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The new issue of Istorijski zapisi 4/1997 is published


  • Zoran LAKIĆ, Od “Zapisa” do “Istorijskih zapisa” (1927-1997), 7-17  Download



  • Jelena GUSKOVA, Sukobi interesa u kontekstu sudara civilizacija na Balkanu, 19-28  Download



  • Saša KNEŽEVIĆ, Velika Britanija i Crna Gora na početku XX vijeka, 29-50  Download

SUMMARY: In those years contacts between Great Britain and Montenegro were not numerous, because of primary interest of British policy in colonial and other questions out of Europe. Great Britain was, however, as a global power, present in all that was happening in Europe and Balkan.

British diplomacy was watching relations between Montenegro and Serbia. Also Montenegro’s policy was very happy about agreement between Great Britain and France, because France was in friendly relations with Russia.

Great Britain broke diplomatic relations with Serbia, after murder of the king in 1903. The diplomatic position of Montenegro was stable in those years. The heir to the throne Danilo visited London in 1906. and bough some weapons there.

The Montenegrins were very glad with agreement between Great Britain and Russia, made in 1907. After this agreement British policy on the Balkans changed. Policy of protection Turkey was replaced with the policy of keeping agreement with France and Russia.

Some British politicians anticipated that the Balkans might be the place where a new global conflict will begin.



  • Dragutin VUKOTIĆ, Depolitizovana nauka, 51-56  Download



  • Božidar ŠEKULARAC, Toponomastika kao pomoćna istorijska nauka, 57-74  Download



  • Branko PETRANOVIĆ, Staro i novo u istorijskoj osnovi savremenosti, 75-96  Download




  • Branislav KOVAČEVIĆ, Od viteških igara do modernog sporta u Crnoj Gori, 97-117  Download

SUMMARY: During the 19th and the beginning of the 20th century Montenegro as open to novelites coming from developed European countries, and that included modern sports as well. However, due to the confined possibilities of economic and political prosperity, being the result of the centuries lon struggle for freedom, poverty, exhaustion, general economy underdevelopment of sport in Montenegro at a larger scale. It was a privilege of a richer society, members of the court and foreigners – diplomats who were in Cetinje at that time. The major part of the inhabitants went in for the traditional – national games.



  • Milutin MIJUŠKOVIĆ, Dve velike pobede zetske vojske nad vizantijskom u XI veku, 119-137  Download
  • Milovan-Mušo ŠĆEPANOVIĆ, O podgoričkom ljetopisu iz 1737. godine, 139-165  Download
  • Zdravko DELETIĆ, Bukvari u Crnoj Gori od 1836. do 1916. godine, 167-178  Download



  • Miomir DAŠIĆ, Revolucionar, jeretik, mislilac i pisac, Povodom Zbornika radova Milovan Đilas (1911-1995), Beograd 1996, str. 383, 179-198  Download



  • Nada TOMOVIĆ, Crnogorski konzulat u Skadru i malisorske bune 1910-1911. godine, 199-213  Download

SUMMARY: The Montenegrin consulate carefully observed political movements of the north-Albanian tribes who lived near the border with Montenegro, their internal relationships, as well as foreign influences on these tribes. The consulate was especially active concerning these matters in the time of the anti-Turk riots of the tribes which took place in 1910 and 1911. The consulate made connections with barjaktars and other north-Albanian leaders in an attempt to turn them politically towards Montenegro, and to fight influences of other important countries. Since Turkey perceived that the Albanian movement was not unique, it undertook certain measures day in day out to ruin the movement, destroy it spiritually, and to cut connections with Montenegro, which they considered the main inspirer of the Albanian riots. The Montenegrin consuls in their conversations with Turkish officials in Skadar always denied that Montenegro helped the Albanian riots. They gave many reasons to refute the facts, but the evidence was obvious. With the very help of these riots it was clear that king Nikola was preparing a wider liberating movement in the Balkans, and Montenegro would be its initiator.


  • Zvezdan FOLIĆ, Organi za izvođenje agrarne reforme u Crnoj Gori 1945-1947, 215-224  Download

SUMMARY: Latent efforts of the Communist Party of Yugolsavia to change the centuries long discord in the land ownership relations on the territory of Yugoslavia by carrying out the land reform gained its legislative foundation on the 23rd of August 1945. Taking into account the specific and versatile land ownership situation in each of the federal units of the Democratic Federal Republic of Yugoslavia, the authors of the federal Law of the Land Reform and Colonization charged the ministries of agriculture with the task of executing the reform.

The rate of founding the bodies for carrying out the land reform in Montenegro depended on the rate of passing appropriate legal regulations. Even at this stage, the authorities in Montenegro proved to be unresourceful, slow and careless which remained the characteristic of their activities in all the later stages of the land reform undertaking. This was particularly characteristic of members of County Agricultural Commissions who, among other things, were incapable of even gathering all the necessary statistical data without which the land reform could not be carried out. As a consequence, there have been different data on the final results of the land reform in Montenegro that, in our opinion, cannot satisfy the curiosity of a researcher in his efforts to reconstruct the events in question as realistically as possible.



  • Velimir IVETIĆ, Knjaz Nikola i Crna Gora u memoarskim zapisima Steve Čuturila, Moje dnevne zabilješke u ratnom pohodu Crne Gore protiv Turske u godini1876., 225-251  Download



  • Informacija sa svečane Skupštine Društva istoričara Crne Gore, održane 30. oktobra 1997. godine u Podgorici, 253-254  Download
  • Odluka o ustanovljenju nagrade Društva istoričara Crne Gore, 255-258  Download
  • Saša KNEŽEVIĆ, Riječ na uručenju nagrada 25. XII 1997., 259-262  Download



  • Branislav KOVAČEVIĆ, Dr Đuro Vujović, Crna Gora u narodnooslobodilačkom ratu 1941-1945, Istorijski institut Crne Gore, Podgorica 1997, 263-269  Download
  • Dragana RADOJIČIĆ, Dr. Milan R. Milanović, Bajkove Kruševice, Beograd 1997, str. 257, 271-273  Download
  • Slavko VUKČEVIĆ, Toplički ustanak 1917. godine – Zbornik radova sa naučnog skupa održanog u Prokuplju i Leskovcu 27. I 28. marta 1997. godine, Beograd 1997, str. 415, 275-278  Download
  • Radoje PAJOVIĆ, Mijuško Šibalić, Jaglika – priče sjećanja, Pljevlja 1995, 279-285  Download
  • Zvezdan FOLIĆ, Mile Bjelajac, Predrag Trifunović, Između vojske i politike, Biografija generala Dušana Trifunovića 1880-1992, Beograd-Kruševac 1997, str. 339, 287-290  Download
  • Senka BABOVIĆ-RASPOPOVIĆ, Ljubodrag Dimić, Kulturna politika u kraljevini Jugoslaviji 1918-1945, Beograd 1997, 291-296  Download
  • Tomislav ŽUGIĆ, Dr Nikola Živković, Ratna šteta koju je Italija učinila Jugoslaviji u drugom svjetskom ratu, Institut za savremenu istoriju, Beograd 1991, 297-300  Download
  • Milivoje BRAJOVIĆ, Interesi obrazovanja – Mjera valjanosti promjena u školstvu, 301-305  Download
  • Zoran LAKIĆ, Desimir Tošić, Stvarnost protiv zabluda – Srpsko nacionalno pitanje, Beograd 1997, str. 269, 307-310  Download
  • Branislav KOVAČEVIĆ, Dr Aleksandar Matunović, Enigma Broz: ko ste Vi druže Tito?, Beograd 1997, str. 351, 311-315  Download