propaganda – Istorijski Zapisi Istorijski Institut UCG Sat, 06 Nov 2021 12:12:02 +0000 en-US hourly 1 The new issue of Istorijski zapisi 4/2010 is published Mon, 08 Nov 2010 08:56:17 +0000
  • Radoslav RASPOPOVIĆ, Otvaranje skupa, 7-8  Download


    • John D. TREADWAY, Reflections on US-Montenegrin relations 1905-1918. Focus on John B. Jackson, the First American Minister to Montenegro, 1905-1907, 9-29  Download

    ABSTRACT: This short article considers aspects of the US-Montenegrin relationship between 1905 and 1918 – the years covered by the documentary collection Crna Gora i SAD: U dokumentima Nacionalnog arhiva u Vašingtonu, 1905-1918, published by the Istorijski Institut in the spring of 2010. Focusing on the activities of the first accredited American minister to Montenegro, John B. Jackson (1905-1907), it in fact draws heavily upon the documents included in the volume.


    • Dragoljub ŽIVOJINOVIĆ, Američki odred u sastavu savezničkih trupa u Crnoj Gori 1918, 31-43  Download

    ABSTRACT: The paper deals with the engagement of American military troops in an allied expedition on the eastern Adriatic coast, after the USA joined the war operations in World War I in 1917.


    • Radoslav RASPOPOVIĆ, Diplomatski odnosi Crne Gore i SAD 1905-1921, 45-66  Download

    ABSTRACT: The paper deals with the issue establishing diplomatic relations between Montenegro and the USA. The USA exercised their active right to legation in 1905, while the reciprocity in diplomatic representation was achieved in late 1918. The author is mainly preoccupied with the time when first American envoys were accredited, the issues they were dealing with during their occasional visits to Montenegro and the degree of influence they had on the relations between Montenegro and America.


    • Nathaniel SMITH, John B. Jackson and the beginning of U.S.-Montenegrin diplomatic relations, 67-71  Download

    ABSTRACT: John B. Jackson was an industrious and professional diplomat who represented the United States all over the world, including Western and South-Eastern Europe, Latin America, and the Middle East. Jackson was instrumental in United States Government’s decision to recognize Montenegro and he was the first U.S. Envoy to the country, from 1905 to 1907.


    • Zoran LAKIĆ, Istorijski zapisi o crnogorsko-američkim odnosima kroz istoriju, 73-78  Download

    ABSTRACT: The author deals with the international position of Montenegro throughout history from the aspect of the relation of great powers towards small countries. He looks into how historical experience and tradition affects current foreign policy.


    • Biljana VUČETIĆ, Javnost Sjedinjenih Američkih Država o Crnoj Gori u Balkanskim ratovima, 79-95  Download

    ABSTRACT: This paper aims to present the shaping of American public opinion on Balkan Wars 1912-1913. It is based on information published in New-York Tribune and The Washington Post. These newspapers regularly monitored situation in the Balkans. Although State Department was ready to engage in European affairs, public opinion strived to support principle that the Balkans should remain to the Balkan peoples.


    • Šerbo RASTODER, Velike sile i mali narodi, 105 godina od uspostavjanja diplomatskih odnosa SAD i Crne Gore, 97-121  Download

    ABSTRACT: The paper deals with the relations between USA and Montenegro from their official diplomatic establishing, but mostly focuses on the period of the First World War. At its end, when the Great Powers have been deciding upon the future European political map, Montenegrin representatives have pursued an effort to influence an American position towards solving the Montenegrin questions according to interests of its Government in exile. This short-termed interest, which the USA has displayed for Montenegro, corresponded with the phase of greater attention that this Power has paid to the European affairs.


    • Andrea CARTENY, After the Wilson’s 14 points: The oppressed nationalities at the Congress of Rome (April 1918), 123-133  Download

    ABSTRACT: After the Wilson points, in Italy too emerged in the public discourse the question to support or not the „oppressed nationalities” in Austria-Hungary. Luigi Albertini and the newspaper „Il Corriere della Sera” leaded this strategy, which meant to pass the positions of the London Pact and to prepare Italy to negotiate the Eastern claimed territories with new nations, as Yugoslavs. The Torre-Trumbic agreement was the important result of this action and political base for the Congress of Rome, in April 1918. This Congress was the beginning of the real support to the nationalities against Habsburgs. The propaganda over the enemy‘s trenches was fruitful: with more than 50 millions of posters and quite 10 millions of newspaper launched over the lines, Italian army called to a mass desertion the no German/Hungarian soldiers (then belonging to the „oppressed nationalities”, e.g. Yugoslavs, Romanians, Poles, Czechs, Slovaks).This factor was one of the most relevant for the final victory.


    • Dragana KUJOVIĆ, Neki nezaobilazni elementi u razmatranjima o velikim promjenama u crnogroskom društvu (1878-1915), 135-142  Download

    ABSTRACT: A gap in which the Muslim population was found in territories included in the composition of the Montenegrin state was even more profound, if we consider that this population followed specific achievements and a dynamic relationship of the Islamic tradition and regional influences. Most of it felt Montenegro their homeland as the Christian-Orthodox did, spoke the same language and had the same Slavic origin, but they were being recognized by different personal names, learning different literacy, growing with heroes of their own epic, and cultural and esthetic patterns finding in brilliant achievements of Islamic Orient.


    • Žarko LEKOVIĆ, Drobnjaci koji su emigrirali u SAD krajem XIX i početkom XX vijeka, 143-154  Download

    ABSTRACT: In passed historical epoques, the Drobnjaks have been temporarily or permanently moving out from their homeland, searching for better living conditions. The list of Drobnjaks displaced before the 1878 is not possible to be individually reconstructed due to the lack of archival sources. An intensive migration of Montenegrins to USA began shortly before the end of XIX century. It is evident that the same process has included the Drobnjaks. The majority of immigrants have settled in the USA, while the others have chosen Canada and South America. They have been undertaking the worst jobs in the mines and partly been employed in factories. The smallest number ended in farms, mainly because of low wages.


    • Radenko ŠĆEKIĆ, SAD i prostor Balkana, sa posebnim osvrtom na Crnu Goru krajem 20. i početkom 21. vijeka, 155-168  Download

    ABSTRACT: Change of the constellation of powers on the world stage after the end of the Cold War, has resulted in important changes over Yugoslavia in global terms. Montenegro, as the smallest republic in the Yugoslav federation was bypassed by political upheavals in the atmosphere of disintegration of the communist system. United States, having remained as the only global superpower, used the political and war events in ex-Yugoslav region for implementation of policy of the “New World Order”.



    • Dragana KUJOVIĆ, Esad Duraković: Duhovna biografija, razgovarao Izedin Šikalo. – Sarajevo: Dobra knjiga, 2010, 169-171  Download
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    The new issue of Istorijski zapisi 3/2010 is published Sun, 08 Aug 2010 08:40:46 +0000
  • Radoslav RASPOPOVIĆ, Otvaranje skupa, 7-8  Download


    • John D. TREADWAY, Reflections on US-Montenegrin relations 1905-1918. Focus on John B. Jackson, the First American Minister to Montenegro, 1905-1907, 9-29  Download

    ABSTRACT: This short article considers aspects of the US-Montenegrin relationship between 1905 and 1918 – the years covered by the documentary collection Crna Gora i SAD: U dokumentima Nacionalnog arhiva u Vašingtonu, 1905-1918, published by the Istorijski Institut in the spring of 2010. Focusing on the activities of the first accredited American minister to Montenegro, John B. Jackson (1905-1907), it in fact draws heavily upon the documents included in the volume.


    • Dragoljub ŽIVOJINOVIĆ, Američki odred u sastavu savezničkih trupa u Crnoj Gori 1918, 31-43  Download

    ABSTRACT: The paper deals with the engagement of American military troops in an allied expedition on the eastern Adriatic coast, after the USA joined the war operations in World War I in 1917.


    • Radoslav RASPOPOVIĆ, Diplomatski odnosi Crne Gore i SAD 1905-1921, 45-66  Download

    ABSTRACT: The paper deals with the issue establishing diplomatic relations between Montenegro and the USA. The USA exercised their active right to legation in 1905, while the reciprocity in diplomatic representation was achieved in late 1918. The author is mainly preoccupied with the time when first American envoys were accredited, the issues they were dealing with during their occasional visits to Montenegro and the degree of influence they had on the relations between Montenegro and America.


    • Nathaniel SMITH, John B. Jackson and the beginning of U.S.-Montenegrin diplomatic relations, 67-71  Download

    ABSTRACT: John B. Jackson was an industrious and professional diplomat who represented the United States all over the world, including Western and South-Eastern Europe, Latin America, and the Middle East. Jackson was instrumental in United States Government’s decision to recognize Montenegro and he was the first U.S. Envoy to the country, from 1905 to 1907.


    • Zoran LAKIĆ, Istorijski zapisi o crnogorsko-američkim odnosima kroz istoriju, 73-78  Download

    ABSTRACT: The author deals with the international position of Montenegro throughout history from the aspect of the relation of great powers towards small countries. He looks into how historical experience and tradition affects current foreign policy.


    • Biljana VUČETIĆ, Javnost Sjedinjenih Američkih Država o Crnoj Gori u Balkanskim ratovima, 79-95  Download

    ABSTRACT: This paper aims to present the shaping of American public opinion on Balkan Wars 1912-1913. It is based on information published in New-York Tribune and The Washington Post. These newspapers regularly monitored situation in the Balkans. Although State Department was ready to engage in European affairs, public opinion strived to support principle that the Balkans should remain to the Balkan peoples.


    • Šerbo RASTODER, Velike sile i mali narodi, 105 godina od uspostavjanja diplomatskih odnosa SAD i Crne Gore, 97-121  Download

    ABSTRACT: The paper deals with the relations between USA and Montenegro from their official diplomatic establishing, but mostly focuses on the period of the First World War. At its end, when the Great Powers have been deciding upon the future European political map, Montenegrin representatives have pursued an effort to influence an American position towards solving the Montenegrin questions according to interests of its Government in exile. This short-termed interest, which the USA has displayed for Montenegro, corresponded with the phase of greater attention that this Power has paid to the European affairs.


    • Andrea CARTENY, After the Wilson’s 14 points: The oppressed nationalities at the Congress of Rome (April 1918), 123-133  Download

    ABSTRACT: After the Wilson points, in Italy too emerged in the public discourse the question to support or not the „oppressed nationalities” in Austria-Hungary. Luigi Albertini and the newspaper „Il Corriere della Sera” leaded this strategy, which meant to pass the positions of the London Pact and to prepare Italy to negotiate the Eastern claimed territories with new nations, as Yugoslavs. The Torre-Trumbic agreement was the important result of this action and political base for the Congress of Rome, in April 1918. This Congress was the beginning of the real support to the nationalities against Habsburgs. The propaganda over the enemy‘s trenches was fruitful: with more than 50 millions of posters and quite 10 millions of newspaper launched over the lines, Italian army called to a mass desertion the no German/Hungarian soldiers (then belonging to the „oppressed nationalities”, e.g. Yugoslavs, Romanians, Poles, Czechs, Slovaks).This factor was one of the most relevant for the final victory.


    • Dragana KUJOVIĆ, Neki nezaobilazni elementi u razmatranjima o velikim promjenama u crnogroskom društvu (1878-1915), 135-142  Download

    ABSTRACT: A gap in which the Muslim population was found in territories included in the composition of the Montenegrin state was even more profound, if we consider that this population followed specific achievements and a dynamic relationship of the Islamic tradition and regional influences. Most of it felt Montenegro their homeland as the Christian-Orthodox did, spoke the same language and had the same Slavic origin, but they were being recognized by different personal names, learning different literacy, growing with heroes of their own epic, and cultural and esthetic patterns finding in brilliant achievements of Islamic Orient.


    • Žarko LEKOVIĆ, Drobnjaci koji su emigrirali u SAD krajem XIX i početkom XX vijeka, 143-154  Download

    ABSTRACT: In passed historical epoques, the Drobnjaks have been temporarily or permanently moving out from their homeland, searching for better living conditions. The list of Drobnjaks displaced before the 1878 is not possible to be individually reconstructed due to the lack of archival sources. An intensive migration of Montenegrins to USA began shortly before the end of XIX century. It is evident that the same process has included the Drobnjaks. The majority of immigrants have settled in the USA, while the others have chosen Canada and South America. They have been undertaking the worst jobs in the mines and partly been employed in factories. The smallest number ended in farms, mainly because of low wages.


    • Radenko ŠĆEKIĆ, SAD i prostor Balkana, sa posebnim osvrtom na Crnu Goru krajem 20. i početkom 21. vijeka, 155-168  Download

    ABSTRACT: Change of the constellation of powers on the world stage after the end of the Cold War, has resulted in important changes over Yugoslavia in global terms. Montenegro, as the smallest republic in the Yugoslav federation was bypassed by political upheavals in the atmosphere of disintegration of the communist system. United States, having remained as the only global superpower, used the political and war events in ex-Yugoslav region for implementation of policy of the “New World Order”.



    • Dragana KUJOVIĆ, Esad Duraković: Duhovna biografija, razgovarao Izedin Šikalo. – Sarajevo: Dobra knjiga, 2010, 169-171  Download
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    The new issue of Istorijski zapisi 1/2010 is published Sat, 06 Mar 2010 15:03:44 +0000 JUBILEJI

    • Radoslav RASPOPOVIĆ, Petar II Petrović Njegoš u diplomatskoj istoriji Crne Gore tridesetih godina XIX vijeka, 7-31  Download

    ABSTRACT: The paper analyses foreign political activities of the Montenegrin metropolitan Peter II Petrović Njegoš in the 1930s, which bear the formal characteristics of diplomatic affairs. For this reason, the author believed them important for the study of diplomatic history of Montenegro, even though these were not typical diplomatic actions but rather international activities of a country which in fact exists but does not have the capacity of an international subject to speak of its diplomacy in the sense of international law. In order to explain the historical backdrop of the two Russian missions of Peter II, the author uses national archive sources from the Department of Archives of National Museum of Montenegro and National Archives of Montenegro along with the known literature, and he also relies to a great extent on the documents of the Foreign Affairs Archives of the Russian Empire. Thus, many details regarding both missions which have not been scientifically elaborated are explained, and can be useful to contemporary researchers in terms of the objectives and tasks of foreign political missions of Peter II.


    • Momčilo D. PEJOVIĆ, Istoriografsko-bibliografski ogled o Petru II Petroviću-Njegošu, 33-53  Download

    ABSTRACT: Historiography and bibliography on Peter II Petrović Njegoš. Place of birth Njegusi. Njegoš as a poet, ruler, philosopher. Cetinje, Montenegro, Russia, the first half of the 19th century, relations between Montenegro and Russia in the time of Peter II Petrović Njegoš. Journeys to Russia, Italy, France, Austria. Literary opus – literary works: Mountain Wrath, the Light of Microcosm, False Tzar Šćepan the Little. Njegoš’s cooperation with prominent politicians and statesmen.



    • Boško BOJOVIĆ, Entre convergences et disparités (XIXe-XXe s.), 55-72  Download



    • Lovorka ČORALIĆ, Iseljenici iz Zete u Mlecima (XV – XVII stoljeće): prilog poznavanju crnogorsko-mletačkih veza u prošlosti, 73-99  Download

    ABSTRACT: The paper is based on an analysis of the original sources from the National Archives in Venice (testaments were particularly used), and on the in sight in to the existing historiography know ledge. By following the sources, the pa per thoroughly analyses fun da mental components from the past of the Zeta emigrants in Venice: time frame for their presence and activities in Venice, the way in which they were recorded in the sources, places of residence, occupations, and economic opportunities, and family liaisons and friendships. A particular attention is paid to forms of communication of Zeta emigrants within their own emigration community, and to their relations with emigrants from other parts of eastern Adriatic coast. The final section deals with comprehensive examples of the connections of Zeta emigrants with the Venice clerical institutions, and the relations with the churches and monasteries in their home land.


    • Dragana KUJOVIĆ, Smail-aga Čengić između dva epska portreta, 101-110  Download

    ABSTRACT: Mažuranić’s epic poem The Death of Smail-aga Čengić described the death of mute sarrif of Gacko. The character of this Turkish hero took on epically hackneyed characteristics attributed to Turkish thugs in national poetry. The ruthless Turkish commander is contrasted with the oppressed Christian people, subject to all sorts of injustice and violence. There have been many at tempts at describing the Turkish dignitary Smail-aga Čengić, which are either epic or which surpass the epic frame, and they tend to place him in to an entirely different notion of reality, not without exaggeration which quite often unjustifiably coincides with a contrary cliché – a beautified and retouched image. By emphasizing the reputation of the mute sarrif, which he gained with courage, achievements and a dignified loyalty to Ottoman authorities, unlike inane, pathetic and hypocritical subjects, such image tells that reality painted a double picture in collective memory. However, the divided image is united by a historical con text, the same characters, events and details which enable an impartial research process, completely relieved of bias and attempts to humor the traditional, i.e. epic role division in to good and evil, “our” chivalry and “their” cowardice, which is usually blind and conventional.


    • Anđelka BULATOVIĆ, Crnogorka u bratstveničko-plemenskoj društvenoj strukturi i organizaciji, 111-126  Download

    ABSTRACT: The paper is an analysis of the position and upbringing of a Montenegrin woman in Montenegro clans and tribes. From the historical point of view, her role was tied to the family, which was also her most important personal and social function. Social value of women and their acceptance in the community (clan, tribe) they belong to, from birth until different years of age, was inextricably linked to the structure of family life. Household and raising children meant that a woman had to stay “tied” to the house all her life. Moreover, she participated in the course of her social life only in directly – through her father, brother, husband, son or other male relatives. The family was, therefore, her micro and macro world. Thus the position of a Montenegrin woman on the social ladder in the 19th century always depended on her dominant role in the vertical line of family relations and the social importance she would gain through affiliation with strong male figures: father, brother or husband. This resulted in the provisions of traditional law which preached inequality of sexes in the matters of heritage and property, of law, economy and other.


    • Aleksandar RASTOVIĆ, Britanske diplomate u Beogradu o odnosima Srbije i Crne Gore 1878-1910. godine, 127-141  Download

    ABSTRACT: The basic aim of this work is to show the development of the political relations between the Kingdom of Serbia, and the Principality (and later Kingdom) of Montenegro during the reign of the two most rival-ling dynasties – Petrovic and Obrenovic, and the dynasty of Karadjordjevic after 1903, as seen through the eyes of British diplomats in Belgrade. In the period between 1878 and 1910 there were so many diplomatic reports which alluded to the poor relations between the two states, dynasties and crowns especially during the reign of King Milan Obrenovic of Serbia and Prince Nikola Petrovic of Montenegro. They hated each other. King Milan believed that Prince Nikola was a puppet in hands of Russia, and that his goal was to remove him from the Serbian throne and take his place. At the same time, Prince Nikola was frustrated because Milan Obrenovic declared Serbia a Kingdom. The relations improved somewhat during the reign of his son, King Alexander, but they grew even worse after 1903 than they had been before the Coup d’Etat in May.


    • Živko M. ANDRIJAŠEVIĆ, Razvoj elektroprivrede u Crnoj Gori 1910-1945., 143-179  Download

    ABSTRACT:at the beginning of the 20th century, electric power is introduced in Montenegro, but not for public use (street lights and houses), but rather for a specific purpose (of supplying machineries). The first one to use electric power to operate its equipment was the radio-telegraphic station in Volujica in 1904. Putting the Cetinje electric power plant, meant for public use, in to operation in 1910 was an important event because it meant that Montenegro had adopted an achievement of the developed world. Three years later, electric power plant in Bar was also put in to operation. Along with the two electric power plants (in Cetinje and Bar), electrification of other places on the territory of Montenegro was started in 1918. In 1941, the first hydroelectric power plant “Podgor” was put in to operation (near the village Podgor in Crmnica). The hydroelectric plant “Podgor” had the capacity of 300 kW, and its primary purpose was to generate electricity to operate pumps that delivered water to Cetinje. If we consider the first stage of development of the Montenegrin electric power industry, which lasted from 1910 until 1945, it becomes clear that a significant progress was made in this branch of economy, though the progress may seem modest compared to other parts of the Yugoslav state. The progress which was achieved may not have satisfied wishes and expectations but it corresponded to the current needs of Montenegro and the economic climate, which ultimately determined its size.



    • Radenko ŠĆEKIĆ, Totalitarna propaganda fašizma i nacional-socijalizma, 181-194  Download

    ABSTRACT: The term totalitarianism is relatively new, appearing in the books at the end of the period between wars, and it has particularly spread after World War II. Etymology defines totalitarianism as such political system in which state or a party leadership administers and controls the entire social life – economy, education, culture, science, philosophy, even relations within families and everyday communication between people – by means of coercion. Totalitarian regimes are those which delighted a part of Europe after World War I, and not only people but also the educated and upper classes of society, regardless of the simplicity, violence and irrational postulates of the ideas and positions of those ideologies. In that regard, propaganda is probably one of the most important instruments of totalitarianism, where it took on unforeseen proportions. Previous propaganda principles were elaborated, and practice yielded and perfected new and more efficient action techniques.


    • Miljan GOGIĆ, Rudarska proizvodnja u srednjovjekovnom Brskovu, 195-213  Download

    ABSTRACT: The paper deals with a synthetic over view of data regarding mine production in medieval Brskovo based on all available sources. In order tore construct the scale and method of production, the paper used data from montangeological reports resulting from tests done in order to re start the production in the Brskovo mine. It provides data about the sites where the ore was taken, the sorts of ore and metal exploited, places where it was processed and about the composition of the slag. The work provides field observations on the now visible traces of medieval mining, and descriptions of the artefacts found which were used in the mining process. Testimonies of previous mining activity preserved in the toponymy of Brskovo and the surrounding area are another topic of this paper. Moreover, it provides data about the direction of medieval roads which connected Brskovo with the coast and the river Lim, as well as the data about a money mint, economic importance of Brskovo and the participation of business people from the Lim region in business matters regarding the lease of Brskovo mines and metal trade.



    • Miomir DAŠIĆ, Akademik Sima Ćirković (1929-2009), 215-254  Download

    ABSTRACT: The topic of this review is the portrayal of the life and work of Sima Ćirković, PhD (1929-2009), a professor of Serbian medieval history at the University of Belgrade Faculty of Philosophy, a full member of the Serbian Academy of Sciences and Arts and a corresponding member of the Academies of Sciences of Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia and Montenegro. The review shows his extensive scientific work (approximately 500 bibliography units), chronologically and thematically diverse and based on the first-class archive material from the archives of Dubrovnik, Venice, Kotor, Budapest and other archives. The works of this scientist have enriched the medieval historiography of Serbia, Montenegro and the Balkans. He was a historian with a modern take on the past of Serbian people and other peoples of the Balkans, not only in the medieval times. He was also talented at writing syntheses – chapters in the History of Montenegro, History of Serbian people, History of medieval Bosnian state, books: Medieval Serbs, Serbs among European Peoples, and other monographs. Due to his scientific reputation, he was elected in to numerous international scientific institutions, invited to universities in the USA, Germany and other European countries, where he taught lectures on medieval history of Serbia and the Balkans. He received the highest national awards in Serbia for his scientific work, and rewards from renowned scientific institutions abroad. The works of professor Ćirković have been translated to German, Italian, French, Russian, Slovenian and Chinese. Academic reviews had a high appreciation for his work and named him the greatest Serbian and Balkan medievalist in the second half of the 20th century.



    • Roderick W. MOORE, Riječ na promociji knjige Crna Gora i Sad u dokumentima Nacionalnog arhiva u Vašingtonu 1905-1918, (priredio dr Radoslav Raspopović), IICG, str. 590. Podgorica 2010, 255-257  Download



    • Ирина ВОРОБЬЁВА, Письма Вальтазара Богишича в русский город Тверь, 259-264  Download

    ABSTRACT: In the paper, written in Russian language, the author publishes a small portion of a rich correspondence of Valtazar Bogišić, PhD, a renowned Slavist and researcher of Slavic laws. The letters have never before been published. The fact that makes them particularly interesting is that in them Valtazar Bogišić asks from the Head of the Museum in Tver for books of proverbs along with ancient documents. He believes that those books could be used as an important starting point in studying Slavic legal customs. Bogišić believed that the common law of Slavic people was a segment necessary for studying and understanding it. For this reason, he conducted his famous polls but, as we can see, he also used all available sources for which he believed contained elements of common law of Slavic people.


    • Milica M. DRAGIĆEVIĆ, Ugovor o braku između Viktora Emanuela III Savojskog i crnogorske princeze Jelene Petrović Njegoš, 265-276  Download

    ABSTRACT: The conclusion of the marriage contract between the Montenegrin princess Jelena Petrović and Victor Emmanuel, the Prince of Savoy and son of King Umberto, introduced a new phase in the relations between Montenegro and Italy, and affected their financial, economic, cultural and political prosperity. The processes it introduced led to a strong penetration of Italian capital and Italian assistance to Montenegro. Along with the text of the contract, the author of the paper also provides a short interpretation of its content, leaving the possibility for a different interpretation of the legal and political life of south-east Europe.



    • Ksenija ĐURIŠIĆ, Konzervacija i restauracija fragmentovane amfore sa arheološkog lokaliteta Duklja, 277-284  Download

    ABSTRACT: The subject of this work is conservation of an amphora from the site of Doclea, located in the vicinity of Podgorica, Montenegro. The amphora was found during the excavation campaign which took place in 1958 – 1962, when about 300 tombs were unearthed and a large number of whole and fragmented amphorae were discovered. The amphora which is described in this paper was the only one found in the southeastern necropolis of Doc lea. This type of amphora is common in the 1st and early 2nd centuries AD. The amphora was found in a very fragmentary state and the absence of its large part, made the conservation very complicated. During the process of conservation all the steps of the conservation procedure were executed and recommendations were made for the further preservation of amphora in appropriate conditions in order to eliminate damaging influence of the outside factors.



    • Ivan LAKOVIĆ, Međunarodni naučni skup, Crna Gora i Sad 1905-1918, Podgorica, 24. VI 2010., 285-286  Download
    • Tatjana KOPRIVICA, Međunarodni naučni skup, Nikola I Petrović Njegoš u društvenom životu Crne Gore i Balkana, Cetinje, 25-26. oktobra 2011., 287-288  Download



    • Radivoje ŠUKOVIĆ, Dušan Martinović, Testamenti znamenitih ličnosti i crkvenih velikodostojnika Crne Gore, Podgorica 2010, 289-292  Download
    • Radenko ŠĆEKIĆ, Dobrilo Aranitović, Djelo akademika Miomira Dašića u ogledalu stručne i naučne kritike, Podgorica, CID, 2008, str. 386, 293-295  Download


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    The new issue of Istorijski zapisi 1-2/2009 is published Fri, 06 Mar 2009 08:40:15 +0000
  • Riječ redakcije, 7-9  Download
  • An editorial word, 11-13  Download


    • Karl KASER, The Balkan Wars, 1912-1913, An Austrian-Hungarian Perspective, 15-32  Download

    ABSTRACT: The paper deals with the position, intentions and perspectives of Austrian-Hungarian Empire at the end of XIX and the beginning of XX century. In order to maintain its status of the Great Power, it sought the area for expansion in the Balkan, as the only direction possible. On the other side, the growing power of the newly formed Balkan states, predominantly Serbia, presented an obstacle to its pretensions on Thessalonica, which was tried to overcome by creation of independent Albanian state under decisive influence of Vienna, as well as through backing the Bulgarian side in Second Balkan war. Failure of this plan led to further escalation of the conflict with Serbia, with clear perspective of the military clash.


    • Momčilo D. PEJOVIĆ, Analiza socijalnog porijekla omladine iz Crne Gore i Boke školovane u inostranstvu 1848-1918. godine, 33-52  Download

    ABSTRACT: The second half of the 19th century is the most prolific period in the social development of Montenegro as an autonomous and independent state, particularly in terms of its social, political, educational and cultural development. Until the second half of the 19th century, Montenegrin students were educated outside the borders of their homeland, primarily in the neighboring Serbia, distant Russia and other European countries of the time – Austria-Hungary, Ottoman Empire, France, Italy, etc. The analysis of the social background of 692 pupils/students of secondary and higher schools and academies-faculties in the period from 1848-1918 indicates that among them, there were sons of farmers, landowners, workers, merchants, innkeepers, artisans, officers, clan elders, clan captains, clan commanders, dukes, sirdars, brigadiers, seamen, clerks, judges, doctors, lawyers, priests, teachers and pensioners.


    • Senka BABOVIĆ-RASPOPOVIĆ, Crna Gora i spoljna kulturna politika Rusije u drugoj polovini 19. i početkom 20. vijeka, 53-79.  Download

    ABSTRACT: The paper is dedicated to the research of the cultural factor in Montenegrin-Russian and Russian-Montenegrin relations in the second half of the 19th and the beginning of the 20th century, through the framework of foreign cultural policy. The topic can contribute to further research on the topic and the like.


    • Lovorka ČORALIĆ, Pisma i poruke rektora Budve, Bara i Ulcinja kao izvor za proučavanje diplomatsko-političkih zbivanja na jugu crnogorskog primorja u XVI stoljeću, 81-96  Download

    ABSTRACT: The central theme of this article is the analysis of the archival series of the State Archive of Venice (Archivio di Stato di Venezia) called Capi del Consiglio de’ Dieci: Lettere di Rettori e di altre cariche. The documents used are those related to the cities of Budva, Bar and Ulcinj (in the sixteenth century), which – through the reports of city officials to the Venetian central authorities – speak of the life of these cities and their population in a period marked by the danger of war and a direct threat from the Ottoman army. In the article, particular attention is paid to the analysis of those documents speaking directly about the organization of the network of agents and spies in the hinter land of the aforementioned cities, as well as the diplomatic and political attempts of Venetian officials to attract the population of the immediately neighbouring areas to fight under the standard of St. Mark. These sources are at the same time valuable source material for the study of numerous various elements from the history of Venetian acquisitions in the southern part of the eastern Adriatic at the very beginning of the Early Modern  Age.


    • Valentina ŽIVKOVIĆ, Kult Svete Klare u Kotoru (XIV-XVI vek), 97-107  Download

    ABSTRACT: On the basis of preserved written and artistic sources, the stages of acceptance and development of the cult of the founder of the Second Franciscan religious order, St. Clare, in late medieval Kotor were discussed. Shortly after the arrival of the Franciscans in Kotor, the monastery of St. Clare was built, first near the city, and then inside the city walls in 1364. The veneration of St. Clare in Kotor received a special accent by including the performance of this saint within the painted decoration of the Cathedral of St. Tryphon.


    • Aleksandar ŽIVOTIĆ, Nemirna granica. Pogranične tenzije između Jugoslavije i Albanije (1948-1954), 109-127  Download

    ABSTRACT: Based on published and unpublished archival material of Yugoslav and Soviet origin, as well as relevant historiographical and memoir literature, this paper analyzes the problems of border tensions – armed incidents, disputes related to border marking, insertion of sabotage groups and illegal border crossings between Yugoslavia and Albania during period of intense conflict between Yugoslavia and the countries of the Informbiro.



    • Darko BAKIĆ, Stanko Radonjić, prvi crnogorski diplomatski predstavnik, 129-142  Download

    ABSTRACT: Duke Stanko Radonjić, the first Montenegrin diplomatic representative, performed the duty of extraordinary envoy and plenipotentiary minister of Montenegro in the Ottoman Empire. During his short stay in Constantinople, Radonjić was primarily focused on resolving the Montenegrin-Turkish border issue. In addition, he was engaged in consular affairs. After a few months spent in the Ottoman capital, at the end of December 1879, he returned to Cetinje.


    • Radenko ŠĆEKIĆ, Začetak političke propagande – od starovjekovne do propagande u doba prosvijećenog apsolutizma, 143-156  Download

    ABSTRACT: No government could be maintained on a bare force, so its ideological justification, i.e. legitimization, is carried out under the auspices of religion and tradition, mainly through the sacralization of power. The basic feature of the entire ancient propaganda is the monolithic and imposing state propaganda whose thematic backbone is the divinization of the state and rulers. The emergence of the very term propaganda, and its institutional development is related to the Roman Catholic Church.


    • Bojan NOVAKOVIĆ, Hum i Zahumljani u 33. glavi spisa De administrando imperio, 157-166  Download

    ABSTRACT: While the 33rd chapter of the De administrando imperio contains the description of the early medieval county of Zahumlje, there are many unclear places inside. According to our opinion they mostly originate from the praxis of Constantin VII Porphyrogenitus to make conclusions based on his logical judgment and, mostly, dubious etymological constructions obtained through his informers and own observations. Considering that the name Zahumlje has been disappearing with time, having been replaced by the formulation Humska zemlja (Hum’s land), the author points out the difference between these geographical categories, carried out their ubication and suggested the reasons for their change.


    • Goran BEHMEN, Ideološki aspekti arengi, zaketvi i sankcija u srednjovjekovnim bosanskim ispravama, 167-175  Download

    ABSTRACT: Arengas, oaths and sanctions in medieval documents present not only formal parts of documents, they also, through its theological intonation, reflect Christian ideological concept of European medieval society. Arengas, which appear in documents of Bosnian Middle Ages since the time of coronation of Tvrtko I Kotromanic, testify about the acceptance of sovereign – potentate, whose authority comes from the Christ himself and who is given the legitimacy only by the divine authority. Arengas of the Bosnian kings were written under the strong influence of Raska charters and, as in the case of Tvrtko I Kotromanic, correspond to authority being elicited from the family ties with Nemanjic family. The oaths in the documents, both by the governing dynasty of Kotromanic, and by other major noblemen families (Kosaca, Pavlovic, Hrvatinic) mention Holly Gospel, Honourable Cross of Christ, evangelists and apostles, while sanctions contain poena spiritualis with the threat of curse in the spirit of Christian theological concept.


    • Marijan PREMOVIĆ, Trgovina i trgovački putevi u župi Budimlja, 177-183  Download

    ABSTRACT: The paper treats the topic of trade development in the parish (župa) of Budimlje as the crossroads of caravan routes from Primorje and Zeta to the interior of the Balkans. This area became especially important with the development of mining, while in the 16th century the focus of trade in this area slowly shifted towards Nikolj-pazar.


    • Milovan ŠĆEPANOVIĆ, Najranije razgraničenje Crne Gore i Hercegovine, 185-201  Download

    ABSTRACT: Determination of the borders of some state, especially in the process of growing of its subjectivity, belongs to the framework of very important issues connected with acquiring the attributes of the free member of international community. This paper deals with the earliest forms of mar king the borders of Montenegro’s territory during the reign of Petar II Petrović Njegoš, and the existence of Montenegro in factice, but not in formal sense of international law. That’s why there was used an opportunity to, besides emphasizing mentioned question, chronologically show the development of events in this area even in the later periods of hi story of Montenegro.



    sa međunarodnih naučnih skupova

    • Miomir DAŠIĆ, Istoričar evropske kulture, O prof. dr Andriji Lainoviću (1903-1986), Povodom Zbornika “Studije i ogledi iz istorije i diplomatije”, (Beograd 2007, str. 746), 209-216  Download



    • Međunarodni naučni skup: “Sto trideset godina od uspostavljanja diplomatskih odnosa Crne Gore sa velikim silama nakon sticanja nezavisnosti 1878”, Podgorica, 20. i 21. oktobar 2009., 217-219  Download
    • Međunarodni naučni skup: Crna Gora, Boka Kotorska i Ilirske provincije 1807-1813, Kotor, 19. oktobar 2009. godine, 221-222  Download
    • Međunarodni naučni skup: Rusko-crnogorske naučne veze u minulom i našem vremenu, Podgorica, 5-6. oktobar 2009, 223-225  Download



    • Dušan J. MARTINOVIĆ, Академик Евгений Львович Немировский: Автобиографијя, Москва: РАН, 2005, стр. 300, 227-228  Download
    • Milica KOSTIĆ, Miomir Dašić “Rovca kod Berana”, Crnogroska akademija nauka i umjetnosti, Podgorica 2008, str., 383 229-232  Download
    • Milorad TELEBAK, Dr Dušan J. Martinović: “Zoran Ristović – život i rad”, IBPE, Cetinje 2008, 233-234  Download
    • Đorđije TRIFUNOVIĆ, Milan Lj. Bulatović, Lozna kroz vremena, Pegaz – Bijelo Polje, 2008, str. 189., 235-236  Download



    • Branislav Bato Kovačević 1933-2009 (Radoje Pajović), 237-240  Download
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