USA – Istorijski Zapisi Istorijski Institut UCG Thu, 04 Jan 2024 15:48:38 +0000 en-US hourly 1 The new issue of Istorijski zapisi 3-4/2022 is published Sun, 04 Sep 2022 14:58:04 +0000

    ABSTRACT: The paper provides data from little-known sources about the time when Kotor‘s bishop Grimoald was able to perform episcopal duties in Kotor. The document (pastoral letter) attributed to him, which refers to marriages in Kotor, is analyzed. An attempt is made to establish a

    connection between its content, which refers to the presence of clergy during the marriage ceremony and the permitted degree of consanguinity of the spouses, with the norms of the Catholic Church related to that issue.




    ABSTRACT: In the paper by Sergije Dimitrijević, A New Series of New Types of Serbian Medieval Coins [Нова серија нових врста српског средњовековног новца], published in the journal Starinar [Старинар] in 1964–1965, we have come across a peculiar piece of information – that there used to be a sub-type of the follaro coin from the town of Ulcinj, which usu­ally had a depiction of the Virgin Mary with Christ on the obverse, and a de­piction of the city walls with a tree in the gate on the reverse. More precise­ly, in his work Dimitrijević mentions an Ulcinj-type follaro with a human fig­ure with its arms and legs apart, standing in the city gate instead of the tree. We have made an attempt to find this never before published specimen of the Ulcinj follaro, and have come to the conclusion that the currency in ques­tion is not that of Ulcinj, but a follaro from the town of Drivast (modern-day Drisht), with a depiction of the Virgin Mary with Christ on the obverse and the city walls with a lily inside the gate on the reverse. The striking similar­ity in the manufacturing process of these two coins, in terms of both the de­piction on the obverse and that on the reverse, points to a single pair of arti­san hands behind the coin moulds for minting of both towns.




    ABSTRACT: The bearers of the patronymic Guliermi, which derives from the personal name Guilielmus, are mentioned in historical sources of the State Archives in Dubrovnik from the 14th century. The available docu­ments suggest that they were contemporaries, possibly the members of the same lineage, who belonged to the higher social class of the medieval Bar. They were noted in the context characterized by the cultural attributes of the older city dwellers and the solid economic background. The social prestige they enjoyed served as a link with other communities, and the testimonies they left about themselves provide insight into the imagological heritage of the native community, depict piety, spiritual needs and material possibilities, equipment and arrangement of private living ambience.




    ABSTRACT: Based on published and unpublished archival sources primarily of military provenance, as well as historiographical and memoir literature, the paper analyzes the military operations of the Army of the Kingdom of Serbia for the liberation of Metohija and Sandžak, as well as the main reasons for the misunderstanding of the commanders of the units of the armies of the Kingdoms of Serbia and Montenegro in the field. In particular, the vagueness of the inter-allied treaty was presented, which in reality led to the inflaming of rivalry between the two allied political and military leaderships.



    ABSTRACT: The collective demographic portrait of those convict­ed for sympathies towards the USSR in communist Yugoslavia after 1948 is determined in the article, based on the “List of convicts under the IB-ac­cusion”. The sketch of statistics that we drew from this list gives us a limit­ed number of possibilities because it was only an “operationally useful” list created by revising and shortening previous versions. Thus on the basis of this document, we can conclude that the arrested were relatively young peo­ple (20-30 years old), among whom Serbs and Montenegrins dominated nu­merically, many of whom participated in the Partisan Movement. These sta­tistics support the already widespread scientific hypothesis that the conflict was not an ideological dispute, but was related to the determination of Yugo­slavia’s affiliation to the East or the West. The number of Serbs, Bulgarians, Russians and Montenegrins convicted for sympathizing with the USSR was disproportionately higher than the percentage representation of those peo­ples in the population of Yugoslavia. At that time, the mountaines of Monte­negro hid the most ardent supporters of the Soviet Union.






    ABSTRACT: This paper deals with the research and study of Mus­lim gravestones located next to the cemetery of the Nizam Mosque and in the old cemetery near Tuzi. Gravestones was recently translated from Ottoman to Montenegrin language. Their epigraphy has been fixed, however, the is­sue of ornamentation from these tombstone has not been sufficiently investi­gated. On the other hand, along with the art of old gravstones, the chronol­ogy of the oldest gravstones from the mentioned cemeteries is not stated.In this work, we have made a chronological picture with the culture and art of gravestones from Tuzi.



    • Svetozar SAVIĆ, POLJOPRIVREDNO OBRAZOVANJE U CRNOJ GORI 1875-1941, 127-150  Download


    ABSTRACT: At the end of the 19th century, agricultural vocational schools in Montenegro did not last long. The Princely Montenegrin Agricul­tural School in Danilovgrad was opened in 1875 and closed the following year (1876). The lower princely Montenegrin agricultural school in Podgor­ica was opened in 1893, and ceased to operate in 1898. Nevertheless, these schools have given some impetus to the development of agricultural educa­tion in Montenegro.

    After the First World War, the interest of the state administration to im­prove agricultural education did not exist. With a lot of problems, it was only in 1933 that the Special Agricultural School for Southern Cultures “Topoli­ca” was opened for a period of one year, which in 1939 grew into a two-year period, and was called the Special Lower Agricultural School for Southern Cultures.



    ABSTRACT: The paper provides a brief overview of the Cold War relations between the USA and the USSR, and the development of Russia-NATO relations via the analysis of the foreign policy strategies and activi­ties of Russian President Boris Yeltsin. Yeltsin’s policy, to a large extent, rep­resented responses to the moves of the Euro-Atlantic allies since the col­lapse of the Warsaw Pact and the Soviet Union in 1991 until his departure from the Kremlin in 1999. In the eyes of the Euro-Atlantic allies, post-Cold War Russia became „something more than a regional power in the Third World” – visibly degraded on international and domestic level. Yeltsin‘s in­decisiveness and lack of a clearly defined foreign policy strategy were evi­denced by his empty threats regarding the expansion of the NATO alliance, as well as his lack of understanding of the Yugoslav crisis.












    • Savo, MARKOVIĆ, OFFICIA VARIORUM SANCTORUM (BnF Latin 916), Izdavač: Hrvatsko nacionalno vijeće Crne Gore, za izdavača: Zvonimir Deković, urednica Meri Zornija, predgovori: fra Domagoj Volarević, don Ivan Vukčević, Meri Zornija, Peras: GudCo, HNV CG (Tivat), 2021, 266.str, 181-186  Download
    • Sreten ĆUZOVIĆ OTILO, Dejan Vuković, ‘’LUČA CRNOGORSKE DIPLOMATIJE’’ (U PRILOG ISTORIJI CRNOGORSKE DIPLOMATIJE)’’, Izdavač: Fakultet za crnogorski jezik i književnost (FCJK)- Cetinje, 2021. Godine, 187-191  Download
    • Ivan LAKOVIĆ, Dmitar Tasić (2021), KORPUS NARODNE ODBRANE JUGOSLAVIJE (KNOJ) 1944-1953, Beograd: Institut za noviju istoriju Srbije, ISBN: 978-86-7005173, 511 str, 193-195  Download
    • Radenko ŠĆEKIĆ, Miomir MAROŠ, ZAPISANA CRNA GORA 1-2, IVPE/CEKUM, Cetinje, Podgorica 2020/2021, 197-200  Download
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    The new issue of Istorijski zapisi 3-4/2020 is published Mon, 30 Nov 2020 08:11:41 +0000 Godišnjica

    Povodom šezdeset godina od osnivanja Pokreta nesvrstanih,


    • Ljubodrag DIMIĆ, AKCIJA „MIR“ (ili kako je ostvarena „visoka obaveštenost“ i „veština predviđanja“ političkih poteza učesnika Konferencije šefova država i vlada neangažovanih zemalja u Beogradu, septembra 1961. godine), 7-32 DOWNLOAD

    ABSTRACT: On the base of documents from Yugoslav archives, most­ly Archive of Yugoslavia and Diplomatic archive of the Ministry of foreign affairs of Serbia, the article covers the activities of Yugoslav officials to pre­pare, organize and successfully direct the planned conference of Non-Aligned countries, held in September of 1961 in Belgrade. These activities covered the wide range, from the communication of diplomatic representatives with officials in their host countries, to intensive intelligence work aimed at col­lecting relevant data on delegates to the conference, their political attitudes and positions, all in order of gaining the control over the event‘s flow and re­sults. The acquired data enabled Yugoslav leadership, especially Josip Broz Tito, to mitigate the tensions and forge the needed compromises among the participants, needed for the overall success of the conference.



    • Ifigenija RADULOVIĆ, Snežana VUKADINOVIĆ, Dokimasija protiv Filona ili o lošim građanima i čestitim strancima, 33-46 DOWNLOAD

    ABSTRACT: According to Lysias’ oration 31 the paper deals with the relationship citizens – noncitizens, i.e. metics, and their rights, exploring this relationship with regard to moral values. It also deals with the institution­al procedure of dokimasia which was established after the restoration of de­mocracy in Athens in 403 BC in order to prevent the immoral and inappro­priate citizens from running a campaign and from being elected public offi­cials. The paper is accompanied by the first translation of this Lysias’ ora­tion into Serbian.

    • Nemanja VUJČIĆ, Robovi s Jadrana u klasičnoj Grčkoj, 47-61 DOWNLOAD

    ABSTRACT: The paper examines the presence of slaves from the Adri­atic regions in the Classical Greece, as a contribution to the ongoing debate about the prevalence and general importance of Illyrian piracy in the pre-Hellenistic times. Traditional historiography maintains that there was wide­spread, indeed “endemic” Illyrian piracy centuries prior to the recorded ac­tivities of Illyrian pirates under king Agron in the second half of the 3rd centu­ry BC. If this was really the case, we would expect that it had a significant im­pact on the supply of slaves in Classical times. However, the examination of available sources (Old Attic comedy, prose literature, slave records from the Laurion mines, the Attic stelai, the slave lists from Chios, Athenian naval cat­alogues etc.) shows their presence to be minimal. Some slaves from Illyria are mentioned in the Attic stelai but hardly anywhere else, their numbers being dwarfed by the multitudes of Anatolian and Thracian slaves. Extant sources imply that there was no large scale export of slaves from Illyria in the Clas­sical times and, likewise, that the scale of Illyrian piracy was fairly modest.

    • Vladimir TOMIĆ, Veze Cetinja i Beograda Crnojevićki uzori u Beogradskom Četvorojevanđelju, 63-74 DOWNLOAD

    ABSTRACT: The paper is dedicated to the influence of Crnojević‘s printing on the Belgrade Four Gospels from 1552. The works printed in Ce­tinje served as a model for later, not only Serbian, but also Romanian print­ing houses. We see the repetition of Cetinje motifs in Cyrillic editions in Goražde, Rujno, Gračanica, Mileseva, Belgrade and Mrkšina Crkva, as well as Trgovište in Wallachia. If it existed, the Crnojević Four Gospels could serve as a template for the creation of the Vlach Four Gospels, which would mean that it became a model for all later four Gospels, the Rujan, Belgrade and Mrkšina Crkva.

    • Luka I. MILUNOVIĆ, VJENČANJE CRNE GORE S MOREM. O slici I. Žmirića u svijetlu arhivskoga dokumenta , 75-83 DOWNLOAD

    ABSTRACT: Relying on the previously unused archival document in the literature, the paper points out new facts and different angles of view, re­garding the arrival of the artist I.Žmirić with his artwork on Cetinje in 1881.

    • Saša KNEŽEVIĆ, Crna Gora i Istočno pitanje na kraju XIX vijeka, 85-95 DOWNLOAD

    ABSTRACT: The Balkan states saw the Eastern Question as a crea­tion of favourable opportunities for attaining positions in the European parts of Turkey, and even their potential redistribution. Montenegro also had its own aspirations, but it had to sense the mood and take position of the Great Powers. A new crisis was foreshadowed when the riots of the Greek popu­lation in Crete broke out in 1896. Open conflict between Greece and Turkey brought the issue of European Turkey back into the focus of the diplomacy of the Great Powers, but also of the Balkan states. Austria-Hungary and Russia agreed on maintaining peace and preserving the status quo in the Balkans, which greatly affected not only them but the Balkan states as well. This paper looks into the diplomatic activities of Montenegro and its international posi­tions at the end of the XIX century.

    • Peter MIKŠA, Matija ZORN, Rasparčana Slovenija 1941–1945. Na primjeru okupacionih granica, 97-120 DOWNLOAD

    ABSTRACT: Today‘s Slovenia was occupied by four countries during the Second World War – Germany, Italy, Hungary and Croatia. The demarca­tion between them was mainly based on Hitler‘s instructions on the dismem­berment of Yugoslavia. The borders were secured with minefields, wire fenc­es and bunkers. The new borders changed the traditional patterns of life in these areas and cut into the daily life and habits of the local population. With this work, we show how the borders were politically and diplomatically de­termined, where over 660 kilometers of occupation borders passed, how they were secured and how life went along with them.

    • Bogdan ŽIVKOVIĆ, Od novog pomirenja do strateškog saveza: Odnosi jugoslovenskih i italijanskih komunista od 1962. do Toljatijeve posete januara 1964. godine, 121-146 DOWNLOAD

    ABSTRACT: On the basis of unpublished sources from the archives of the communist parties of Yugoslavia and Italy (Arhiv Jugoslavije, Bel­grade; Archivio del Partito comunista italiano, Rome), this article analyz­es the relations between these two parties during the early sixties. In a few very significant and crucial years for their interparty relations, the League of Communists of Yugoslavia (LCY) and the Italian Communist Party (PCI) managed to reestablish their relations, and to elevate them to a level of a strategic alliance. The aim of this article is to analyze that process, which was the foundation of a closer friendship and alliance of the LCY and PCI in the following decades.

    • Jelisaveta BLAGOJEVIĆ, „Libijsko proljeće“: fragmentacija patrimonijalne vojske, 147-171 DONLOAD

    ABSTRACT: The main goal of this paper is to answer the following research question: How did the Libyan military react to the protest against the regime of Muammar al Gaddafi, i.e. what factors determined its role in the transition, how did that role influence the course of transition and the possibility of establishing civilian control over military in the new regime? Accordingly, the paper covers description and explanation of political, his­torical and cultural identity of Libya, the basic features of Gaddafi’s rule, as well as the position of the military in its regime. Finally, there is given anal­ysis of the influence of the military division into the pro-regime and anti-re­gime forces during the uprising, on the results of the transition. Post-spring Libya lost the elements of statehood i.e. monopoly over coercive force. Libya is ruled by “militias” that fighting for control over oil resources. Available data were analyzed, classified and systematized using the historiographical method, as well as method of case analysis and method of analysis of avail­able literature and documentation.



    • Radenko ŠĆEKIĆ, (Novi) hladni rat u novom milenijumu, 173-190 DOWNLOAD

    ABSTRACT: The Cold War refers to the period of development of in­ternational relations after the Second World War, which was characterized by ideological, political, military and overall bloc bipolarization and con­frontation between the great powers of the West, ie the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) founded in 1949 and the Warsaw Pact established by the USSR in 1955. The epithet „cold” was given to this war because its ac­tors sought to achieve their goals of supremacy and domination in interna­tional relations by avoiding direct armed conflict through the bloc and inter­est division of the world. After the collapse of the Soviet Union and the War­saw Pact, NATO continued to dominate unhindered globally. The new mil­lennium has brought an era of multipolarity and the economic and political influence of the West is declining.



    • Ivan LAKOVIĆ, Bogdanović, B., Raspopović, R. (2020) CRNOGORSKO NAORUŽANJE / MONTENEGRIN WEAPONS. Ilustrovana monografija o razvoju pješadijskog naoružanja u Crnoj Gori (1870–1916), Podgorica: UniverzitetCrneGore, 273 str, 191-193 DOWNLOAD
    • Žarko LEKOVIĆ, Budimir Aleksić, IZ PROŠLOSTI CRNE GORE I HERCEGOVINE, Institut za srpsku kulturu – Nikšić, Nikšić, 2020, 195-200 DOWNLOAD
    • Saša KNEŽEVIĆ, Slavko Burzanović, CRNA GORA U ITALIJANSKOJ SPOLJNOJ POLITICI 1861–1923, CANU, Podgorica 2019, 201-203 DOWNLOAD
    • Marek BIAŁOKUR, Agnieszka MISIURSKA, À propos d’un pays trop petit pour être une superpuissance, mais trop grand pour accepter le rôle d’une petite nation… Quelques réflexions sur le livre de Andrzej Nowak SUR L’HISTOIRE, PAS POUR LES IDIOTS. CONVERSATIONS ET AFFAIRES, Wydawnictwo Literackie, Krakow 2019, p. 623, 205-220 DOWNLOAD
    • Vukota VUKOTIĆ, Luka Milunović, CRNOGORSKO GLUMIŠTE. Od 19. stoljeća do Prvog svjetskog rata. Podgorica: Matica crnogorska; Cetinje: Državni arhiv Crne Gore, 2017, 514 str, 221-224 DOWNLOAD


    The new issue of Istorijski zapisi 1-2/2020 is published Mon, 18 May 2020 08:45:46 +0000 Jubileji

    Povodom 70-ogodišnjice donošenja Šumanove deklaracije kao početka procesa formiranja Evropske unije,

    • Gordana ĐUROVIĆ, Od Šumanove deklaracije do savremene unije: Integracioni put Crne Gore, 7-45   DOWNLOAD

    Abstract: Seven decades have passed since the presentation of Schuman’s declaration, a concise powerful and visionary statement by French Minister Robert Schuman, which proposes the creation of the first European supranational organization for coal and steel. On May 9, 1950, at the French Ministry of Foreign Affairs in Paris, the process of integration of European countries essentially began. The ideas and concepts of the Schuman Declaration, which represents a turning point in the history of Europe, are incorporated into all future European treaties, from the Paris Treaty establishing the European Coal and Steel Community, through the Treaties of Rome and all their amendments, to the 2007 Lisbon Reform Treaty. Europe developed on the affirmation of the principles of peace, solidarity, economic prosperity and common European values. Today, the idea of European unification gathers 27 European countries, and one of the countries knocking on the door of the Union is Montenegro. This paper gives a brief overview of the integration path of Montenegro towards the supranational organization sui generis, as the Union is today. The chronology of tracing the European path of Montenegro can be viewed in the broader context of establishing the first relations with the European Economic Community (EEC) of the then Socialist Federal Republic of Yugoslavia (SFRY) in the period from 1967 to 1991, then the characteristics of relations with the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia (FRY) with the then European Communities in the period from 1992 to 2003, and the relations that further developed in the period of the State Union of Serbia and Montenegro (SM) from 2003 to 2006, and finally the development of relations between the Union and the independent state of Montenegro in the period from the regaining Montenegrin independence in 2006 until today.

    • Bojan JOVANOVIĆ, Akcija i reakcija: Maršalov plan i Šumanova deklaracija, 47-69  DOWNLOAD

    ABSTRACT: The main goal of this essay is to see if there is a certain, real causal link between so called Marshall plan and what is well known as Schuman declaration; that is, in wider, general sense, it is about establishing historical link between America’s foreign policy after World War II (firstly, period 1947-1950) and the beginnings of what we now usually call European integration. The essay shows that Shuman declaration is in fact not original initiative, but rather response or reaction to huge pressure that USA, especially in autumn of 1949 and on, did put on French government and France. USA wanted from France to assume lidership in Western Europe, and to come up with solution for “German question”, that is, some proposal that would have strong European dimension, which would enable re-integration of Western Germany into Western Europe and the family of European nations…and so and by that at the same time matching one of the most important, if not the most important goal of america’s overall foreign policy of the time.



    • Gilliane MONNIER, Gilbert TOSTEVIN, Goran PAJOVIĆ, Nikola BOROVINIĆ, Mile BAKOVIĆ, Nova istraživanja paleolitskog nalazišta Crvena Stijena, istorijski kontekst, 71-108  DOWNLOAD

    Abstract: The rockshelter of Crvena Stijena (Nikšić municipality, Montenegro) is one of the most important Paleolithic sites in southeastern Europe. Its 20-meter deep sequence of archaeological deposits spans the Middle Paleolithic through the Bronze Age. The Middle Paleolithic deposits themselves, which cover an astonishing 12 meters in depth, contain one of the longest records of Neanderthal occupation in the region. Since its discovery in 1954, the site has been the subject of two major research projects; the data they have produced have helped make it a critical type-site for the Paleolithic in the Balkans. In this paper, our goal is to introduce the aims and methodologies of the new research collaboration at Crvena Stijena that we established in 2016. We first present the site within the context of the Middle Paleolithic of the western Balkans. We then describe the history of research at Crvena Stijena, and summarize the results of the last project, which were recently published. Finally, we describe the research questions that are guiding our new investigations, and the methods we are applying in order to answer these questions while preserving as much of the site as possible for future generations of archaeologists.

    • Antal MOLNÁR, Kavaljer Franjo Bolica (†1653): Kotorski patricij na razdjelnici između Rima, Mletaka i Balkana, 109-132  DOWNLOAD

    Abstract: The aim of this study is to introduce the intermediary role of Kotor in the Balkan missions comparing it to the same activities of Ragusa. From 1578 the Bolica family was responsible for coordinating the postal service from Venice to Istanbul, as a consequence of which the family acquired a vast network of connections in the Balkans. In the 17th century four members of the Bolica family which ran the postal service worked as the Balkan commissioners of the Congregation of Propaganda Fide. Franjo Bolica was the most outstanding of the four due to his personal qualities and as a result of both the importance of his commissions and the prosperity during the war of Candia (1645-1669).

    • Burhan ČELEBIĆ, O nekim osmanskim natpisima kod starog Bara; Darka Bakića, Pitanje emigracije osmanskih podanika iz skadarskog i kosovskog vilajeta u Crnu Goru, 133-147  DOWNLOAD

    Abstract: In this article, we will interpret and present Old Turkish (Ottoman) inscriptions from the Bar region, which date from the historical range from the 17th to the 20th century, with a transcription from Old Turkish to the Ottoman language, with a translation in our language as well. Namely, the basic research intention of these recent researches in Bar is directed towards presenting to the scientific, professional and general reading public the inscriptions from the stone surfaces and their meaning with nišan tombstones, fountains and chronograms, while at the same time unusual ornamentation, shapes and various decorative motifs that adorn them and essentially determine them. In addition to translations of these specific archaeological-historical testimonies about people and the spirit of the time from which these artifacts date, we also provide photographs that speak not only about the significance and values of this material heritage but also about the condition in which they are.

    • Darko BAKIĆ, Pitanje emigracije osmanskih podanika iz skadarskog i kosovskog vilajeta u Crnu Goru, 149-167  DOWNLOAD

    Abstract: The suppression of armed rebellions of Albanians, which in Kosovo’s and in Shkodra’s vilayet did oppose the policy of Ottomanization of the society that the Young Turks was carrying out at the time, had as its consequence a huge number of refugees from war-affected areas that were seeking for some refuge in Montenegro. Even though it was overburdening Montenegro’s financial system, King Nicholas I gladly received refugees from Albania in Montenegro, not only from humanitarian reasons but also because he wanted to gain their affection towards his state, in or-der to much easier, when the opportunity arises, achieve the main goal of his foreign policy to ex-tend Montenegro’s territory to northern Albania.

    • Arpad HORNYAK, The Integration of the Délvidék (Southern Parts of the Kingdom of Hungary) into the Administration of the Kingdom of Serbs, Croats and Slovenes. A Hungarian Perspective, 169-187  DOWNLOAD

    Abstract: The southern territories of the Kingdom of Hungary came under the suzerainty of the newly formed Yugoslav Kingdom and until today constitute an integral part of its successor. This study aims to introduce the first historic phase of this centennial process, the incorporation of the Banat and Bačka into the administration of the Kingdom of Serbs, Croats and Slovenes. During this, while also details the endeavors of different Yugoslav governments, it also tries to introduce the various Hungarian aspects, chiefly in the years 1919-1920, and give an insight on the effects of all this on the Hungarian population of the territories in the new state.



    • Bojan NOVAKOVIĆ, Teritorijalno-upravna organizacija Onogošta (Nikšića) od XV do XVIII vijeka, 189-213  DOWNLOAD

    Abstract: The paper is dedicated to the analysis of social and historical circumstances surrounding the origin and change in the territorial and administrative structure of the area of Onogošt (Nikšić) from mid-XV until early XVIII century. Even though the nahiyah of Onogošt was formed within its natural boundaries, as was the feudal župa preceding it, the censuses that followed proved it to be transformed in line with the principle of tribes and clans, thus being divided into four nahiyahs: Onogošt, Gračanica/Nikšić, Riđani and Komarnica. The local communities maintained complex relations which applied also to the change in their territorial position, the fact confirmed by scarce data. The recently published census of the Sanjak of Herzegovina from 1701 contained data which permit a better perception of the former territorial and administrative structure of Onogošt (Nikšić) and the neighboring areas.

    The new issue of Istorijski zapisi 3-4/2013 is published Sun, 10 Nov 2013 07:54:26 +0000 JUBILEJI

    1. godina od rođenja Petra II Petrovića Njegoša 
    • Miomir DAŠIĆ, Petar II Petrović Njegoš u revoluciji 1848-1849. godine u memoarskim zapisima Matije Bana, 7-53   DOWNLOAD

    Abstract: Petar II Petrović Njegoš expressed his political views on the revolution 1848-1849 in many letters. It is pointed out that because of the negative views of Hungarian and Italian revolutionary elite, Serbs and Croats sided with Viennese court against the revolution. Njegoš’ four meetings with Matija Ban were very significant and had serious political consequences. Njegoš’ ideas on unification are also briefly mentioned.

    • В. А. АРТАМОНОВ, Два реформатора – Пётр II Негош и Пётр I Великий. К 200-летию Петра II Петровича Негоша, 55-67  DOWNLOAD

    Аbstract: The appearance of the north and south Slavs‘ two geniuses – Peter I the Great and Petar II Njegoš was not accidental – it was intended to wrest their people out of backwardness. Both great reformer burned themselves on fire acts. Peter the Great brought Russia to Europe, Njegosh approved European authorities and strengthened the dynasty that ruled until 1918. Montenegro became a prominent country in the European arena. Njegoš became a national hero of the Serbian and Montenegrin people and the Slavs.

    • Варвара Б. ХЛЕБНИКОВА, Загадка личности поэта и правителя Петра Негоша в трудах П.А.Ровинского, 69-79  DOWNLOAD

    Abstract: Works of famous Montenegrin poet Petar Njegoš inspired Russian specialist in Slav history P.A. Rovinsky to write a monograph, containing a successful attempt to describe the personality of the Montenegrin ruler.

    • Наталья Д. БЛУДИЛИНА, Русские историософские мифологем ы в начал ьно й поэзии Негоша, 81-94  DOWNLOAD

    Abstract : This article examines the early poetry of Peter Petrovich Njegoš: his first collection of poems „Cetinje Hermit” (1833), written under the impression of a journey to Russia. Analysis was given of the metaphorical images in one dedicated to Nicholas I and the future Emperor Alexander II as well as others. There, Njegosh gives grandiose images of the Russian Empire, poetically weaves together Russian and Slavic patriotism and these poems show great respect for the glory and power of the Russian state. For Montenegrin poet, Russia was a messianic prototype of culture, he saw a new force that is truly able to renew humanity.

    • Neda DONAT, Njemački prevod Gorskog vijenca od Johana Kirstea i njegovi odjeci u nau čnoj i stručnoj javnosti na njemačkom govornom području, 95-104  DOWNLOAD

    Аbstract : The paper deals with the first translation of Mountain wreath in German, done by Austrian Johan Kirste, as well as the reflections of that translations in scientific public of the German-speaking area in the second half of XIX century. At the time, Kirste’s translation met mostly the positive critics in the press and scientific circles of Austria and Germany, providing to the spreading and positive reception of the south-Slavic culture and literature in the countries of German-speaking area.

    • Михаил В. БЕЛОВ, Черногория в русско й делово й и путево й прозе 30 – 40-х гг . XIX века, 105-116  DOWNLOAD

    Abstract: The paper presents the brief overview of Russian officers and travelers who, during their stay in Montenegro, described its people, history, social relations and political situation. While mentioning the first ones who left their impressions on Montenegro (S.Y.Puckov, M.Tarasov, S.A.Sankovskiy, V.B.Bronevskiy, P.Svinin), the focus stays on the Russian authors who left their memoirs with notes from the 4th and 5th decade of the XIX century. They were Y.N.Ozerckovskiy, P.I.Preys, E.P. Kovalevskiy and F.V.Cizov



    • Savo MARKOVIĆ, Prilog prou čavanju srednjovjekovne latinske leksike , epigrafike i socijalne morfologije Bara : case study Cyriacus, 137-157  DOWNLOAD

    Abstract: On the basis of the sources of various typology, as well as of historiography, there are followed the activities of the members of Curiaçe – Kurjaković family of Bar, in the course of the 14th – 15th centuries. Micro-historic research took into account the modalities of their connection with the home environment, especially through the lexical analysis, epigraphy and related segments of social and ecclesiastical life in Bar. In accordance with the social movements of that time, focused is the role of the presbyter Dominicus Curiace, over the decades present both in Bar and in Dubrovnik, who was the bond of religious – and traditions of affinity, witnessing the expressions of devoutness, noted in two Adriatic communes.

    • Lovorka ČORALIĆ, Maja KATUŠIĆ, Grbljani u mletačkim prekomorskim kopnenim postrojbama (18. stoljeće), 159-183  DOWNLOAD

    Abstract: The article is directed on the research of the share of the denizens of Grbalj in Venetian transmarine military units in the eighteenth century. As primary sources are used documents created by the state magistracy Inquisitori sopra l’amministrazione dei pubblici ruoli, containing lists of the complement of particular military units, which are kept in the Archivio di Stato di Venezia. In the article are analysed proportion of the participation of the denizens of Grbalj in Venetian infantry and cavalry, temporal frame of their mentioning in the sources, places were particular units operated, commanding staff, as well as personal characteristics of individual soldiers. In the final part of the article, the scions of the Bogetić family of Grbalj, who achieved considerable positions within the ranks of the Venetian army, are briefly discussed. In the end of the article are given several appendices: lists of military complement in companies of Wolf and Mark Bogetić and a list of all the denizens of Grbalj who were soldiers in Venetian army units, as established until now.

    • Dušan BOJKOVIĆ, Nacionalna politika Komunističke Partije Jugoslavije 1918–1928: otvaranje crnogorskog pitanja, 185-198  DOWNLOAD

    Abstract: In this article we have analyzed the relation between the leadership of Communist Party of Yugoslavia towards statehood and national issue of Montenegro in period of the creation of unified state of Serbs, Croats and Slovenians up until the so called Congress of Dresden. The basis of the text is composed from the documents of Party’s activity, deposited at the Archives of Yugoslavia, followed by the published sources and relevant literature.

    • Milan TERZIĆ, Plan jugoslovenske odbrane od mogućeg napada zemalja Informacionog biroa (Slučaj Crne Gore), 199-209  DOWNLOAD

    Abstract: The paper treats the measures taken in Montenegro as the part of general measures for Yugoslav defence in case attack by the Cominform countries. Its text was written on the base of documents preserved in Military archive in Belgrade, as well as the relevant scientific literature.

    • Zlatko IVANOVIĆ, Američka percepcija nove jugoslovenske politike nesvrstavanja, 211-226  DOWNLOAD

    Abstract: Following its failure to integrate Yugoslavia into the Western military alliance, American leadership ultimately agreed with Belgrade’s new political strategy of non-alliance. Still, the United States tried to retain some influence on Yugoslavia’s foreign policy through a program of military and economic assistance, thus keeping Yugoslavia away from the Eastern bloc. Eisenhower and Dulles’ expectations to use Tito’s growing influence on the emerging non-committed countries show that they, as well as Truman, based their policy towards Yugoslavia on geopolitical instead of ideological interests. With its new political course consolidated, Yugoslavia found significant political allies, creating a new force in international relations.

    • Ivan LAKOVIĆ, Prilog proučavanju jugoslovenske vojne politike 1958–1961. godine, 227-237  DOWNLOAD

    Abstract: Based on the available documents of Western and Yugoslav origin, as well as the relevant literature, this paper deals with the perspectives of Yugoslav military policy between the periods of two strategic partnerships in providing the source for its armed forces’ material equipping. Yugoslav leadership had to take into account the political consequences of joining such projects, so the most important related criteria contained preconditions needed both for continuing as more as independent foreign policy, as well as preservation of the internal system intact. International constellation allowed the space for dispersing Yugoslav directions of bonding – provided that West had remained a mayor partner for economic cooperation, Third World countries became the closest political allies, while the USSR regained its place as the source of military modernization.



    • Jovo M. BEĆIR, Jovo Nikov Bećir , brigadir crnogorske vojske , o kapitulaciji Crne Gore u I svjetskom ratu, 239-247  DOWNLOAD

    Abstract: The paper brings the overview of life and activities of Jovo N. Bećir, brigade general of Montenegrin army in the First, and colonel of Yugoslav army in the Second World War. The most important part is the translation of the interview he gave to J. Steinhardt, reporter of the “Bosnische Post” after the capitulation of Montenegro in 1916.

    The new issue of Istorijski zapisi 1-2/2013 is published Fri, 10 May 2013 07:43:06 +0000 ČLANCI


    • Nevenka BOGOJEVIĆ-GLUŠČEVIĆ, Provisions of the Medieval Cattaro Statute on Testament and their Application in Notary Practice, 7-24   DOWNLOAD

    Abstract: Analyzing archive materials, mostly written in Latin alphabet, legal historians and romanists have come to a conclusion that the hereditary legal institutes treated, as welll as other institutes of the private law of the southern Adriatic communes, had a feature undertaken mainly from the classical roman Law, or recepted ius communae. Some deviations were present to a less or greater extent, and reflected direct and indirect influences of Slavic and Byzantine law that were coming from the Balkan Peninsula’s inland to coastal centres. Further investigations on detailed sources of many issues are needed to make a mosaic of the dominant influences on the formation of medieval private law in Adriatic coastal towns. This paper is a continuation of my research on the institute of testament in Medieval Cattaro, and it is related to the analysis of the statutory provisions on testing freedom and obliged testaments forms, as well as the application of these form in order to determine a real influence and significance of the classical Roman law and similar ones, developed later on its normative arrangement and real legal life.

    • Lovorka ČORALIĆ, Maja KATUŠIĆ, Peraški kapetan Josip Zambella, mletački ratni brod Vittoria II i sastav njegove posade (kraj 18. stoljeća), 25-56  DOWNLOAD

    Abstract: In the centre of the research of this article is agency of Captain Joseph Zambella of Perast (d. 1794), who commanded Venetian warship Vittoria II in the last years of the existence of the Republic of Venice. The article is in the first place based on the research of unpublished sources from the Archivio di Stato di Venezia (the deeds of the magistracy of Venetian Navy – Provveditori all’Armar). The composition of the crew commanded by Captain Joseph Zambella is analysed in detail and concludes that seamen who were by their origin from the East Adriatic coast had an important position on the ship Vittoria II. The article contains also appendices with lists of the ship’s crew in two periods (1785-1791 and 1791-1794).

    • Maja ĐURIĆ, Oprema fotografija i dizajn reversnih strana crnogorskih fotografija u prvoj polovini 20. vijeka. Istorijski pregled fotografskih formata, kartonažne opreme Crne Gore u upotrebi od 1840-1940 te godine, 57-68  DOWNLOAD

    Abstract: The paper deals with a new era in photography started in 1871, thus enabling the industrial production of photo materiel. Competition of the numerous photographers, working in this period, led to a new approach of design of the ateliers’ commercial notes at the back side of the photos. They became the printing places for creative designed logos and the data on rewards, decorations and medals from the exhibitions. Thus provided search for photographic paper induced the development of the whole kind of industry for its production, as well as different forms of applied design in Montenegro at the end of 19th and beginning of 20th century.

    • Stjepan MATKOVIĆ, Hrvatska percepcija Balkanskih ratova, 69-83  DOWNLOAD

    Abstract: This paper deals with attitude of Croatian public to the Balkan wars 1912-1913. Although the territories of Austrian – Hungarian Monarchy, settled dominantly with Croatians, haven’t been directly affected by the warfare, it produced a huge interest at the all levels of society. Their vicinity meant that the results could easily overcome the category of “local conflict”, producing the different opinions and tendencies in the course of thorough solution of the national question.

    • Slavko Burzanović, Italija i Crna Gora u Aneksionoj krizi 1908-1909, 85-110  DOWNLOAD

    Аbstract: In this article, author deals with the relations of Montenegro and Italy during the annexation crisis, Italy’s role in the abolition of Article 29. of the Treaty of Berlin, and intermediation in the normalization of relations between Montenegro and the Austria-Hungary.

    • Draga MASTILOVIĆ, Hercegovački bataljon crnogorske vojske u Italiji prema svjedočenjima povratnika iz Gaete, 111-130  DOWNLOAD

    Abstract: Although there is an enormous literature and numerous volumes of historical material on Montenegro Outlaw Movement, after the First World War, and on Montenegrin army in Italy, there are still some gaps and unanswered questions regarding this topic. One of these gaps is the participation of the Herzegovinians and Bosnians in the Montenegrin legion in Gaeta, and their motives or reasons for joining the fight for dynastic rights of dethroned Montenegrin leader. According to the statements of the returnees to the Kingdom of SHS in the March of 1921, we can see how they reached Gaeta and understand the relations between the officers and the soldiers in the military camp. Besides, their statements provide valuable facts on suffering of the subjects of the newly formed Kingdom of SHS in the Italian camps, after the First World War.

    • Predrag SIMIĆ, Izveštaji Karnegijeve zadužbine za međunarodni mir o balkanskim ratovima iz 1914. i 1996. godine, 131-150  DOWNLOAD

    Abstract: The paper examines how Western interests and perceptions of the Balkans affected the policy of great western powers towards the region at the beginning and at the end of the twentieth century. First Carnegie Endowment report on the Balkans was prepared on the American initiative by the international commission led by French senator D`Esturnel de Constant that investigated the causes and the conduct of the Balkan Wars. Published in 1914, shortly before the beginning of the World War One, it condemned the atrocities committed by the belligerents and advocated closer transatlantic cooperation in formulating Western policy towards the Balkans. Reprint of the 1914. report was published in 1993 with the introduction written by George F. Kennan during the Civil War in Yugoslavia and led to the second Carnegie Endowment report entitled „Unfinished Peace“, prepared by the international commission led by former Belgium prime minister, Leo Tindemans. Elaborating on the 1914 thesis that only transatlantic cooperation can pacify the post-Cold War Balkans and control the Balkans nationalisms that were, in Kennan`s opinion, threatening peace and stability in Europe. Even though he considered the Balkans an European problem Kennan conclude that this situation is one to which US cannot be indifferent advocating the use of force to stop the war and long-lasting involvement of the West in reconstruction of the region.

    • Dmitar TASIĆ, Kontraobaveštajna služba (KOS) i rezolucija IB. Prilog istraživanju istorije vojne službe bezbednosti, 151-170  DOWNLOAD

    Аbstract: One of the Yugoslav institutions especially endangered by the events in 1948th was Yugoslav army. Main role in investigation, arrests and interrogation of the Resolution of Inform beaureau’s supporters within it was assigned to Counter-Inteligence Service. The paper shows the example of KNOJ and the way that mentioned events influenced the one of the elite army formations. A work itself was based on the documents preserved at Military archive in Belgrade.



    • Elena SKVORCOVA, Djelatnost ministra spoljnih poslova Ruske imperije Sergeja Dmitrijeviča Sazonova pred Prvi svjetski rat, 171-178  DOWNLOAD

    Abstract: During the First Balkan War Minister of Foreign Affairs of Russia S.D. Sazonov spoke for settling issues through seeking compromise solution, non – interference of big powers in conflicts, joining their efforts for sorting out the existing disagreements. In the course of the Second Balkan War he aimed at conciliating the sides. On the eve of War 1, Sazonov conducted the policy targeted at entering into alliance with France and Britain. During the Austria-Serbia conflict he took an initiative position for preventing war.

    • Marijeta BARJAKTAROVIĆ–LANZARDI, Milan PODUNAVAC, Razvoj parlamentarizma u Crnoj Gori i proces približavanja Evropskoj Uniji: značaj i uloga parlamenta, 179-196  DOWNLOAD

    Abstract: This paper deals with relation between development of the parliamentarism in Montenegro and European integration process. The intention is to demonstrate the way in which association to the European Union has impact on the fostering development of the parliamentarism in Montenegro and to explain which role the parliament, as the most important political institution, should have in this process.

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    The new issue of Istorijski zapisi 4/2010 is published Mon, 08 Nov 2010 08:56:17 +0000
  • Radoslav RASPOPOVIĆ, Otvaranje skupa, 7-8  Download


    • John D. TREADWAY, Reflections on US-Montenegrin relations 1905-1918. Focus on John B. Jackson, the First American Minister to Montenegro, 1905-1907, 9-29  Download

    ABSTRACT: This short article considers aspects of the US-Montenegrin relationship between 1905 and 1918 – the years covered by the documentary collection Crna Gora i SAD: U dokumentima Nacionalnog arhiva u Vašingtonu, 1905-1918, published by the Istorijski Institut in the spring of 2010. Focusing on the activities of the first accredited American minister to Montenegro, John B. Jackson (1905-1907), it in fact draws heavily upon the documents included in the volume.


    • Dragoljub ŽIVOJINOVIĆ, Američki odred u sastavu savezničkih trupa u Crnoj Gori 1918, 31-43  Download

    ABSTRACT: The paper deals with the engagement of American military troops in an allied expedition on the eastern Adriatic coast, after the USA joined the war operations in World War I in 1917.


    • Radoslav RASPOPOVIĆ, Diplomatski odnosi Crne Gore i SAD 1905-1921, 45-66  Download

    ABSTRACT: The paper deals with the issue establishing diplomatic relations between Montenegro and the USA. The USA exercised their active right to legation in 1905, while the reciprocity in diplomatic representation was achieved in late 1918. The author is mainly preoccupied with the time when first American envoys were accredited, the issues they were dealing with during their occasional visits to Montenegro and the degree of influence they had on the relations between Montenegro and America.


    • Nathaniel SMITH, John B. Jackson and the beginning of U.S.-Montenegrin diplomatic relations, 67-71  Download

    ABSTRACT: John B. Jackson was an industrious and professional diplomat who represented the United States all over the world, including Western and South-Eastern Europe, Latin America, and the Middle East. Jackson was instrumental in United States Government’s decision to recognize Montenegro and he was the first U.S. Envoy to the country, from 1905 to 1907.


    • Zoran LAKIĆ, Istorijski zapisi o crnogorsko-američkim odnosima kroz istoriju, 73-78  Download

    ABSTRACT: The author deals with the international position of Montenegro throughout history from the aspect of the relation of great powers towards small countries. He looks into how historical experience and tradition affects current foreign policy.


    • Biljana VUČETIĆ, Javnost Sjedinjenih Američkih Država o Crnoj Gori u Balkanskim ratovima, 79-95  Download

    ABSTRACT: This paper aims to present the shaping of American public opinion on Balkan Wars 1912-1913. It is based on information published in New-York Tribune and The Washington Post. These newspapers regularly monitored situation in the Balkans. Although State Department was ready to engage in European affairs, public opinion strived to support principle that the Balkans should remain to the Balkan peoples.


    • Šerbo RASTODER, Velike sile i mali narodi, 105 godina od uspostavjanja diplomatskih odnosa SAD i Crne Gore, 97-121  Download

    ABSTRACT: The paper deals with the relations between USA and Montenegro from their official diplomatic establishing, but mostly focuses on the period of the First World War. At its end, when the Great Powers have been deciding upon the future European political map, Montenegrin representatives have pursued an effort to influence an American position towards solving the Montenegrin questions according to interests of its Government in exile. This short-termed interest, which the USA has displayed for Montenegro, corresponded with the phase of greater attention that this Power has paid to the European affairs.


    • Andrea CARTENY, After the Wilson’s 14 points: The oppressed nationalities at the Congress of Rome (April 1918), 123-133  Download

    ABSTRACT: After the Wilson points, in Italy too emerged in the public discourse the question to support or not the „oppressed nationalities” in Austria-Hungary. Luigi Albertini and the newspaper „Il Corriere della Sera” leaded this strategy, which meant to pass the positions of the London Pact and to prepare Italy to negotiate the Eastern claimed territories with new nations, as Yugoslavs. The Torre-Trumbic agreement was the important result of this action and political base for the Congress of Rome, in April 1918. This Congress was the beginning of the real support to the nationalities against Habsburgs. The propaganda over the enemy‘s trenches was fruitful: with more than 50 millions of posters and quite 10 millions of newspaper launched over the lines, Italian army called to a mass desertion the no German/Hungarian soldiers (then belonging to the „oppressed nationalities”, e.g. Yugoslavs, Romanians, Poles, Czechs, Slovaks).This factor was one of the most relevant for the final victory.


    • Dragana KUJOVIĆ, Neki nezaobilazni elementi u razmatranjima o velikim promjenama u crnogroskom društvu (1878-1915), 135-142  Download

    ABSTRACT: A gap in which the Muslim population was found in territories included in the composition of the Montenegrin state was even more profound, if we consider that this population followed specific achievements and a dynamic relationship of the Islamic tradition and regional influences. Most of it felt Montenegro their homeland as the Christian-Orthodox did, spoke the same language and had the same Slavic origin, but they were being recognized by different personal names, learning different literacy, growing with heroes of their own epic, and cultural and esthetic patterns finding in brilliant achievements of Islamic Orient.


    • Žarko LEKOVIĆ, Drobnjaci koji su emigrirali u SAD krajem XIX i početkom XX vijeka, 143-154  Download

    ABSTRACT: In passed historical epoques, the Drobnjaks have been temporarily or permanently moving out from their homeland, searching for better living conditions. The list of Drobnjaks displaced before the 1878 is not possible to be individually reconstructed due to the lack of archival sources. An intensive migration of Montenegrins to USA began shortly before the end of XIX century. It is evident that the same process has included the Drobnjaks. The majority of immigrants have settled in the USA, while the others have chosen Canada and South America. They have been undertaking the worst jobs in the mines and partly been employed in factories. The smallest number ended in farms, mainly because of low wages.


    • Radenko ŠĆEKIĆ, SAD i prostor Balkana, sa posebnim osvrtom na Crnu Goru krajem 20. i početkom 21. vijeka, 155-168  Download

    ABSTRACT: Change of the constellation of powers on the world stage after the end of the Cold War, has resulted in important changes over Yugoslavia in global terms. Montenegro, as the smallest republic in the Yugoslav federation was bypassed by political upheavals in the atmosphere of disintegration of the communist system. United States, having remained as the only global superpower, used the political and war events in ex-Yugoslav region for implementation of policy of the “New World Order”.



    • Dragana KUJOVIĆ, Esad Duraković: Duhovna biografija, razgovarao Izedin Šikalo. – Sarajevo: Dobra knjiga, 2010, 169-171  Download
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    The new issue of Istorijski zapisi 3/2010 is published Sun, 08 Aug 2010 08:40:46 +0000
  • Radoslav RASPOPOVIĆ, Otvaranje skupa, 7-8  Download


    • John D. TREADWAY, Reflections on US-Montenegrin relations 1905-1918. Focus on John B. Jackson, the First American Minister to Montenegro, 1905-1907, 9-29  Download

    ABSTRACT: This short article considers aspects of the US-Montenegrin relationship between 1905 and 1918 – the years covered by the documentary collection Crna Gora i SAD: U dokumentima Nacionalnog arhiva u Vašingtonu, 1905-1918, published by the Istorijski Institut in the spring of 2010. Focusing on the activities of the first accredited American minister to Montenegro, John B. Jackson (1905-1907), it in fact draws heavily upon the documents included in the volume.


    • Dragoljub ŽIVOJINOVIĆ, Američki odred u sastavu savezničkih trupa u Crnoj Gori 1918, 31-43  Download

    ABSTRACT: The paper deals with the engagement of American military troops in an allied expedition on the eastern Adriatic coast, after the USA joined the war operations in World War I in 1917.


    • Radoslav RASPOPOVIĆ, Diplomatski odnosi Crne Gore i SAD 1905-1921, 45-66  Download

    ABSTRACT: The paper deals with the issue establishing diplomatic relations between Montenegro and the USA. The USA exercised their active right to legation in 1905, while the reciprocity in diplomatic representation was achieved in late 1918. The author is mainly preoccupied with the time when first American envoys were accredited, the issues they were dealing with during their occasional visits to Montenegro and the degree of influence they had on the relations between Montenegro and America.


    • Nathaniel SMITH, John B. Jackson and the beginning of U.S.-Montenegrin diplomatic relations, 67-71  Download

    ABSTRACT: John B. Jackson was an industrious and professional diplomat who represented the United States all over the world, including Western and South-Eastern Europe, Latin America, and the Middle East. Jackson was instrumental in United States Government’s decision to recognize Montenegro and he was the first U.S. Envoy to the country, from 1905 to 1907.


    • Zoran LAKIĆ, Istorijski zapisi o crnogorsko-američkim odnosima kroz istoriju, 73-78  Download

    ABSTRACT: The author deals with the international position of Montenegro throughout history from the aspect of the relation of great powers towards small countries. He looks into how historical experience and tradition affects current foreign policy.


    • Biljana VUČETIĆ, Javnost Sjedinjenih Američkih Država o Crnoj Gori u Balkanskim ratovima, 79-95  Download

    ABSTRACT: This paper aims to present the shaping of American public opinion on Balkan Wars 1912-1913. It is based on information published in New-York Tribune and The Washington Post. These newspapers regularly monitored situation in the Balkans. Although State Department was ready to engage in European affairs, public opinion strived to support principle that the Balkans should remain to the Balkan peoples.


    • Šerbo RASTODER, Velike sile i mali narodi, 105 godina od uspostavjanja diplomatskih odnosa SAD i Crne Gore, 97-121  Download

    ABSTRACT: The paper deals with the relations between USA and Montenegro from their official diplomatic establishing, but mostly focuses on the period of the First World War. At its end, when the Great Powers have been deciding upon the future European political map, Montenegrin representatives have pursued an effort to influence an American position towards solving the Montenegrin questions according to interests of its Government in exile. This short-termed interest, which the USA has displayed for Montenegro, corresponded with the phase of greater attention that this Power has paid to the European affairs.


    • Andrea CARTENY, After the Wilson’s 14 points: The oppressed nationalities at the Congress of Rome (April 1918), 123-133  Download

    ABSTRACT: After the Wilson points, in Italy too emerged in the public discourse the question to support or not the „oppressed nationalities” in Austria-Hungary. Luigi Albertini and the newspaper „Il Corriere della Sera” leaded this strategy, which meant to pass the positions of the London Pact and to prepare Italy to negotiate the Eastern claimed territories with new nations, as Yugoslavs. The Torre-Trumbic agreement was the important result of this action and political base for the Congress of Rome, in April 1918. This Congress was the beginning of the real support to the nationalities against Habsburgs. The propaganda over the enemy‘s trenches was fruitful: with more than 50 millions of posters and quite 10 millions of newspaper launched over the lines, Italian army called to a mass desertion the no German/Hungarian soldiers (then belonging to the „oppressed nationalities”, e.g. Yugoslavs, Romanians, Poles, Czechs, Slovaks).This factor was one of the most relevant for the final victory.


    • Dragana KUJOVIĆ, Neki nezaobilazni elementi u razmatranjima o velikim promjenama u crnogroskom društvu (1878-1915), 135-142  Download

    ABSTRACT: A gap in which the Muslim population was found in territories included in the composition of the Montenegrin state was even more profound, if we consider that this population followed specific achievements and a dynamic relationship of the Islamic tradition and regional influences. Most of it felt Montenegro their homeland as the Christian-Orthodox did, spoke the same language and had the same Slavic origin, but they were being recognized by different personal names, learning different literacy, growing with heroes of their own epic, and cultural and esthetic patterns finding in brilliant achievements of Islamic Orient.


    • Žarko LEKOVIĆ, Drobnjaci koji su emigrirali u SAD krajem XIX i početkom XX vijeka, 143-154  Download

    ABSTRACT: In passed historical epoques, the Drobnjaks have been temporarily or permanently moving out from their homeland, searching for better living conditions. The list of Drobnjaks displaced before the 1878 is not possible to be individually reconstructed due to the lack of archival sources. An intensive migration of Montenegrins to USA began shortly before the end of XIX century. It is evident that the same process has included the Drobnjaks. The majority of immigrants have settled in the USA, while the others have chosen Canada and South America. They have been undertaking the worst jobs in the mines and partly been employed in factories. The smallest number ended in farms, mainly because of low wages.


    • Radenko ŠĆEKIĆ, SAD i prostor Balkana, sa posebnim osvrtom na Crnu Goru krajem 20. i početkom 21. vijeka, 155-168  Download

    ABSTRACT: Change of the constellation of powers on the world stage after the end of the Cold War, has resulted in important changes over Yugoslavia in global terms. Montenegro, as the smallest republic in the Yugoslav federation was bypassed by political upheavals in the atmosphere of disintegration of the communist system. United States, having remained as the only global superpower, used the political and war events in ex-Yugoslav region for implementation of policy of the “New World Order”.



    • Dragana KUJOVIĆ, Esad Duraković: Duhovna biografija, razgovarao Izedin Šikalo. – Sarajevo: Dobra knjiga, 2010, 169-171  Download
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    The new issue of Istorijski zapisi 1-4/2005 is published Sat, 05 Nov 2005 13:28:01 +0000 ČLANCI

    • Nevenka BOGOJEVIĆ-GLUŠČEVIĆ, Rimska pravna pravila u zakonjačama Opšteg imovinskog zakonika za knjaževinu Crnu Goru, 7-34  Download

    ABSTRACT: While doing “General Property law”, Valtazar Bogišić used legal postulate and principles of Roman law. This was especially noticed in 45 rules, in the end of General Property law so called Zakonjače, orders to explain sense and spirit of the law. 37 of 45 rules were original Roman rules and the rest, except one couldn’t be understood from the concept, also based on the Roman jurisprudence. The originality of Bogišić’s work in the reception of the Roman law is seen in the way he actually expressed those rules in both unique and understandable way interpreted in the domestic language. On this way the basic principle of Roman law in Zakonjače became” viva vox docet” of the people in Montenegro at the end of XIX century. With great respect for domestic slovenic tradition he built in being of Law of Montenegro the best concept and space of Roman law.


    • Sait Š. ŠABOTIĆ, Petar I Petrović Njegoš i Nikšićka kapetanija, 35-79  Download

    ABSTRACT: From the beginning of his governance in Montenegro in 1784 till his death in 1830., the bishop Peter I Petrovich Njegosh led an active politics in internal and foreign affairs. During his activities he respected the vicinity a lot, especially the district of Niksich, which was of the great interest for Montenegro. For the whole period of ruling by Peter I in Montenegro the captain Osman Musovich was at the head of Niksich’s district. Peter I was very cautions in political relations with Niksich, taking care that his purposes were positively dovetailed with the attitudes of The Big forces referring to Montenegro. At the same time he made efforts to raise an international position and reputation of Montenegro. All his activities showed that Peter I was capable to the tasks which he had to fulfill at the particular historical period.


    • Vukajlo GLUŠČEVIĆ, Faktori migracionih kretanja stanovništva Crne Gore u XIX vijeku, 81-91  Download

    ABSTRACT: In the aspect of migrations movement, in it’s history, Montenegro has been a rare example of the state of that kind. Mixture and complexivity of natural and social factors have expressed their influence in this example. In that place and in that time these factors combined both in very complex and connected way, that they actually formed „permanent boilind migrational spring”.

    One of the most influential natural factor was, so called, Montenegrin carst, and cassuality, and far as social factors are concerned,it’s important to point out “vađevine”, as a way of lending money with interest,mutual conflicts and Turkish violence.


    • Nenad PETROŠEVIĆ, Razvoj industrije piva u Nikšiću (1896-1956), 93-107  Download

    ABSTRACT: The foundation of the brewery “Onogošt” (1896.) and the first savings bank of Nikšić represent the earliest beginning of the industrial and banking capital and, at the same time, a turning point of further development of economy and social relations in Nikšić. A brewery called “Trebjesa” was built in Nikšić in 1911. These were the only breweries in Montenegro.

    Both of the breweries were working with varying success and their development was interrupted during the First World War when both of them sustained damage. The brewery “Onogošt” didn’t continue working, and “Trebjesa” wasn’t restored until 1931. The brewery “Trebjesa” won a gold medal for quality in Paris (1932.) The development of the brewery continued till 1941. when it managed to stabilize, but it was severely damaged during the Second World War when its production was suspended. This brewery was renewed by the end of 1946, and the first hectoliters of beer were delivered to the market.

    From 1946. to 1956. the annual production of beer was below the targets and its results were inconstant. The production was sometimes at the lower limit of the profitability.

    “Trebjesa” was on the rise during 1960’s when it was being worked a lot on its development and on the pattern of skills of the workers, and this provided a basis for its successful work and development.


    • Ivan LAKOVIĆ, Operacionalizacija programa vojne pomoći SAD Jugoslaviji 1951-1958, 109-142  Download

    ABSTRACT: American military assistance and support were the main source of modernization of Yugoslav armed forces after its break with USSR and the countries from eastern bloc. The program was conducted by Yugoslav Department for Receipt of Military Assistance and American Military Assistance Staff, which were planning, organizing and executing its technical part. Planning and administrating of the US military support had contained the system of annual programs of aid, whose contents Yugoslav officials have often considered unsatisfactory in both qualitative and quantitative ways. Those programs have reflected the development of US – Yugoslav relations during the fifties, being more generous and rich in modern war equipment as Yugoslavia was showing the willingness to go along with Western interests, and getting more restricted and prone to delaying when recipient tried to conduct more independent policy. The program itself had been executed throughout the shipments of arms and other military goods from the US Army and NATO factories, bases and stocks, as well as trough “off shore” programs that were relaxing the pressure on mentioned sources. Participating in MDAP, Yugoslavia joined in NATO logistic system, enabling its future full integration into western military alliance. Although the majority of obtained equipment had been mentioned to be delivered to the units based in the line of expected Soviet attack towards northern Italy, Yugoslavs have tended to rearm with new material as much of the rest of army as it’s been possible. On the other side, Americans have used that tendency to broad their intelligence activities and get more data about Yugoslav forces through inspection and control of deliverance, usage and storage of given equipment.



    • Ljiljana JOKIĆ, Neka pitanja položaja žene u pravu stare Crne Gore, 143-149  Download
    • Žarko LEKOVIĆ, Poštanska služba u Crnoj Gori za vrijeme Petrovića, 151-188  Download
    • Dušan J. MARTINOVIĆ, Pjevačko društvo “Njegoš” između dva svjetska rata (1918-1940), 189-205  Download
    • Dragana KUJOVIĆ, Aktivnost kulturno-prosvjetnog društva Gajret u Crnoj Gori prema pisanju istoimenog lista (1922-1941), 207-226  Download
    • Luka I. MILUTINOVIĆ, Ugovori o smještaju diplomatskih predstavništava na Cetinju krajem XIX vijeka, Rusija, Francuska i Grčka, 227-233  Download
    • Željko BJELETIĆ, Učešće boraca iz Crne Gore u junskim događajima u Hercegovini 1941. godine, 235-244  Download


    • Radenko ŠĆEKIĆ, Evropski bezbjednosni identitet – pokušaji ostamostaljenja evropske politike odbrane i bezbjednosti, 245-267  Download

    ABSTRACT: The topic of the paper should point to the attempts to make European defense and security policy independent, as part of its common foreign and security policy. Through the factors and events that led to the strategic European significance in the conflict of superpowers, the idea of eliminating the military dependence on the United States runs through. By creating a stronger economic and political union, Europe is trying to redefine its relations with the United States by pursuing an autonomous policy in the field of defense and security, in accordance with its global economic strength.



    • Miomir DAŠIĆ, Neki prelomni događaji u južnoslovenskim zemljama na početku 20. stoljeća i njihovo reflektovanje na donošenje ustava za knjaževinu Crnu Goru 1905. godine, 269-287  Download

    ABSTRACT: This paper discusses some of the major events from the late 19th and early 20th centuries that had an impact on the political, social, economic and cultural conditions in Montenegro, as well as changes in the policy of the autocratic regime of Prince Nikola Petrović. The first part of the paper synthetically presents the political, social, economic and cultural development of Montenegro in the years preceding the adoption of the Constitution of Montenegro in 1905, and the implementation of some administrative reforms in the Montenegrin state. The second part discusses the turning points from the beginning of the 20th century in the South Slavic countries, which reflected on the policy of the autocracy of Prince Nikola, which could have been influenced by this ruler to “grant” the 1905 constitution to the Montenegrin people.


    • Darko ANTOVIĆ, Srpsko pjevačko društvo “Jedinstvo” u Kotoru, 289-299  Download



    • L. ŠEMJAKIN, Neostvareni prevrat: Srpska emigracija, Crna Gora i Rusija 1885-1887. g., 301-311  Download



    • Đorđe BOROZAN, Četvrta knjiga istorije Crne Gore, 313-316  Download
    • Slobodan BACKOVIĆ, Istoričar velikog zamaha, 317-318  Download
    • Branislav KOVAČEVIĆ, Značajno naučno pregnuće, 319-326  Download
    • Radoje PAJOVIĆ, Iskorak crnogorske istoriografije, 327-329  Download
    • Branko PAVIĆEVIĆ, Slovo autora, 331-332  Download



    • Dušan J. MARTINOVIĆ, Evgenij L. Nemirovskij: Gesamtkatalog Der Frühdrucke In Kyrillischer Schrift, Band VI, Die zweite Druckerei von Božidar Vuković in Venedig. Verlag Valentin Koerner Baden – Baden, 2003, 514 Seiten, 333-336  Download
    • Mihailo VOJVODIĆ, Dr Saša Knežević, Velika Britanija i aneksiona kriza, Istorijski institut Crne Gore, Podgorica 2005, 337-340  Download
    • Žarko LEKOVIĆ, Dr Branko Babić: Grbovi i zastave – grbovni simboli, dvoglavi orao u Crnoj Gori do 1916. godine, Cetinje 2005, str. 155, 341-343  Download
    • Sait Š. ŠABOTIĆ, Živko M. Andrijašević, Nacija s greškom (Istorijski eseji), Centralna narodna biblioteka Crne Gore “Đurđe Crnojević”, Cetinje 2004, str. 320, 345-349  Download
    • Saša KNEŽEVIĆ, Branislav Kovačević i Marijan Mašo Miljić, Drobnjačke davije i presude 1872-1902, Grafo Crna Gora, Podgorica 2005, 351-353  Download
    • Milica KOSTIĆ, Mr Trivo Zolak i Olivera Kulić u saradnji sa izabranim ženama, Čudesna moć žene-2, Uspješne, istaknute i zanimljive žene Crne Gore, Bar 2004, str. 480, 355-357  Download


    • Izvještaj o radu Istorijskog instituta Crne Gore za 2004. godinu, 359-371  Download
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