identity – Istorijski Zapisi Istorijski Institut UCG Sat, 06 Nov 2021 12:18:00 +0000 en-US hourly 1 The new issue of Istorijski zapisi 1-2/2018 is published Thu, 10 May 2018 15:00:44 +0000 JUBILEJI

Povodom sedamdeset godina postojanja Istorijskog instituta i izlaženja Istorijskih zapisa

  • Radoslav Raspopović, Uz sedamdesetu godišnjicu Istorijskog Instituta Univerziteta Crne Gore i Istorijskih Zapisa, 7-24   DOWNLOAD

Abstract: The paper focuses on the beginnings of the institutional study of the past of Montenegro and the importance that the Historical Institute of Montenegro had for the scientific achievements in that area. Since its founding in 1948 and during the later decades of its work, together with the seventy-year-long publishing of the journal Istorijski Zapisi (Historical records), exceptional results have been achieved not only in the development of Montenegrin historiography, but also in the overall scientific thought in Montenegro.

  • Radoje Pajović, Zapis o počecima (o mojim prvim danima u Arhivu CKSKCG za istoriju Saveza komunista i Istorijskom institutu SR Crne Gore), 25-38  DOWNLOAD

ABSTRACT: This text is an autobiographical recount of the author’s professional beginnings in the Archive of the Central Committee of the League of Communists of Montenegro for History of the League of Communists and at the Historical Institute of Montenegro. It describes not only the course of the career of historian Radoje Pajović, but also the development of the Historical Institute of Montenegro from the start of the 1970s. It also gives a recollection of the people who worked in this institution and who participated in the affirmation of the historical science in Montenegro.

  • Dragana KUJOVIĆ, Osvrt: Segmenti Orijentalno-Islamske Kulture u Crnoj Gori, kao teme magistarskih radova odbranjenih u okviru postdiplomskih magistarskih studija (Studijski Program: Istorija Kulture i Istorijska Antropologija) u Istorijskom Institutu UCG, 39-46  DOWNLOAD

ABSTRACT: If we know that cultural studies, dealing with different cultural and multicultural registers, have an increasingly dominant place in the field of humanistic disciplines and represent a series of very different research practices, the relative heterogeneity of the themes of the master thesis proposed to candidates within the program entitled History of Culture and Historical Anthropology of the Postgraduate Master Studies at the Historical Institute of University of Montenegro. Cultural artifacts reflect their contexts and open the possibility of scientific description through the repertoire of topics on different aspects of culture and identity, so that the three master‘s theses are successfully defended in the field of Oriental-Islamic Culture in Montenegro.

  • Zoran Lakić, UZ JUBILEJ, 47-54  DOWNLOAD

ABSTRACT: The subject of the paper is the content, authors and the importance of the journal Zapisi (1927-1933; 1935-1941) and Istorijski zapisi (from 1948 to the present) for science and culture in Montenegro and abroad. In this paper, we will try to analyze the themes and ways of presentation, the number of authors, types of contributions, present the scientific and cultural significance of the journal.

  • Dragica LOMPAR, ISTORIJSKI ZAPISI (1948–2018), 55-61  DOWNLOAD

ABSTRACT: This paper gives an overview of the most important data on the first Montenegrin scientific journal „Historical Records”, celebrating the Jubilee of seventy years of its publication. As the oldest scientific journal in the country, „Historical Records” enabled the appearance of the articles on various aspects of Montenegrin past, such as historiography, sociology, history of arts, ethnology, linguistics, archaeology and many others.


Abstract: The subject of the paper is the content, authors and the importance of the journal Zapisi (1927-1933; 1935-1941) and Istorijski zapisi (from 1948 to the present) for science and culture in Montenegro and abroad. In this paper, we will try to analyze the themes and ways of presentation, the number of authors, types of contributions, present the scientific and cultural significance of the journal.

  • Žarko LEKOVIĆ, Plemenska istorija na stranicama Zapisa – Istorijskih zapisa, 77-91  DOWNLOAD

ABSTRACT: Tribal history is a condition to all synthesis which have a regional and broader scientific significance. There are no great historical studies without thetribal themes which were scientifically processed, there is no national history without them. Scientific results on pages of the “Zapisi Istorijski zapisi” significantly broadened the horizons of tribal history and discovered the genesis of many historical movements. Historical processes, even though they are situated in the field of tribal thematic, unarguably have the widest frame. Political, industrial, educational, cultural and social circumstances and socioeconomic relations among the tribes are being analyzed throughout historical essays, along with battle for liberty of our people, which hasn’t been fully expressed yet. Montenegrin politics regarding the tribes has also been shown, and the political programme of Montenegrin territorial expansion. These works represent a starting point for all of those who wish to look into their past with a new perspective, and are an inspiration to further accomplishments in the domen of local history.

  • Radenko ŠĆEKIĆ, Politikološke i opštedruštvene teme na stranicama časopisa „Istorijski Zapisi“, 93-100  DOWNLOAD

ABSTRACT: The journal „Historical Records”, which continuously has been published for seven decades, in its pages indicated the numerous topics from history. Designed primarily as a specialized magazine for the study of historical topics, occasionally gave space also to papers and themes from other fields, such as law, economics, politology, geopolitics, literature and others. In this article we will try to present a number of such works that have enriched the enormous opus of the magazine.

  • Božena Miljić, Crna Gora druge polovine XX vijeka u „Istorijskim zapisima“, 101-115  DOWNLOAD

ABSTRACT:‘’Istorijski zapisi’’ journal exists for over 70 years now. During that time, many different subjects from Montenegrin history occupied the minds of the authors that had published their articles in it. This paper examines who and in what way, had dealt with contemporary history of Montenegro, to be precise- with second half of the 20th century and the beginning of the 21st. KEYWORDS: ‘’Istorijski zapisi’’, Historical Institute of Montenegro, Montenegro, paper representation, research topics, contemporary history


  • Branko Bogdanović, Modernizacija streljačkog naoružanja Kraljevine Jugoslavije i Čehoslovačke, 117-152  DOWNLOAD

ABSTRACT: As a consequence of the very scarce archive sources, the true extent of the cooperation between the Kingdom of Yugoslavia and the Republic of Czechoslovakia or its Arms Factory Zbrojovka of Brno during the period from 1919 to 1941 remained unknown till nowadays. Due to the newly discovered documents, and thecourtesy of the Military History Institute of Prague, all aspects of the cooperation came to the light, that is to say, we found out the accurate number of different types of small arms, their prices, delivery terms, arms patterns and the conditions under which Yugoslavia acquired these arms. This allowed to correct the mistakesthat have occurred in the domestic literature from 1945 to the present days.

  • Savo MARKOVIĆ, Prethodnica modernog građanstva: barski rod Alatović, 153-194  DOWNLOAD

ABSTRACT: On the basis of documents from the State Archives in Dubrovnik and a historiography, civic kindred Alatović of Bar was considered prozopographically and multidisciplinary. Their social activity and influence in the sixteenth century announced the bourgeois dynamics of a later times throughout Europe. A member of this kindred was Ratac’s abbot between 1510/11 and 1522. The testament of Dubrovnik’s inhabitant Luka Alatović from 1591, among other, reveals the data on the property of the Archbishopric of Bar and on the church of St. Mary out of the walls (fuori delli muri di Antivari).

  • Nemanja Vujčić, Kraj Ahajskog saveza, 195-225  DOWNLOAD

ABSTRACT: The paper examines the circumstances surrounding the beginning of the so-called Achaean war (146 BC) and the subsequent dissolution of the Achaean league by the Romans. The causes of these events, motives and explanations behind them are a source of confusion and disagreement for modern historians. The main reason for this is rather problematic, occasionally even contradictory, nature of the main sources, the book 38 of Polybius’ Histories and a segment of the book 7 of Pausanias’ Description of Hellas. In this paper the claim is made that the Achaean war was essentially a Roman surprise attack directed against a federation of city-states that displayed tendency for independence that was far too strong, at least from the Roman standpoint. Both Polybius and Pausanias (whose account is based on Polybius) describe and interpret events from a position that is distinctively pro-Roman. Polybius was not able to surmount political and ideological obstacles that stood in the way of objective analysis of the events. As in other places in his work, he decided that any serious critique of the Roman state, its representatives and their actions, is something completely unacceptable. Instead, the reader is presented with a contradictory narrative in which causes and effects switched places, the aggressor is painted as a neutral and well-meaning party, while the victims are forced to take the blame.

  • Mirjana MANOJLOVIĆ, Crnogorski period života i stvaralaštva Pavla Apolonoviča Rovinskog u naučnim istraživanjima i arhivskim materijalima, 227-246    DOWNLOAD

ABSTRACT: Pavel Apolonovich Rovinski is a famous russian scientist who dedicated the majority of his scientific work to Montenegro. He addresses some scientific problems and questions of great importance which attract the attention of historians even nowadays.


  • Гросул В.Я., Два портрета: Н.И. Хитрова и А.Л.Шемякин, 247-251  DOWNLOAD


  • Dr Konrad Clewing, Knjiga o njemačko-crnogorskim istorijskim vezama predstavljena u Berlinu, 253-256  DOWNLOAD
  • Dr Radoslav RASPOPOVIĆ, Speech at the Promotion of the Book “Montenegro and the German Reich in Documents of the Political Archive of the Foreign Affairs Office in Berlin” (from 1906 to 1914), Volume I, Held at the Humboldt University on 28 February 2018, 257-260  DOWNLOAD


  • Radenko Šćekić, Miomir Dašić: „ŠKOLA, ISTORIJA, POLITIKA“ Izdavači: UNIREKS i „UNIREKS GRUP“, Podgorica/Beograd 2018, 261-266  DOWNLOAD
  • Žarko Leković, Miljan Drobnjak: Drobnjaci iz Štitara kod Berana hronologija i rodoslov, Herceg Novi, 2019, str. 324, 267-270  DOWNLOAD


Zapisi 2018-1-2-271-278   DOWNLOAD

Zapisi 2018-1-2-279-282  DOWNLOAD

The new issue of Istorijski zapisi 3-4/2016 is published Thu, 10 Nov 2016 10:38:58 +0000 ČLANCI

  • Dubravka PRERADOVIĆ, Jadransko more, rute i luke u ranom srednjem veku prema hagiografskim izvorima (Jadranski putevi svetitelja i relikvija u ranom srednjem veku), 7-34   DOWNLOAD

Abstract: In the article the narratives concerning the lives of the saints and translations of theirs relics are analyzed in order to establish through saints’ and relics’ itineraries dissemination of theirs cults on the Adriatic littoral. Although modest in numbers examined texts shows presence of the saints on the Adriatic shores in early Christian period, migration of the saints’ relics from Pannonia and Dalmatia in Rome and Constantinople due to the barbaric invasions, and important new cultual stratum at the begging of the 9th century, when most of the Adriatic re-entered in the byzantine political sphere.

  • Jovan J. MARTINOVIĆ, Ranohrišćanske i preromaničke sakralne građevine u Kotorskoj biskupiji, 35-44  DOWNLOAD

Abstract: The author is reviewing early Christian monuments on the territory of Kotor bishopric. The territory of the Kotorska Diocese today occupies the belt of the Montenegrin coastline, separated from the hinterland by the mountain line of the Dinaric line, stretching from the slope of Debeli brijeg in the north to the river of the Railroad in Barsko polje. Earlier there was a much smaller area, since there were still dioceses in Risna (or Rose) and Budva. However, although the earliest bishop in Risan (or Rose) was recorded at the end of the 6th century, the administration of the Risan diocese was entrusted to the bishop of Kotor from 1540, while the Budva diocese with the earliest recorded bishop Silvester from the middle of the 12th century was subjected at first to Archbishop of Bar, but after the Turkish conquest of Bara in 1571, it was administered by Archbishop of Bara or Bishop of Skadar (as an apostolic vicar), and since 1830 it was included in the Kotor diocese. In this aforementioned territory several research in and around the sacral buildings were done after the catastrophic Montenegrin earthquake in 1979. Numerous objects belonging to the early Christian phase from the beginning of 6th century were discovered, while several objects from the preRomanic period from 9th to 11th century were previously known.

  • Mladen ZAGARČANIN, O nekim rezultatima novih arheoloških istraživanja na Prevlaci kod Tivta, 45-85  DOWNLOAD

ABSTRACT: From 1997 to 2011 on the small island Prevlaka of Saint Archangel Michael near Tivat in Boka bay, systematic archaeological excavations have been carried out. The scope of this article is to shown one part of preliminary results of the investigations, related with the antique and early Byzantine archaeological stratigraphy (from 2nd century BC to 11th century) which were the basis of the later medieval monastery and Archbishop seat of Zeta. To understand all historical process through the large period of time it will be necessary to spent more than a decade, studying an enormous quantity of findings, and this work is only introduction in scientific approach for understanding one of the most interesting site on Eastern Adriatic coast.

  • Meri ZORNIJA, Klesarska radionica iz doba kotorskog biskupa Ivana – doprinos formiranju predromaničke umjetnosti na jugoistočnom Jadranu, 87-118  DOWNLOAD

Abstract: The article deals with a number of pre-Romanesque fragments from Bay of Kotor which were assigned to the production of quality stonecarvers’ workshop centered in Kotor. Based on the name of Bishop John, who participated in the Second Council of Nicaea in 787, fragments are dated to the last quarter of the 8th and early 9th century. In addition, this sculpture is compared with a similar from the other eastern Adriatic cathedrals, showing common stylistic features and high quality carving in marble. These analogies point to the same artistic language used by Dalmatian carvers at the turn of 8th in 9th century on the wide area from Istria to the Bay of Kotor.

  • Igor FISKOVIĆ, O srednjovjekovnim crkvama s kupolom na obali Jadrana, 119-156  DOWNLOAD

Abstract: With the purpose of a fuller appreciation of sacral architecture in the southern part of the eastern Adriatic coast, around twenty churches with a single nave and dome in the middle are analyzed from multiple angles. They all originate between the 9th and thee 13th centuries and are called the “Southern Dalmatian Type” or “Zahumlje-Zeta Group”, although it is around Dubrovnik that they are present in the greatest concentration. This paper seeks to illuminate their genesis and to oppose the efforts that link them to the Byzantine political dominance over the coastal towns between the Neretva and Bojana rivers. Particular attention is drawn to the common macro regional culture that demonstrates internal evolution independent of external influences. Simultaneously, the phenomenon of the dome presents a ground for a reflection upon the components of the gradual changes in the local morphology of style through the symbiosis of the aesthetics of the Western Pre-or Proto-Romanesque style and the grammar of provincial architecture of the Middle Byzantine era.

  • Zorica ČUBROVIĆ, Kotorski svetac i skulptura Dečana, 157-170  DOWNLOAD

ABSTRACT: In this paper, an attempt was made to identify a sculptor who carved two saint figures from Kotor, which were previously known, and two of them were dated to the 14th century. The author assumes that they were the work of the Fra Vito workshop as certain parallel to the catholicon of Dečani. The contribution of the same sculptor in Kotor has already been assumed.

  • Jovana LALOŠEVIĆ, Prilog proučavanju kotorskog ciborija: nastanak, izgradnja i tvorac, 171-184  DOWNLOAD

ABSTRACT: Ciborium from the Cathedral of Kotor was dated in 1362, based on data from Daniele Farlati in nineteenth century, transcribing an ancient, today non-existent document. From nineteenth century until today, the only major research was done by Jovanka Maksimović. She was guided by Farlanti’s text and stylistic analysis of stone sculptures and concluded that 1362 is the year of the creation of the ciborium. Considering that Farlanti in his text did not mention the word ‘ciborium’ but only altar, which was consecrated 1362., and making comparisons with carved stone from Puglia and Dalmatia from thirteenth century, I came to the conclusion that the creation Kotor ciborium may be placed in the second half of the thirteenth century.

  • Tatjana MIĆEVIĆ– ĐURIĆ, Jedinstvo jadranskog prostora iskazano u srednjovjekovnom zidnom slikarstvu istočnojadranske obale, 185-206  DOWNLOAD

Abstract: This expositions presents fresco painting on the eastern Adriatic coast that reveals manyfold and various relationship and connections to the Byzantine art as well as the art on the Italian Adriatic coast. Those connections can be recognized on the formal as well as on the iconographic level. The best wall paintings from the Adriatic area are not characterized by some kind of homogenity and unity of expression. The frescoes of less importance and less quality reveal the adriatic character in the expression determinated by various influences approaching from different areas.

  • Ivana PRIJATELJ PAVIČIĆ, Prilog istraživanju bokeljskog slikarstva između 1450. i 1475, 207-224  DOWNLOAD

ABSTRACT: The paper is concerned with the opinion, until recently prevalent in historiography, that Lovro Dobričević was the crucial figure in the painting of Boka between 1450 and 1470. It is in this context that the role of his contemporary Đurađ Bazilj, whose oeuvre has been so far practically unknown, is examined. The paper also deals with the icon of Our Lady of Škrpjel, attributed by the author to the anonymous Master of Our Lady of Škrpjel, trying to identify and recognise his other preserved works.

  • Valentina ŽIVKOVIĆ, Štovanje svete Katarine Sijenske u poznosrednjovekovnom Kotoru, 225-239  DOWNLOAD

ABSTRACT: Based on the available sources, the focus of analysis is the recognition of the cult of St Catherine of Siena in the late Middle Ages in Kotor, for whose spreading the Dominicans were credited. Based on the fresco representation of the saint, it can be concluded that her cult in Kotor was formed upon two conceptual bases – the first framework was the charitable works of the saint, and the second resulted from the complex eucharistic symbolism which her controversial obtaining of stigmata bore.

  • Lovorka ČORALIĆ, Relazioni culturali e artistiche tra le due sponde dell’adriatico: I vetrai dalmati sull’isola di Murano, 241-254  DOWNLOAD

ABSTRACT: The paper aims to investigate the presence and activity of Dalmatian glassmakers on the island of Murano during the Middle Ages and early modern times. With this contribution, the author continues her research on the presence and activities of immigrants on the eastern Adriatic coast on the islands of the Venice lagoon. After the introductory part which briefly mentions the origins of the presence of the glassmakers who arrived in Murano from Dalmatia and northern Croatia, the paper focuses on the two most well-known families of glass artisans from Dalmatia – the Dragan and the Ballarin.

  • Katarina MITROVIĆ, Opati italijanskog porekla na čelu benediktinskih opatija od Kotora do Lješa u srednjem veku, 255-276  DOWNLOAD

ABSTRACT: This paper is based on the Benedictine arrival to the east Adriatic coast and establishing the monasteries in the south from Dubrovnik. Since the monks who arrived from the southern Italy played the key role in spreading the Benedictine order, initially there were the abbots of Italian origin at the head of abbeys founded in the areas between Kotor and Lježa, but there is almost no remaining evidence regarding that. It is certain that in the late 14th and early 15th century Saint George’s Abbey near Perasto was governed by three Italian abbots – William de Alareno, Anthony from Bitonto and Augustin from Ascoli. Almost simultaneously Saint Mary of Ratac’s Abbey was also ruled by the Italian abbots Giovanni from the famous abbey Sancta Maria de Rambona near the Italian town Macerata and Butius from Saint Nicolas’ on the Tremiti Islands. The paper also tells about the lay abbots from the second half of the 15th century and from the 16th century.

  • Saša BRAJOVIĆ, Venecijanski identitet kulture i vizuelne kulture Boke Kotorske 1420-1797, 277-286  DOWNLOAD

ABSTRACT: This paper presents the Venetian identity of culture and visual culture of those who gave distinctive character and quality to the Bay of Kotor during the Renaissance and Baroque periods – the Catholics of this region. Venetian identity is confirmed by the social organization, culture of living, verbal and visual culture, behavioral and representational techniques, designed in the eastern part of the region

  • Vanda BABIĆ, Zmajevići – prilog kulturnoj povijesti Mediterana, 287-303  DOWNLOAD

ABSTRACT: The author writes about three members of Zmajević family, Andrija and his two nephews, Vicko and Matija, with a special emphasis on Vicko, who was the Archbishop in Bar and Zadar. All three have left important marks in both literary and wider cultural work. Their contribution is truly vital to the cultural, religious, spiritual, literary, educational and political life of the Bay of Kotor and the Montenegro and are very relevant in these mentioned areas in the Dalmatian, Croatian, South Slavic and even wider frameworks, showing the Mediterranean spirit of European values.

  • Marija MIHALIČEK, Venecijanska kartografija XVII i XVIII vijeka iz ostavštine porodice Visković (prilog poznavanju kartografskih prikaza crnogorske obale), 305-314  DOWNLOAD

ABSTRACT: The main topic of this paper is the cartographic material from the legacy of Visković family from Perast. Threecopiesfrom the 17th and the 18th century, printed in Venice, the most important cartographic centre of the time, possess all the characteristics and values of supreme craftsmanship. Two Coronelli’s atlasesand a rare map of Boka Kotorska Bayenrich modestantique cartographic heritage preserved in Montenegro. This material concurrently contributes to the knowledge of the perception of the geographic area of theMontenegrin coast and of the historic circumstances during the 17th and the 18th century.

  • Miroslav PERIŠIĆ, Kulturno nasleđe Srba u Dubrovniku u svetlu arhivske građe Arhiva Srpske Pravoslavne Crkvene Opštine, 315-326  DOWNLOAD

ABSTRACT: The paper analyzes the archival material of the Archives of the Serbian Orthodox Church in Dubrovnik for the research of the cultural heritage of Serbs in Dubrovnik, and in a wider context for the history of the Serbs in Dubrovnik. Special attention was paid to individual documents for the period of the 18th to the 20th century.

The new issue of Istorijski zapisi 1-2/2016 is published Tue, 10 May 2016 10:24:51 +0000 „Jadranski korijeni. Neizbrisivi istorijsko-kulturni temelji jedinstva. Radichi adriatiche. Le fondamenta storico-culturali di un‘unità incancellabile“


  • Riječ redakcije. Parola della redazione. Editorial Board Statement, 7-12   DOWNLOAD
  • Radoslav RASPOPOVIĆ, Pozdravna riječ, 13-15   DOWNLOAD
  • Uvodni govor prof. dr Antuna SBUTEGE, ambasadora Crne Gore pri Svetoj stolici i pri Suverenom viteškom malteškom redu, na otvaranju međunarodnog naučnog skupa „Jadranski korijeni. Neizbrisivi istorijsko-kulturni temelji jedinstva“ u Kotoru 2012. godine, 17-21    DOWNLOAD
  • Adolfo MORGANTI, Il discorso inaugurale, 23-26    DOWNLOAD



  • Nevenka BOGOJEVIĆ-GLUŠČEVIĆ, Affari legali veneziani a Cattaro nel xiv secolo, 27-52    DOWNLOAD

Abstract: Based on archival material, the author addresses the issue of the presence and possible influence of the Venetians on the legal and economic life of the 14th century Kotor. Special attention has been paid to their legal influence, overseas wholesale trade, healthcare and crafts in the city. The study has been divided into seven sections. The first two sections following the introduction examine the legal impact that the Venetian notaries performing this service in Kotor could have had on the creation of medieval Kotor statutory law. Since they were educated at Italian universities from which they had knowledge of the rules on the received Roman law and legal standards of notarial documents and their significance, it is important to examine the degree of this influence in terms of both normativity and application. The fourth section deals with the contribution of Venetian merchants to the economic power of the town, which was, among other things, based on the overseas wholesale trade with influential Venetian trading families, thanks to which Kotor was known as one of the most important ports in the east Adriatic. The fifth part features an analysis of numerous contracts shedding light on the private practice of Venetian doctors, notaries, and craftsmen and their contribution to life in general in the town. Section 6 deals with an analysis of litigations conducted in Kotor concerning failure to comply with contractual obligations to Venetians and explains them in the context of the application of ius commune, which was the legal basis for all statutory rights of the medieval communes in the Mediterranean.

  • Jadranka NERALIĆ, Svi papini ljudi: dalmatinska biskupska sjedišta u 15. stoljeću između Rima i Venecije, 53-82    DOWNLOAD

Abstract: In the introductory chapter the author shortly reviewed canon law rules which defined and regulated the episcopal elections in the period from the 11th to the end of the 14th century. A number of biographies of clerics whose promotion to the top of the ecclesiastical career (episcopal election) on the territory of Venetian Dalmatia, illustrate the system of papal provision as well as the influence the Venetian Senate had on their career formation and the episcopal election. The older Croatian scholarship asserted that by electing candidates who would be favourable to its governement, the Venetian Republic had influenced the episcopal appointments in Dalmatian dioceses from the early 1420s, when it took over the dominion over the Eastern Adriatic coast. However, the process of episcopal appointments went rather slowly and gradually, following the strict canon law rules. Documents kept in the Vatican Secret Archives indicate that the popes widely used their right of provision based on canon law rules to appoint „their men“ and decidedly refused proposals coming from the Venetian Senate. Indeed, out of 63 bishops appointed in the nine Dalmatian dioceses under Venetian dominion, 46 were prelates of Venetian orgin, coming either from Venice or the Veneto region, whereas only seven of them came from the Papal State. On the other hand, bishops of Dalmatian origin were only 17.

  • Francesco Mario AGNOLI, Considerazioni sul provveditorato generale di Alvise Foscari in Dalmazia e Albania (1777-1780), 83-110   DOWNLOAD

Abstract: The 126 dispatches sent from Zara to Venice by Alvise Foscari, general Superintendent in Dalmatia and Albania, during his mandate (1777-1780) do not contain, at a time of apparent calm in the Adriatic and the Balkans, references to events of “great politics”. However, they represent a wealth of information particularly illuminating because they are coming from a Venetian nobleman in charge of the government of his overseas subjects, on the relationship between the Capital and the Provinces of the Dominio da Mar and the state of health of the Republic in the last twenty years of his glorious existence.

  • Radoslav RASPOPOVIĆ, Istočna obala Jadrana od mira u Kampoformiju do Bečkog Kongresa, 111-141    DOWNLOAD

ABSTRACT: After the Treaty of Campo Formio, under the influence of the ideas of the French Revolution, national liberation-type movements emerged on the East Adriatic coast. Their influence can be seen regarding the circumstances in the Bay of Kotor and its relations with Montenegro. They also resulted in attempts at implementing the idea of unification, but also of national liberation on the wider territory of the East Adriatic.

  • Dragana KUJOVIĆ, Orijentano-islamsko nasljeđe u Crnoj Gori između religijskog predznaka, nevidljivosti i identitetske posebnosti u multikulturnom kontekstu: pisana građa na orijentalnim jezicima u arhivu odbora Islamske Zajednice u Baru – od evidentiranja do pokušaja vrednovanja, 143-166   DOWNLOAD

Abstract: We believe that the estimate of a manuscript can never be final and out of context, especially if we take into account the manuscript as a part of the cultural heritage of the country and the people. The manuscript may have its auction price, to be purchased or sold, but the elements that make it into the historical testimony are not included in the auction description or inventory, and can not be expressed in monetary terms.

  • Maja KATUŠIĆ, Migracijski procesi zaleđe-grad: useljenici iz Crne Gore u katoličkim matičnim knjigama Kotora 18. stoljeća, 167-183    DOWNLOAD

Abstract: The central theme of the paper is to study the migration processes in Kotor in the 18th century. The emphasis was on the share of immigrants from Montenegro’s hinterland into Kotor. The research was based on the analysis of the original archival material from the Bishop’s Archives in Kotor, the books of the Church of St. Tryphon. By inspecting the above mentioned material, the time span of the census, the ways of identification, and the gender and professional structure of the immigrants are presented and analyzed. Finally, the share of Montenegrin immigrants in each book of births (births, weddings and deaths) is analyzed, with an emphasis on displaying topics from the social everyday life of the population.

  • Roberto VALLE, Dall’altra riva: Niccolò Tommaseo e la koinè adriatica, 185-195    DOWNLOAD

ABSTRACT: Staying on the other shore of ‘exile’ Niccolò Tommaseo affirms the irreducible otherness and polyphony of the Adriatic koinè, as a floating territory between southern Slavs and Italians. This territory can not be inhabited by those who are rooted in one language and in one nation. Tommaseo stated that the time of the queens and masters of the universe – like that of revolutionary France- had passed, even because of the polycentrism and polyphony of the European civilization. Indeed, European civilization is a set of various civilizations which constist of a „discordant diversity” and an „harmonic variety” put together in one civilization. KEY WORDS: Niccolò Tommaseo, Adriatic koinè, Dalmatia, Italians and Slavs, polycentric and polyphonic civilization

  • Aleksandar JOKSIMOVIĆ, Ribarstvo u Boki kroz vjekove (XIX-XXI) – istorija, tradicija, način življenja, 197-205    DOWNLOAD

ABSTRACT: In the Boka Kotorska Bay, fishing is one of the oldest occupations, based on the coastal lifestyle of its inhabitants. Unfortunately, few documents detailing the fishery traditions have been preserved, and oral traditions can be dated back only to the 19th century. The fishing net has been a key invention in fisheries. It is made up of netting of varying mesh size, formed by knotting of the threads. Besides the fishing net, the fishing boat is an essential tool in fisheries. Depending on the type of fisheries, various types of gear were used — fishing nets (gillnets, trammel nets, beach seines, purse seines and towed nets), long–lines (set or drifting), harpoon, pots and traps.

  • Luka I. MILUNOVIĆ, Pogled na Trst u miljeu crnogorskoga glumišta od Njegoševa vremena do kraja 19. stoljeća, 207-228    DOWNLOAD

Abstract: Strengthening economic and political ties with Trieste opened during the 19 century, the possibility of a combination of the impact on life in Montenegro. In this paper, we follow the contacts and sphere of influence in Montenegrin Performing Arts.

  • Alberto BECHERELLI, Andrea CARTENY, La questione montenegrina alla Conferenza della Pace di Parigi, 229-246   DOWNLOAD

Abstract: The Archive of the Historical Office of the Italian Army General Staff in Rome contains reports (fonds E-8, Inter-Allied Commissions at the Paris Peace Conference, Montenegro) about the Montenegrin issue at the Paris Peace Conference in 1919. These documents give details about Montenegrin aspirations for independence at the end of WWI, after the creation of the Kingdom of Serbs, Croats and Slovenes. During the Conference and the following years, the Inter-allied Commissions had the task to draw up new boundaries of the states and supervise the application of economic and military conditions. As a consequence, the Italian military representatives, who were in charge of these tasks, were involved in the political and diplomatic events of those countries.

The new issue of Istorijski zapisi 1-2/2015 is published Sun, 10 May 2015 08:56:29 +0000 ČLANCI

  • Nemanja VUJČIĆ, Kasandrova ilirska politika, 7-20   DOWNLOAD

ABSTRACT: This paper is written as an attempt of investigation of the deeper motivation behind the two Illyrian campaigns of the Macedonian ruler Cassander (316 – 297 BC). Theresults of these actions were ephemeral and they are not seen as very important in the modern historiography. They are explained either as a kind of continuation of the traditional policy of the Macedonian kings towards their western neighbors or as an indication of increasingly important role played by the southern Illyrian tribes on the wider Mediterranean scene. This paper interprets these campaigns as a part of a well-planned expansion in the direction of the Adriatic Sea, an attempt that represents a fresh chapter in the history of the Macedonian relations with Illyrian peoples. Although the exact scope and the particulars of his plans are impossible to know now, Cassander’s policy in these parts anticipates similar designs of Philip V, one century later. Failure of these attempts should be explained by wider historical circumstances: more pressing issues were occupied Cassander’s attention and resources. After the initial success, he was not in the position to devote significant forces into defense and control of the occupied areas.

  • Snežana FERJANČIĆ, Some notes on the fragment CIL XVI 19 from Stara Palanka, 21-26  DOWNLOAD

Abstract: The collection of the City Museum of Vršac contains a small piece of a military diploma published by H. Nesselhauf in 1936 (CIL XVI 19). Close examination of the fragment has allowed us to propose a slightly different reading and interpretation of the partially preserved text. The inner side contained information on the place on the Capitol, in Rome, where the original document had been exhibited (ara gentis Iuliae). Two partially preserved witness signatures, consisting of their names and origo, are recorded on the outer side. One of them seemingly included additional elements, i. e. the filiation, followed by a tribe. Judging by the mention of the altar of the Julian family, the Stara Palanka fragment should be dated to the time between 68 AD and 71 AD.

  • Đorđe BUBALO, Nekoliko dokumenata o zetskom vojvodi Stefanici Crnojeviću, 27-45  DOWNLOAD

ABSTRACT: The paper contains four overlooked documents about Stefanica Crnojević, the Duke (vojvoda) of Zeta; the documents are published according to the copies in the collection of documents from Kotor made by Antonio Bisanti and dating from the 18th century. Three documents are directly concerned with Stefanica’s entry into Venetian service 1451– 1452, while the fourth concerns his plea for military help in 1460, in expectation of an attack from the Turkish commander of the Medun Fortress.

  • Saša BRAJOVIĆ, Njegoš, Bajron i bajronizacija Italije, 47-59  DOWNLOAD

ABSTRACT: This text presents observations on relationship of Petar II Petrović Njegoš, bishop and poet of Montenegro, to Byron – based on the portrait of English poet in the main room of Njegoš’s residence at Cetinje, the capital of Montenegro, as well as Njegoš’s records in his notebook. The text points to the crucial importance the English poet made in shaping the reception of Italy and its art in the first half of the 19th century, as well as the echo of Byron’s verses in Njegoš’s meditation on Italy. Special attention was paid to the Njegoš’s thoughts on the Colosseum and other ruins of Rome, which were colored by the phenomenon of Byronised Italy.


ABSTRACT: The paper analyzes some of the events from the reign of Prince DaniloPetrovic (1851-1860). The emphasis is on foreign policy of Montenegro in this period and the aspirations to free Montenegro of Russian influence and patronage. It sets out the circumstances that led to the changeof Prince Danilo’s foreign policy; plans for Montenegro to nominally recognize Turkish suzerainty and try to get other European countries recruited for these plans, whose implementation would mean a shift from pro-Russian policy. Special attention was paid to the battle of Grahovo (1858), territorial expansion that followed the demarcation with Turkey

  • Žarko LEKOVIĆ, Piva i Drobnjak u borbama za oslobođenje 1861-1878, 97-116  DOWNLOAD

Abstract: After the demarcation of 1858. tribe Lakes and Šaranci Piva remain under Turkish rule, which was so weakened that it was not even felt, and this limit will remain until the Berlin Congress in 1878, when the border between Montenegro and Turkey moves on the river Tara, and when that area became part of Montenegro. Piva area, ponds and Šaranci tribe were considered Turkish subjects, but they did not feel the same way, so that Montenegro gave a little tax, while Turkish tried to escape, striving with all his strength to join Montenegro. While still within the limits of the Turkish state are from 1858 to 1878 voluntarily pay taxes to the Montenegrin state.

  • Radenko ŠĆEKIĆ, U fokusu istorije i geopolitike Poluostrvo Krim (1774 – 2014.), 117-133  DOWNLOAD

Abstract: In the period from the late 18th to the present, a relatively small area of the Crimean peninsula is often found in the focus of geopolitical happenings. It was annexed to the Russian Empire after the Ottoman defeats and the Treaty of Küçük Kaynarca, which officialized the Russian expansion and hegemony over the Black Sea basin. This area of rich history and multi-ethnic composition again came into sharp geopolitical significance during the bloody Crimean War in the mid 19th century. Forced emigration of entire ethnic groups and joining the peninsula to Ukraine, distinguished the epoch of communism. In 2014, the annexation of the Crimea to the Russian Federation represented one of the reasons for new tensions in international relations. The harsh geopolitical rhetoric, economic and political sanctions, saber rattling, distinguishes contemporary global reality and multipolar world that is crystallizing.

  • Željko RUTOVIĆ, Istorijat razvoja štampe i medijske politike u Crnoj Gori, 135-146  DOWNLOAD

ABSTRACT: This paper attempts, through the theoretical prism, to emphasize the process of building media pluralism in Montenegro, mostly from the perspective of public policy, legislation and institutional framework in the past two decades. Since the second half of the 90s of the twentieth century, there has been a trend towards the establishment of new media entities, predominantly focused to the political sphere. The emergence of several media players on the media scene, often with clear conflict between political and programmatic positions, the turbulent political events, learning media professionalism and ethics, on the other hand, in the context of the European legal framework, required the implementation of high standards of respect for freedom of expression and the necessity of self-regulatory principles.

  • Marija CRNIĆ PEJOVIĆ, Prvi objavljeni školski izvještaji u sjeverozapadnoj Boki Kotorskoj, 147-160  DOWNLOAD

Abstract: Thanks to the heritage of Jovan Bošković, Đuro Đurović and Jelisaveta Laketić, a Serbian endowment sailing school was founded in Srbina next to Herceg Novi in 1858. This paper deals with the first school reports from the years 1884/5 and 1885/6 years. At the time, the school had only four teachers and some twenty students. These reports belong to the group of the first published periodicals printed in people’s language in the north-eastern part of Bay of Kotor. Nevertheless, they do not lag behind the similar issues of the educational institutions with more numerous and more qualified staff and in more developed areas.

  • Pavle KONDIĆ, Dobrotvorna delatnost Mitropolita Mitrofana Bana i sveštenstva u Crnoj Gori tokom prvog svetskog rata, 161-193  DOWNLOAD

Abstract.  During the First World War, together with the suffering of the people Church hierarchy suffered as well. Although with limited possibilities at their disposal, Church dignitaries and clergy did their best to alleviate the difficult situation of the people. This essay devotes a special attention to the charity activity of three hierarchs: Mitrofan Ban, Archbishop of Cetinje and Metropolitan of Montenegro, Mounts and Coastlands; Bishop Kirilo Mitrovic of Zaholm-Raska and Metropolitan Gavrilo of Pec. The author employs a thorough pedantry in order to expose the manifold Mitrofan Ban’s charity activity that, being supported by the clergy, embraced all the layers of society, regardless of their religious or national affiliation.

  • Dušan BOJKOVIĆ, Crna Gora u nacionalnoj politici i organizacionoj strukturi Komunističke Partije Jugoslavije 1929–1941, 195-215  DOWNLOAD

ABSTRACT: Through analysis of archive documents and published sources, as well as press and relevant literature, an attempt has been made to present the position of Montenegro in the revolutionary perspective of Communist Party of Yugoslavia. The aforementioned problem is examined in the period between the introduction of the personal regime of king Aleksandar Karađorđević and the beginning of the World War II in the Kingdom of Yugoslavia. The first section of the work deals with the relations of communists towards the Montenegrin national issue, while the second section is about the Party’s territorial and organizational policy in the area of banovina Zeta.

  • Nataša MILIĆEVIĆ, „Gospod-in, građanin, drug, podanik“: društvene promene i jezik u Srbiji 1944-1950, 217-232  DOWNLOAD

ABSTRACT: This paper analyzes the influence of political and social changes on language as a means of social communication in Serbia/Yugoslavia within the first few years after the World War II. In addition to the general linguistic changes which were indicating the altered social relations, as well as emphasizing the new values, this paper also discusses the changes that occurred between and within the political and social groups. Special attention is given to the reaction of the Serbian middle class (bourgeoise) members pertaining to the linguistic changes, being themselves “sentenced” to „disappearance“ in the new structure of society and in the times of radical changes. Ultimately, the linguistic changes led to the altered state of consciousness and the creation of new societal identity.



  • Akademik Zoran LAKIĆ, Politika a ne nauka traze reviziju ocjena o Prvom svjetskom ratu, 233-237  DOWNLOAD



  • Vasilj Jovović, NIŠ I VIZANTIJA – Trinaesti međunarodni naučni skup Niš, 3-5. jun 2014., Zbornik radova XIII, Niš 2015, 550 str, 243-247  DOWNLOAD
  • Radenko Šćekić, Marijan Premović, ŽUPA BUDIMLJA U SREDNJEM VIJEKU, Državni arhiv Crne Gore, Cetinje, 2012, 249-250  DOWNLOAD
  • Žarko Leković, BIOBIBLIOGRAFIJA AKADEMIKA MIOMIRA DAŠIĆA – drugo dopunjeno izdanje, sastavio Dobrilo Aranitović, Podgorica, 2015, str. 270, 251-254  DOWNLOAD

