Balkan wars 1912-1913 – Istorijski Zapisi Istorijski Institut UCG Sat, 06 Nov 2021 12:14:19 +0000 en-US hourly 1 The new issue of Istorijski zapisi 1-2/2013 is published Fri, 10 May 2013 07:43:06 +0000 ČLANCI


  • Nevenka BOGOJEVIĆ-GLUŠČEVIĆ, Provisions of the Medieval Cattaro Statute on Testament and their Application in Notary Practice, 7-24   DOWNLOAD

Abstract: Analyzing archive materials, mostly written in Latin alphabet, legal historians and romanists have come to a conclusion that the hereditary legal institutes treated, as welll as other institutes of the private law of the southern Adriatic communes, had a feature undertaken mainly from the classical roman Law, or recepted ius communae. Some deviations were present to a less or greater extent, and reflected direct and indirect influences of Slavic and Byzantine law that were coming from the Balkan Peninsula’s inland to coastal centres. Further investigations on detailed sources of many issues are needed to make a mosaic of the dominant influences on the formation of medieval private law in Adriatic coastal towns. This paper is a continuation of my research on the institute of testament in Medieval Cattaro, and it is related to the analysis of the statutory provisions on testing freedom and obliged testaments forms, as well as the application of these form in order to determine a real influence and significance of the classical Roman law and similar ones, developed later on its normative arrangement and real legal life.

  • Lovorka ČORALIĆ, Maja KATUŠIĆ, Peraški kapetan Josip Zambella, mletački ratni brod Vittoria II i sastav njegove posade (kraj 18. stoljeća), 25-56  DOWNLOAD

Abstract: In the centre of the research of this article is agency of Captain Joseph Zambella of Perast (d. 1794), who commanded Venetian warship Vittoria II in the last years of the existence of the Republic of Venice. The article is in the first place based on the research of unpublished sources from the Archivio di Stato di Venezia (the deeds of the magistracy of Venetian Navy – Provveditori all’Armar). The composition of the crew commanded by Captain Joseph Zambella is analysed in detail and concludes that seamen who were by their origin from the East Adriatic coast had an important position on the ship Vittoria II. The article contains also appendices with lists of the ship’s crew in two periods (1785-1791 and 1791-1794).

  • Maja ĐURIĆ, Oprema fotografija i dizajn reversnih strana crnogorskih fotografija u prvoj polovini 20. vijeka. Istorijski pregled fotografskih formata, kartonažne opreme Crne Gore u upotrebi od 1840-1940 te godine, 57-68  DOWNLOAD

Abstract: The paper deals with a new era in photography started in 1871, thus enabling the industrial production of photo materiel. Competition of the numerous photographers, working in this period, led to a new approach of design of the ateliers’ commercial notes at the back side of the photos. They became the printing places for creative designed logos and the data on rewards, decorations and medals from the exhibitions. Thus provided search for photographic paper induced the development of the whole kind of industry for its production, as well as different forms of applied design in Montenegro at the end of 19th and beginning of 20th century.

  • Stjepan MATKOVIĆ, Hrvatska percepcija Balkanskih ratova, 69-83  DOWNLOAD

Abstract: This paper deals with attitude of Croatian public to the Balkan wars 1912-1913. Although the territories of Austrian – Hungarian Monarchy, settled dominantly with Croatians, haven’t been directly affected by the warfare, it produced a huge interest at the all levels of society. Their vicinity meant that the results could easily overcome the category of “local conflict”, producing the different opinions and tendencies in the course of thorough solution of the national question.

  • Slavko Burzanović, Italija i Crna Gora u Aneksionoj krizi 1908-1909, 85-110  DOWNLOAD

Аbstract: In this article, author deals with the relations of Montenegro and Italy during the annexation crisis, Italy’s role in the abolition of Article 29. of the Treaty of Berlin, and intermediation in the normalization of relations between Montenegro and the Austria-Hungary.

  • Draga MASTILOVIĆ, Hercegovački bataljon crnogorske vojske u Italiji prema svjedočenjima povratnika iz Gaete, 111-130  DOWNLOAD

Abstract: Although there is an enormous literature and numerous volumes of historical material on Montenegro Outlaw Movement, after the First World War, and on Montenegrin army in Italy, there are still some gaps and unanswered questions regarding this topic. One of these gaps is the participation of the Herzegovinians and Bosnians in the Montenegrin legion in Gaeta, and their motives or reasons for joining the fight for dynastic rights of dethroned Montenegrin leader. According to the statements of the returnees to the Kingdom of SHS in the March of 1921, we can see how they reached Gaeta and understand the relations between the officers and the soldiers in the military camp. Besides, their statements provide valuable facts on suffering of the subjects of the newly formed Kingdom of SHS in the Italian camps, after the First World War.

  • Predrag SIMIĆ, Izveštaji Karnegijeve zadužbine za međunarodni mir o balkanskim ratovima iz 1914. i 1996. godine, 131-150  DOWNLOAD

Abstract: The paper examines how Western interests and perceptions of the Balkans affected the policy of great western powers towards the region at the beginning and at the end of the twentieth century. First Carnegie Endowment report on the Balkans was prepared on the American initiative by the international commission led by French senator D`Esturnel de Constant that investigated the causes and the conduct of the Balkan Wars. Published in 1914, shortly before the beginning of the World War One, it condemned the atrocities committed by the belligerents and advocated closer transatlantic cooperation in formulating Western policy towards the Balkans. Reprint of the 1914. report was published in 1993 with the introduction written by George F. Kennan during the Civil War in Yugoslavia and led to the second Carnegie Endowment report entitled „Unfinished Peace“, prepared by the international commission led by former Belgium prime minister, Leo Tindemans. Elaborating on the 1914 thesis that only transatlantic cooperation can pacify the post-Cold War Balkans and control the Balkans nationalisms that were, in Kennan`s opinion, threatening peace and stability in Europe. Even though he considered the Balkans an European problem Kennan conclude that this situation is one to which US cannot be indifferent advocating the use of force to stop the war and long-lasting involvement of the West in reconstruction of the region.

  • Dmitar TASIĆ, Kontraobaveštajna služba (KOS) i rezolucija IB. Prilog istraživanju istorije vojne službe bezbednosti, 151-170  DOWNLOAD

Аbstract: One of the Yugoslav institutions especially endangered by the events in 1948th was Yugoslav army. Main role in investigation, arrests and interrogation of the Resolution of Inform beaureau’s supporters within it was assigned to Counter-Inteligence Service. The paper shows the example of KNOJ and the way that mentioned events influenced the one of the elite army formations. A work itself was based on the documents preserved at Military archive in Belgrade.



  • Elena SKVORCOVA, Djelatnost ministra spoljnih poslova Ruske imperije Sergeja Dmitrijeviča Sazonova pred Prvi svjetski rat, 171-178  DOWNLOAD

Abstract: During the First Balkan War Minister of Foreign Affairs of Russia S.D. Sazonov spoke for settling issues through seeking compromise solution, non – interference of big powers in conflicts, joining their efforts for sorting out the existing disagreements. In the course of the Second Balkan War he aimed at conciliating the sides. On the eve of War 1, Sazonov conducted the policy targeted at entering into alliance with France and Britain. During the Austria-Serbia conflict he took an initiative position for preventing war.

  • Marijeta BARJAKTAROVIĆ–LANZARDI, Milan PODUNAVAC, Razvoj parlamentarizma u Crnoj Gori i proces približavanja Evropskoj Uniji: značaj i uloga parlamenta, 179-196  DOWNLOAD

Abstract: This paper deals with relation between development of the parliamentarism in Montenegro and European integration process. The intention is to demonstrate the way in which association to the European Union has impact on the fostering development of the parliamentarism in Montenegro and to explain which role the parliament, as the most important political institution, should have in this process.

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The new issue of Istorijski zapisi 4/2010 is published Mon, 08 Nov 2010 08:56:17 +0000
  • Radoslav RASPOPOVIĆ, Otvaranje skupa, 7-8  Download


    • John D. TREADWAY, Reflections on US-Montenegrin relations 1905-1918. Focus on John B. Jackson, the First American Minister to Montenegro, 1905-1907, 9-29  Download

    ABSTRACT: This short article considers aspects of the US-Montenegrin relationship between 1905 and 1918 – the years covered by the documentary collection Crna Gora i SAD: U dokumentima Nacionalnog arhiva u Vašingtonu, 1905-1918, published by the Istorijski Institut in the spring of 2010. Focusing on the activities of the first accredited American minister to Montenegro, John B. Jackson (1905-1907), it in fact draws heavily upon the documents included in the volume.


    • Dragoljub ŽIVOJINOVIĆ, Američki odred u sastavu savezničkih trupa u Crnoj Gori 1918, 31-43  Download

    ABSTRACT: The paper deals with the engagement of American military troops in an allied expedition on the eastern Adriatic coast, after the USA joined the war operations in World War I in 1917.


    • Radoslav RASPOPOVIĆ, Diplomatski odnosi Crne Gore i SAD 1905-1921, 45-66  Download

    ABSTRACT: The paper deals with the issue establishing diplomatic relations between Montenegro and the USA. The USA exercised their active right to legation in 1905, while the reciprocity in diplomatic representation was achieved in late 1918. The author is mainly preoccupied with the time when first American envoys were accredited, the issues they were dealing with during their occasional visits to Montenegro and the degree of influence they had on the relations between Montenegro and America.


    • Nathaniel SMITH, John B. Jackson and the beginning of U.S.-Montenegrin diplomatic relations, 67-71  Download

    ABSTRACT: John B. Jackson was an industrious and professional diplomat who represented the United States all over the world, including Western and South-Eastern Europe, Latin America, and the Middle East. Jackson was instrumental in United States Government’s decision to recognize Montenegro and he was the first U.S. Envoy to the country, from 1905 to 1907.


    • Zoran LAKIĆ, Istorijski zapisi o crnogorsko-američkim odnosima kroz istoriju, 73-78  Download

    ABSTRACT: The author deals with the international position of Montenegro throughout history from the aspect of the relation of great powers towards small countries. He looks into how historical experience and tradition affects current foreign policy.


    • Biljana VUČETIĆ, Javnost Sjedinjenih Američkih Država o Crnoj Gori u Balkanskim ratovima, 79-95  Download

    ABSTRACT: This paper aims to present the shaping of American public opinion on Balkan Wars 1912-1913. It is based on information published in New-York Tribune and The Washington Post. These newspapers regularly monitored situation in the Balkans. Although State Department was ready to engage in European affairs, public opinion strived to support principle that the Balkans should remain to the Balkan peoples.


    • Šerbo RASTODER, Velike sile i mali narodi, 105 godina od uspostavjanja diplomatskih odnosa SAD i Crne Gore, 97-121  Download

    ABSTRACT: The paper deals with the relations between USA and Montenegro from their official diplomatic establishing, but mostly focuses on the period of the First World War. At its end, when the Great Powers have been deciding upon the future European political map, Montenegrin representatives have pursued an effort to influence an American position towards solving the Montenegrin questions according to interests of its Government in exile. This short-termed interest, which the USA has displayed for Montenegro, corresponded with the phase of greater attention that this Power has paid to the European affairs.


    • Andrea CARTENY, After the Wilson’s 14 points: The oppressed nationalities at the Congress of Rome (April 1918), 123-133  Download

    ABSTRACT: After the Wilson points, in Italy too emerged in the public discourse the question to support or not the „oppressed nationalities” in Austria-Hungary. Luigi Albertini and the newspaper „Il Corriere della Sera” leaded this strategy, which meant to pass the positions of the London Pact and to prepare Italy to negotiate the Eastern claimed territories with new nations, as Yugoslavs. The Torre-Trumbic agreement was the important result of this action and political base for the Congress of Rome, in April 1918. This Congress was the beginning of the real support to the nationalities against Habsburgs. The propaganda over the enemy‘s trenches was fruitful: with more than 50 millions of posters and quite 10 millions of newspaper launched over the lines, Italian army called to a mass desertion the no German/Hungarian soldiers (then belonging to the „oppressed nationalities”, e.g. Yugoslavs, Romanians, Poles, Czechs, Slovaks).This factor was one of the most relevant for the final victory.


    • Dragana KUJOVIĆ, Neki nezaobilazni elementi u razmatranjima o velikim promjenama u crnogroskom društvu (1878-1915), 135-142  Download

    ABSTRACT: A gap in which the Muslim population was found in territories included in the composition of the Montenegrin state was even more profound, if we consider that this population followed specific achievements and a dynamic relationship of the Islamic tradition and regional influences. Most of it felt Montenegro their homeland as the Christian-Orthodox did, spoke the same language and had the same Slavic origin, but they were being recognized by different personal names, learning different literacy, growing with heroes of their own epic, and cultural and esthetic patterns finding in brilliant achievements of Islamic Orient.


    • Žarko LEKOVIĆ, Drobnjaci koji su emigrirali u SAD krajem XIX i početkom XX vijeka, 143-154  Download

    ABSTRACT: In passed historical epoques, the Drobnjaks have been temporarily or permanently moving out from their homeland, searching for better living conditions. The list of Drobnjaks displaced before the 1878 is not possible to be individually reconstructed due to the lack of archival sources. An intensive migration of Montenegrins to USA began shortly before the end of XIX century. It is evident that the same process has included the Drobnjaks. The majority of immigrants have settled in the USA, while the others have chosen Canada and South America. They have been undertaking the worst jobs in the mines and partly been employed in factories. The smallest number ended in farms, mainly because of low wages.


    • Radenko ŠĆEKIĆ, SAD i prostor Balkana, sa posebnim osvrtom na Crnu Goru krajem 20. i početkom 21. vijeka, 155-168  Download

    ABSTRACT: Change of the constellation of powers on the world stage after the end of the Cold War, has resulted in important changes over Yugoslavia in global terms. Montenegro, as the smallest republic in the Yugoslav federation was bypassed by political upheavals in the atmosphere of disintegration of the communist system. United States, having remained as the only global superpower, used the political and war events in ex-Yugoslav region for implementation of policy of the “New World Order”.



    • Dragana KUJOVIĆ, Esad Duraković: Duhovna biografija, razgovarao Izedin Šikalo. – Sarajevo: Dobra knjiga, 2010, 169-171  Download
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    The new issue of Istorijski zapisi 3/2010 is published Sun, 08 Aug 2010 08:40:46 +0000
  • Radoslav RASPOPOVIĆ, Otvaranje skupa, 7-8  Download


    • John D. TREADWAY, Reflections on US-Montenegrin relations 1905-1918. Focus on John B. Jackson, the First American Minister to Montenegro, 1905-1907, 9-29  Download

    ABSTRACT: This short article considers aspects of the US-Montenegrin relationship between 1905 and 1918 – the years covered by the documentary collection Crna Gora i SAD: U dokumentima Nacionalnog arhiva u Vašingtonu, 1905-1918, published by the Istorijski Institut in the spring of 2010. Focusing on the activities of the first accredited American minister to Montenegro, John B. Jackson (1905-1907), it in fact draws heavily upon the documents included in the volume.


    • Dragoljub ŽIVOJINOVIĆ, Američki odred u sastavu savezničkih trupa u Crnoj Gori 1918, 31-43  Download

    ABSTRACT: The paper deals with the engagement of American military troops in an allied expedition on the eastern Adriatic coast, after the USA joined the war operations in World War I in 1917.


    • Radoslav RASPOPOVIĆ, Diplomatski odnosi Crne Gore i SAD 1905-1921, 45-66  Download

    ABSTRACT: The paper deals with the issue establishing diplomatic relations between Montenegro and the USA. The USA exercised their active right to legation in 1905, while the reciprocity in diplomatic representation was achieved in late 1918. The author is mainly preoccupied with the time when first American envoys were accredited, the issues they were dealing with during their occasional visits to Montenegro and the degree of influence they had on the relations between Montenegro and America.


    • Nathaniel SMITH, John B. Jackson and the beginning of U.S.-Montenegrin diplomatic relations, 67-71  Download

    ABSTRACT: John B. Jackson was an industrious and professional diplomat who represented the United States all over the world, including Western and South-Eastern Europe, Latin America, and the Middle East. Jackson was instrumental in United States Government’s decision to recognize Montenegro and he was the first U.S. Envoy to the country, from 1905 to 1907.


    • Zoran LAKIĆ, Istorijski zapisi o crnogorsko-američkim odnosima kroz istoriju, 73-78  Download

    ABSTRACT: The author deals with the international position of Montenegro throughout history from the aspect of the relation of great powers towards small countries. He looks into how historical experience and tradition affects current foreign policy.


    • Biljana VUČETIĆ, Javnost Sjedinjenih Američkih Država o Crnoj Gori u Balkanskim ratovima, 79-95  Download

    ABSTRACT: This paper aims to present the shaping of American public opinion on Balkan Wars 1912-1913. It is based on information published in New-York Tribune and The Washington Post. These newspapers regularly monitored situation in the Balkans. Although State Department was ready to engage in European affairs, public opinion strived to support principle that the Balkans should remain to the Balkan peoples.


    • Šerbo RASTODER, Velike sile i mali narodi, 105 godina od uspostavjanja diplomatskih odnosa SAD i Crne Gore, 97-121  Download

    ABSTRACT: The paper deals with the relations between USA and Montenegro from their official diplomatic establishing, but mostly focuses on the period of the First World War. At its end, when the Great Powers have been deciding upon the future European political map, Montenegrin representatives have pursued an effort to influence an American position towards solving the Montenegrin questions according to interests of its Government in exile. This short-termed interest, which the USA has displayed for Montenegro, corresponded with the phase of greater attention that this Power has paid to the European affairs.


    • Andrea CARTENY, After the Wilson’s 14 points: The oppressed nationalities at the Congress of Rome (April 1918), 123-133  Download

    ABSTRACT: After the Wilson points, in Italy too emerged in the public discourse the question to support or not the „oppressed nationalities” in Austria-Hungary. Luigi Albertini and the newspaper „Il Corriere della Sera” leaded this strategy, which meant to pass the positions of the London Pact and to prepare Italy to negotiate the Eastern claimed territories with new nations, as Yugoslavs. The Torre-Trumbic agreement was the important result of this action and political base for the Congress of Rome, in April 1918. This Congress was the beginning of the real support to the nationalities against Habsburgs. The propaganda over the enemy‘s trenches was fruitful: with more than 50 millions of posters and quite 10 millions of newspaper launched over the lines, Italian army called to a mass desertion the no German/Hungarian soldiers (then belonging to the „oppressed nationalities”, e.g. Yugoslavs, Romanians, Poles, Czechs, Slovaks).This factor was one of the most relevant for the final victory.


    • Dragana KUJOVIĆ, Neki nezaobilazni elementi u razmatranjima o velikim promjenama u crnogroskom društvu (1878-1915), 135-142  Download

    ABSTRACT: A gap in which the Muslim population was found in territories included in the composition of the Montenegrin state was even more profound, if we consider that this population followed specific achievements and a dynamic relationship of the Islamic tradition and regional influences. Most of it felt Montenegro their homeland as the Christian-Orthodox did, spoke the same language and had the same Slavic origin, but they were being recognized by different personal names, learning different literacy, growing with heroes of their own epic, and cultural and esthetic patterns finding in brilliant achievements of Islamic Orient.


    • Žarko LEKOVIĆ, Drobnjaci koji su emigrirali u SAD krajem XIX i početkom XX vijeka, 143-154  Download

    ABSTRACT: In passed historical epoques, the Drobnjaks have been temporarily or permanently moving out from their homeland, searching for better living conditions. The list of Drobnjaks displaced before the 1878 is not possible to be individually reconstructed due to the lack of archival sources. An intensive migration of Montenegrins to USA began shortly before the end of XIX century. It is evident that the same process has included the Drobnjaks. The majority of immigrants have settled in the USA, while the others have chosen Canada and South America. They have been undertaking the worst jobs in the mines and partly been employed in factories. The smallest number ended in farms, mainly because of low wages.


    • Radenko ŠĆEKIĆ, SAD i prostor Balkana, sa posebnim osvrtom na Crnu Goru krajem 20. i početkom 21. vijeka, 155-168  Download

    ABSTRACT: Change of the constellation of powers on the world stage after the end of the Cold War, has resulted in important changes over Yugoslavia in global terms. Montenegro, as the smallest republic in the Yugoslav federation was bypassed by political upheavals in the atmosphere of disintegration of the communist system. United States, having remained as the only global superpower, used the political and war events in ex-Yugoslav region for implementation of policy of the “New World Order”.



    • Dragana KUJOVIĆ, Esad Duraković: Duhovna biografija, razgovarao Izedin Šikalo. – Sarajevo: Dobra knjiga, 2010, 169-171  Download
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