Trgovište – Istorijski Zapisi Istorijski Institut UCG Sat, 06 Nov 2021 12:08:58 +0000 en-US hourly 1 The new issue of Istorijski zapisi 1-4/2008 is published Thu, 06 Nov 2008 08:13:09 +0000 JUBILEJ

  • Božidar ŠEKULARAC, Istorijski institut Crne Gore – 60 godina postojanja i rada, 9-16  Download
  • Marijan MILJIĆ, Urednici i redakcije “Zapisa” i “Istorijskih zapisa” – 1927-2007 – Bio-bibliografske bilješke, 17-66  Download



  • Ivan JOVOVIĆ, Barska dijeceza u aktima Dubrovačkog i Vatikanskog arhiva, 67-93  Download



  • Srđan KATIĆ, Potčinjavanje Crne Gore i Brda poslije bitke u Ostroškom klancu 1768. godine, 95-107  Download



  • Boris VUKIĆEVIĆ, Istorijski razvoj papskog diplomatskog predstavljanja u stranim državama do Lateranskog sporazuma 1929. godine, 109-127  Download

ABSTRACT: Papal ambassador is called nuncio. The term nuncio means messenger, and it is used as a name for papal ambassadors from the beginning of XVI century. Nuncios represent the Holy See in other countries, usually with the ecclesiastical rank of titular archbishop, but they also serve as a liaison with the Roman Catholic Church in the country of their accreditation.

First papal envoys represented the Pope on church councils as early as in fourth century. Later on, papal representatives to Byzantine emperor, called apocrisiaries were sent. It was important position in the Holy See’s hierarchy, and some of the apocrisiaries became popes. First modern papal ambassador, Apostolic Nuncio to Venice, was named in 1500. Many other followed, including papal nuncios to other Italian countries, France, Spain, and, particularly after Reformation, to German countries. Number of nunciatures across the globe has risen significantly in XIX century, and position of the Holy See in international relations was further improved after Lateran Accords with Italy were signed on February 11, 1929.


  • Branislav KOVAČEVIĆ, Hladni rad i uravnoteženi teror (1948-1990) – 60-godišnjica početka Hladnog rata, 129-146  Download

ABSTRACT: The Cold War developed around the unresolved issues of World War II (Germany, Berlin, Vietnam, Korea, the Middle East). Its maintenance and aggravation is a consequence of the expansionist and hegemonic tendencies of the great powers that strive to expand their spheres of influence. As a form of unarmed struggle between the antagonistic blocs of East and West – the United States and the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics – and their supporters, it manifested itself in all domains of international relations: political, economic, cultural, scientific and technological, sports and all other forms and contents. Propaganda and ideological war, arms race, holding military bases in foreign territories, creating political and military alliances, aggressive pressure and interference in the internal affairs of other countries, all of which represent politics on the brink of war – are basic aspects of the Cold War. The Cold War is the result not only of the objective contradictions of the modern world, but also of the balance of power in nuclear weapons. This created a state of “neither war nor peace.”

The period 1948-1962, especially the conflict period, was followed by the DETANCE phase (1963-1978), then a new intensification of mistrust and rivalry (1979-1985), followed by the Soviet military intervention in Afghanistan. The end of the Cold War coincided with the collapse of communism.



  • Zvezdana VUŠOVIĆ-LUČIĆ, Predmeti posebne namjene iz Crvene stijene, 147-154  Download
  • Sanja ŠOLJAGA, Konzervacija bronzanog novca sa arheološkog lokaliteta Duklje, 155-161  Download
  • Bojan NOVAKOVIĆ, Porfirogenitov τò Ζετλήβη (Zemlivi), 163-170  Download
  • Mile BAKIĆ, Srednjovjekovni arhivski propisi u Crnoj Gori, 171-182  Download
  • Savo MARKOVIĆ, Prilog poznavanju barskih načelnika mletačkog razdoblja: krilati lav, natpisi i grb potestata Bernarda Canala, 183-192  Download


  • Adnan PEPIĆ, Prvi pomeni sela Zloglavlje u osmanskim dokumentima, 193-199  Download

ABSTRACT: The village of Zloglavlje is located in the municipality of Rožaje, in the local community of Donja Lovnica. It is surrounded by the villages of Gornja Lovnica, Honsiće and Tuzova Luka. The Pepići and Nurkovići fraternities live in the village. Today, it is inhabited only during the summer, when several families live in it. According to legends passed down from generation to generation, the village was named after some unpleasant event in which several people were killed. However, the name of the village is associated with old Slavic beliefs and offering sacrifices to good and evil spirits. This is confirmed by the oldest known Ottoman documents from the 15th and 16th centuries, which mention this village. This paper presents the first known mentions of the village of Zloglavlje so far.


  • Dragana KUJOVIĆ, Ime orijentalnog porijekla i pseudoorijentalni antroponimijski neologizam, 201-207  Download
  • Krsto PIŽURICA, Oko jedne godišnjice – Bajo Pivljanin, 209-211  Download
  • Momčilo D. PEJOVIĆ, O iseljavanju i školovanju Crnogoraca u Rusiji od XVIII vijeka do kraja druge decenije XX vijeka, 213-222  Download
  • Vladan LALOVIĆ, Ekumenska dimenzija pontifikata Ivana XXIII, 223-239  Download
  • Nenad PEROŠEVIĆ, Privredni kriminal u Crnoj Gori sa posebnim osvrtom na Nikšić (1945-1955), 241-252  Download
  • Željko BJELETIĆ, Razvoj poljoprivrede Crne Gore od 1945. do 1958. godine, 253-272  Download
  • Bojan BOŽOVIĆ, Međunarodni Sud (pravde), 273-282  Download



  • Olivera INJAC, Značaj i uloga kulture u savremenim društvima, 283-291  Download
  • Bojana POPADIĆ, Reganova politika hladnog rata i politika “novog mišljenja” Gorbačova 293-303  Download


  • Radenko ŠĆEKIĆ, Ogled o teoriji Sukob civilizacija u posthladnoratovskom dobu (povodom smrti Samuela Hantingtona pisca knjige Sukob civilizacija – The Clash od Civilizations), 305-318  Download

ABSTRACT: Huntington divided world on the opposing civilizations, based mainly on religious traditions. In post-cold-war world, the most important differences between people are not ideological or political – but cultural. People used differences not only to promote their interests but also to define their identities. The first time in the history global politics is multi-polar and multi-civilization. Human history is the history of civilizations. The balance of power among civilizations is changing, the influence of the West decreasing while Asian civilization expanding its military, economic and political force. Demographic epidemic has destabilizing consequences to the Islamic state. Appears world order based on civilized societies which share cultural preferences, and cooperate with each other, and the countries are grouped near the leading countries that make up the core of their civilization. The differences among civilizations are not only real, they are essential. Civilizations differ one from another by history, language, culture, tradition and most importantly, religion. How will people define their identity through the ethnic and religious affiliation, thus it is likely that relations to people with other ethnic or religious affiliation, they will look by the concepts of “us” against “them”.



  • Marijan MILJIĆ, Dr Vasilije Jovović, Nada Drašković, “Zapisi” – “Istorijski zapisi” 1928-2007, Bibliografija, Podgorica, Istorijski institut, 2008, 319-320  Download
  • Momčilo D. PEJOVIĆ, Mr Pavle Kondić, Cetinjska bogoslovija i njeno duhovno-prosvetno zračenje 1863-1945, Cetinje 2005, 307 str., 321-324  Download
  • Dragana KUJOVIĆ, Uzeir Bećović, Gajret u Pljevljima, Podgorica: Almanah: Sarajevo: Grafokomerc, 2007 (Sarajevo: Grafičko preduzeće) – 356 str: ilustr: 25 cm. – (Biblioteka Baština Almanah, Podgorica), 325-327  Download
  • Zvezdan FOLIĆ, Dragana Kujović, Tragovima orijentalno-islamskog kulturnog nasljeđa u Crnoj Gori, Almanah, Podgorica 2006, 329-330  Download
  • Marijan MILJIĆ, Dr Svetislav Marinović, Kaznena istorija Crne Gore, Podgorica 2007, 759 str., 331-335  Download
  • Radenko ŠĆEKIĆ, Robert Hačinson, Opus Dei (Djelo Božje), knjige I-II, Beograd: Narodna knjiga, Politika, 2006, 191 str. i 208 str., 337-340  Download
  • Olivera INJAC, Džon Esposito, Nesveti rat – teror u ime islama, 341-343  Download
  • Dušan J. MARTINOVIĆ, Федоровские чтения, Москва: РАН, 2005, 660 стр.; 60 x 90 1/16, 345-352  Download
  • Adnan PEPIĆ, Dragana Kujović, Najčešći antroponimi orijentalnog i pseudoorijentalnog porijekla u Crnoj Gori, Podgorica 2008, 353-355  Download
  • Jelisaveta BLAGOJEVIĆ, Đuro Šušnjić, Dijalog i tolerancija, Beograd 1997, 357-361  Download
  • Nenan PEROŠEVIĆ, Bojka Đukanović, Apoteoza Crnoj Gori. Lord Tenison i premijer Gledston o Crnoj Gori, Filozofski fakultet, Nikšić 2008, 363-365  Download
  • Radenko ŠĆEKIĆ, Nikola Samardžić, Istorija Španije, Plato, Beograd 2005, 804 str., 367-370  Download
  • Saša KNEŽEVIĆ, Marijan Miljić, Ilir Čapuni, Medova 1916-2008. U spomen potopljenim crnogorskim dobrovoljcima, Centar za iseljenike Crne Gore, Podgorica 2008, 371-373  Download
  • Marijan MILJIĆ, Božidar Šekularac, Onomastikon Gornjih sela, Cetinje 2008, 159 str., 375-376  Download
  • Đorđe BOROZAN, Dr Zvezdan Folić, Država i vjerske zajednice u Crnoj Gori 1945-1965, Istorijski institut Crne Gore i CNB “Đurđe Crnojević”, Podgorica 2007, 377-379  Download
  • Radenko ŠĆEKIĆ, Svetislav Marinović, Crnogorski dvoboj, Pobjeda, Podgorica 2008, 381-383  Download
  • Đorđe BOROZAN, Dr Mile Bakić, Arhivistika, Istorijski institut Crne Gore, Podgorica 2009, 385-386  Download
  • Đorđe BOROZAN, Crna Gora na starim razglednicama, Montenegro on old postcards, CANU, Podgorica 2008, 387-388  Download
  • Dušan J. MARTINOVIĆ, Četvoroknjižje E. Lj. Nemirovskog o Johanu Gutenbergu, 389-392  Download
  • Čedomir BOGIĆEVIĆ, Ranko Perović, O crnogorskoj crkvi, Podgorica 2008, 393-394  Download



  • Ivan LAKOVIĆ, Izvještaj o studijskom boravku u SAD 14.06.-21.08.2008., 395-396  Download
  • Radenko ŠĆEKIĆ, Izvještaj o studijskom boravku u Sloveniji 01. oktobar 2006 – 31. mart 2008., 397-398  Download



150 godina Grahovačke bitke


  • Milo ĐUKANOVIĆ, Govor na svečanoj akademiji povodom 150 godina Grahovačke bitke, 399-402  Download
  • Branko PAVIĆEVIĆ, Bitka na Grahovcu (1858-2008), 403-407  Download
  • Marijan MILJIĆ, Prelomna Crnogorska pobjeda – povodom stopedesetogodišnjice bitke na Grahovcu (1858-2008), 409-419  Download
  • Đorđe BOROZAN, Bogišić kao istoričar, 421-427  Download
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