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The new issue of Istorijski zapisi 1-4/2004 is published


  • Lovorka ČORALIĆ, Tragom crnogorskih iseljenika u Mlecima, 7-44  Download

ABSTRACT: The article, based on the source materials from Venetian archives (Archivio di Stato di Venezia, Archivio della Scuola Dalmata dei Ss. Giogrio e Triffone) and on the previous results of historiography, presents main directions from the history of migrations from Montenegro to Venice in the period from the fifteenth to the seventeenth century. Chronological frame and periods of the most fequent migrations of the Montenegrins to Venice has been discussed, the way they were called in sources, places of their residence within the Venetian sestieri and parishes, their occupations, economic means and standard, their every day life within the circle of their families and friends, religious life and relations with Venetian ecclesiastical institutions and individuals, as well as their connections to the community of immigrants from the wider area of East Adriatic sea. In the conclusion, it is emphasized that migrations of the Montenegrins to Venice are an important, but not satisfactorily researched segment of history of this area and that they were an integral part of trans-Adriatic communications during the transitional period from the Middle Ages to the Early Modern Age


  • Božidar ŠEKULARAC, Istorija simbola u crnogorskom grbu, 45-60  Download



  • Radovan RADONJIĆ, Nacija i nacionalno u istorijskom procesu, 61-86  Download

ABSTRACT: The text was devoted to the phenomenon of nation and national historical process. The aim of this text was to help in providing answers to questions like: why the pulsation of the nation and of the national has been still so powerful, in spite of the fact that after technical –technological revolution ‘nothing is as it used to be’. How come the nation and the national –as an ideological trend, remain ‘open’ questions or actual problems, potential or interfering factor that has been an unavoidable, consistent part of almost all current social processes including those in economical and social fields and political and cultural fields? For that sake, the article was divided into five parts.

The first one relates to the difficulties and temptations of defining the nation and the national. In that sense a genesis of understanding the nation and the national was composed moving from the very first features of their actualization to their developmental forms.

The second part focuses on the evaluation of the significance of the phenomenon of the nation and national for historical process. In this part, presented are different modern theoreticians’ explanations of why they though that forming of modern nations meant the great step forward in the development of modern democratic society, along with processes of socialization and affirmation of human personality.

The third part deals with possible positive and negative impact of the national on historical process, especially on its democratic component. A set of most important ideological and theoretical views have been elaborated  here as a phenomenon or an attempt was made to apply the latter concretely upon history.

The fourth part tries to provide explanation to some temptations that inevitably follow every realization of this phenomenon, especially if made in the pantheistic form.

The focus of the fifth part is the essence and contents of the use of the nation and the national. The stress was put on the misuse that are being produced through different nationalistic ideas and social and political movements inspired on such bases, affirmation of theory of socialist nation and attempts to construct a new conflict-less society, different nationalisms and chauvinism on such a platform.


  • Radoica LUBURIĆ, Hladni rat i sukob Staljin-Tito u sovjetskoj, informbirovskoj i politemigrantskoj štampi, 87-105  Download



  • Slobodan SELINIĆ, Trgovina u jugoslovenskim republikama 1945-1948- od privatnog ka državnom, 107-133  Download

ABSTRACT: Although the private trade used to be unwanted from the very beginning due to political and ideological viewpoint after the WW2, it survived to on a larger scale until the middle of 1948. Its significance was constantly minimized, though different measures imposed by authorities. The basic measures against the influence of private trade, before its final elimination, had been supervising of wholesale trade by founding state owned trade enterprises, introduction of the system of planned distribution of goods, punishing merchants for crimes based on war profit, nationalization from 1946, fighting against economic sabotage and speculation. Along with these measures being suspicious against existing trade staff and trying to provide professionals to trade as an economic  branch, the state herself has organized trade schools and courses for training new staff for work in the field of economy. In order not to provoke bigger disorganization in supplying of the citizens in the period when the participation of the state and cooperative sector in the wholesale trade had been rather insignificant, and foreign policy reasons had been basic reasons for postponing the final nationalization of retail trade until 1948. However, even the nationalization of 1948 has not been a complete one. In spite of all a couple of hundreds of private trade shops, the most of them in Serbia, i.e. Belgrade have survived as they were needed to supply people with  necessary good.



  • Milena VRZIĆ, Refleksija legende o Kadmu i Harmoniji na područje jugoistočne jadranske obale, 135-143.  Download



  • Tatjana KOPRIVICA, Freska sa predstavom Svetog Hristofora u starom Baru, 145-155  Download

ABSTRACT: Fresco with the notion of St. Hristopher in Old Bar is located in the corbel of middle-aged building number 153, which was built upward the inward city gate, and which purpose was hospice, probably.

St. Christopher shown as Christ-bearer, is damaged a lot. It was painted in XV century, and iconography and stile had the most similarity with the notions on east Mediterranean. The painter of St. Christopher is not known for us.


  • Miomir DAŠIĆ, Djelo Milana Vasića, Nezaobilazno i u crnogorskoj istoriografiji, 157-165.  Download


NASTAVNI PLAN I PROGRAM (gimnazija), Republika Crna Gora, 167-217  Download



  • Miloš STAROVLAH, Miomir Dašić, Nezaobilazno u istoriji Crne Gore, CANU, Podgorica 2003, str. 620, 219-222  Download
  • Sait ŠABOTIĆ, Šerbo Rastoder, Crna Gora u egzilu 1918-1925, knj I-II, Istorijski institut Crne Gore/Almanah, Podgorica 2004, str. 1147, 223-232  Download
  • Svetozar RADONJIĆ RAS, Dušan J. Martinović, Generali iz Crne Gore u ruskoj vojsci, CID, Podgorica 2003, 233-236  Download
  • Miloš STAROVLAH, Zoran Lakić, Crnogorski ratni parlament (1941-1945), Podgorica 2003, 237-241  Download


  • Izvještaj o radu na projektima istorijskog institute Crne Gore za 2003. godinu, 243-257  Download



  • Dr Novak Ražnatović (1925-2004) (Zoran LAKIĆ), 259-262  Download