occupation – Istorijski Zapisi https://istorijskizapisi.me Istorijski Institut UCG Sat, 06 Nov 2021 12:19:14 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=6.7.2 The new issue of Istorijski zapisi 3-4/2020 is published https://istorijskizapisi.me/artwork/the-new-issue-of-istorijski-zapisi-3-4-2020-is-published/ Mon, 30 Nov 2020 08:11:41 +0000 https://istorijskizapisi.me/?post_type=artwork&p=2453 Godišnjica

Povodom šezdeset godina od osnivanja Pokreta nesvrstanih,


  • Ljubodrag DIMIĆ, AKCIJA „MIR“ (ili kako je ostvarena „visoka obaveštenost“ i „veština predviđanja“ političkih poteza učesnika Konferencije šefova država i vlada neangažovanih zemalja u Beogradu, septembra 1961. godine), 7-32 DOWNLOAD

ABSTRACT: On the base of documents from Yugoslav archives, most­ly Archive of Yugoslavia and Diplomatic archive of the Ministry of foreign affairs of Serbia, the article covers the activities of Yugoslav officials to pre­pare, organize and successfully direct the planned conference of Non-Aligned countries, held in September of 1961 in Belgrade. These activities covered the wide range, from the communication of diplomatic representatives with officials in their host countries, to intensive intelligence work aimed at col­lecting relevant data on delegates to the conference, their political attitudes and positions, all in order of gaining the control over the event‘s flow and re­sults. The acquired data enabled Yugoslav leadership, especially Josip Broz Tito, to mitigate the tensions and forge the needed compromises among the participants, needed for the overall success of the conference.



  • Ifigenija RADULOVIĆ, Snežana VUKADINOVIĆ, Dokimasija protiv Filona ili o lošim građanima i čestitim strancima, 33-46 DOWNLOAD

ABSTRACT: According to Lysias’ oration 31 the paper deals with the relationship citizens – noncitizens, i.e. metics, and their rights, exploring this relationship with regard to moral values. It also deals with the institution­al procedure of dokimasia which was established after the restoration of de­mocracy in Athens in 403 BC in order to prevent the immoral and inappro­priate citizens from running a campaign and from being elected public offi­cials. The paper is accompanied by the first translation of this Lysias’ ora­tion into Serbian.

  • Nemanja VUJČIĆ, Robovi s Jadrana u klasičnoj Grčkoj, 47-61 DOWNLOAD

ABSTRACT: The paper examines the presence of slaves from the Adri­atic regions in the Classical Greece, as a contribution to the ongoing debate about the prevalence and general importance of Illyrian piracy in the pre-Hellenistic times. Traditional historiography maintains that there was wide­spread, indeed “endemic” Illyrian piracy centuries prior to the recorded ac­tivities of Illyrian pirates under king Agron in the second half of the 3rd centu­ry BC. If this was really the case, we would expect that it had a significant im­pact on the supply of slaves in Classical times. However, the examination of available sources (Old Attic comedy, prose literature, slave records from the Laurion mines, the Attic stelai, the slave lists from Chios, Athenian naval cat­alogues etc.) shows their presence to be minimal. Some slaves from Illyria are mentioned in the Attic stelai but hardly anywhere else, their numbers being dwarfed by the multitudes of Anatolian and Thracian slaves. Extant sources imply that there was no large scale export of slaves from Illyria in the Clas­sical times and, likewise, that the scale of Illyrian piracy was fairly modest.

  • Vladimir TOMIĆ, Veze Cetinja i Beograda Crnojevićki uzori u Beogradskom Četvorojevanđelju, 63-74 DOWNLOAD

ABSTRACT: The paper is dedicated to the influence of Crnojević‘s printing on the Belgrade Four Gospels from 1552. The works printed in Ce­tinje served as a model for later, not only Serbian, but also Romanian print­ing houses. We see the repetition of Cetinje motifs in Cyrillic editions in Goražde, Rujno, Gračanica, Mileseva, Belgrade and Mrkšina Crkva, as well as Trgovište in Wallachia. If it existed, the Crnojević Four Gospels could serve as a template for the creation of the Vlach Four Gospels, which would mean that it became a model for all later four Gospels, the Rujan, Belgrade and Mrkšina Crkva.

  • Luka I. MILUNOVIĆ, VJENČANJE CRNE GORE S MOREM. O slici I. Žmirića u svijetlu arhivskoga dokumenta , 75-83 DOWNLOAD

ABSTRACT: Relying on the previously unused archival document in the literature, the paper points out new facts and different angles of view, re­garding the arrival of the artist I.Žmirić with his artwork on Cetinje in 1881.

  • Saša KNEŽEVIĆ, Crna Gora i Istočno pitanje na kraju XIX vijeka, 85-95 DOWNLOAD

ABSTRACT: The Balkan states saw the Eastern Question as a crea­tion of favourable opportunities for attaining positions in the European parts of Turkey, and even their potential redistribution. Montenegro also had its own aspirations, but it had to sense the mood and take position of the Great Powers. A new crisis was foreshadowed when the riots of the Greek popu­lation in Crete broke out in 1896. Open conflict between Greece and Turkey brought the issue of European Turkey back into the focus of the diplomacy of the Great Powers, but also of the Balkan states. Austria-Hungary and Russia agreed on maintaining peace and preserving the status quo in the Balkans, which greatly affected not only them but the Balkan states as well. This paper looks into the diplomatic activities of Montenegro and its international posi­tions at the end of the XIX century.

  • Peter MIKŠA, Matija ZORN, Rasparčana Slovenija 1941–1945. Na primjeru okupacionih granica, 97-120 DOWNLOAD

ABSTRACT: Today‘s Slovenia was occupied by four countries during the Second World War – Germany, Italy, Hungary and Croatia. The demarca­tion between them was mainly based on Hitler‘s instructions on the dismem­berment of Yugoslavia. The borders were secured with minefields, wire fenc­es and bunkers. The new borders changed the traditional patterns of life in these areas and cut into the daily life and habits of the local population. With this work, we show how the borders were politically and diplomatically de­termined, where over 660 kilometers of occupation borders passed, how they were secured and how life went along with them.

  • Bogdan ŽIVKOVIĆ, Od novog pomirenja do strateškog saveza: Odnosi jugoslovenskih i italijanskih komunista od 1962. do Toljatijeve posete januara 1964. godine, 121-146 DOWNLOAD

ABSTRACT: On the basis of unpublished sources from the archives of the communist parties of Yugoslavia and Italy (Arhiv Jugoslavije, Bel­grade; Archivio del Partito comunista italiano, Rome), this article analyz­es the relations between these two parties during the early sixties. In a few very significant and crucial years for their interparty relations, the League of Communists of Yugoslavia (LCY) and the Italian Communist Party (PCI) managed to reestablish their relations, and to elevate them to a level of a strategic alliance. The aim of this article is to analyze that process, which was the foundation of a closer friendship and alliance of the LCY and PCI in the following decades.

  • Jelisaveta BLAGOJEVIĆ, „Libijsko proljeće“: fragmentacija patrimonijalne vojske, 147-171 DONLOAD

ABSTRACT: The main goal of this paper is to answer the following research question: How did the Libyan military react to the protest against the regime of Muammar al Gaddafi, i.e. what factors determined its role in the transition, how did that role influence the course of transition and the possibility of establishing civilian control over military in the new regime? Accordingly, the paper covers description and explanation of political, his­torical and cultural identity of Libya, the basic features of Gaddafi’s rule, as well as the position of the military in its regime. Finally, there is given anal­ysis of the influence of the military division into the pro-regime and anti-re­gime forces during the uprising, on the results of the transition. Post-spring Libya lost the elements of statehood i.e. monopoly over coercive force. Libya is ruled by “militias” that fighting for control over oil resources. Available data were analyzed, classified and systematized using the historiographical method, as well as method of case analysis and method of analysis of avail­able literature and documentation.



  • Radenko ŠĆEKIĆ, (Novi) hladni rat u novom milenijumu, 173-190 DOWNLOAD

ABSTRACT: The Cold War refers to the period of development of in­ternational relations after the Second World War, which was characterized by ideological, political, military and overall bloc bipolarization and con­frontation between the great powers of the West, ie the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) founded in 1949 and the Warsaw Pact established by the USSR in 1955. The epithet „cold” was given to this war because its ac­tors sought to achieve their goals of supremacy and domination in interna­tional relations by avoiding direct armed conflict through the bloc and inter­est division of the world. After the collapse of the Soviet Union and the War­saw Pact, NATO continued to dominate unhindered globally. The new mil­lennium has brought an era of multipolarity and the economic and political influence of the West is declining.



  • Ivan LAKOVIĆ, Bogdanović, B., Raspopović, R. (2020) CRNOGORSKO NAORUŽANJE / MONTENEGRIN WEAPONS. Ilustrovana monografija o razvoju pješadijskog naoružanja u Crnoj Gori (1870–1916), Podgorica: UniverzitetCrneGore, 273 str, 191-193 DOWNLOAD
  • Žarko LEKOVIĆ, Budimir Aleksić, IZ PROŠLOSTI CRNE GORE I HERCEGOVINE, Institut za srpsku kulturu – Nikšić, Nikšić, 2020, 195-200 DOWNLOAD
  • Saša KNEŽEVIĆ, Slavko Burzanović, CRNA GORA U ITALIJANSKOJ SPOLJNOJ POLITICI 1861–1923, CANU, Podgorica 2019, 201-203 DOWNLOAD
  • Marek BIAŁOKUR, Agnieszka MISIURSKA, À propos d’un pays trop petit pour être une superpuissance, mais trop grand pour accepter le rôle d’une petite nation… Quelques réflexions sur le livre de Andrzej Nowak SUR L’HISTOIRE, PAS POUR LES IDIOTS. CONVERSATIONS ET AFFAIRES, Wydawnictwo Literackie, Krakow 2019, p. 623, 205-220 DOWNLOAD
  • Vukota VUKOTIĆ, Luka Milunović, CRNOGORSKO GLUMIŠTE. Od 19. stoljeća do Prvog svjetskog rata. Podgorica: Matica crnogorska; Cetinje: Državni arhiv Crne Gore, 2017, 514 str, 221-224 DOWNLOAD


The new issue of Istorijski zapisi 3-4/2017 is published https://istorijskizapisi.me/artwork/the-new-issue-of-istorijski-zapisi-3-4-2017-are-published/ Fri, 10 Nov 2017 11:00:02 +0000 https://istorijskizapisi.me/?post_type=artwork&p=2209 ČLANCI

  • Anđela Đ. GAVRILOVIĆ, Duhovno i materijalno značenje i analiza motiva triju ribâ sa zajedničkom glavom na fragmentu kasnoantičkog podnog mozaika iz Petrovca na moru, 7-19   DOWNLOAD

Abstract: The paper deals with the iconography and meaning of the motif of three fish with one head, depicted on a small fragment of the floor mosaic (9 dm2 ) of an ancient villa, and found in 1902, in the olive yard of Marko Gregović in Petrovac at Sea (fig. 1). The paper concludes that the presence of this particular motif at the Montenegro Coast represents the continuation of a long-lasting iconographic tradition. The author concludes that in the case of Petrovac this motif has a Christian meaning, representing a symbolic image of the Holy Trinity – the Father, the Son and the Holy Ghost and that the head represents the Creator, or the universal Cosmic knowledge on the way of the Creator. Considering the meaning of the motif of three fish with one head, the author expresses the opinion that the building in which the motif was present once served to the Christian cult, that its owner was a Christian and that the mosaic was done in the second half of the 4th century.

  • Savo MARKOVIĆ, Izjava posljednje volje na kraju jedne epohe: Aleksandar Bazzan, 21-39  DOWNLOAD

ABSTRACT: Based on the testament and the other documents from the State Archives in Dubrovnik, as well as histography, in the paper is reconstructed the last period of life of one of the members of the patriciate of Bar. Alexandrus Bazzan was a priest and a landowner in Bar, and in Dubrovnik he was the confessor of Benedictine nuns of the monastery of St. Mark, the chorist of St. Blaise, and a spiritual at the nunnery of St. Clares. Indicative is conditioning of his testamental provisions by the return of his native town under the sovereignty of Christian rulers.

  • Katarina JOVIĆ, Zidno slikarstvo salona u palati Brajković-Martinović, 41-52  DOWNLOAD

Abstract: The paper deals with aesthetic features and conceptual values of wall-painting in the salon of Brajković-Martinović palace. This is the only originally preserved salon from Perast, created in the second half of the 19th century. As such, the salon is observed as the precious component of the cultural heritage of Perast and Boka Kotorska, owing to its monumental values and documentative potentials. The goal of the research is to examine the iconographic characteristics of wall painting from this salon – form, style and its symbolic significations. Additionaly, examination leads to the interpretation of its representative value, which demonstrates the evocative potentials of private-space-decoration and culture of living. Accordingly, author considers the wall-painting regarding the historical cultural circumstances of the local community and the contemporaneous European cultural milieu. Wall decoration from Brajković’s salon is considered in the context of traditional and modern compound, with local and external influences.

  • Branko BANOVIĆ, Analiza narativne komponente modela tradicionalnog crnogorskog maskuliniteta, 53-66  DOWNLOAD

ABSTRACT: Socio-constructivist theoretical premises dominant in the studying of masculinity claim that men are not born but made. In addition to the economic context, a significant role in the “making” of the model of traditional Montenegrin masculinity was played by the overall geopolitical position of Montenegro in history. Namely, the historical, ethnologic and fictional narrative about Montenegro‘s past suggest a constant state of siege throughout the period of Ottoman rule over Montenegro. Since wars necessarily have great influence on the structure of gender relations and the creation of masculinity, given that the popular and popular science narrative about Montenegro‘s past is one of permanent war against the Ottoman Empire, we can say that the given narrative had a great impact on the structure of traditional Montenegrin gender roles and particularly on the production of the model of traditional Montenegrin masculinity, in part responsible for the creation of an extremely masculine, patriarchal culture. In this paper, I analyse three examples (Montenegrin legends of untouched independence, legends regarding Carev Laz and the inquest of Islamic converts) to demonstrate the extent to which historical truth, historical and ethnologic narratives, and fictional narratives are interlaced and inseparable regarding the narrative context in which men gained awareness of the corresponding („normal”) male gender role in traditional Montenegro.

  • Marija CRNIĆ PEJOVIĆ, Foreign citizens in Herceg Novi municipality in 1811, 67-73  DOWNLOAD

ABSTRACT: At the time of the French rule in the Bay of Kotor (1807- 1814), records were kept on the foreigners residing on its territory. During this period, the civil authorities were subordinated to the military authorities who adopted orders on recording foreigners. The persons who did not register a foreigner immediately and offer him lodging before receiving an approval from the military authorities were subjected to a fine and military laws. On the basis of the list of foreigners from 1811, we find out that there were twenty-eight of them together with their family members residing in the Herceg Novi municipality. The majority came from Trebinje, and then from the east Adriatic coast. They arrived at the end of the 18th and the beginning of the 19th century.

  • Aleksandar RASTOVIĆ, Slučaj lažnog atentata na Kralja Aleksandra Obrenovića 1893. godine, 75-85  DOWNLOAD

ABSTRACT: In this work is analyzing insufficiently known scandal with false assassination of three foreigners on Serbian king of Alexandеr Obrenović in 1893. on the ground of published archive documents. Soon after king Alexander committed coup d`etat, took over power in his hands, declared himself of full age, Richard Mayne, The British citizen informed Serbian legation in London about preparation of so called international coup against new Serbian sovereign. After extensive researching in London and in Belgrade it is confirmed that Mayne sent false information to Serbian authorities in order to get personal material benefits. Scandal was appeared in the moment when the power of the Serbian king was unstable and fragile.

  • Darko BAKIĆ, Pogranični crnogorsko-osmanski sukobi u Zeti i kod Mojkovca 1912. godine, 87-100  DOWNLOAD

ABSTRACT: The border incident in Zeta began in the early morning hours of July 17, 1912, when the Turks, for no reason, wounded two Montenegrin subjects. This resulted in six-hour conflicts that killed nine and injured five Montenegrins. Turkish losses amounted to three dead and four wounded soldiers. Soon after the events in Zeta, a Montenegrin-Ottoman border conflict in Mojkovac occurred.After Turkish soldiers, by firing from the Pržište tower, had killed one and wounded several peasants, the Montenegrin army intervened. In the conflicts that took place on August 2 and 3, Montenegrins set fire to the tower in Prziste, but also some other towers in its vicinity. In these struggles, 33 Ottoman soldiers were killed. On the Montenegrin side, 15 soldiers were killed and 19 soldiers were wounded.

  • Christian PROMITZER, Habzburški vojni imperijalizam na zapadnom Balkanu: opaske austrijskog istoričara o austrougarskoj okupaciji Crne Gore (1916-1918), 101-118  DOWNLOAD

ABSTRACT: The role of the Austrian-Hungarian Joint Army as an occupying power in the First World War is a neglected historical theme in Austria, probably because it does not correspond to the nostalgic image of a multi-ethnic empire peacefully ruled by a paternal emperor. This paper deals with the Austro-Hungarian occupation of the Kingdom of Montenegro in the years of 1916-1918, for which the Austrian half of the Dual Monarchy was primarily responsible.

  • Neda DONAT, Prosvjetne prilike u Crnoj Gori za vrijeme Austro-Ugarske okupacije od 1916 do 1918. godine, 119-127  DOWNLOAD

ABSTRACT: The paper deals with teaching in secondary schools in Montenegro during the World War I and the consequences of the AustroHungarian occupation of Montenegro 1916-1918.



  • Srđa MARTINOVIĆ, Vojna manufaktura i barutane Crnogorske vojske u vrijeme kraljevine, 129-142  DOWNLOAD

Abstract: The intensive development of the Montenegrin Royal army begins from the time of Prince Nikola I, for his time, facilities for military purposes, weapons, ammunition, military equipment and war material are being built. During this period, workshops for the repair of weapons and ammunition production are also being opened. From the first workshop on Rijeka Crnojević to the opening of workshops for each division, the Montenegrin army that was exhausted in the wars, went a long way.

  • Nada TOMOVIĆ, Balkanski narodi u kriznoj 1908. godini, 143-153  DOWNLOAD

ABSTRACT: At the beginning of the 20th century the great powers started to lose control over the events on the Balkan peninsula. After the Congress of Berlin (1878), Russia and Austria-Hungary played the major role in the politics of the Balkans. After 1908 these two great powers belonged to two different political alliances. Russia was facing direct Austrian expansion on the Balkans, and had to fight to maintain the patronage over the Balkan nations. Aware of the fact that the great powers were only looking after their own interests, the Balknbnations tried to liberate themselves from Austrian end Otoman occupation witout their support. The peak of political crisis on the Balkans were Annexation an Young Turk revolution.



  • Cvijeta BRAJIČIĆ, Slavko BURZANOVIĆ, Crnogorska pisma u arhivu Antonija Baldačija, 155-173   DOWNLOAD

ABSTRACT: This paper emphasizes the importance of the archival legacy of the Italian botanist and geographer Antonio Baldacci (1867- 1950), who was associated with Montenegro by his scientific work and interest, economic and political activity, as well as friendly and business relations with numerous figures from the country. Highlighting the significance of Baldacci’s correspondence is particularly indicative of the Baldacci’s interest in Montenegro, as sixteen letters sent to Baldacci from persons of different social, cultural and national milieu are presented to the readers and analyzed. Letters are written in Italian and South Slavic languages, and in this paper they are published in translation.



  • Miljan GOGIĆ, Promocija knjige: Crna Gora i Njemački Rajh. Dokumenti iz Političkog arhiva sližbe inostranih poslova u Berlinu 1906-1914. (Tom I 1905-1910), 175-178   DOWNLOAD
  • Ivan LAKOVIĆ, Hronika aktivnosti istraživača iz Istorijskog instituta UCG na istraživanju kulturno-istorijskog nasljeđa tokom projekta „Valorizacija crnogorskih katuna kroz održivi razvoj poljoprivrede i turizma“, 179-185  DOWNLOAD
  • Olga PELCER-VUJAČIĆ, Bilateralna saradnja Istorijskog instituta UCG tokom 2017. godine, 187-191  DOWNLOAD



  • Saša Knežević, Dr Senka Raspopović, dr Konrad Clewing i dr Radoslav Raspopović, Crna Gora i Njemački Rajh – dokumenti iz političkog arhiva službe inostranih poslova u Berlinu 1906-1914, 193-195  DOWNLOAD



The new issue of Istorijski zapisi 3-4/2009 is published https://istorijskizapisi.me/artwork/the-new-issue-of-istorijski-zapisi-3-4-2009-is-published/ https://istorijskizapisi.me/artwork/the-new-issue-of-istorijski-zapisi-3-4-2009-is-published/#respond Fri, 06 Nov 2009 10:34:45 +0000 https://istorijskizapisi.me/?post_type=artwork&p=2788
  • Dominik GAZI, Predgovor, 9-10  Download
  • Radoslav RASPOPOVIĆ, Uvodna riječ, 11-13  Download
  • Radoslav RASPOPOVIĆ, Préface, 15-17

    • Daniel CAVALLI, La France et l’Adriatique entre 1797 et 1814, 19-26  Download
    • Danijel KAVALI, Francuska i Jadran od 1797 do 1814. godine, 27-34  Download

    ABSTRACT: The paper provides a brief historical context and outlines the events regarding French occupation of the southeast coast of the Adriatic Sea. The events are related to the 1797 Peace of Campo Formio, when Austria temporarily took possession of Dalmatia and Dubrovnik. It gives a summary of the establishment of administrative jurisdiction of Kingdom of Italy over this area, and ultimately, of the entry of this area in to the wider whole of Illyrian provinces.


    • Bernard LORY, Les provinces Illyriennes et les connaissances geographiques sur les Balkans en France au debut du XIXe siecle, 35-44  Download
    • Bernar LORI, Ilirske provincije i geografska znanja o Balkanu u Francuskoj početkom XIX vijeka, 45-54  Download

    ABSTRACT: The paper deals with the geographical knowledge of the Balkan Peninsula that France had at the beginning of the 19th century. It analyzes various sources of geographical knowledge the French had on the Balkans, from ancient sources to those formed during the time of French expansion at the turn of the 18th century. The sources of geographical knowledge are of different sorts – records, travel logs, official reports, geographical maps, etc.


    • Radoslav RASPOPOVIĆ, Un projet manqué: l’ouverture du consulat français à Cetinje 1807/1808, 55-63  Download
    • Radoslav RASPOPOVIĆ, Pokušaj osnivanja francuskog konzulata na Cetinju 1807/1808., 65-74  Download

    ABSTRACT: The paper deals with the attempt of establishing a French Legation in Cetinje between 1807 and 1808. It analyzes the position of Montenegro in the context of international relations of the Napoleon era, and the reasons which prevented the establishment of such diplomatic representation in Cetinje.

    The author attributes the reasons for the failure to establish the legation to historical circumstances, from the aspect of both foreign and internal policy.


    • Senka BABOVIĆ RASPOPOVIĆ, Le Montenegro et les bouches de Kotor dans les memoires du marechal français Auguste Marmont et dans les notes de Vladimir Bronevski, au debut du XIXe siecle, 75-84  Download
    • Senka BABOVIĆ RASPOPOVIĆ, Crna Gora i Boka kotorska u “Memoarima” francuskog maršala Ogista Marmona i “Zapisima” ruskog oficira Vladimira Bronevskog, početkom 19. vijeka, 85-94  Download

    ABSTRACT: The author analyzes two testimonies of the events in Boka Kotorska and Montenegro regarding the French occupation of the bay – “Memoirs” of marshal Marmot and “Essays” by the Russian officer Vladimir Bronevsky. The testimonies are analyzed in the con text of “geo-strategic benefit” to France and Russia at the beginning of the 19th century.


    • Sacha MARKOVIC, Les enjeux historiographiques de la recherche sur les provinces Illyriennes et la notion d’occupation, 95-109  Download
    • Saša MARKOVIĆ, Izazovi istoriografskog istraživanja o Ilirskim provincijama i pojmu okupacije, 111-126  Download

    ABSTRACT: The text analyzes Napoleon’s project of adaptable policy which was based on old principles. In that context, many questions were brought up regarding the correlation of the project and the region of Dalmatia and other Illyrian provinces. The author deals with the questions in correlation with a wider context of French control of the Mediterranean at the beginning of the 19th century.


    • Dragan BOGOJEVIĆ, Le Montenegro dans les ouvrages de Vialla de Sommieres, 127-133  Download
    • Dragan BOGOJEVIĆ, Crna Gora u Putopisima Viale de Samijera, 135-140  Download

    ABSTRACT: The text provides a brief summary of the travel memoirs of French colonel Viala de Somier about Montenegro. Author analyzes Somier’s remarks about Montenegro from the aspect of French attitude towards this country by illustrating the most interesting parts of the travel memoirs which closely determine the literary intentions of the writer.


    • Slavko BURZANOVIĆ, L’oeuvre de Vialla de Sommières – une source pour l’histoire du Monténégro, 141-147  Download
    • Slavko BURZANOVIĆ, Djelo Viale de Samijera kao istorijski izvor o Crnoj Gori, 149-155  Download

    ABSTRACT: Napoleon’s France could treat Montenegrins as either opponents or potential allies, but in both cases, it needed to get to know them well. Colonel Somier under-took the adventure of collecting the necessary information in the field during his research visit to Montenegro. The most significant information he collected was about the population number, especially those at the disposal of the army, about the economic resources of the country and the political and administrative situation. Considering the ever-open possibility of invading Montenegro, it was important to know the communication system within the country and to own topographic material on it. The information which was then gathered and later printed in the travel memoirs Historical and Political Travel to Montenegro represent an important historical source, especially since they were collected at a time when Montenegro had a modest state administration and consequently a modest output of documents i.e. historical sources. Viala’s work as a historical source needs to be approached critically like all narrative testimonies.


    • Amaël CATTARUZZA, Les provinces Illyriennes: une perspective geopolitique, 157-164  Download
    • Amael KATARUZA, Ilirske provincije: jedno geopolitičko sagledavanje, 165-172  Download

    ABSTRACT: In the paper, the author considers the geopolitical importance of Illyrian provinces. The English and the Austrian attacked Illyrian provinces in 1814, the former at sea and the latter on land. The Austro-British conquest of Illyrian provinces was completed in April 1814. The example of the Illyrian provinces proves Napoleon’s intention to rule European territory. A subtle military strategist he was, Napoleon saw the European stage as a battlefield in which audacity could mitigate or disable opponent’s action. Such notion of Europe suffered defeat and marked the beginning of the “agreement of nations” in Europe several months before the Congress of Berlin.


    • Tatjana KOPRIVICA, Les circonstances culturelles dans les Bouches de Kotor pendant la période des Provinces illyriennes, 173-179  Download
    • Tatjana KOPRIVICA, Kulturne prilike u Boki kotorskoj u vrijeme ilirskih provincija, 181-187  Download

    ABSTRACT: In her work, the author deals with cultural circumstances in Boka Kotorska at the time of Illyrian provinces. The biggest cultural achievement of this period was the opening of the Theater in Kotor. There was hardly any planned cultural policy at the time of Illyrian provinces. The little investment in culture was primarily done for propaganda purposes. French administration in Boka Kotorska led to a cultural breakdown, destruction of navy, collapse of the old social structure, civil and religious emancipation and to the devastation of cultural heritage.

    https://istorijskizapisi.me/artwork/the-new-issue-of-istorijski-zapisi-3-4-2009-is-published/feed/ 0