science – Istorijski Zapisi Istorijski Institut UCG Sat, 06 Nov 2021 12:18:06 +0000 en-US hourly 1 The new issue of Istorijski zapisi 3-4/2018 is published Sun, 11 Nov 2018 10:48:05 +0000 JUBILEJI

140 godina od održavanja Berlinskog kongresa 1878. i prvog sticanja nezavisnosti Crne Gore, 12.XI 2018.

  • Danilo NIKOLIĆ, Pozdravna riječ povodom obilježavanja 140. godišnjice održavanja Berlinskog Kongresa, 7-9   DOWNLOAD
  • Aleksandar DRLjEVIĆ, Obilježavanje jubileja – 140 godina od Berlinskog Kongresa, 11-13  DOWNLOAD
  • Radoslav RASPOPOVIĆ, O istorijskom značaju odluka Kongresa u Berlinu za Crnu Goru, 15-19  DOWNLOAD


Tematski broj časopisa: CRNA GORA I 1918. GODINA

  • Radoslav RASPOPOVIĆ, Prekid međunarodnopravnog kontinuiteta crnogorske države 1918. godine, 21-80  DOWNLOAD

ABSTRACT: The paper is dedicated to the issue of termination or cessation of the international legal continuity of Montenegro after the end of the First World War. The date determining the end of the international legal continuity of the Montenegrin state remains relevant among numerous significant dates not only in regard to the historical duration of Montenegro as an international subject, but also in the broader context of international relations.

  • Šerbo RASTODER, O nekim polemičnim pitanjima Božićnog ustanka 1919.godine, 81-110  DOWNLOAD

ABSTRACT: For almost an entire century, the Christmas Uprising has been the subject of historiographical exposition, but the impression is that we have not moved further than the beginning, regardless of the fact that in the meantime several hundreds of books, contributions and essays and thousands of primary historical sources have been published on this subject. The author will try to synthesise the large number of issues into only those key ones, with the possibility of additional resolution, which in essence will lead to a re-examination of this event. KEYWORDS: 1919 Christmas Uprising, insurgents, Montenegrin Army, government in exile, Allied occupation, Whites, Greens, for the right, honour and freedom of Montenegro.

  • Miroslav RADIVOJEVIĆ, Crna Gora i Srbija u prvih godinu dana Velikog rata, 111-126  DOWNLOAD

ABSTRACT: The paper, with an introduction to the pre-war unification talks, traces the relations between Montenegro and Serbia from the July crisis to the autumn offensive of the Central Powers in the Balkans in October 1915. The mutual ties of the two countries during this period were burdened by the rivalry of the Petrović and Karadjordjević dynasties. Montenegrin King Nicholas often resorted to alternative solutions, behind the back of the Serbian side, with which his country was on a common front. Such a policy in time of war, which required the highest degree of unity, produced serious difficulties for mutual cooperation and distrust of the Great allies towards the old sovereign. The events of the first war year had consequences in the latter events, the way of unification and the dethronement of the Montenegrin ruling family. KEYWORDS: The Kingdom of Montenegro, The Kingdom of Serbia, Serbian-Montenegrin relations, World War I, king Nicholas, Nikola Pašić, Sergey Sazonov

  • Žarko Leković, Svetozar Tomić – Nacionalni radnik, državnik i naučnik, 127-142  DOWNLOAD

Abstract: In the playground of those of our scientists who began their work in science at the end of the XIX and early XX centuries, and finished it before or after the Second World War, Svetozar Tomić occupies a significant and high position. He was a true systematic and methodological worker in researching complex socialist and anthropogenic issues, and without his works, the history of the regions he studied could not be written. Tomić’s works have a lasting value; they have shifted our knowledge and are inevitable in wider and deeper anthrop geographical and ethnological studies. Through the descriptions of settlements and lifestyles, Svetozar Tomić showed how much natural environment affects man and vice versa, man in the natural environment. He had an interdisciplinary approach in science, which he applied in his synthetic works. In addition, his scientific syntheses, generalizations and theories were preceded by precise tests and careful determination of the facts. Svetozar Tomić, using the method of Cvijić’s anthrop geographical school, described landscapes and folk life in the regions where tribal decorations were preserved at the time.

  • Srđan Mićić, Crnogorci u jugoslovenskoj diplomatskoj službi između dva svetska rata, 143-165  DOWNLOAD

Abstract: The aim of this paper is to analyze the main factors of selection, position and work of clerks from Montenegro in the Yugoslav diplomatic and consular service, since 1919 until 1939. Examination of general factors dominant in Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the representative offices abroad was base for further analyze which cases were in the line with existing practices and which were beyond the scope of functioning of the diplomatic-consular service. Analyze is based on Yugoslav archival material and relevant historiographical literature.

  • Maja Vehar, Ivan Smiljanić, i Peter Mikša, Slovenian Newspapers’ Views on Montenegro in 1918, 167-188  DOWNLOAD

Abstract: The paper gives a critical overview of articles in the Slovenian press from 1918, which discussed topics, events and issues relating to Montenegro. As major governmental and political changes took place that year, turning Montenegro from Slovenia’s formal military opponent to a member of the new common state, the press also reflected the gradual change in opinions, which nevertheless usually remained loyal to the principles and guidelines of an individual newspaper. The seventeen newspapers analysed mostly discuss the topics of the course of World War I, the territorial policy, the integration of Southern Slavs, Montenegrin foreign policy, and the Montenegrin ruling dynasty. Owing to the chaos of wartime and postwar events, the newspapers were unable to give a more thorough presentation of Montenegrin society and culture; hence, Slovenians could learn more about this aspect of Montenegro mainly from the books issued before the war and after it.

  • László Gulyás, Ferenc Szávai, Wilson’s Fourteen Points and the fall of Austro-Hungarian Monarchy, 189-198  DOWNLOAD

Abstract: The paper brings an insight into how the policy, personified in famous US president Willson’s “Fourteen pints”, shaped the attitude of victorious Entente and allied powers and nations towards Austro-Hungarian Monarchy. It analyses how they concerned the reorganization of Central Europe after the Great War. In the second part, there was described how “Wilsonism” came to realization in the fall of 1918, serving as the formal pretext for dissolution of Monarchy. Keywords: Austro-Hungarian Monarchy, Entente, First World War, Wilson’s fourteen points

  • Slavko BURZANOVIĆ, Ivan LAKOVIĆ, Božidar Božo S. Vuković: dokumenta iz operativne arhive komande jadranskih trupa za novembar i decembar 1918.godine, 199-291  DOWNLOAD

Abstract: This collection, composed of documents from the Historical archive of the Ministry of People’s Defense (today: Archive of the Armed Forces of Serbia) in Belgrade, was selected and transcribed by Božidar Vuković, ret. collonel, at directive by Jagoš Jovanović, director of the Historical institute of Montenegro during the middle fifties of 20th century. The documents belong to the Comand of Adriatic troops, a military dispatch of the Serbian Army to Montenegro and Northern Albania in 1918-1919, and contain the correspondence of commander, col. Dragutin Milutinović with his superiors in Suppreme Command, his subordinate officers in Skadar, Podgorica and Kotor, commander of the French allied troops in Skadar, as well as numerous civil political activists in the area.


  • Irena OROVIĆ, Obraćanje na otvaranju manifestacije „Dani Evropske Kulturne Baštine“, 293-294  DOWNLOAD
  • Radoslav RASPOPOVIĆ, O aktivnostima Istorijskog instituta UCG na obilježavanju “Dana Evropske Kulturne Baštine”, 295-297  DOWNLOAD
  • Aleksandar BOGDANOVIĆ, Riječ Ministra Kulture Aleksandra Bogdanovića na otvaranju izložbe posvećene 140. godišnjici od održavanja Berlinskog Kongresa – u okviru manifestacije “Dani Evropske Kulturne Baštine”, 299-301  DOWNLOAD
  • Tatjana KOPRIVICA, Naučna konferencija Kulturna baština Crne Gore, Podgorica, 21. septembar 2018, 303-305  DOWNLOAD


  • Radoslav Raspopović, Istorijski kontekst obnove nezavisnosti Poljske 1918, 307-312  DOWNLOAD


  • Radenko Šćekić, Žarko Leković: HERCEGOVAČKE ISTORIJSKE TEME, Institut za srpsku kulturu, Nikšić, 2018, 313-314  DOWNLOAD
  • Radenko Šćekić, Miomir Dašić, O ISTORIJI – METODOLOŠKI OGLEDI, CANU 2019, 315-318  DOWNLOAD



The new issue of Istorijski zapisi 3-4/2014 is published Mon, 10 Nov 2014 08:35:06 +0000 JUBILEJI Sto godina od početka Prvog svjetskog rata

  • Radoslav RASPOPOVIĆ, Prvi svjetski rat u istorijskoj nauci na kraju XX i početkom XXI vijeka. O pojavama revizija istorije ili pogledima na prošlost iz „nove istorijske perspektive“, 7-27   DOWNLOAD

ABSTRACT: This paper is related to the outbreak of World War I, causes that led to it and the main responsibility. Given that the question of responsibility for the beginning of the war and its catastrophic consequences has been discussed with a great interest and interpreted in a “new” historiographical way in the last decades, the author sought to answer the question of looking at the past “from a new perspective” with whether it is about “scientific modernity” or whether the attempts of new historical perception of the Great War should be understood as a classic attempt to revise history.

  • Владимир Я. ГРОСУЛ* Приближение большой войны в общественном мнении России конца XIX в., 29-42  DOWNLOAD

Abstract: This paper discusses the relationship of Russian public opinion towards the most important European events from the period after the Paris Peace in 1856. Emphasis is placed on the question of the unification of Italy and Germany and the danger for Russia to be drawn into these events. Subsequent relations with Germany, becoming close with France, the events in the Balkans were worthy of the attention of the Russian public. The paper discusses some aspects of Russian foreign policy related to commercial interests, seen through the eyes of the public, where public opinion was divided in the view of contemporary political visions. Throughout the public opinion was of the inevitability of war.

  • Елена И. САМАРЦЕВА, Военный 1914-й год в контексте поэтических строк российского журнала „НИВА”, 43-53  DOWNLOAD

ABSTRACT: The article describes some of the poems on the events of World War I and published in the Russian magazine „Niva” in 1914. The author also pays attention to the fate of the authors of „Niva”.

  • Massimo BUCARELLI, Mussolini e la questione jugoslava durante la prima guerra mondiale, 55-79  DOWNLOAD

Abstract: The paper deals with the development of Benito Mussolini’s position on the so called „Adriatic question”, i.e. place of Adriatic region in Italian foreign policy during the First World War. That means that Mussolini’s political inconsistency and changes were not due to ideological reasons, since they were the results of opportunistic and selfish political considerations. As the public opinion in Italy took a clear uncompromising stand concerning the territorial dispute with its Adriatic neighbor, he adjusted his approach for exploiting the increasing political consensus, which the nationalist propaganda was gaining among Italian public opinion.

  • Виктор И. КОСИК, Балканы, В. Н. Штрандман и Первая мировая война, 81-90  DOWNLOAD

Abstract: Тhe text associated with the delineation of a number of Balkan stories, mostly military time, and is based largely on the recollections of a Russian diplomat Strandman.

  • Boško I. BOJOVIĆ, Guerres balkaniques, les grandes puissances et la Grande guerre, 91-103  DOWNLOAD

Abstract: The First and the Second Balkan wars could be seen as an introduction to the First World War. Unfortunately, their centennials were not commemorated the same way. This paper discusses the view of foreign diplomacy on victims of Balkan wars as well as the reports made by Carnegie foundation in 1914.

  • Михаил В. ШКАРОВСКИЙ, Святыня Черногории – Филермская икона Божией Матери, 105-113  DOWNLOAD

Abstract: This paper follows the fate of one of the holiest objects in the Orthodox world, the icon of the Virgin Filermosa. From the Middle Ages until today due to turbulent historical circumstances it often changed the place, and today it is located in the National Museum in Cetinje, enjoying high reputation of the sacred relic.

  • Stjepan MATKOVIĆ, Milan Ćurčin, južnoslavensko pitanje u Prvome svjetskom ratu i rasprave o Sarajevskom atentatu, 115-133  DOWNLOAD

Abstract: The author deals with the biography of a well-known publicists Milan Ćurčin and his wide activities during the First World War, when he was in charge of organizing and spreading wartime propaganda through the Serbian legation in London.

  • Miljan GOGIĆ, Bibliografija radova o Prvom svjetskom ratu objavljenih u časopisu Zapisi / Istorijski zapisi, 135-139  DOWNLOAD

Abstract: In this work there is a list of works concerning the First World War, published in magazine Records/ Historical records



  • Saša BRAJOVIĆ, Njegoš u vremenu tehničkih dostignuća i Velike svetske izložbe, 141-160  DOWNLOAD

Abstract: This text presents observations on Njegoš‘s interest in science and technical achievements within the context of his epoch. His was an age of „Romantic science“ which transformed the rationalism of Enlightenment of the previous century with visionary passion, as it also did the reception of science in the public eye. Njegoš‘s dedication to science and technical achievements which relied on science was an expression of the liveliness of his spirit, intellectual views and constant striving to modernise his country.Njegoš introduces new technical achievements into major state project which he initiates, into visual representation of his country, effemeral events, by which he expresses an awareness of Montenegro as an entity and of himself as its ideator and ruler. Particular attention is given to Njegoš‘s encounters with contemporary wonders of science and technical achievement during his travels. Special significance is assigned to Njegoš‘s note on the Crystal Palace, raised for the Great Exhibition in London in 1851, which offers a sublimation of the new, modern age.

  • Marina ODAK MIHAILOVIĆ, Na ponos grada: predstave gradske tvrđave na novcu Kotora, Ulcinja, Svača, Skadra i Drivasta, 161-181  DOWNLOAD

Abstract: The images of urban architecture become increasingly featured on the coins and seals issued in the medieval West in the 11th and particularly in the 12th century. This iconography is featured on the coins issued by the Crusaders and the coins of the newly-formed states after the 1204 dissolution of the Byzantine Empire. Citadels also become increasingly featured on the money coined in the coastal cities of the medieval Serbian state in the 12th and subsequently in the lands ruled by the Balsic family. The paper examines the iconography of these images, the methods and versions of visual representation of medieval cities and urban communities featured on coinage and seals, as well as the messages conveyed through this iconography.



  • Zerina ĆATOVIĆ, Fascinacija običajima ili auto-orijentalizam Živka Nikolića, 183-198  DOWNLOAD

ABSTRACT: A work of Montenegrin director Zivko Nikolic is fraught with motifs from his homeland. For the reason that he represented customs of that homeland as a caricature, this article reassess possible self-stigmatism as a result of orientalist discourse. Based largely on the works of balkanism, the paper focus director‘s approach to the stereotype. In this manner it gets closer to Nikolic‘s obsession with customs or his auto-orientalism.



  • Radoslav RASPOPOVIĆ, Naučna konferencija ROMANOVI I CRNA GORA, ISTORIJA I SAVREMENOST (Podgorica, 7. novembar 2014), 199-201  DOWNLOAD



  • Živko ANDRIJAŠEVIĆ, ODLAZAK ZNAČAJNOG ISTORIČARA – dr Zvezdan Folić (1963-2014) -, 205-208  DOWNLOAD
  • Vasilj JOVOVIĆ, Čedomir M. Lučić (1940 – 2014), 209-212  DOWNLOAD



  • Radoslav RASPOPOVIĆ, Jelena Ivanović, Milica Kostić, BRATSTVO PEJOVIĆ SA NjEGUŠA, Ogranak protojereja Sava Pejovića, Državni arhiv Crne Gore, Cetinje, 2013, 213-214  DOWNLOAD
  • Vladimir JOVIĆEVIĆ, Akademik Zoran Lakić, IZ DANA U DAN GODINA, Podgorica, 2013, 380 str, 215-216  DOWNLOAD
  • Žarko LEKOVIĆ, Vukajlo – Mišo Gluščević, Zoran Raonić: Tara i Tarani, Istorijski institut Crne Gore, Podgorica, 2014, str. 563, 217-220  DOWNLOAD
The new issue of Istorijski zapisi 1-2/2011 is published Tue, 10 May 2011 06:47:09 +0000 ČLANCI

  • Marica MALOVIĆ ĐUKIĆ, Još jednom o porodici Zagurović u srednjem vijeku, 7-15   DOWNLOAD

Abstract: We have tried, for the third time, to present some new moments from the life of this notable gentry family, which had in Bar at first, and then in Kotor in the middle ages. Due to usage of some just from recently available sources, we could acquire a new data about possessions and family affairs of certain members of Zagurovic family.

  • Anđelka BULATOVIĆ, Brak, odnosi u braku i opšti položaj udate žene na tlu Crne Gore u peiodu od kraja XVIII do početka XX vijeka, 17-27   DOWNLOAD

Abstract: The paper presents an analysiis of position and education Montenegrin woman in marriage from the 18th to early 20th century. Marriage in Montenegro was one of the most important moments in life, both for women and for men. On the basis of which created and built a family life, without which there would be no family. Marriage was based on patriarchal grounds, the unequal position of men and women in customary law and family law legislative. Male dominance and female submission is an important feature of marital relations. Personality of women is contained partly in the person of her husband. Household and raising children asked the women to a whole life to be „tied” to the house.

  • Varavara BORISOVA HLEBNIKOVA, Pedagoška djelatnost S.P. Mertvago u Crnoj Gori, 29-42  DOWNLOAD

Abstract: Female high school education in Montenegro has been under the special Russian tutorship. In the second half of the XIX century, with material and support in human resources from Russia, a Marijinski institut, first high school for education of the female children was opened. Special mark in the work of this high school institution and female education at all, have been left by the Sofia Petrovna Mertvago, Russian pedagogue who had run this school from 1888 until 1913.

  • Marija CRNIĆ PEJOVIĆ, Seljačke radne (zemljoradničke) zadruge u Boki kotorskoj, 43-71  DOWNLOAD

Abstract: According to fragmentarily preserved archival sources of the peasant working (agricultural) collectivities, this paper brings the overview of their foundation, organization, jobs, human resources and aprovization (guaranteed supply) of the canton of Herceg Novi for the period between 1945 and 1955. Documentation covers the collectivities from Herceg Novi, Kameno, Dragalj, Sutorina, Luštica and Bijela. Their foundation and activities in mentioned time were conducted under the pressure of the authorities, so they have never been accepted receiving a certain resistance. The attempt of collectivization had not brought the positive results, but contrary, produced some negative effects in agriculture.

  • Vukajlo GLUŠĆEVIĆ, Factors of Migratory Movements of Population of Montenegro in XIX Century, 73 – 85  DOWNLOAD

Abstract: The paper deals with conditions of migration movements from, within and in the Montenegro during the XIX century. Although more population left to settle in other countries, Serbia in the first place, Montenegro was also on the receptive side – providing home for emigrants – refugees – from other parts of the Balkan Peninsula fleeing from the Turkish terror.



  • Stanko CVJETIĆANIN, Karla SELIHAR, Mirjana SEGEDINAC, Vlasta SUČEVIĆ, Doprinos prvog pedagoškog časopisa obrazovanju nastavnika u prirodnim naukama u drugoj polovini 19. veka u Vojvodini, 87 – 104  DOWNLOAD

Abstract: This paper analyzes the contribution of the first pedagogical journal in Vojvodina, „the school newspaper,” teacher education in science. The journal is published in the period 1858th to 1910. year, and a display of educational thought in the region and in Europe at that time. Reviewed journals are all numbers, a selection of articles is based on an evaluation of texts. Based on the analysis of the magazine concluded that the magazine had a few texts from the natural sciences.

  • Neda DONAT KRIVOKAPIĆ, Društveno-istorijski razlozi za uvođenje njemačkog jezika u gimnazije za vrijeme Kralja Nikole I Petrovića, 105 – 118  DOWNLOAD

Abstract: German language in Montenegro, to the extent that it had until 1918, was for the first time introduced in academic year 1903/04 in (Gymnasium) High School in Cetinje, ie 23 years after it was founded. Until then, the foreign languages taught in this High School were Russian, French, Greek and Latin. Reasons for changing the curriculum, which in addition to the above mentioned languages provided the introduction of German language learning, were the result of complex and interrelated factors. According to the results of our research, they can be classified into six groups: 1) Educational, 2) Historical (political), 3) Concerning personnel, 4) Concerning family and kinship 5) The impact of personalities around King Nikola, 6) Personal. Each of them is the subject of our brief analysis. The introduction of German language learning was very important for Montenegro because it opened the possibility of sending a larger number of students in renowned university centers, primarily in Austria and Germany.

  • Dragutin PAPOVIĆ, Razvoj informatike i računarstva u Crnoj Gori (1970-1990), 119 – 134  DOWNLOAD

Abstract: During the 70s and 80s of XX century, government officials, business and educational institutions in Montenegro have attempted to acquire modern computers. They wanted to follow and apply the latest advances in information technology and computer science. Among the goals was the expansion of computer literacy and education experts in the field of computer science. The article analyzes how it was done and what results were achieved.

  • Bojana LAKIĆEVIĆ, O nekim kategorijama ljudskih prava u međunarodnom pravu i savremenom pravnom sistemu Crne Gore, 135 – 153  DOWNLOAD

Abstract: This paper aims to present certain categories of human rights in international law and the modern law of Montenegro in a concise way. The content of this paper will be broken down into sections that are important for understanding human rights issues. The methodology we will employ in this paper is a content analysis of theoretical and experts’ views exposed through the use of domestic and foreign literature, the comparative and historical methods. In the historical period of human rights development it was considered that economic, social and cultural rights should not be separated from civil and political rights, but that all rights should be contained in one document. Thus, the Universal Declaration of Rights contained provisions on both types of rights and later the two pacts were signed: one on civil and political and the other on economic, social and cultural rights. The greatest number of contemporary constitutions guarantees social and economic rights of citizens. Of course, the scope, content and categorization of these rights vary from country to country. Economic and social rights in its general features are not individual rights at all because they belong to different collectivities. Therefore, we define them by entities and their stakeholders. In principle, these rights are enjoyed by each individual belonging to a particular social group.
