, 227-261  DOWNLOAD

ABSTRACT: The paper presents the so far unpublished part of the „War History of Montenegro”. Its author is Mitar Martinovic, an important figure of Montenegrin political and public life at the end of XIX and early XX cent. The author, as well as the very topic that the text tackles certainly present an important historical source in the contemporary historical research.



  • Saša Knežević, Radovan Vukadinović i Lidija Čehulić-Vukadinović: „EVROPSKA IDEJA OD KARLA VELIKOG DO EVROPSKE UNIJE“, CANU, Podgorica 2016, 263-265  DOWNLOAD
  • Đorđije Trifunović, Milan Bulatović: Bihor – antropološka proučavanja. Izdavač: Centar za djelatnost kulture „Vojislav Bulatović Strunjo“ – Bijelo Polje, 2017, str. 375, 267-269  DOWNLOAD
  • Radenko Šćekić, Zoran Lakić, Istorija i istoričari Crne Gore, Crnogorska akademija nauka i umjetnosti, Podgorica 2017, 271-272  DOWNLOAD