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The new issue of Istorijski zapisi 1-2/1999 is published


  • Đurđica PETROVIĆ, Uredbe Dubrovačke vlade o svadbenoj praksi (XIII-sredina XIV veka), 7-35  Download

SUMMARY: The basis of this article is two legal ordinances in Dubrovnik in the 13th century. The first, „Ordo de dotibus et nuptiis“, concerns dowery and marriage. It dates from 1235 and represents the first ban on luxury (in connection with marriage) in Dubrovnik, the third regulation in Western Europe. The author focuses on those parts dedicated  to a bride’s dowery in money, her wedding apparel, and jewelry. The second regulation, found in a Dubrovnik statute of 1272, also concerns the question of a bride’s dowry, wedding apparel, and wedding ring.

For a better understanding of these regulations, the author drew upon published documents in the Archive of Dubrovnik, dating from the time of their preservation, i.e., the last two decades of the 13th century. In investigating the preservation, alteration, and eventual disappearance of the above-mentioned articles of clothing and jewelry, the author used mostly unpublished documents, dating from the first half of the 14th century. The author considers all processes in the context of political events and social differentiation according to class and economic power, the origin of the population, and economic activity.

The author’s analysis points to several characteristics of the culture of Dubrovnik at the time: the nature and extent of the dowry followed the economic development of society; the origins of the clothes and jewelry give testimony to their complex content-waning Greek-Byzantine influence, emerging Slavic influence, and a dominant Italian cultural heritage. A very similar culture could be found in neighboring Kotor as evidence by comparable regulations from the Statute of Kotor concerning a bride’s dowry, clothing and a ring. At the same time, both of these closely related cultures had much in common with those of Budva, Bar, and Ulcinj, which together formed a unique Southern Adriatic cultural zone at this time


  • Bogumil HRABAK, Krivošije, Ledenice i Ubli od XVI do XVIII veka, 37-81  Download

SUMMARY: Basing his findings on archival sources in Kotor, Herceg-Novi, and Dubrovnik, as well as Venice and Zadar, the author follows the month-to-month activities and lifestyle of three cattle-breeding communities, situated above Risan. Two of those, Ledenice and Ubli, were settlements of long standing. The third, Krivošije, was populated by migrants from the former Riđani tribe of Montenegro in the wake of the Kandija war. The population of these settlements, both old and new, consisted chiefly of livestock breeders who adopted farming only partially in the 18th century, when they began to rent parcels of land belonging to Muslim from Klobuk, Korjenić and Onogošt. Those plots, however were frequently not cultivated, and rents (hak) not always paid. Conflicts resulted over attempts to usurp the land, especially plots in Grahovo. Impoverished breeders practiced a ‘robbery economy’, rustling livestock, especially horses, in Konavle and in other places in the Turkish part of Herzegovina. They also seized girls, whom they took to Montenegro and then sold in Onogošt. Only the inhabitants of Krivošje and Ledenice cooperated without serious conflict. On the other hand, they quarreled with others, even with their sometimes allies, Ridjani clansmen and Montenegrins their ‘instructors’ in the art of robbery whom they themselves than robbed. Their vitims were inhabitants of Konavle, Trebinje, Onogošt, and Nikšić clansman. They fell upon Konavle, attacked livestock and goods in caravans from Onogošt, and carried away their plunder. This activity was most pronounced from the third to the sixth decades of the 18th century.


  • Marica MALOVIĆ-ĐUKIĆ, Crna Gora u vrijeme Crmojevića u delu Jovana Tomića, 83-93  Download

SUMMARY: In his study of the Crnojević family, Jovan Tomić examined the rule of Ivan, Đurađ and Skenderbeg Crnojević in Montenegro from 1465 to 1530. Tomić based his work partly on domestic but chiefly on Venetian sources (chronicles, reports, and diplomatic documents from the State of Venice). Probably because the majority of information at his disposal concerned the second Crnojević ruler, Tomić described in most detail the personality and rule of Đurađ Crnojević.

The article at hand compares Tomić’s findings with those based on modern historical research. Sources drawn upon have been extended (e.g., seldom-used Turkish documents have been consulted as well as sources from Kotor and Dubrovnik). As a result, some of Tomić’s conclusions have been modified and supplemented. This is not unexpected, given the fact an entire century has passed since the appearance of Tomić’s original work.


  • Toma POPOVIĆ, Jovan Tomić, Život i delo, 95-103  Download

SUMMARY: Jovan N. Tomić was without a doubt the father of modern Serbian historiography for so-called ‘Turkish period’. His tireless research in the archives of Venice, Geneva, Genoa, Florence, Padua and other cities led him to what he contended was cornestone of historiography: namely, the questioning of the authenticity of events or phenomena not actually mentioned in primarly sources. On this point he was in decades-long conflict with historians of Montenegro as well as with scholars in Serbia. That is the framework for this latest review of Tomić’s life and work-in memory of his great atudent Gligor Stanojević


  • Đuro TOŠIĆ, Prilog identifikovanju i datovanju Vlaških stećaka u Istočnoj Hercegovini, 105-129  Download

SUMMARY: Of the twenty-one identified Vlach stečci (gravestone) found in nine necropolises in eastern Hercegovina (on the relatively small territory occupied by the Lower Vlachs-today’s communes (opštine) of Stolac, Ljubinje, and Bileća, seven are in the form of slabs or plates (3 in Boljuni, 2 in Vlahovići, and one each in Kruševo and Obosko), while six are in the form of above-ground chests or standing blocks (sanduci) (2 in Premilovo Polje and 1 each in Radimlja, Boljuni, Kruševo, and Hodovo). Four sarcophagi are in Radimlja Krtinje and Udori. Vlach (vojvode) (dukes) princes and katun heads (katunari) were buried under all kinds of monuments and especially sarcophagi and ornate blocks, while ordinary Vlach herdsmen were buried under simpler tomb plates, some marked with crucifixes, other without.

The stećci in question date mostly from the last quarter of the fifteenth century, corresponding chronologically with information found in the trading log of the Dubrovnik merchant Živan Pripčinović, as well as with two Turkish census books, one a detailed enumeration for Hercegovina, the second less-detailed summary for Bosnia. This does not mean that above-ground Vlach grave markers did not exist on the territory of eastern Hercegovina before or after the late fifteenth century, but there are no other written sources that would confirm their existence.

In addition to the names of deceased, the stećci occasionally give the names of persons associated with their manufacture, e.g. stonecutters like the blacksmith Miogost, Ratko Bratinović, and Grubač (possibly a domestic, the creator of numerous stećci in the necropolises of Opličići and Boljuni): and also scribes, such as the famous ‘dijak’ Semorad from Boljuni.


  • Aleksandar BUGANOV, Rusko seljaštvo i događaji na Balkanu 1875-1878.godine, 131-142   DownloadNA RUSKOM

SUMMARY: Rusko-turski rat 1877-1878 izazvao je Poslije Otadžbinenskog rata 1812.godine nezapamćeni društveni pokret u Rusiju radi zaštite Slovena. U članku je autor istakao sledeće zadatke: prikazati izvore informacija o ratu kojim je raspolagalo seljaštvo sedamdesetih godina i nakon toga i pokazati odnos ruskog naroda prema događajima na Balkanu. Kao jedan od izvora informacija služile su novine. Izvještaje o ratu sadržavala su, razumljivo, pisma rođacima i prijateljima iz sela, pisana sa fronta. Sa dolaskom u sela učesnika rata, pristizale su i svejže informacije i živi opisi ratnih epizoda i stanja u vojsci. Od samog početka balkanskih zbivanja, prikupljanje priloga u korist Južnih Slovena dobilo je masovni karakter među ruskim seljacima, pri čemu su  priložene sume seljaka prevazilazile priloge dvorjana, trgovaca i građanstva.Odnos naroda prema ugnjetnoj jedinovjernoj braći bio je jasno izražen i kroz dobrovoljački pokret. U članku je precizno opisan i krug istaknutih poslanika koji su zaslužili priznanje u vezi sa događajima na Balakanu. U vrijeme rata snažno je zvučala poruka slovenskog jedinstva: ratovati za svoju braću Slovene. Autor navodi brojne istorijske činjenice i primjere koje uvjeravaju da se u uslovima rata u narodnoj svijesti ostvarilo čvrsto jedinstvo religioznih, patriotskih i nacionalnih osjećanja.


  • Radmila RADIĆ, Iseljavanje stanovništva sa jugoslovenskog prostora sredinom pedesetih godina, 143-173  Download

SUMMARY: Emigrations from the territories of the former Yugoslavia state begin in the second half of nineteenth century and continues to the present day. It is possible to distinguish different stages of migration, each with its own characteristics, but one constant through the decade of the 1950s has been that the majority of emigrants came from Croatia, Macedonia, Bosnia and Hercegovina, and Montenegro-and to a lesser degree from Slovenia and Serbia. During and  after the Second World War emigration was primarily “political” in nature. In the middle of the 1950s some Turkish, Albanian, and Ukrainian emigration began to take place as well-also primarily for political reasons. Efforts by Yugoslav state and party organs after 1945 to contain emigration, especially for economic reasons, were not successful. By the mid-1950s, faced with an array of problems relating to internal economic development, authorities seriously began to consider the possibility  of legalization of economic emigration and even realizing a profit from the “export” of workers. This could lead at the start of the 1960s to a liberalization of passport regulations and a marked increase in the “temporary” out-migration of labor from the country.



  • Žarko BULAJIĆ, Opšti osvrt na samoupravni socijalistički privredni sistem u bivšoj SFRJ, 175-178  Download
  • Petar RUDIĆ, Nešto o prezimenu Toroman, 179-182  Download



  • Savo MARKOVIĆ, Izvještaj potestata Andrije Kapela o građanskim nemirima u Baru 1512. godine, 183-190  Download
  • Duško M. KOVAČEVIĆ, Jakov Ignjatović o Srbima i istočnom pitanju, Senima mog uvaženog profesora Lazara Lakića, 191-213  Download



  • Dragutin LEKOVIĆ, Izgubljena mjerila osporenog grandomana, 215-236  Download



  • Mihailo VOJVODIĆ, Povodom pojavljivanja srpskog izdanja knjige „Franc Jozef“ autor Žan Pol Bleda (Ž. P. Bled, “Franc Jozef“, Beograd-Banjaluka 1998), 237-242  Download
  • Biljana VUČETIĆ, Nasilje nad istorijom, Povodom knjige Noela Makolma, Kosovo. Kratka istorija, London, 492 strane, 243-249  Download
  • Dušan J. MARTINOVIĆ, Doprinos Ignjatija Zlokovića (1897-1997), istoriografiji o Crnoj Gori, 251-277  Download



  • Branislav MAROVIĆ, Kralj Nikola – Ličnost, djelo i vrijeme, Tom I i II, Crnogroska akademija nauka i umjetnosti, Podgorica 1998, str. 1095, 279-281  Download
  • Đorđe BUBALO, Srednjovjekovna istorija Crne Gore kao polje istraživanja, Zbornik radova sa Okruglog stola, Istorijski institut, knjiga 3, Istorijski institut Crne Gore, Podgorica 1999, str. 464, 283-285  Download
  • Dragoljub S. PETROVIĆ, Slavoljub Cvetković, „Jugoslavija 1939-1941“, Institut za savremenu istoriju, Beograd, 1999, str. 318, 287-288  Download
  • Dragiša ĐOKOVIĆ, Prof. dr Mlađen Šljivančanin, Banka, finansijsko preduzeće, Univerzitet Crne Gore, Ekonomski fakultet, Podgorica 1999, str. 350, 289-291  Download
  • Miloš KOVIĆ, M. Vojvodić, Putevi srpske diplomatije, Ogledi o spoljnoj politici Srbije u XIX IXX veku, Clio, Beograd 1999, str. 264, 293-296  Download
  • Dagoljub S. PETROVIĆ, Blaže Ristovski, Istorija na Makedonska nacija, Skopje 1999, str. 739, 297-298  Download
  • Željko VUJADINOVIĆ, Živko Đurković i Andrija Baćović, Vojvode Baćovići, ABC-Grafika, Beograd, Nikšić 1997, str. 229, 299-301  Download
  • Ana STOLIĆ, Kraljica Natalija Obrenović, Moje uspomene, priredila i predgovor napisala Ljubinka Trgovčević, Srpska književna zadruga, Beograd 1999, str. 218, 303-305  Download
  • Miloš KOVIĆ, Miloš Blagojević, Srbija Nemanjića i Hilandar, Priručnik za takmičenje iz istorijeza učenike srednje škole, Beograd, Novi Sad 1998, str. 124, 307-308  Download
  • Arsen ĆUROVIĆ, Mihailo Vojvodić, Društvo Svetog Save, dokumenti 1886-1891, Arhiv Srbije, Drustvo Svetog Save, Beograd 1999, str. 314, 309-310  Download



  • Izvještaj o radu istorijskog instituta Crne Gore u 1998.godini, 311-327  Download
  • Saša KNEŽEVIĆ, Iz rada društva istoričara Crne Gore, 329-330  Download
  • Ema MILJKOVIĆ-BOJANIĆ, Okrugli sto: Evropa na raskršću: Novi zidovi ili ujedinjena Evropa, Istorijski institut SANU, Beograd 28-29. April 1999.godine, 331-334  Download
  • Nada TOMOVIĆ, Omaž akademiku Dimitriju Vujoviću, 335-336  Download
  • Istorijskom institutu Crne Gore uručena nagrada za „Izdavački poduhvat“ za 1998., 337-338  Download



  • Jagoš Jovanović (1912-1999) (Branislav KOVAČEVIĆ), 339-342  Download