the Balkans – Istorijski Zapisi Istorijski Institut UCG Sat, 06 Nov 2021 12:20:05 +0000 en-US hourly 1 The new issue of Istorijski zapisi 1-2/2021 is published Sun, 23 May 2021 09:14:35 +0000 Članci


ABSTRACT: Epigraphic evidence from the territory of Montenegro pertaining to the Roman army testifies to the history of the province of Dalmatia and its garrison. Inscriptions imply the existence of stations of beneficiarii consularis in Doclea and Municipium Splonistarum respectively. From the reign of Marcus Aurelius onwards, the latter town might have been garrisoned by a detachment of the cohort II milliaria Delmatarum, which was stationed on the border between Dalmatia and Moesia Superior. Epigraphic evidence from Risinium and Municipium Splonistarum shows that the units of the Roman army were replenished with recruits from these towns and their territories. Onomastic evidence implies that some of the conscripts belonged to the indigenous population of Dalmatia.




ABSTRACT: The paper deals with Strabo’s account of rivers running through the Balkans, belonging to the Black Sea, Adriatic and Aegean drainage basins. His knowledge of rivers is focused on navigable parts and river mouths, rather than on those parts closer to the source. Regarding the rivers of the Black Sea drainage basin, Strabo mentions the most important right tributaries of the Danube, and the Sava River and its tributaries are considered in relation to the ancient trade routes. The rivers of the Adriatic basin are mostly short and isolated without the possibility of easy communication between one river-basin and another, but the economic importance of these rivers is underlined and it is specified, seen from the mouth to the inland, whether a river is navigable or not. Strabo was also well acquainted with the five great rivers of ancient Macedonia and Thrace which enter the Aegean Sea. Unfortunately, Book VII of Strabo’s Geography is not preserved in its entirety, but even in the fragmentary state in which it is preserved, it contains the most complete geographical description of ancient Macedonia and the Thracian coast in antiquity we possess today.


  • Миљан ГОГИћ, О ПОВЕЉИ КРАЉИЦЕ ЈЕЛЕНЕ АНЖУЈСКЕ ЗА СЕЛО ЗАТОР (1276‒1306), 53-72  Download

ABSTRACT: This paper analyses the contents of the text of the charter issued by Queen Helen of Anjou to the village of Zator‒which is in the immediate vicinity of Kotor –during her reign in Zeta (1276‒1306). The charter has been preserved in multiple transcripts, as well as Italian translations. The charter states the boundaries of the village, as defined by Queen Helen, which were established on the site. Penalties are prescribed in the case of any unlawful use of this area by the surrounding population. The charter stipulates legal norms which determine the pecuniary tributes paid by the inhabitants of the village, in relation to court proceedings. A fine is prescribed for any breach of these norms. The paper concludes that a part of the border of the village of Zator had corresponded with a part of the border of the Kotor district since the first half of the 14th century.



ABSTRACT: This lecture is part of a larger project dealing with the environmental history of South-East Europe in the 18th and 19th century. It will discuss the impact of natural and meteorological phenomena on a multicultural society in a borderland of the Russian, Ottoman and Habsburg Empire. The study assesses this topic from two perspectives: that of contemporary interpretations and that of contemporary intervention measures. The population’s perceptions at the time were permeated by religious concepts, such as divine punishment, while the official perception had only started to be influenced by the rational, enlightened interpretation of the transition period to modernity. The eruption of Laki in 1783 triggered a sudden and serious climate change. The ensuing drop in temperature caused a massive decrease in agricultural production which, in turn, lead to famine in the following years. The effects of this catastrophe in this part of Europe have not yet been thoroughly researched thus far. A great number of chronicles, travel books, memoirs, official documents in Central and Western Europe mention low temperatures, price hikes, poverty and famine. Based on external sources, this research will contribute to the development of historiography on the on climatic anomalies in the Danube principalities between 1783 and 1785 and analyses the impact of weather on the economy of both Romanian countries. In comparison with other Central European countries, the impact of the weather on the two Romanian principalities was rather weak, the economy functioned within its limits; the summer and autumn of 1785 were extremely rich. The main problem of both analysed countries was the plague, which broke out during this period.



ABSTRACT: On the occasion of the bicentennial anniversary of the Greek War of Independence, the present paper aims to briefly present the participation of Montenegrin volunteers in the revolutionary activities. Montenegrin volunteers’ participation is an interesting case study, as it is linked to the Balkan dimension of the Greek revolution and it offers insights on the impact of the French revolution in the region.



ABSTRACT: After the 1917 Corfu Declaration several Italian political circles adopted a warm approach towards Yugoslav unity. Following Mazzini’s ideas, democratic interventionists had claimed since the beginning of the war a policy based on the national principle. They were eventually joined by more conservative sectors, which believed the international context had radically changed since 1915 and therefore it was necessary to make a general reappraisal of Italy’s war aims. They favoured a deal with Serbia and the Yugoslav Committee in order to destabilize the Austrian Empire and agree a mutually acceptable definition of the common border. Minister of Foreign Affairs Sonnino instead believed that Italian war aims had been fixed once and for all in 1915 and refused both direct talks and a reappraisal of Italian war aims. Lacking a bilateral deal with Serbs/Yugoslavs, Rome finally found itself helpless at the peace negotiations, when Paris and London backtracked from the promises made in 1915.




ABSTRACT: The first half of the first decade of the 20th century was marked by the strengthening of gendarmerie bodies and the adoption of appropriate legal regulations or ordinances. The increase in smuggling of tobacco and weapons imposed the need to form special bodies that would oppose various manipulations and smuggling. In the then Principality and Kingdom of Montenegro, in addition to the state and military gendarmerie, three more functioned: monopoly, border and financial. These gendarmerie had different competencies, which often overlapped in the field.





ABSTRACT: This paper presents my research on the discovery of numerous hitherto unknown necropolises of stećak – tombstones in the Bijelo Polje-Bihor region. A review is given of previous research, but also of inconsistent opinions about symbols and inscriptions on many stećak – tombstones. Unfortunately, a large part of the stećak – tombstones in this area were either broken or built into various buildings, so my intention was, in addition to finding and interpreting the symbols on them, to point out to our professional public and cultural heritage institutions to encourage further research and protection of this truly great cultural treasure. Many necropolises of stećak tombstones found in the Bijelo Polje-Bihor region are a real archaeological treasure, both in terms of their shapes and the motifs found on the stećak tombstones. In this area, we find such a variety of motifs on the stećak – tombstones that it is a real cultural treasure that deserves further research, but the valorization of existing ones.


  • Filip D. VUČETIĆ, ANEKSIONA KRIZA I SRPSKO PITANJE 1908-1909, 177-191  Download

ABSTRACT: By the decisions of the Berlin Congress in 1878, Austria-Hungary occupied Bosnia and Herzegovina, although it was still the territory of the Ottoman Empire. The entry of the Austrian military and civilian authorities into Bosnia and Herzegovina was the first step of the German penetration to the east. From 1878, Vienna had carefully been preparing the annexation and the right moment for it was 1908. Defeated in the war with Japan, and shaken by the revolution in 1905, Russia was unable to react. The annexation, carried out by Vienna, caused dissatisfaction in Cetinje and Belgrade. Serbia and Montenegro were ready to get into war for their rights. For the above-mentioned reasons, Russia was not ready for war, so Serbia and Montenegro had to withdraw, failing to receive even territorial compensation for the loss of Bosnia and Herzegovina.




ABSTRACT: The paper is based on the memoirs of Count Peter Andreyevich Shuvalov, the second plenipotentiary representative of the Russian Empire at the Berlin Congress. The remarks made by P.A. Shuvalov regarding the work of the Congress are kept as a written record in the Russian State Historical Archive (RGIA) in St. Petersburg, in the fund of the Office of the Minister of Finance. The significance of the Congress and the significance of the person who wrote down his own account of the said events, make this document unique among the documents on the work of the Congress.

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The new issue of Istorijski zapisi 3-4/2009 is published Fri, 06 Nov 2009 10:34:45 +0000
  • Dominik GAZI, Predgovor, 9-10  Download
  • Radoslav RASPOPOVIĆ, Uvodna riječ, 11-13  Download
  • Radoslav RASPOPOVIĆ, Préface, 15-17

    • Daniel CAVALLI, La France et l’Adriatique entre 1797 et 1814, 19-26  Download
    • Danijel KAVALI, Francuska i Jadran od 1797 do 1814. godine, 27-34  Download

    ABSTRACT: The paper provides a brief historical context and outlines the events regarding French occupation of the southeast coast of the Adriatic Sea. The events are related to the 1797 Peace of Campo Formio, when Austria temporarily took possession of Dalmatia and Dubrovnik. It gives a summary of the establishment of administrative jurisdiction of Kingdom of Italy over this area, and ultimately, of the entry of this area in to the wider whole of Illyrian provinces.


    • Bernard LORY, Les provinces Illyriennes et les connaissances geographiques sur les Balkans en France au debut du XIXe siecle, 35-44  Download
    • Bernar LORI, Ilirske provincije i geografska znanja o Balkanu u Francuskoj početkom XIX vijeka, 45-54  Download

    ABSTRACT: The paper deals with the geographical knowledge of the Balkan Peninsula that France had at the beginning of the 19th century. It analyzes various sources of geographical knowledge the French had on the Balkans, from ancient sources to those formed during the time of French expansion at the turn of the 18th century. The sources of geographical knowledge are of different sorts – records, travel logs, official reports, geographical maps, etc.


    • Radoslav RASPOPOVIĆ, Un projet manqué: l’ouverture du consulat français à Cetinje 1807/1808, 55-63  Download
    • Radoslav RASPOPOVIĆ, Pokušaj osnivanja francuskog konzulata na Cetinju 1807/1808., 65-74  Download

    ABSTRACT: The paper deals with the attempt of establishing a French Legation in Cetinje between 1807 and 1808. It analyzes the position of Montenegro in the context of international relations of the Napoleon era, and the reasons which prevented the establishment of such diplomatic representation in Cetinje.

    The author attributes the reasons for the failure to establish the legation to historical circumstances, from the aspect of both foreign and internal policy.


    • Senka BABOVIĆ RASPOPOVIĆ, Le Montenegro et les bouches de Kotor dans les memoires du marechal français Auguste Marmont et dans les notes de Vladimir Bronevski, au debut du XIXe siecle, 75-84  Download
    • Senka BABOVIĆ RASPOPOVIĆ, Crna Gora i Boka kotorska u “Memoarima” francuskog maršala Ogista Marmona i “Zapisima” ruskog oficira Vladimira Bronevskog, početkom 19. vijeka, 85-94  Download

    ABSTRACT: The author analyzes two testimonies of the events in Boka Kotorska and Montenegro regarding the French occupation of the bay – “Memoirs” of marshal Marmot and “Essays” by the Russian officer Vladimir Bronevsky. The testimonies are analyzed in the con text of “geo-strategic benefit” to France and Russia at the beginning of the 19th century.


    • Sacha MARKOVIC, Les enjeux historiographiques de la recherche sur les provinces Illyriennes et la notion d’occupation, 95-109  Download
    • Saša MARKOVIĆ, Izazovi istoriografskog istraživanja o Ilirskim provincijama i pojmu okupacije, 111-126  Download

    ABSTRACT: The text analyzes Napoleon’s project of adaptable policy which was based on old principles. In that context, many questions were brought up regarding the correlation of the project and the region of Dalmatia and other Illyrian provinces. The author deals with the questions in correlation with a wider context of French control of the Mediterranean at the beginning of the 19th century.


    • Dragan BOGOJEVIĆ, Le Montenegro dans les ouvrages de Vialla de Sommieres, 127-133  Download
    • Dragan BOGOJEVIĆ, Crna Gora u Putopisima Viale de Samijera, 135-140  Download

    ABSTRACT: The text provides a brief summary of the travel memoirs of French colonel Viala de Somier about Montenegro. Author analyzes Somier’s remarks about Montenegro from the aspect of French attitude towards this country by illustrating the most interesting parts of the travel memoirs which closely determine the literary intentions of the writer.


    • Slavko BURZANOVIĆ, L’oeuvre de Vialla de Sommières – une source pour l’histoire du Monténégro, 141-147  Download
    • Slavko BURZANOVIĆ, Djelo Viale de Samijera kao istorijski izvor o Crnoj Gori, 149-155  Download

    ABSTRACT: Napoleon’s France could treat Montenegrins as either opponents or potential allies, but in both cases, it needed to get to know them well. Colonel Somier under-took the adventure of collecting the necessary information in the field during his research visit to Montenegro. The most significant information he collected was about the population number, especially those at the disposal of the army, about the economic resources of the country and the political and administrative situation. Considering the ever-open possibility of invading Montenegro, it was important to know the communication system within the country and to own topographic material on it. The information which was then gathered and later printed in the travel memoirs Historical and Political Travel to Montenegro represent an important historical source, especially since they were collected at a time when Montenegro had a modest state administration and consequently a modest output of documents i.e. historical sources. Viala’s work as a historical source needs to be approached critically like all narrative testimonies.


    • Amaël CATTARUZZA, Les provinces Illyriennes: une perspective geopolitique, 157-164  Download
    • Amael KATARUZA, Ilirske provincije: jedno geopolitičko sagledavanje, 165-172  Download

    ABSTRACT: In the paper, the author considers the geopolitical importance of Illyrian provinces. The English and the Austrian attacked Illyrian provinces in 1814, the former at sea and the latter on land. The Austro-British conquest of Illyrian provinces was completed in April 1814. The example of the Illyrian provinces proves Napoleon’s intention to rule European territory. A subtle military strategist he was, Napoleon saw the European stage as a battlefield in which audacity could mitigate or disable opponent’s action. Such notion of Europe suffered defeat and marked the beginning of the “agreement of nations” in Europe several months before the Congress of Berlin.


    • Tatjana KOPRIVICA, Les circonstances culturelles dans les Bouches de Kotor pendant la période des Provinces illyriennes, 173-179  Download
    • Tatjana KOPRIVICA, Kulturne prilike u Boki kotorskoj u vrijeme ilirskih provincija, 181-187  Download

    ABSTRACT: In her work, the author deals with cultural circumstances in Boka Kotorska at the time of Illyrian provinces. The biggest cultural achievement of this period was the opening of the Theater in Kotor. There was hardly any planned cultural policy at the time of Illyrian provinces. The little investment in culture was primarily done for propaganda purposes. French administration in Boka Kotorska led to a cultural breakdown, destruction of navy, collapse of the old social structure, civil and religious emancipation and to the devastation of cultural heritage.

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