cavaliers of Saint Marko – Istorijski Zapisi Istorijski Institut UCG Sat, 06 Nov 2021 12:08:36 +0000 en-US hourly 1 The new issue of Istorijski zapisi 1-4/2006 is published Mon, 06 Nov 2006 07:06:31 +0000 ČLANCI

  • Sonja TOMOVIĆ-ŠUNDIĆ, Petar prvi, svetac i vladar 7-54  Download

ABSTRACT: In this text Sonja Tomović-Šundić analyzes the spiritual and political work of Peter. Saint Peter is one of the most remarkable persons in Montenegrin history, the ruler who unified his country by his military, legislative and philosophical spiritual work.

The “Messages”, as the special kind of direct communication with larders, important individuals or tribes, have a special place in his work. These “Messages” are valuable not just for their undoubtable literal value, but also because they represent the means by which he managed to perform human-spiritual reform of Montenegro. That is how Saint Peter, by law regulatives ”Stega” and Messages the accomplishes the complex internal transformation of Montenegro, creating a modern state organization on the basis of her classical values.


  • Nevenka BOGOJEVIĆ-GLUŠČEVIĆ, Zakup crkvenih nepokretnosti u Kotorskoj komuni u XIV vijeku, 55-74  Download

ABSTRACT: Consulting the archive materials and norms of the Statute of Kotor from XIV th century we find that there were different kinds of lease the immobility of church and that those rules of lease-holder during that period have changed. Most used lease of immobilities were lease ad decimam, ificandum, in perpetuum and lease of church houses.

All these leases especially ad decimam gave more rights than the rights which were given by lease to the individuals. In the second half of the 14th century conditions of lease became equal in all territory of the Kotor’s Community. This changes previous more convenient position of lease holder change to worse. Among the rest, those changes helped arising church as a feudal.

In the first half of XV century the lease have faced with completely turnover of the immobility of the church. The position of lease holders was highly unfavorable. Affictum in perpetuum with real effects in favor of lease holders of the church’s land was more and more replaced with short dated and one side breakable contracts in which the right of lease holders were purely obligational.


  • Lovorka ČORALIĆ, Kotorski plemići Nikola Paskvali i Bartul Pima – kavaljeri svetog Marka (1634), 75-84  Download

ABSTRACT: In the past many people form Boka gained honour of cavalier of Saint Marko so therefore good knowledge of this Venetian knight order, of its organization and members is at the same time an important part of research of social and military hi-story of Boka Kotorska under Venetian rule. There are data on Boka’s cavaliers in historiography mostly within history researches of some of regional parts of Boka, then within analysis of military movements in wider areas of east coast of Adriatic Sea in the period from 15-17th century (mostly within researches of Venetian-Ottoman wars) or within data from biographies of Boka’s distinguished solders in past centuries.

Men from Boka, like other numerous distinguished solders of Venetian Republic, became cavaliers mostly due to their military merits, first on ground of their remarkable participation in numerous Venetian wars and battles in Adriatic and Levant regions. They were mostly from dignified aristocrat families (but also from captain and military families of non aristocrat origin) which for generations played an important role in public affairs of their own towns and acting as Venetian officials, commanders of territorial troops or warships achieved remarkable merits for Illustrious Republic.

This article analyses charts of Venetian cavaliers of Nikola Paskvali and Bartul Pima, descendants of two ancient and notable Kotor aristocrat families. Both charts are from 1634 and they contain summary data on general merits of these two families for Venetian Republic and town of Kotor. At the end of the article there are transcription of the charts which are kept in Venetian State Archive, in fund Cancellaria inferiore: Cavalieri di San Marco, Privilegi.


  • Tomica NIKČEVIĆ, Problemi recepcije običajnog prava u kodifikacijama građanskog prava u Srbiji i Crnoj Gori XIX vijeka (Teorijska i zakonodavna pitanja izvora prava), 85-106  Download

ABSTRACT: This article analyzes relation of the common law and state law as an old issue present from antique period, beginning with ancient Roman lawmakers.

The focus is on theoretical and lawmaking issues of origin of law, with emphasis on this relation in modern lawmaking practice.

A special attention was paid to problems of perception of common law in codification of civil law in Serbia and Montenegro in 19th century.

The author analyzes common law in first issued laws of Montenegro as well as the origin of laws for Bogišić’s General Code (1888).


  • Dušan J. MARTINOVIĆ, Prilog izučavanju muzičke umjetnosti u Crnoj Gori, 107-124  Download

ABSTRACT: The article contains three segments: First Montenegrin military orchestra (1871-1879), Second Montenegrin military orchestra (1889-1916) and Creative forms of music art in Montenegro.

The first chapter tells about First Montenegrin military orchestra which star-ted its work within organization of Cetinje library. The conductor was Anton Shultz, a Czech, who was engaged by Montenegrin ruler Nikola I during performance of “Jedinstvo” from Kotor in Cetinje on 11th November 1871. This orchestra was active until 1879 when they stopped their work.

In the second chapter the author writes about Second Montenegrin military orchestra in Cetinje (1889-1916) and its conductor Frantisek Vimer, Czech, (1865-1935) who achieved extraordinary success and popularity among in management of this military orchestra for twenty seven years.

The third segment relates to creative forms of music art: composers (amateurs and professionals) in Montenegro: Špiro Ognjenović (1840-1914), brothers of Danilo Petrović (1871-1939), the heir of the throne and prince Mirko Petrović Njegoš (1879-1918). Both sons of king Nikola were gifted musicians and they were composers. Besides them other national and foreign composers are described: Jovan Ivanišević (1861-1889), Czech Robert Tolinger (1859-1911), Aleksa Ivanović (1888-1940), Jovan Milošević (1895-1959) and Dionisije de Sarno san Giorgo (1856-1937), with basic data on their music opus.


  • Dragan NOVAKOVIĆ, Položaj Srpske pravoslavne crkve u Bosni i Hercegovini za vreme Austrougarske okupacije, 125-146  Download

ABSTRACT: The victory achieved in the struggle for the church and school autonomy woke up the energy of the Serbian people in Bosnia and Herzegovina which bravely appeared on historical stage and transmitted to the compatriots the clear message about its political naturation and that one can count on it by the realization of the project of national unification. In the attempt to buffer and deaden the popular resistance and prevent the eventually negative reactions of the international public opinion because of the very difficult situation of the Serbs, it was decided to adopt, after many decades of negotiations, the Regulation about the autonomy by which most of the claims of people representatives and clerical hierarchy were respected. By this regulation were created the conditions to make the annexation with smaller consequences and the start under better conditions the preparations for the great world clash and to settle accounts with Serbia.


  • Saša KNEŽEVIĆ, Crna Gora i član 29 Berlinskog ugovora, 147-161  Download

ABSTRACT: According to the article 29 of the Berlin Treaty in 1878, Montenegrin sovereignty on the cost was limited. Austria-Hungary had right to take customs and others control in the port of Bar. So, Montenegro was waiting for opportunity to change that condition.

In 1908 Austria-Hungary proclaimed the annexation of Bosnia and Herzegovina, and it was the violations of the Berlin treaty without the consent of other signatories. The proclamation triggered a strong reaction of the public in Europe, especially in Montenegro and Serbia. For six months fear of the European war prevailed. At the end Russia and, after that, Serbia were forced to recognize the annexation.

Prince Nicholas continued to hold out for a territorial concession, in particular he wanted Spizza, an Austrian town which dominated the port of Bar. Aehrenthal rejected any and all such demands and warned the prince against trying to exert pressure by his military preparations. After proclamation, on the beginning of the crisis, Aehrenthal offered him the modification of the Article 29, in return for a correct attitude. With support of Italian and British diplomacy Montenegrin successfully got out from the annexation crisis because modification of the Article 29 of the Berlin Treaty was achieved.


  • Zvezdan FOLIĆ, Državno zakonodavstvo i vjerske zajednice u socijalističkoj Jugoslaviji 1945-1965, 163-191  Download

ABSTRACT: Several principles of Yugoslavian Constitution of 31st January 1946 were rela-ted to issues from religion domain. Church was separated from the state, and school institutions from church. Validity of marriage was in competency of state authorities. Practice of religious communities was free but political activities were forbidden for them. These were liberal principles but their implementation was doubtful not only because of ideological bias of the law maker but also because of formulations which were not precise enough.

State government issued Law on legal position of religious communities on 22nd May 1953. The main tendency of several articles of this Law was to weaken religious life regarding it’s intensity and quantity. The difference between tolerance of individual and collective practice of religion was evident. In sufficiently defined formulations opened, also, a number of questions and possible dilemmas. That’s way in 1961 and 1962 all Yugoslavian republics, except Montenegro, got Bylaws on implementation of Law on legal position of religious communities. The Bylaws slightly modified some of the articles of Law from 1953.

The final legal enactment for religion sphere in Yugoslavia was issued in 1965. Corrections in Law on changes and amendments of Law on legal position of religious communities had mostly formal character. This was result of interdenominational opportunism of Yugoslavia authorities and, partly, of their negotiations with representatives of Vatican. With time these issues became responsibilities of federal republics and autonomous regions.


  • Radenko ŠĆEKIĆ, Politička propaganda, pojam i određenje i poseban osvrt na propagandu u doba komunizma, 193-211  Download

ABSTRACT: Propaganda is defined as planned and intentional influencing change and con-trolling attitudes for the purpose of creating predispositions for a particular way of behavior and thinking. It is directly connected to the following notions: indoctrination, manipulation and political marketing. Indoctrination is defined as planned, systematic and controlled broadening of ruling ideology and opinion by means of educational system. Manipulation is in short defined as an art of misleading and ruling the mass with the aim to make them dependent, and this is best done through appealing to the unconscious in people and endangering their critical reasoning. In the modern world, especially on the west, the process of propaganda acting is spoken of in terms of political marketing, that is linking marketing logic in economy in politics, linking economic rules, economic sphere organizations and political activities. Methods of propaganda have been similar for centuries, but thanks to technological innovations techniques of manipulation that shape massages and send them to the public have been developed. In general, propaganda affects public opinion in order to make it adopt particular political and social ideas, support certain politics, authority or its representative. Public opinion is expressing of attitudes, formed by common experience and interaction of individuals interested in a social issue, with the possibility for the resulting majority to affect the course of action when resolving that issue. For the mass, propaganda needs to be simple, categorical and direct. Rich propaganda experience, gained over centuries in promoting various forms of ideas and opinions, and combined with technological achievements of today’s time, directed by means of various forms of media-is manifested in hardly discernible, perfidious, and well designed, planned and intentional affecting the change and controlling the attitudes with the aim of imposing desirable forms of opinions and behavior. Principles and techniques of propaganda practices have been developed to perfection, and equating the notion of a voter with that of a customer influences the symbiosis of politics and economy which thus follows the trend of cooperation: authority-capital-media. Means of propaganda acting are numerous, and they have been developed parallel with technology development and scientific achievements. Communication means can be classified into audiovisual and the media for mass communicating- mass media and the internet. Whether that be the press (newspaper, poster, leaflet, etc), radio and television (film) as forms of mass media, or the internet as a form of modern and the easiest form of political propaganda, propaganda means have been used with the aim to impose desirable way of thinking and behaving. Public relation agencies (PR) and Pressure groups (lobbies) are the modern forms of propaganda practices, directed towards the public, as well as state institutions.




  • Stevo VUČINIĆ, Prilog proučavanju mjesta bitke između vojski Dukljanskog kralja Dobroslava i Raškog župana Vukana – Analiza materijalnih izvora za XLIII glavu “Ljetopisa popa Dukljanina”, 213-250  Download
  • Bojan NOVAKOVIĆ, Lontodokla i pitanje kontinuiteta Duklje, 251-262  Download
  • Božidar JOVIĆEVIĆ, Konzervacija ranovizantijskog procesijskog gvozdenog krsta, 263-269  Download
  • Predrag LUTOVAC, Manastirski kompleks Ćelije, 271-283  Download
  • Momčilo ŠALETIĆ, Bjelopavlići na starim geografskim kartama (XII-XIX vijek), 285-294  Download
  • Milovan-Mušo ŠĆEPANOVIĆ, Stari zapisi i natpisi Manastira Morača, 295-315  Download



  • Đorđe BOROZAN, Istoriografija i propaganda, 317-329  Download
  • Mladen VUKČEVIĆ, Ogled o zakonskom uređenju načina rada crnogorske narodne skupštine iz 1906. godine, 331-336  Download
  • Nikola VUJOŠEVIĆ, Vijek crnogorske moderne umjetnosti, 337-348  Download



  • Dragutin LALOVIĆ, Crnogorska moderna država – u potrazi za vlastitim građanima!, 349-358  Download
  • Mijat ŠUKOVIĆ, Riječ na promociji knjige u Zagrebu, 359-362  Download
  • Miomir DAŠIĆ, Produbljavanje proučavanja crnogorsko-ruskih odnosa, 363-369  Download



  • Zoran LAKIĆ, Crna Gora u naučnom dijelu akademika prof. dr Bogumila Hrabaka – U povodu 80-te godišnjice života, 371-376  Download



  • Đorđe BOROZAN, Mijat Šuković – Izabrana djela I-IV, CID – Pobjeda, Podgorica 2006., 377-385  Download
  • Momčilo ZEČEVIĆ, Miomir Dašić, Šekular i Šekularci od pomena do 1941. godine, CANU, Podgorica 2006, str. 680, 387-391  Download
  • Zvezdan FOLIĆ, Lenka Blehova-Čelebić, Hrišćanstvo u Boki 1200-1500, Kotorski distrikt, Podgorica 2006, str. 653, 393-396  Download
  • Miomir DAŠIĆ, dr Branko Babić, Kritski odred (the Crete unit) – Međunarodna mirovna misija Crnogoraca na Kritu 1897-99. godine, CID, Podgorica 2006, 397-402  Download
  • Đorđe BOROZAN, Đeneral Radomir Vešović, Memoari, Unireks, Podgorica 2005, 403-404  Download
  • Đorđe BOROZAN, dr Živko Andrijašević i prof dr Šerbo Rastoder, Istorija Crne Gore od najstarijih vremena do 2003. godine, Centar za iseljenike Crne Gore, Podgorica 2006, 405-406  Download
  • Božidar ŠEKULARAC, Đorđije Ojdanić, (Ne)poznate Lubnice, Podgorica 2006, Komovi, Andrijevica, str. 346, 407-409  Download
  • Radivoje ŠUKOVIĆ, Dušan Martinović, Nauka o knjizi u Crnoj Gori, Podgorica 2006, str. 645, 411-418  Download
  • Saša KNEŽEVIĆ, Raj Anderson, Henrik Angel – Norvežanin bez granica, CID, Podgorica 2007, 419-421  Download
  • Đorđe BOROZAN, Saša Knežević, Velika Britanija i aneksiona kriza, Istorijski institut Crne Gore, Podgorica 2005, 423-425  Download
  • Zoran LAKIĆ, Prof. dr Dragi Maliković, Kačački pokret na Kosovu i Metohiji 1918-1924, Priština 2005, str. 361, 427-429  Download
  • Đorđe BOROZAN, Radmila Radić, Život u vremenima: Gavrilo Dožić 1881-1950, Beograd 2006, 431-435  Download
  • Đorđe BOROZAN, Predrag Ilić, Srpska pravoslavna crkva i tajna Dahaua, Beograd 2006, 437-438  Download
  • Tomislav ŽUGIĆ, Milija Stanišić, Dubinski slojevi trinaestojulskog ustanka u Crnoj Gori, Istorijski institut Crne Gore, Podgorica 2005, 439-441  Download
  • Ivan LAKOVIĆ, Balkanski pakt 1953/1954, zbornik dokumenata, Vojnoistorijski institut, Beograd 2005, 443-446  Download
  • Žarko LEKOVIĆ, Zoran Lakić, Vrijeme, politika, nauka, Crnogorska akademija nauka i umjetnosti, Podgorica 2005, str. 489, 447-449  Download



  • Mirko Barjaktarović (1912-2005) (Miomir DAŠIĆ), 451-457  Download
  • Radoman Jovanović (1934-2006) (Miomir DAŠIĆ), 459-464  Download
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