Iaquinta. – Istorijski Zapisi https://istorijskizapisi.me Istorijski Institut UCG Wed, 24 Apr 2024 15:43:47 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=6.5.3 The new issue of Historical Records 3-4/2023 has been published https://istorijskizapisi.me/artwork/the-new-issue-of-historical-records-2-3-2023-has-been-published/ https://istorijskizapisi.me/artwork/the-new-issue-of-historical-records-2-3-2023-has-been-published/#respond Wed, 24 Apr 2024 14:23:18 +0000 https://istorijskizapisi.me/?post_type=artwork&p=6312 Dragana KUNČER, THE WORLD WITHOUT WOMEN: GENDER ISSUES IN THE GESTA REGUM SCLAVORUM, 7-26 Download

ABSTRACT: This paper aims to explore the role of gender in the Gesta regum Sclavorum (GRS), also known as the Chronicle of the Priest of Dioclea. It critically examines the portrayal of women in this historical narrative, noting its reflection of a broader trend in medieval male-authored texts that perpetuate female inferiority and marginalization. In the GRS, women predominantly emerge as anonymous and passive consorts of kings, relegated primarily to the role of progenitors of heirs. Instances of women taking independent action, as exemplified by the widow of Hungarian prince Kys, then Cossara, the daughter of Samuel and wife of St. Vladimir, and Iaquinta, wife of King Bodin, are depicted in a manner that suggests their inclusion in the narrative is due to the benefits these actions provided to their male relatives. The portrayal of female agency in the GRS is thus interpreted as a reflection of the gendered social norms of the era, which were more inclined to resist rather than support the women’s empowerment.



ABSTRACT: This paper, based on the analysis of original archival records, baptismal, marriage, and death registers of the parish of St. Tryphon from the 18th century, presents and analyses the migrations of inhabitants from the territory of the Dubrovnik Republic to Kotor. The emphasis is placed on, to the extent permitted by the sources, analysing the number, gender, places of origin, and migration areas of Dubrovnik residents. The paper also explores marital strategies and the involvement of Dubrovnik residents in the social life of Kotor at that time, all of which is considered in the context of pre-modern migration patterns.

KEYWORDS: Kotor, Republic of Dubrovnik, 18th century, migrations, historical demography, vital records



ABSTRACT: The paper explores the rivalry between the Principality of Montenegro and Austria-Hungary in northern Albania. The rivalry in Malësia e Madhe inhabited by the Hoti, Gruda, Kelmendi, Kastrati and Shkreli tribes who inhabited the areas along the Ottoman-Montenegro border was especially investigated. Based primarily on Austro-Hungarian sources, it presents the views of the diplomacy of the Dual Monarchy on the Montenegrin plans as well as the formation of a counter policy that was supposed to prevent the influence of Cetinje and Prince Nikola Petrović-Njegoš on the neighbouring Albanian communities. These Austro-Hungarian plans are analysed, in the first place, on the reports of the consuls in Shkodër. The relationship between Montenegro and the Malësori  was seen as undesirable by Vienna and dangerous due to the predicted emergence of an autonomous Albania with Shkodër within its borders, which decision-makers in Austria-Hungary viewed as a necessary precondition for the sustainability of the future state and its own influence in it.


Лука ФИЛИПОВИЋ, Савез комуниста Југославије и први покушај организације медитеранске конференције комунистичких партија Европе 1967‒1968. године, 61-81  Download


ABSTRACT: Czechoslovakian crisis and student rebellions in Western Europe and United States were just some of the aspects of global turmoil that may have influenced a certain number of contemporary historians to mark the year 1968 as the turning point in social and political history of the later half of the 20th century. Alongside these events, communists parties of Western and Eastern Europe were going through a long period of subtile conflicts, while forming interest and ideological blocks that will later play a crucial role in the events that became known as the great schism of the socialist world, when the Soviet party finally lost the influence over the future eurocommunist parties, which was a period also marked by the sudden rise of the international influence of the Lague of Commmunists of Yugoslavia. Therefore, the aim of this paper is to contribute to the scientific research of the Yugoslav role in the events that predated and may have influenced the stated conflicts between the communist parties of Eastern and Western Europe, of which some aspects best came to light in the case of the failed atempt of Yugoslav and Italian communists to organize an international conference of the Marxist parties of Mediterranean. The paper is based upon the results of the research that included the unpublished sources from the historical archives of former Yugoslavia, which were analysed by implementation of the traditional historical method, as well as analysis of the scientific literature which provided social and ideological context of the researched historical events.




ABSTRACT: Based on unpublished archival records, periodicals, and literature, this paper analyses the development of air transport in Montenegro within the broader Yugoslav system from the opening of the first regular air route from Belgrade to Podgorica via Sarajevo to the reestablishment of the independence of Montenegro. It encompasses the development of airports within Montenegro and of air routes connecting it to the rest of Yugoslavia, and foreign countries.



Dejan GAZIVODA, Ostaci crkve u Zaljevu, rezultati zaštitnih arheoloških istraživanja, 97-102  Download

ABSTRACT: This paper will present the preliminary results of protective archaeological research carried out in order to find the early Christian basilica.

U ovom radu prikazani su preliminarni rezultati zaštitnih arheoloških istraživanja sprovedenih s ciljem pronalaska ranohrišćanske bazilike.



 Janko PAUNOVIĆ, Status robova (servi, ancille) u Kotorskom statutu (1616, Venecija) i njegov rimsko-pravni uticaj, 103-119  Download

ABSTRACT: The aim of this article is to shed light on the status of slaves in the Statute of Kotor (1616) and its Roman legal basis. The work is primarily based on the Kotor Statute, ,as well as the accompanying notary documents from the relevant period of time.. Due to the nature of the topic, other Dalmatian and Mediterranean cities in the respective period were also taken into account. In this article, the author used an argumentation-based linguistic approach and systematic method of interpretation of the statutory provisions concerning the status of slaves, while excluding the status of other “unfree” or “semi-free” people. 



ABSTRACT: Based on published sources from the archives of the monastery of the Holy Trinity Sveta near Pljevlja, and with the help of literature published so far on the history of the monastery, the article deals with the period from the foundation of the monastery to 1869. The foundation of the monastery and its functioning in this period depended significantly on the relationship with the Ottoman authorities and the local christian and islamic population. Monastery life was influenced by Montenegro and Serbia, as well as the struggle of the Balkan peoples for liberation from Ottoman rule. In the article various circumstances are presented that affected the life of the monastery brotherhood, the cultivation of the monastery estates, as well as the construction and decoration of the monastery church.



Миљан ГОГИЋ, Преписи которских исправа из Лекционара и Понтификала Которске бискупије у рукописним зборницима архива ХАЗУ у Загребу, 135-170  Download


ABSTRACT: The Lectionary and Pontifical of the Diocese of Kotor, which is now kept in St. Petersburg, contains on the free pages on the margins of the main text, transcripts of the documents of the Kotor authorities from the first half of the 12th century until the middle of the 13th century. In the Manuscript Department of the HAZU Archives in Zagreb, in manuscript collections from the 18th century, there is a certain number of these documents. This paper provides basic information about these manuscripts and provides the texts of the transcripts of the documents.

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