humanity – Istorijski Zapisi Istorijski Institut UCG Sat, 06 Nov 2021 12:18:32 +0000 en-US hourly 1 The new issue of Istorijski zapisi 1-2/2019 is published Sat, 11 May 2019 10:52:29 +0000 JUBILEJI

  • Obilježavanje sedamdeset godina postojanja Istorijskog instituta i izlaženja časopisa „Istorijski zapisi“ – SA PROSLAVE Sedamdesete godišnjice Istorijskog instituta i izlaženja časopisa “Istorijski zapisi”, 7-12   DOWNLOAD
  • Obraćanje Rektora UCG, prof. dr Danila Nikolića i uručenje plakete Istorijskom Institutu, 13-16   DOWNLOAD
  • Obraćanje direktora Istorijskog Instituta, dr Radoslava Raspopovića, 17-24   DOWNLOAD
  • Obraćanje predstavnice Fonda za javnu diplomatiju „A.M. Gorčakov“, g-đice Sandre Stoilković, 25-26   DOWNLOAD
  • Obraćanje pomoćnice za visoko obrazovanje u Ministarstvu Prosvjete, g-đice Mubere Kurpejović, 27-28   DOWNLOAD
  • Obraćanje predstavnika Univerziteta Sapienca u Rimu, prof. dr Fabija Grasija, 29-31   DOWNLOAD


  • Antal MOLNÁR, Dva neobjavljena izvještaja barskog nadbiskupa Marina Bicija o Srbiji i Albaniji (1622), 37-63   DOWNLOAD

Abstract: The paper analyzes and publishes two previously unknown reports (1622) of the Archbishop of Bar, Marino Bizzi, one of the most prominent representatives of Balkan missionary prelates before 1622. From these documents, it can be seen that Bizzi was predominantly a representative of the old missionary concept, which placed hopes in the conversion of Eastern Christians. In these plans he had the support of the Congregation of the Council.

  • Miljan GOGIĆ, Još jednom o Ciborijumu Katedrale Sv. Tripuna u Kotoru posvećenog Petilovrijencima, 65-73   DOWNLOAD

Abstract: On the basis of a newly discovered source, this paper presents new details in relation to the ciborium dedicated to the Kotor martyrs – the Petilovrijenci. The previously presented facts about its appearance and the writing on it are confirmed, but there are certain corrections of the statements previously made in regard to the ciborium’s position in the cathedral and the time until when it could have existed as a whole in the St. Tryphon Cathedral.

  • Savo MARKOVIĆ, Marc’Antonio Borisi: Život i smrt barskog i koparskog plemića, mletačkog Velikog Dragomana (o. 1570-1620), 75-122   DOWNLOAD

ABSTRACT: On the basis of historical sources and historiography, the life path and circumstances related to the death of Marc’Antonio Borisi (c. 1570-1620), the nobleman of Bar and Koper, the Grand Dragoman in the Venetian embassy of Constantinople, are reconsidered. The interdisciplinary approach to the research and particularly the comparative method shed light on the work, significance and reputation of this polyglot in the diplomatic world of the Ottoman capital, Venice and Europe.

  • Radmilo N. Marojević, Tekstologija onomastičkih žanrova u Njegoševom spjevu Šćepan Mali, 123-165   DOWNLOAD

Abstract: This article deals with the onomastic genres in the epic “Stephen the Little“ by Petar II Petrovich­‑Nyegosh, that is to say (1) reconstruction of the anthroponyms (and demonyms): personal names, patronyms, surnames; (2) reconstruction of toponyms (and adjectonyms): Serbian, Russian and Oriental; (3) recontruction of ethnonyms: individual and collective ones. Final chapter reveals onomastic reconstruction of the epic “Stephen the Little“ in comparison with the onomastic reconstruction of the epic “The Mountain Wreath“.

  • József Juhász, Hungarian Foreign Policy and Wars of the 1990s in Former Yugoslavia, 167-186   DOWNLOAD

Abstract: Only limited attention has been paid in the international academic literature to Hungary’s foreign policy on the disintegration of and the wars in Yugoslavia — as Hungary did not play a crucial role in the wars—and the issue has not even been covered in the Hungarian literature in a comprehensive way. However, Hungary was also affected by the wars of the 1990s due to its geographical neighbourhood, the Hungarian minority living in Yugoslavia, and its NATO membership (since 1999). The present study aims to contribute to filling the literature gaps by providing an overview of Hungarian foreign policy toward Yugoslavia at that time, relying mainly on Hungarian sources. The study demonstrates the involvement of Hungary and summarises the activities of three Hungarian governments of the 1990s — the Antall government, the Horn government and the first Orbán government — in relation to the South Slavic wars and international peace missions, focusing on the most important events.

  • Radenko Šćekić, Istorijski revizionizam – upotreba istoriografije u (geo)političke svrhe, 187-206   DOWNLOAD

ABSTRACT: Consideration of historical events and personalities often differs from country to country. Historiography and media perception of history is mostly product of a particular social and ideological organization. Through the educational process and by control of media content induces the desired view of historical events and personalities. World wars are often subject to political revisionism.

  • Bojan NOVAKOVIĆ, Tvrđava Onogošt, 207-225   DOWNLOAD

ABSTRACT: By depicting timeline of the research on the Onogošt Fortress, the author offers a critical insight into the generally accepted thesis concerning both the construction of the fortress on the foundations of the Roman castra and the Gothic Anagastum. Neither archaeological findings nor the archival data support the thesis that the fortress and the settlement have continuously existed from the ancient period until nowadays. Reconstruction of development of the urban strongholds in XVII and XVIII century was done based on the available resources. The currently available, absolutely insufficient, data on research points to the fact that the visible ramparts of the fortress were constructed by the Turks. Whether the appearance of certain structures or of the entire fortress was determined by previously existing foundations, and how many layers thereof were there, if any, will be determined in the ensuing archaeological research.

  • Ilija M. MIJUŠKOVIĆ, Oproštaj od Savjetnika za izradu prvog Crnogorskog Ustava – Stevana Ćurčića, 227-231   DOWNLOAD

ABSTRACT: The goal of this paper is to familiarise the public with the eulogy for the Belgrade-based journalist, publicist and jurist, as well as the main adviser during the preparation of the first constitution of the Principality of Montenegro, which was delivered by a retired minister of the Principality of Montenegro – Mirko M. Mijušković.


  • Komemorativna Sjednica održana u Rektoratu UCG povodom smrti Akademika Radoja Pajovića (5. jun 2019. god.), 233-239   DOWNLOAD


  • Marković, Antal Molnár, Confessionalizaton on the Frontier. The Balkan Catholics between Roman Reform and Ottoman Reality. Viella (prvo izdanje), Roma 2019, 268 str, 241-248  DOWNLOAD
  • Ž. Leković, Dr Radenko Šćekić: MEDIJI I GEOPOLITIKA, Medijska kultura, Nikšić, 2019, 249-251.   DOWNLOAD
  • Šćekić, Željko Rutović: Postmediji – kriza smisla ili masmedijski totalitarizam, ZUNS, Podgorica, 2018, 253-255   DOWNLOAD
The new issue of Istorijski zapisi 3-4/2013 is published Sun, 10 Nov 2013 07:54:26 +0000 JUBILEJI

  1. godina od rođenja Petra II Petrovića Njegoša 
  • Miomir DAŠIĆ, Petar II Petrović Njegoš u revoluciji 1848-1849. godine u memoarskim zapisima Matije Bana, 7-53   DOWNLOAD

Abstract: Petar II Petrović Njegoš expressed his political views on the revolution 1848-1849 in many letters. It is pointed out that because of the negative views of Hungarian and Italian revolutionary elite, Serbs and Croats sided with Viennese court against the revolution. Njegoš’ four meetings with Matija Ban were very significant and had serious political consequences. Njegoš’ ideas on unification are also briefly mentioned.

  • В. А. АРТАМОНОВ, Два реформатора – Пётр II Негош и Пётр I Великий. К 200-летию Петра II Петровича Негоша, 55-67  DOWNLOAD

Аbstract: The appearance of the north and south Slavs‘ two geniuses – Peter I the Great and Petar II Njegoš was not accidental – it was intended to wrest their people out of backwardness. Both great reformer burned themselves on fire acts. Peter the Great brought Russia to Europe, Njegosh approved European authorities and strengthened the dynasty that ruled until 1918. Montenegro became a prominent country in the European arena. Njegoš became a national hero of the Serbian and Montenegrin people and the Slavs.

  • Варвара Б. ХЛЕБНИКОВА, Загадка личности поэта и правителя Петра Негоша в трудах П.А.Ровинского, 69-79  DOWNLOAD

Abstract: Works of famous Montenegrin poet Petar Njegoš inspired Russian specialist in Slav history P.A. Rovinsky to write a monograph, containing a successful attempt to describe the personality of the Montenegrin ruler.

  • Наталья Д. БЛУДИЛИНА, Русские историософские мифологем ы в начал ьно й поэзии Негоша, 81-94  DOWNLOAD

Abstract : This article examines the early poetry of Peter Petrovich Njegoš: his first collection of poems „Cetinje Hermit” (1833), written under the impression of a journey to Russia. Analysis was given of the metaphorical images in one dedicated to Nicholas I and the future Emperor Alexander II as well as others. There, Njegosh gives grandiose images of the Russian Empire, poetically weaves together Russian and Slavic patriotism and these poems show great respect for the glory and power of the Russian state. For Montenegrin poet, Russia was a messianic prototype of culture, he saw a new force that is truly able to renew humanity.

  • Neda DONAT, Njemački prevod Gorskog vijenca od Johana Kirstea i njegovi odjeci u nau čnoj i stručnoj javnosti na njemačkom govornom području, 95-104  DOWNLOAD

Аbstract : The paper deals with the first translation of Mountain wreath in German, done by Austrian Johan Kirste, as well as the reflections of that translations in scientific public of the German-speaking area in the second half of XIX century. At the time, Kirste’s translation met mostly the positive critics in the press and scientific circles of Austria and Germany, providing to the spreading and positive reception of the south-Slavic culture and literature in the countries of German-speaking area.

  • Михаил В. БЕЛОВ, Черногория в русско й делово й и путево й прозе 30 – 40-х гг . XIX века, 105-116  DOWNLOAD

Abstract: The paper presents the brief overview of Russian officers and travelers who, during their stay in Montenegro, described its people, history, social relations and political situation. While mentioning the first ones who left their impressions on Montenegro (S.Y.Puckov, M.Tarasov, S.A.Sankovskiy, V.B.Bronevskiy, P.Svinin), the focus stays on the Russian authors who left their memoirs with notes from the 4th and 5th decade of the XIX century. They were Y.N.Ozerckovskiy, P.I.Preys, E.P. Kovalevskiy and F.V.Cizov



  • Savo MARKOVIĆ, Prilog prou čavanju srednjovjekovne latinske leksike , epigrafike i socijalne morfologije Bara : case study Cyriacus, 137-157  DOWNLOAD

Abstract: On the basis of the sources of various typology, as well as of historiography, there are followed the activities of the members of Curiaçe – Kurjaković family of Bar, in the course of the 14th – 15th centuries. Micro-historic research took into account the modalities of their connection with the home environment, especially through the lexical analysis, epigraphy and related segments of social and ecclesiastical life in Bar. In accordance with the social movements of that time, focused is the role of the presbyter Dominicus Curiace, over the decades present both in Bar and in Dubrovnik, who was the bond of religious – and traditions of affinity, witnessing the expressions of devoutness, noted in two Adriatic communes.

  • Lovorka ČORALIĆ, Maja KATUŠIĆ, Grbljani u mletačkim prekomorskim kopnenim postrojbama (18. stoljeće), 159-183  DOWNLOAD

Abstract: The article is directed on the research of the share of the denizens of Grbalj in Venetian transmarine military units in the eighteenth century. As primary sources are used documents created by the state magistracy Inquisitori sopra l’amministrazione dei pubblici ruoli, containing lists of the complement of particular military units, which are kept in the Archivio di Stato di Venezia. In the article are analysed proportion of the participation of the denizens of Grbalj in Venetian infantry and cavalry, temporal frame of their mentioning in the sources, places were particular units operated, commanding staff, as well as personal characteristics of individual soldiers. In the final part of the article, the scions of the Bogetić family of Grbalj, who achieved considerable positions within the ranks of the Venetian army, are briefly discussed. In the end of the article are given several appendices: lists of military complement in companies of Wolf and Mark Bogetić and a list of all the denizens of Grbalj who were soldiers in Venetian army units, as established until now.

  • Dušan BOJKOVIĆ, Nacionalna politika Komunističke Partije Jugoslavije 1918–1928: otvaranje crnogorskog pitanja, 185-198  DOWNLOAD

Abstract: In this article we have analyzed the relation between the leadership of Communist Party of Yugoslavia towards statehood and national issue of Montenegro in period of the creation of unified state of Serbs, Croats and Slovenians up until the so called Congress of Dresden. The basis of the text is composed from the documents of Party’s activity, deposited at the Archives of Yugoslavia, followed by the published sources and relevant literature.

  • Milan TERZIĆ, Plan jugoslovenske odbrane od mogućeg napada zemalja Informacionog biroa (Slučaj Crne Gore), 199-209  DOWNLOAD

Abstract: The paper treats the measures taken in Montenegro as the part of general measures for Yugoslav defence in case attack by the Cominform countries. Its text was written on the base of documents preserved in Military archive in Belgrade, as well as the relevant scientific literature.

  • Zlatko IVANOVIĆ, Američka percepcija nove jugoslovenske politike nesvrstavanja, 211-226  DOWNLOAD

Abstract: Following its failure to integrate Yugoslavia into the Western military alliance, American leadership ultimately agreed with Belgrade’s new political strategy of non-alliance. Still, the United States tried to retain some influence on Yugoslavia’s foreign policy through a program of military and economic assistance, thus keeping Yugoslavia away from the Eastern bloc. Eisenhower and Dulles’ expectations to use Tito’s growing influence on the emerging non-committed countries show that they, as well as Truman, based their policy towards Yugoslavia on geopolitical instead of ideological interests. With its new political course consolidated, Yugoslavia found significant political allies, creating a new force in international relations.

  • Ivan LAKOVIĆ, Prilog proučavanju jugoslovenske vojne politike 1958–1961. godine, 227-237  DOWNLOAD

Abstract: Based on the available documents of Western and Yugoslav origin, as well as the relevant literature, this paper deals with the perspectives of Yugoslav military policy between the periods of two strategic partnerships in providing the source for its armed forces’ material equipping. Yugoslav leadership had to take into account the political consequences of joining such projects, so the most important related criteria contained preconditions needed both for continuing as more as independent foreign policy, as well as preservation of the internal system intact. International constellation allowed the space for dispersing Yugoslav directions of bonding – provided that West had remained a mayor partner for economic cooperation, Third World countries became the closest political allies, while the USSR regained its place as the source of military modernization.



  • Jovo M. BEĆIR, Jovo Nikov Bećir , brigadir crnogorske vojske , o kapitulaciji Crne Gore u I svjetskom ratu, 239-247  DOWNLOAD

Abstract: The paper brings the overview of life and activities of Jovo N. Bećir, brigade general of Montenegrin army in the First, and colonel of Yugoslav army in the Second World War. The most important part is the translation of the interview he gave to J. Steinhardt, reporter of the “Bosnische Post” after the capitulation of Montenegro in 1916.
