patriciate – Istorijski Zapisi Istorijski Institut UCG Sun, 10 Apr 2022 09:28:06 +0000 en-US hourly 1 The new issue of Istorijski zapisi 3-4/2021 is published Sat, 25 Dec 2021 10:36:01 +0000 Članci

  • Savo MARKOVIĆ, Dabri, istaknuti patricijski rod u Ulcinju, 7-52   Download

DOI: 10.53251/iz3-42021SM

ABSTRACT: Based on historiographical findings and the documents from the State Archives in Dubrovnik, the historical role and activities of members of one of the most important patrician lineages of Ulcinj are considered prosopographically and multidisciplinarily. The chronological, genealogical and onomastic compatibility of this lineage to expatriates of Ulcinj, Antonine family Gabro of Dubrovnik, are pointed out, too. The Dabris are recorded in available historical sources from the 14th century to the 1600s. Their prominent social position vividly reflects the centuries-old manifold contacts and challenges of life on the border. Especially exemplarily in that regard were the personage and the fate of the young interpretor Pasquale Dabri.

  • Radoslav RASPOPOVIĆ, O sadržaju rada crnogorskog izaslanika u Beču tokom pripreme Berlinskog kongresa, 53-65  Download

DOI: 10.53251/iz3-42021RR

ABSTRACT: Missions of small states envoys to international congresses and conferences can be important for many reasons: historiographical, international law, foreign policy, or diplomatic character. Numerous international congresses were held in Europe in the 19th century. All of them, as a rule, were maintained after international crises, such as the Great Eastern Crisis (1876‒1878), which is directly related to our work.

  • Galina ŠEVCOVA, Sanitarni odredi RDCK u Crnoj Gori za vreme Balkanskog rata (1912-1913), 67-77  Download

DOI: 10.53251/iz3-42021GS

ABSTRACT: The article is dedicated to the humanitarian aid that Russia provided to Montenegro during the First Balkan War. At the invitation of the Montenegrin government and the Montenegrin Red Cross Society, the Russian Red Cross sent the Yelisvetin and Kharkov Sanitary Detachments, which were briefly joined by the Moscow City Detachment. Having in mind the difficult economic situation in Montenegro, the Russian public also provided financial assistance, which was used to organize soup kitchens for the population and help the families of wounded and killed soldiers. Funds for humanitarian purposes were sent through the Russian Imperial Mission in Cetinje and Grand Duchess Milica Nikolajevna.

  • Mile BJELAJAC, Glinski kraj 1938-1941. Strah i zabrinutost Srba za sigurnost i odnos prema vojsci i državi, 79-99  Download

DOI: 10.53251/iz3-42021MB

ABSTRACT: In this paper, the author gives an overview of the political situation in Banija and the regions of the Banovina Savska and Primorska and since August 1939 the Banovina of Croatia, areas where the Serbian and Croatian populations were mixed. Residents, mostly Serbs and Yugoslav loyalists of Glina and the wider area were deeply concerned about the deteriorating trends in interethnic relations, which are characterized by open threats, pressure and aggression aimed at political victory and secession of Croatia from Yugoslavia. The situation worsened after 1936 due to the strengthening of the Croatian Peasant and Civil Guard. The establishment of the Banovina of Croatia, intended to calm tensions, contributed instead to the radicalization of the situation. The Serb and Yugoslav affiliated population followed the situation with understandable concern, which only worsened as the Axis Powers have accomplished their goals in Europe. The reports of the

civilian authorities, the gendarmerie and the army are full of the facts and testimonies about the situation and gloomy predictions if nothing would be done. Military and defense activities were sabotaged not only by the Frankists but also by the very top of the CPP (HSS). The creators of the Agreement (1939) on the Serbian side were deeply disappointed and felt betrayed. Newspapers and brochures are spread and read, retold too. That could only fueled mistrust and concerns, even fears. The loyal attitude of the SDS in the coalition with the HSS, as well as the calls for solidarity and cooperation from the part of local representatives of the ruling JRZ, did not reverse the increasingly radical attitudes of the HSS and the illegal Frankists. The events in April and May 1941 showed that the fears were justified.

  • Rastko LOMPAR, Prilog istraživanju borbe jugoslovenskih vlasti protiv pokreta Zbor u zemlji i emigraciji 1944–1974, 101-122  Download

DOI: 10.53251/iz3-42021RL

АBSTRACT: Тhe aim of this paper is to highlight some aspects of the struggle between the Yugoslav National Movement Zbor and the state security apparatus of Socialist Yugoslavia. It covers the period between the evacuation of the Movement’s members from Serbia in 1944 and the assassination of Zbor’s leader Jakov Ljotić in 1974. It describes the repression against the Movement’s members and their families within the country as well as the covert operations aimed against the émigré organization of Zbor. The paper is based on unpublished sources from Serbian and Croatian archives, as well as some declassified documents of the CIA.

  • Boris VUKIĆEVIĆ, Crnogorski kadrovi u diplomatskoj službi socijalističke Jugoslavije, 123-150  Download

DOI: 10.53251/iz3-42021BV

ABSTRACT: This paper deals with the role of diplomats of Montenegrin affiliation in the Yugoslav diplomatic service during the era of socialist Yugoslavia (1945-1991).It lists all Yugoslav ambassadors with the Montenegrin republic affiliation, covering as well their roles in the diplomatic network and their backgrounds. It emphasizes the roles of both the ambassadors to other countries and heads of missions to international organizations, adding some of the consuls’ general as well. It also makes parallels with the previous (Kingdom of) Yugoslavia and the role of diplomats from Montenegro in its diplomatic service, and gives the conclusion on the importance of the heritage of the diplomacy of the socialist epoch for contemporary Montenegrin diplomacy.



  • Darija TIMOFEJEV, Iz istorije diplomatskih odnosa Rusije i Švedske u XVII v. Na primeru diplomate, špijuna, prebeglice, prevodilaca G. K. Kotošihina, 151-168  Download

DOI: 10.53251/iz3-42021DT

ABSTRACT: Based on the extensive literature and available sources, the article discusses the life and work of Kotoshikhin, a Russian diplomat who fled to the Swedes in the middle of the 17th century. The author comes to the conclusion that the activity of the Russian Diplomatic Office could attract the attention not only of Swedish diplomats who dealt with Russia, but also as a result of contained novelties that only later became generally accepted in world diplomatic practice.

  • Stanko JOVANOVIĆ, Ideje Petra Šobajića o ranosrednjovjekovnom etničkom miješanju u Bjelopavlićima, 169-197  Download

DOI: 10.53251/iz3-42021SJ

ABSTRACT: Petar Šobajić (1891 – 1957) was a Montenegrin anthropographer and ethnographer dedicated to thorough research of Montenegrin clans and their ethnogenesis. This paper primarily deals with research that Petar Šobajić conducted in region of Bjelopavlići, whose results Sobajic published in 1923, under the name Бјелопавлићи и Пјешивци (Bjelopavlici i Pjesivci) in the Serbian Ethnographical Journal. The main concern of this paper are the old populations of Španji and Lužani. The first step was uncovering the academic influences which inspired Šobajić to conduct this type of research, then present the content of his ideas. The body of the paper takes an archaeological stance, providing a critical approach through a multidisciplinary lens on Šobajic’s ideas. In that sense, the knowledge that Šobajić presented is not set in stone as ‘the people’s truth’, but as important written oral tradition which can be critically opposed with various archaeological and historical evidence and records.

In Memoriam

  • Olga PELCER VUJAČIĆ, Miroslava Mirković (1933-2020), 199-203  Download
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The new issue of Istorijski zapisi 3-4/2017 is published Fri, 10 Nov 2017 11:00:02 +0000 ČLANCI

  • Anđela Đ. GAVRILOVIĆ, Duhovno i materijalno značenje i analiza motiva triju ribâ sa zajedničkom glavom na fragmentu kasnoantičkog podnog mozaika iz Petrovca na moru, 7-19   DOWNLOAD

Abstract: The paper deals with the iconography and meaning of the motif of three fish with one head, depicted on a small fragment of the floor mosaic (9 dm2 ) of an ancient villa, and found in 1902, in the olive yard of Marko Gregović in Petrovac at Sea (fig. 1). The paper concludes that the presence of this particular motif at the Montenegro Coast represents the continuation of a long-lasting iconographic tradition. The author concludes that in the case of Petrovac this motif has a Christian meaning, representing a symbolic image of the Holy Trinity – the Father, the Son and the Holy Ghost and that the head represents the Creator, or the universal Cosmic knowledge on the way of the Creator. Considering the meaning of the motif of three fish with one head, the author expresses the opinion that the building in which the motif was present once served to the Christian cult, that its owner was a Christian and that the mosaic was done in the second half of the 4th century.

  • Savo MARKOVIĆ, Izjava posljednje volje na kraju jedne epohe: Aleksandar Bazzan, 21-39  DOWNLOAD

ABSTRACT: Based on the testament and the other documents from the State Archives in Dubrovnik, as well as histography, in the paper is reconstructed the last period of life of one of the members of the patriciate of Bar. Alexandrus Bazzan was a priest and a landowner in Bar, and in Dubrovnik he was the confessor of Benedictine nuns of the monastery of St. Mark, the chorist of St. Blaise, and a spiritual at the nunnery of St. Clares. Indicative is conditioning of his testamental provisions by the return of his native town under the sovereignty of Christian rulers.

  • Katarina JOVIĆ, Zidno slikarstvo salona u palati Brajković-Martinović, 41-52  DOWNLOAD

Abstract: The paper deals with aesthetic features and conceptual values of wall-painting in the salon of Brajković-Martinović palace. This is the only originally preserved salon from Perast, created in the second half of the 19th century. As such, the salon is observed as the precious component of the cultural heritage of Perast and Boka Kotorska, owing to its monumental values and documentative potentials. The goal of the research is to examine the iconographic characteristics of wall painting from this salon – form, style and its symbolic significations. Additionaly, examination leads to the interpretation of its representative value, which demonstrates the evocative potentials of private-space-decoration and culture of living. Accordingly, author considers the wall-painting regarding the historical cultural circumstances of the local community and the contemporaneous European cultural milieu. Wall decoration from Brajković’s salon is considered in the context of traditional and modern compound, with local and external influences.

  • Branko BANOVIĆ, Analiza narativne komponente modela tradicionalnog crnogorskog maskuliniteta, 53-66  DOWNLOAD

ABSTRACT: Socio-constructivist theoretical premises dominant in the studying of masculinity claim that men are not born but made. In addition to the economic context, a significant role in the “making” of the model of traditional Montenegrin masculinity was played by the overall geopolitical position of Montenegro in history. Namely, the historical, ethnologic and fictional narrative about Montenegro‘s past suggest a constant state of siege throughout the period of Ottoman rule over Montenegro. Since wars necessarily have great influence on the structure of gender relations and the creation of masculinity, given that the popular and popular science narrative about Montenegro‘s past is one of permanent war against the Ottoman Empire, we can say that the given narrative had a great impact on the structure of traditional Montenegrin gender roles and particularly on the production of the model of traditional Montenegrin masculinity, in part responsible for the creation of an extremely masculine, patriarchal culture. In this paper, I analyse three examples (Montenegrin legends of untouched independence, legends regarding Carev Laz and the inquest of Islamic converts) to demonstrate the extent to which historical truth, historical and ethnologic narratives, and fictional narratives are interlaced and inseparable regarding the narrative context in which men gained awareness of the corresponding („normal”) male gender role in traditional Montenegro.

  • Marija CRNIĆ PEJOVIĆ, Foreign citizens in Herceg Novi municipality in 1811, 67-73  DOWNLOAD

ABSTRACT: At the time of the French rule in the Bay of Kotor (1807- 1814), records were kept on the foreigners residing on its territory. During this period, the civil authorities were subordinated to the military authorities who adopted orders on recording foreigners. The persons who did not register a foreigner immediately and offer him lodging before receiving an approval from the military authorities were subjected to a fine and military laws. On the basis of the list of foreigners from 1811, we find out that there were twenty-eight of them together with their family members residing in the Herceg Novi municipality. The majority came from Trebinje, and then from the east Adriatic coast. They arrived at the end of the 18th and the beginning of the 19th century.

  • Aleksandar RASTOVIĆ, Slučaj lažnog atentata na Kralja Aleksandra Obrenovića 1893. godine, 75-85  DOWNLOAD

ABSTRACT: In this work is analyzing insufficiently known scandal with false assassination of three foreigners on Serbian king of Alexandеr Obrenović in 1893. on the ground of published archive documents. Soon after king Alexander committed coup d`etat, took over power in his hands, declared himself of full age, Richard Mayne, The British citizen informed Serbian legation in London about preparation of so called international coup against new Serbian sovereign. After extensive researching in London and in Belgrade it is confirmed that Mayne sent false information to Serbian authorities in order to get personal material benefits. Scandal was appeared in the moment when the power of the Serbian king was unstable and fragile.

  • Darko BAKIĆ, Pogranični crnogorsko-osmanski sukobi u Zeti i kod Mojkovca 1912. godine, 87-100  DOWNLOAD

ABSTRACT: The border incident in Zeta began in the early morning hours of July 17, 1912, when the Turks, for no reason, wounded two Montenegrin subjects. This resulted in six-hour conflicts that killed nine and injured five Montenegrins. Turkish losses amounted to three dead and four wounded soldiers. Soon after the events in Zeta, a Montenegrin-Ottoman border conflict in Mojkovac occurred.After Turkish soldiers, by firing from the Pržište tower, had killed one and wounded several peasants, the Montenegrin army intervened. In the conflicts that took place on August 2 and 3, Montenegrins set fire to the tower in Prziste, but also some other towers in its vicinity. In these struggles, 33 Ottoman soldiers were killed. On the Montenegrin side, 15 soldiers were killed and 19 soldiers were wounded.

  • Christian PROMITZER, Habzburški vojni imperijalizam na zapadnom Balkanu: opaske austrijskog istoričara o austrougarskoj okupaciji Crne Gore (1916-1918), 101-118  DOWNLOAD

ABSTRACT: The role of the Austrian-Hungarian Joint Army as an occupying power in the First World War is a neglected historical theme in Austria, probably because it does not correspond to the nostalgic image of a multi-ethnic empire peacefully ruled by a paternal emperor. This paper deals with the Austro-Hungarian occupation of the Kingdom of Montenegro in the years of 1916-1918, for which the Austrian half of the Dual Monarchy was primarily responsible.

  • Neda DONAT, Prosvjetne prilike u Crnoj Gori za vrijeme Austro-Ugarske okupacije od 1916 do 1918. godine, 119-127  DOWNLOAD

ABSTRACT: The paper deals with teaching in secondary schools in Montenegro during the World War I and the consequences of the AustroHungarian occupation of Montenegro 1916-1918.



  • Srđa MARTINOVIĆ, Vojna manufaktura i barutane Crnogorske vojske u vrijeme kraljevine, 129-142  DOWNLOAD

Abstract: The intensive development of the Montenegrin Royal army begins from the time of Prince Nikola I, for his time, facilities for military purposes, weapons, ammunition, military equipment and war material are being built. During this period, workshops for the repair of weapons and ammunition production are also being opened. From the first workshop on Rijeka Crnojević to the opening of workshops for each division, the Montenegrin army that was exhausted in the wars, went a long way.

  • Nada TOMOVIĆ, Balkanski narodi u kriznoj 1908. godini, 143-153  DOWNLOAD

ABSTRACT: At the beginning of the 20th century the great powers started to lose control over the events on the Balkan peninsula. After the Congress of Berlin (1878), Russia and Austria-Hungary played the major role in the politics of the Balkans. After 1908 these two great powers belonged to two different political alliances. Russia was facing direct Austrian expansion on the Balkans, and had to fight to maintain the patronage over the Balkan nations. Aware of the fact that the great powers were only looking after their own interests, the Balknbnations tried to liberate themselves from Austrian end Otoman occupation witout their support. The peak of political crisis on the Balkans were Annexation an Young Turk revolution.



  • Cvijeta BRAJIČIĆ, Slavko BURZANOVIĆ, Crnogorska pisma u arhivu Antonija Baldačija, 155-173   DOWNLOAD

ABSTRACT: This paper emphasizes the importance of the archival legacy of the Italian botanist and geographer Antonio Baldacci (1867- 1950), who was associated with Montenegro by his scientific work and interest, economic and political activity, as well as friendly and business relations with numerous figures from the country. Highlighting the significance of Baldacci’s correspondence is particularly indicative of the Baldacci’s interest in Montenegro, as sixteen letters sent to Baldacci from persons of different social, cultural and national milieu are presented to the readers and analyzed. Letters are written in Italian and South Slavic languages, and in this paper they are published in translation.



  • Miljan GOGIĆ, Promocija knjige: Crna Gora i Njemački Rajh. Dokumenti iz Političkog arhiva sližbe inostranih poslova u Berlinu 1906-1914. (Tom I 1905-1910), 175-178   DOWNLOAD
  • Ivan LAKOVIĆ, Hronika aktivnosti istraživača iz Istorijskog instituta UCG na istraživanju kulturno-istorijskog nasljeđa tokom projekta „Valorizacija crnogorskih katuna kroz održivi razvoj poljoprivrede i turizma“, 179-185  DOWNLOAD
  • Olga PELCER-VUJAČIĆ, Bilateralna saradnja Istorijskog instituta UCG tokom 2017. godine, 187-191  DOWNLOAD



  • Saša Knežević, Dr Senka Raspopović, dr Konrad Clewing i dr Radoslav Raspopović, Crna Gora i Njemački Rajh – dokumenti iz političkog arhiva službe inostranih poslova u Berlinu 1906-1914, 193-195  DOWNLOAD



The new issue of Istorijski zapisi 1-2/2014 is published Sat, 10 May 2014 08:09:10 +0000 REFERATI SA NAUČNE KONFERENCIJE


  • Organizacioni odbor, Umjesto predgovora, 7-9   DOWNLOAD
  • Jelena ERDELJAN, Jedan predlog okvira za razumevanje vizuelne kulture Duklje u kontekstu kulturne dinamike na prostoru Mediterana i jugoistočne Evrope u doba klasične i pozne antike, 11-21  DOWNLOAD

Abstract: This paper proposes that in the study and understanding of visual culture of Doclea in the context of cultural dynamics in the Mediterranean and South Eastern Europe in Classical and Late Antiquity the transcultural or cross-cultural method be employed as best suited to the actual historical processes of fluctuation of people, ideas, goods, images, religious practice and works of art in this area in the periods in question.

  • Ivan STEVOVIĆ, Medaur, ili o prostoru južnog Jadrana i Dokleje u vizuelnoj kulturi antičkog Mediterana, 23-48  DOWNLOAD

Abstract: The introductory part of this paper is devoted to general historical, social and cultural conditions of the time of establishing of the Roman city of Doclea ( near Podgorica) as well as guidelines for its further study. In the second part, the article deals with Medaur, an Illyrian deity – protector of the ancient Risinium (present-day Risan in Montenegro), known only on the basis of inscription found in a military camp in Lambesis. By analyzing the content of the inscription, this text strives to arrive at the origins of this deity and its iconography. Based on comparative examples, of geographic origins ranging from the region of Thrace to the present-day Tunisia and Algeria, it can be concluded that this was an equestrian figure deity, with conceptual and visual roots dating from the time of Pyrrhus, with particular attention drawn to the fact that his kingdom was in close political and cultural relationship with the Illyrian states in the south-eastern area of Adriatic Sea.

  • Mladen ZAGARČANIN, O Skadru i Dokleji u provinciji Prevalis na osnovu arheoloških svjedočanstava, 49-66  DOWNLOAD

Abstract: The theme of this work is to monitor the mutual relations between Doclea and Shkodra based on archaeological research. Two of the largest city in the province Praevalitana are still an enigma in terms of advantages in certain phases of ancient history. Also, the relationship between Doclea and Shkodra is studied in comparison with some sites on the coast.

  • Tatjana KOPRIVICA, Dnevničke zabilješke i foto dokumentacija Dž.A.R. Munroa o arheološkim istraživanjima Dokleje (Montenegro) 1893. godine, 67-89  DOWNLOAD

Abstract: The present paper studies so far unpublished diary notes and photographic records by J.A.R. Munro on archeological explorations in Doclea in 1893 when, in the eastern area of the town, remains of Christian buildings, i.e. of the Basilica A, the Basilica B and the cruciform church were found. Munro’s diary notes and photographs complement the knowledge about the Sacral Topography of Late Antique Doclea.

  • Olga PELCER-VUJAČIĆ, Saxa loquuntur – Kamenje govori, ukoliko ga pustimo, 91-98  DOWNLOAD

Abstract: Four fragmentary inscriptions from Roman Doclea are presented. Mostly funerary inscriptions, informations they offer are scarce and one has to have a broader knowledge of Roman Dalmatia. Networking and using databases are important in epigraphic research, so EAGLE Europeana project of connecting all resources on ancient history is also important for presenting Doclea in this context.

  • Boško IKOVIĆ, Dolina rijeke Zete – Bjelopavlićka ravnica – i antička Duklja, 99-106  DOWNLOAD

Abstract: In this article, author deals with the mutual influence of the valley of river Zeta and the Roman city of Doclea in the different segments in the period from the I (first) to the IV (fourth) century.

  • Radoslav BUŽANČIĆ, Svetište Dioklecijanove palače, 107-124  DOWNLOAD

Abstract: The palace in Split, as well as his other palaces like those in Antioch and Nicomedia, which are not preserved, is completely different from all those other imperial residences. They were rationally organized, like a military camp with walled towers and walls. The architecture of the temples of Diocletian‘s Palace shows exceptional skill of emperor’s builders, their origins traced to Asia Minor and Egypt, and workforce which had an excellent knowledge of the earlier large architectural examples that served as a role model.

  • Vanja KOVAČIĆ, Istraživanje svetišta trogirske katedrale Sv. Lovre, 125-140  DOWNLOAD

Abstract: The theme of this work is closely related to urban archeology of Trogir, exploring the sanctuary of the cathedral as well as the dispersal of early Christian finds and their reuse as part of the city center. Important findings from the recent years have been presented.

  • Helidon SOKOLI, Excavation and research on the land of Labeatea, 141-147  DOWNLOAD

Abstract: The paper presents discoveries made during excavations in Shokdra and its vicinity. There are artifacts starting from the Paleolithic period to the Ottoman Empire. Most recent excavations are done in collaboration with University of Warsaw, particularly the Antiquity of Southeastern Europe Research Centre.

  • Dimitar NIKOLOVSKI, Zlatko KOVANCALIEV, Taking care of an archaeological site: The Stobi Experience, 149-158  DOWNLOAD

Abstract: Stobi is one of the largest and best-preserved archaeological sites from the Roman and Late Antique period in Macedonia. In the 1st cent. AD the city was raised to a rank of municipium. In the 4th cent. AD, Stobi developed again as an important Early Christian center, an Episcopal seat and later capital city of the roman province of Macedonia Secunda. The town was abandoned during the last decade of the 6th cent. AD. In 2008 the National Institution for management of the archaeological site Stobi was created with a goal to take care of the site from every possible aspect: excavation, conservation, tourist and scientific presentation etc. Here we present the experience and the results of our work on the site so far.

  • Olivera ŽIŽIĆ, Odnos crnogorskog društva prema nasljeđu, 159-170  DOWNLOAD

Abstract: Cultural heritage is the most direct testimony to the existence, development, characteristics of the people in general. Ancient Doklea, later Slav Duklja, represents cultural – spiritual heritage woven into the history and statehood of Montenegro. The site had suffered much destruction, devastation, the lack of adequate care and protection. This article deals with the question of the relationship between society and need for the protection, research and presentation of monumental complex that communicate with the wider world.

  • Anastazija MIRANOVIĆ, Kulturno nasljeđe u turizmu Crne Gore s posebnim osvrtom na Duklju, 171-184  DOWNLOAD

Abstract: Theorists of tourism often point out that tourism experience is the most distinctive cultural need of modern man. Therefore, tourism can be understood as a way of life through which it is easiest to perform homogenization of culture. Cultural heritage provides the authenticity of a tourist destination. That is something what makes difference among various tourist destinations. Cultural heritage is a very specific part of the overall tourism offer which can bring competitive advantage.

  • Magdalena RADUNOVIĆ, Zaštita i prezentacija arhitektonskih ostataka i artefakata na antičkim lokalitetima u Crnoj Gori, 185-194  DOWNLOAD

Abstract: Research, documentation and preservation of cultural heritage occupies a central place in the culture of one country and presents evidence of its identity. The ancient sites in Montenegro are numerous, but very poorly preserved and insufficiently archaeologically explored. Unfortunately, none of these sites, including Doclea, are adequately protected or even presented in a modern way, either in their natural environment, nor the abundance of materials in the museums. Good presentation of cultural treasures is increasing revenues and the quality of this experience for tourists encourages the desire to re-visit.



  • Savo MARKOVIĆ, „Una chasa in la zitade de Antivari“: patricijski rod Zupan (Župan), 195-227  DOWNLOAD

Abstract: Based on archival evidences and historiography, considered is the patrician lineage Zupan (Župan) of Bar, during the fifteenth and sixteenth century. Members of the lineage are followed through a network of social relations, interest groups, cognatic and agnatic kinship, through architectural heritage, transfer of tradition, the prerogatives of class cohesion and spiritual community, patrimony conservation strategies and a renewal of memories.

  • Dragana KUJOVIĆ, Autorska i prepisivačka djelatnost na orijentalnim jezicima (arapski, persijski, turski) u Crnoj Gori (XVI-XIX v.) – segment orijentalno-islamskog rukopisnog nasljeđa pohranjen u Gazi Husrev-Begovoj biblioteci u Sarajevu, 229-248  DOWNLOAD

Abstract: Library catalogues outside of Montenegro show that a number of valuable manuscripts written in Montenegro or by people originating from Montenegro stored in libraries in the region and further abroad. This paper is written on the basis of the 17 books of Gazi Husrev-bey library catalogue, with a total of 9903 units and among them we have selected manuscripts that could be a part of a more completed picture of the cultural history of Montenegro.

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