Europe – Istorijski Zapisi Istorijski Institut UCG Sat, 06 Nov 2021 12:14:19 +0000 en-US hourly 1 The new issue of Istorijski zapisi 1-2/2013 is published Fri, 10 May 2013 07:43:06 +0000 ČLANCI


  • Nevenka BOGOJEVIĆ-GLUŠČEVIĆ, Provisions of the Medieval Cattaro Statute on Testament and their Application in Notary Practice, 7-24   DOWNLOAD

Abstract: Analyzing archive materials, mostly written in Latin alphabet, legal historians and romanists have come to a conclusion that the hereditary legal institutes treated, as welll as other institutes of the private law of the southern Adriatic communes, had a feature undertaken mainly from the classical roman Law, or recepted ius communae. Some deviations were present to a less or greater extent, and reflected direct and indirect influences of Slavic and Byzantine law that were coming from the Balkan Peninsula’s inland to coastal centres. Further investigations on detailed sources of many issues are needed to make a mosaic of the dominant influences on the formation of medieval private law in Adriatic coastal towns. This paper is a continuation of my research on the institute of testament in Medieval Cattaro, and it is related to the analysis of the statutory provisions on testing freedom and obliged testaments forms, as well as the application of these form in order to determine a real influence and significance of the classical Roman law and similar ones, developed later on its normative arrangement and real legal life.

  • Lovorka ČORALIĆ, Maja KATUŠIĆ, Peraški kapetan Josip Zambella, mletački ratni brod Vittoria II i sastav njegove posade (kraj 18. stoljeća), 25-56  DOWNLOAD

Abstract: In the centre of the research of this article is agency of Captain Joseph Zambella of Perast (d. 1794), who commanded Venetian warship Vittoria II in the last years of the existence of the Republic of Venice. The article is in the first place based on the research of unpublished sources from the Archivio di Stato di Venezia (the deeds of the magistracy of Venetian Navy – Provveditori all’Armar). The composition of the crew commanded by Captain Joseph Zambella is analysed in detail and concludes that seamen who were by their origin from the East Adriatic coast had an important position on the ship Vittoria II. The article contains also appendices with lists of the ship’s crew in two periods (1785-1791 and 1791-1794).

  • Maja ĐURIĆ, Oprema fotografija i dizajn reversnih strana crnogorskih fotografija u prvoj polovini 20. vijeka. Istorijski pregled fotografskih formata, kartonažne opreme Crne Gore u upotrebi od 1840-1940 te godine, 57-68  DOWNLOAD

Abstract: The paper deals with a new era in photography started in 1871, thus enabling the industrial production of photo materiel. Competition of the numerous photographers, working in this period, led to a new approach of design of the ateliers’ commercial notes at the back side of the photos. They became the printing places for creative designed logos and the data on rewards, decorations and medals from the exhibitions. Thus provided search for photographic paper induced the development of the whole kind of industry for its production, as well as different forms of applied design in Montenegro at the end of 19th and beginning of 20th century.

  • Stjepan MATKOVIĆ, Hrvatska percepcija Balkanskih ratova, 69-83  DOWNLOAD

Abstract: This paper deals with attitude of Croatian public to the Balkan wars 1912-1913. Although the territories of Austrian – Hungarian Monarchy, settled dominantly with Croatians, haven’t been directly affected by the warfare, it produced a huge interest at the all levels of society. Their vicinity meant that the results could easily overcome the category of “local conflict”, producing the different opinions and tendencies in the course of thorough solution of the national question.

  • Slavko Burzanović, Italija i Crna Gora u Aneksionoj krizi 1908-1909, 85-110  DOWNLOAD

Аbstract: In this article, author deals with the relations of Montenegro and Italy during the annexation crisis, Italy’s role in the abolition of Article 29. of the Treaty of Berlin, and intermediation in the normalization of relations between Montenegro and the Austria-Hungary.

  • Draga MASTILOVIĆ, Hercegovački bataljon crnogorske vojske u Italiji prema svjedočenjima povratnika iz Gaete, 111-130  DOWNLOAD

Abstract: Although there is an enormous literature and numerous volumes of historical material on Montenegro Outlaw Movement, after the First World War, and on Montenegrin army in Italy, there are still some gaps and unanswered questions regarding this topic. One of these gaps is the participation of the Herzegovinians and Bosnians in the Montenegrin legion in Gaeta, and their motives or reasons for joining the fight for dynastic rights of dethroned Montenegrin leader. According to the statements of the returnees to the Kingdom of SHS in the March of 1921, we can see how they reached Gaeta and understand the relations between the officers and the soldiers in the military camp. Besides, their statements provide valuable facts on suffering of the subjects of the newly formed Kingdom of SHS in the Italian camps, after the First World War.

  • Predrag SIMIĆ, Izveštaji Karnegijeve zadužbine za međunarodni mir o balkanskim ratovima iz 1914. i 1996. godine, 131-150  DOWNLOAD

Abstract: The paper examines how Western interests and perceptions of the Balkans affected the policy of great western powers towards the region at the beginning and at the end of the twentieth century. First Carnegie Endowment report on the Balkans was prepared on the American initiative by the international commission led by French senator D`Esturnel de Constant that investigated the causes and the conduct of the Balkan Wars. Published in 1914, shortly before the beginning of the World War One, it condemned the atrocities committed by the belligerents and advocated closer transatlantic cooperation in formulating Western policy towards the Balkans. Reprint of the 1914. report was published in 1993 with the introduction written by George F. Kennan during the Civil War in Yugoslavia and led to the second Carnegie Endowment report entitled „Unfinished Peace“, prepared by the international commission led by former Belgium prime minister, Leo Tindemans. Elaborating on the 1914 thesis that only transatlantic cooperation can pacify the post-Cold War Balkans and control the Balkans nationalisms that were, in Kennan`s opinion, threatening peace and stability in Europe. Even though he considered the Balkans an European problem Kennan conclude that this situation is one to which US cannot be indifferent advocating the use of force to stop the war and long-lasting involvement of the West in reconstruction of the region.

  • Dmitar TASIĆ, Kontraobaveštajna služba (KOS) i rezolucija IB. Prilog istraživanju istorije vojne službe bezbednosti, 151-170  DOWNLOAD

Аbstract: One of the Yugoslav institutions especially endangered by the events in 1948th was Yugoslav army. Main role in investigation, arrests and interrogation of the Resolution of Inform beaureau’s supporters within it was assigned to Counter-Inteligence Service. The paper shows the example of KNOJ and the way that mentioned events influenced the one of the elite army formations. A work itself was based on the documents preserved at Military archive in Belgrade.



  • Elena SKVORCOVA, Djelatnost ministra spoljnih poslova Ruske imperije Sergeja Dmitrijeviča Sazonova pred Prvi svjetski rat, 171-178  DOWNLOAD

Abstract: During the First Balkan War Minister of Foreign Affairs of Russia S.D. Sazonov spoke for settling issues through seeking compromise solution, non – interference of big powers in conflicts, joining their efforts for sorting out the existing disagreements. In the course of the Second Balkan War he aimed at conciliating the sides. On the eve of War 1, Sazonov conducted the policy targeted at entering into alliance with France and Britain. During the Austria-Serbia conflict he took an initiative position for preventing war.

  • Marijeta BARJAKTAROVIĆ–LANZARDI, Milan PODUNAVAC, Razvoj parlamentarizma u Crnoj Gori i proces približavanja Evropskoj Uniji: značaj i uloga parlamenta, 179-196  DOWNLOAD

Abstract: This paper deals with relation between development of the parliamentarism in Montenegro and European integration process. The intention is to demonstrate the way in which association to the European Union has impact on the fostering development of the parliamentarism in Montenegro and to explain which role the parliament, as the most important political institution, should have in this process.

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The new issue of Istorijski zapisi 3-4/2009 is published Fri, 06 Nov 2009 10:34:45 +0000
  • Dominik GAZI, Predgovor, 9-10  Download
  • Radoslav RASPOPOVIĆ, Uvodna riječ, 11-13  Download
  • Radoslav RASPOPOVIĆ, Préface, 15-17

    • Daniel CAVALLI, La France et l’Adriatique entre 1797 et 1814, 19-26  Download
    • Danijel KAVALI, Francuska i Jadran od 1797 do 1814. godine, 27-34  Download

    ABSTRACT: The paper provides a brief historical context and outlines the events regarding French occupation of the southeast coast of the Adriatic Sea. The events are related to the 1797 Peace of Campo Formio, when Austria temporarily took possession of Dalmatia and Dubrovnik. It gives a summary of the establishment of administrative jurisdiction of Kingdom of Italy over this area, and ultimately, of the entry of this area in to the wider whole of Illyrian provinces.


    • Bernard LORY, Les provinces Illyriennes et les connaissances geographiques sur les Balkans en France au debut du XIXe siecle, 35-44  Download
    • Bernar LORI, Ilirske provincije i geografska znanja o Balkanu u Francuskoj početkom XIX vijeka, 45-54  Download

    ABSTRACT: The paper deals with the geographical knowledge of the Balkan Peninsula that France had at the beginning of the 19th century. It analyzes various sources of geographical knowledge the French had on the Balkans, from ancient sources to those formed during the time of French expansion at the turn of the 18th century. The sources of geographical knowledge are of different sorts – records, travel logs, official reports, geographical maps, etc.


    • Radoslav RASPOPOVIĆ, Un projet manqué: l’ouverture du consulat français à Cetinje 1807/1808, 55-63  Download
    • Radoslav RASPOPOVIĆ, Pokušaj osnivanja francuskog konzulata na Cetinju 1807/1808., 65-74  Download

    ABSTRACT: The paper deals with the attempt of establishing a French Legation in Cetinje between 1807 and 1808. It analyzes the position of Montenegro in the context of international relations of the Napoleon era, and the reasons which prevented the establishment of such diplomatic representation in Cetinje.

    The author attributes the reasons for the failure to establish the legation to historical circumstances, from the aspect of both foreign and internal policy.


    • Senka BABOVIĆ RASPOPOVIĆ, Le Montenegro et les bouches de Kotor dans les memoires du marechal français Auguste Marmont et dans les notes de Vladimir Bronevski, au debut du XIXe siecle, 75-84  Download
    • Senka BABOVIĆ RASPOPOVIĆ, Crna Gora i Boka kotorska u “Memoarima” francuskog maršala Ogista Marmona i “Zapisima” ruskog oficira Vladimira Bronevskog, početkom 19. vijeka, 85-94  Download

    ABSTRACT: The author analyzes two testimonies of the events in Boka Kotorska and Montenegro regarding the French occupation of the bay – “Memoirs” of marshal Marmot and “Essays” by the Russian officer Vladimir Bronevsky. The testimonies are analyzed in the con text of “geo-strategic benefit” to France and Russia at the beginning of the 19th century.


    • Sacha MARKOVIC, Les enjeux historiographiques de la recherche sur les provinces Illyriennes et la notion d’occupation, 95-109  Download
    • Saša MARKOVIĆ, Izazovi istoriografskog istraživanja o Ilirskim provincijama i pojmu okupacije, 111-126  Download

    ABSTRACT: The text analyzes Napoleon’s project of adaptable policy which was based on old principles. In that context, many questions were brought up regarding the correlation of the project and the region of Dalmatia and other Illyrian provinces. The author deals with the questions in correlation with a wider context of French control of the Mediterranean at the beginning of the 19th century.


    • Dragan BOGOJEVIĆ, Le Montenegro dans les ouvrages de Vialla de Sommieres, 127-133  Download
    • Dragan BOGOJEVIĆ, Crna Gora u Putopisima Viale de Samijera, 135-140  Download

    ABSTRACT: The text provides a brief summary of the travel memoirs of French colonel Viala de Somier about Montenegro. Author analyzes Somier’s remarks about Montenegro from the aspect of French attitude towards this country by illustrating the most interesting parts of the travel memoirs which closely determine the literary intentions of the writer.


    • Slavko BURZANOVIĆ, L’oeuvre de Vialla de Sommières – une source pour l’histoire du Monténégro, 141-147  Download
    • Slavko BURZANOVIĆ, Djelo Viale de Samijera kao istorijski izvor o Crnoj Gori, 149-155  Download

    ABSTRACT: Napoleon’s France could treat Montenegrins as either opponents or potential allies, but in both cases, it needed to get to know them well. Colonel Somier under-took the adventure of collecting the necessary information in the field during his research visit to Montenegro. The most significant information he collected was about the population number, especially those at the disposal of the army, about the economic resources of the country and the political and administrative situation. Considering the ever-open possibility of invading Montenegro, it was important to know the communication system within the country and to own topographic material on it. The information which was then gathered and later printed in the travel memoirs Historical and Political Travel to Montenegro represent an important historical source, especially since they were collected at a time when Montenegro had a modest state administration and consequently a modest output of documents i.e. historical sources. Viala’s work as a historical source needs to be approached critically like all narrative testimonies.


    • Amaël CATTARUZZA, Les provinces Illyriennes: une perspective geopolitique, 157-164  Download
    • Amael KATARUZA, Ilirske provincije: jedno geopolitičko sagledavanje, 165-172  Download

    ABSTRACT: In the paper, the author considers the geopolitical importance of Illyrian provinces. The English and the Austrian attacked Illyrian provinces in 1814, the former at sea and the latter on land. The Austro-British conquest of Illyrian provinces was completed in April 1814. The example of the Illyrian provinces proves Napoleon’s intention to rule European territory. A subtle military strategist he was, Napoleon saw the European stage as a battlefield in which audacity could mitigate or disable opponent’s action. Such notion of Europe suffered defeat and marked the beginning of the “agreement of nations” in Europe several months before the Congress of Berlin.


    • Tatjana KOPRIVICA, Les circonstances culturelles dans les Bouches de Kotor pendant la période des Provinces illyriennes, 173-179  Download
    • Tatjana KOPRIVICA, Kulturne prilike u Boki kotorskoj u vrijeme ilirskih provincija, 181-187  Download

    ABSTRACT: In her work, the author deals with cultural circumstances in Boka Kotorska at the time of Illyrian provinces. The biggest cultural achievement of this period was the opening of the Theater in Kotor. There was hardly any planned cultural policy at the time of Illyrian provinces. The little investment in culture was primarily done for propaganda purposes. French administration in Boka Kotorska led to a cultural breakdown, destruction of navy, collapse of the old social structure, civil and religious emancipation and to the devastation of cultural heritage.

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