Cetinje – Istorijski Zapisi https://istorijskizapisi.me Istorijski Institut UCG Sat, 06 Nov 2021 12:19:14 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=6.7.1 The new issue of Istorijski zapisi 3-4/2020 is published https://istorijskizapisi.me/artwork/the-new-issue-of-istorijski-zapisi-3-4-2020-is-published/ Mon, 30 Nov 2020 08:11:41 +0000 https://istorijskizapisi.me/?post_type=artwork&p=2453 Godišnjica

Povodom šezdeset godina od osnivanja Pokreta nesvrstanih,


  • Ljubodrag DIMIĆ, AKCIJA „MIR“ (ili kako je ostvarena „visoka obaveštenost“ i „veština predviđanja“ političkih poteza učesnika Konferencije šefova država i vlada neangažovanih zemalja u Beogradu, septembra 1961. godine), 7-32 DOWNLOAD

ABSTRACT: On the base of documents from Yugoslav archives, most­ly Archive of Yugoslavia and Diplomatic archive of the Ministry of foreign affairs of Serbia, the article covers the activities of Yugoslav officials to pre­pare, organize and successfully direct the planned conference of Non-Aligned countries, held in September of 1961 in Belgrade. These activities covered the wide range, from the communication of diplomatic representatives with officials in their host countries, to intensive intelligence work aimed at col­lecting relevant data on delegates to the conference, their political attitudes and positions, all in order of gaining the control over the event‘s flow and re­sults. The acquired data enabled Yugoslav leadership, especially Josip Broz Tito, to mitigate the tensions and forge the needed compromises among the participants, needed for the overall success of the conference.



  • Ifigenija RADULOVIĆ, Snežana VUKADINOVIĆ, Dokimasija protiv Filona ili o lošim građanima i čestitim strancima, 33-46 DOWNLOAD

ABSTRACT: According to Lysias’ oration 31 the paper deals with the relationship citizens – noncitizens, i.e. metics, and their rights, exploring this relationship with regard to moral values. It also deals with the institution­al procedure of dokimasia which was established after the restoration of de­mocracy in Athens in 403 BC in order to prevent the immoral and inappro­priate citizens from running a campaign and from being elected public offi­cials. The paper is accompanied by the first translation of this Lysias’ ora­tion into Serbian.

  • Nemanja VUJČIĆ, Robovi s Jadrana u klasičnoj Grčkoj, 47-61 DOWNLOAD

ABSTRACT: The paper examines the presence of slaves from the Adri­atic regions in the Classical Greece, as a contribution to the ongoing debate about the prevalence and general importance of Illyrian piracy in the pre-Hellenistic times. Traditional historiography maintains that there was wide­spread, indeed “endemic” Illyrian piracy centuries prior to the recorded ac­tivities of Illyrian pirates under king Agron in the second half of the 3rd centu­ry BC. If this was really the case, we would expect that it had a significant im­pact on the supply of slaves in Classical times. However, the examination of available sources (Old Attic comedy, prose literature, slave records from the Laurion mines, the Attic stelai, the slave lists from Chios, Athenian naval cat­alogues etc.) shows their presence to be minimal. Some slaves from Illyria are mentioned in the Attic stelai but hardly anywhere else, their numbers being dwarfed by the multitudes of Anatolian and Thracian slaves. Extant sources imply that there was no large scale export of slaves from Illyria in the Clas­sical times and, likewise, that the scale of Illyrian piracy was fairly modest.

  • Vladimir TOMIĆ, Veze Cetinja i Beograda Crnojevićki uzori u Beogradskom Četvorojevanđelju, 63-74 DOWNLOAD

ABSTRACT: The paper is dedicated to the influence of Crnojević‘s printing on the Belgrade Four Gospels from 1552. The works printed in Ce­tinje served as a model for later, not only Serbian, but also Romanian print­ing houses. We see the repetition of Cetinje motifs in Cyrillic editions in Goražde, Rujno, Gračanica, Mileseva, Belgrade and Mrkšina Crkva, as well as Trgovište in Wallachia. If it existed, the Crnojević Four Gospels could serve as a template for the creation of the Vlach Four Gospels, which would mean that it became a model for all later four Gospels, the Rujan, Belgrade and Mrkšina Crkva.

  • Luka I. MILUNOVIĆ, VJENČANJE CRNE GORE S MOREM. O slici I. Žmirića u svijetlu arhivskoga dokumenta , 75-83 DOWNLOAD

ABSTRACT: Relying on the previously unused archival document in the literature, the paper points out new facts and different angles of view, re­garding the arrival of the artist I.Žmirić with his artwork on Cetinje in 1881.

  • Saša KNEŽEVIĆ, Crna Gora i Istočno pitanje na kraju XIX vijeka, 85-95 DOWNLOAD

ABSTRACT: The Balkan states saw the Eastern Question as a crea­tion of favourable opportunities for attaining positions in the European parts of Turkey, and even their potential redistribution. Montenegro also had its own aspirations, but it had to sense the mood and take position of the Great Powers. A new crisis was foreshadowed when the riots of the Greek popu­lation in Crete broke out in 1896. Open conflict between Greece and Turkey brought the issue of European Turkey back into the focus of the diplomacy of the Great Powers, but also of the Balkan states. Austria-Hungary and Russia agreed on maintaining peace and preserving the status quo in the Balkans, which greatly affected not only them but the Balkan states as well. This paper looks into the diplomatic activities of Montenegro and its international posi­tions at the end of the XIX century.

  • Peter MIKŠA, Matija ZORN, Rasparčana Slovenija 1941–1945. Na primjeru okupacionih granica, 97-120 DOWNLOAD

ABSTRACT: Today‘s Slovenia was occupied by four countries during the Second World War – Germany, Italy, Hungary and Croatia. The demarca­tion between them was mainly based on Hitler‘s instructions on the dismem­berment of Yugoslavia. The borders were secured with minefields, wire fenc­es and bunkers. The new borders changed the traditional patterns of life in these areas and cut into the daily life and habits of the local population. With this work, we show how the borders were politically and diplomatically de­termined, where over 660 kilometers of occupation borders passed, how they were secured and how life went along with them.

  • Bogdan ŽIVKOVIĆ, Od novog pomirenja do strateškog saveza: Odnosi jugoslovenskih i italijanskih komunista od 1962. do Toljatijeve posete januara 1964. godine, 121-146 DOWNLOAD

ABSTRACT: On the basis of unpublished sources from the archives of the communist parties of Yugoslavia and Italy (Arhiv Jugoslavije, Bel­grade; Archivio del Partito comunista italiano, Rome), this article analyz­es the relations between these two parties during the early sixties. In a few very significant and crucial years for their interparty relations, the League of Communists of Yugoslavia (LCY) and the Italian Communist Party (PCI) managed to reestablish their relations, and to elevate them to a level of a strategic alliance. The aim of this article is to analyze that process, which was the foundation of a closer friendship and alliance of the LCY and PCI in the following decades.

  • Jelisaveta BLAGOJEVIĆ, „Libijsko proljeće“: fragmentacija patrimonijalne vojske, 147-171 DONLOAD

ABSTRACT: The main goal of this paper is to answer the following research question: How did the Libyan military react to the protest against the regime of Muammar al Gaddafi, i.e. what factors determined its role in the transition, how did that role influence the course of transition and the possibility of establishing civilian control over military in the new regime? Accordingly, the paper covers description and explanation of political, his­torical and cultural identity of Libya, the basic features of Gaddafi’s rule, as well as the position of the military in its regime. Finally, there is given anal­ysis of the influence of the military division into the pro-regime and anti-re­gime forces during the uprising, on the results of the transition. Post-spring Libya lost the elements of statehood i.e. monopoly over coercive force. Libya is ruled by “militias” that fighting for control over oil resources. Available data were analyzed, classified and systematized using the historiographical method, as well as method of case analysis and method of analysis of avail­able literature and documentation.



  • Radenko ŠĆEKIĆ, (Novi) hladni rat u novom milenijumu, 173-190 DOWNLOAD

ABSTRACT: The Cold War refers to the period of development of in­ternational relations after the Second World War, which was characterized by ideological, political, military and overall bloc bipolarization and con­frontation between the great powers of the West, ie the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) founded in 1949 and the Warsaw Pact established by the USSR in 1955. The epithet „cold” was given to this war because its ac­tors sought to achieve their goals of supremacy and domination in interna­tional relations by avoiding direct armed conflict through the bloc and inter­est division of the world. After the collapse of the Soviet Union and the War­saw Pact, NATO continued to dominate unhindered globally. The new mil­lennium has brought an era of multipolarity and the economic and political influence of the West is declining.



  • Ivan LAKOVIĆ, Bogdanović, B., Raspopović, R. (2020) CRNOGORSKO NAORUŽANJE / MONTENEGRIN WEAPONS. Ilustrovana monografija o razvoju pješadijskog naoružanja u Crnoj Gori (1870–1916), Podgorica: UniverzitetCrneGore, 273 str, 191-193 DOWNLOAD
  • Žarko LEKOVIĆ, Budimir Aleksić, IZ PROŠLOSTI CRNE GORE I HERCEGOVINE, Institut za srpsku kulturu – Nikšić, Nikšić, 2020, 195-200 DOWNLOAD
  • Saša KNEŽEVIĆ, Slavko Burzanović, CRNA GORA U ITALIJANSKOJ SPOLJNOJ POLITICI 1861–1923, CANU, Podgorica 2019, 201-203 DOWNLOAD
  • Marek BIAŁOKUR, Agnieszka MISIURSKA, À propos d’un pays trop petit pour être une superpuissance, mais trop grand pour accepter le rôle d’une petite nation… Quelques réflexions sur le livre de Andrzej Nowak SUR L’HISTOIRE, PAS POUR LES IDIOTS. CONVERSATIONS ET AFFAIRES, Wydawnictwo Literackie, Krakow 2019, p. 623, 205-220 DOWNLOAD
  • Vukota VUKOTIĆ, Luka Milunović, CRNOGORSKO GLUMIŠTE. Od 19. stoljeća do Prvog svjetskog rata. Podgorica: Matica crnogorska; Cetinje: Državni arhiv Crne Gore, 2017, 514 str, 221-224 DOWNLOAD


The new issue of Istorijski zapisi 1-2/2019 is published https://istorijskizapisi.me/artwork/the-new-issue-of-istorijski-zapisi-1-2-2019-are-published/ Sat, 11 May 2019 10:52:29 +0000 https://istorijskizapisi.me/?post_type=artwork&p=1880 JUBILEJI

  • Obilježavanje sedamdeset godina postojanja Istorijskog instituta i izlaženja časopisa „Istorijski zapisi“ – SA PROSLAVE Sedamdesete godišnjice Istorijskog instituta i izlaženja časopisa “Istorijski zapisi”, 7-12   DOWNLOAD
  • Obraćanje Rektora UCG, prof. dr Danila Nikolića i uručenje plakete Istorijskom Institutu, 13-16   DOWNLOAD
  • Obraćanje direktora Istorijskog Instituta, dr Radoslava Raspopovića, 17-24   DOWNLOAD
  • Obraćanje predstavnice Fonda za javnu diplomatiju „A.M. Gorčakov“, g-đice Sandre Stoilković, 25-26   DOWNLOAD
  • Obraćanje pomoćnice za visoko obrazovanje u Ministarstvu Prosvjete, g-đice Mubere Kurpejović, 27-28   DOWNLOAD
  • Obraćanje predstavnika Univerziteta Sapienca u Rimu, prof. dr Fabija Grasija, 29-31   DOWNLOAD


  • Antal MOLNÁR, Dva neobjavljena izvještaja barskog nadbiskupa Marina Bicija o Srbiji i Albaniji (1622), 37-63   DOWNLOAD

Abstract: The paper analyzes and publishes two previously unknown reports (1622) of the Archbishop of Bar, Marino Bizzi, one of the most prominent representatives of Balkan missionary prelates before 1622. From these documents, it can be seen that Bizzi was predominantly a representative of the old missionary concept, which placed hopes in the conversion of Eastern Christians. In these plans he had the support of the Congregation of the Council.

  • Miljan GOGIĆ, Još jednom o Ciborijumu Katedrale Sv. Tripuna u Kotoru posvećenog Petilovrijencima, 65-73   DOWNLOAD

Abstract: On the basis of a newly discovered source, this paper presents new details in relation to the ciborium dedicated to the Kotor martyrs – the Petilovrijenci. The previously presented facts about its appearance and the writing on it are confirmed, but there are certain corrections of the statements previously made in regard to the ciborium’s position in the cathedral and the time until when it could have existed as a whole in the St. Tryphon Cathedral.

  • Savo MARKOVIĆ, Marc’Antonio Borisi: Život i smrt barskog i koparskog plemića, mletačkog Velikog Dragomana (o. 1570-1620), 75-122   DOWNLOAD

ABSTRACT: On the basis of historical sources and historiography, the life path and circumstances related to the death of Marc’Antonio Borisi (c. 1570-1620), the nobleman of Bar and Koper, the Grand Dragoman in the Venetian embassy of Constantinople, are reconsidered. The interdisciplinary approach to the research and particularly the comparative method shed light on the work, significance and reputation of this polyglot in the diplomatic world of the Ottoman capital, Venice and Europe.

  • Radmilo N. Marojević, Tekstologija onomastičkih žanrova u Njegoševom spjevu Šćepan Mali, 123-165   DOWNLOAD

Abstract: This article deals with the onomastic genres in the epic “Stephen the Little“ by Petar II Petrovich­‑Nyegosh, that is to say (1) reconstruction of the anthroponyms (and demonyms): personal names, patronyms, surnames; (2) reconstruction of toponyms (and adjectonyms): Serbian, Russian and Oriental; (3) recontruction of ethnonyms: individual and collective ones. Final chapter reveals onomastic reconstruction of the epic “Stephen the Little“ in comparison with the onomastic reconstruction of the epic “The Mountain Wreath“.

  • József Juhász, Hungarian Foreign Policy and Wars of the 1990s in Former Yugoslavia, 167-186   DOWNLOAD

Abstract: Only limited attention has been paid in the international academic literature to Hungary’s foreign policy on the disintegration of and the wars in Yugoslavia — as Hungary did not play a crucial role in the wars—and the issue has not even been covered in the Hungarian literature in a comprehensive way. However, Hungary was also affected by the wars of the 1990s due to its geographical neighbourhood, the Hungarian minority living in Yugoslavia, and its NATO membership (since 1999). The present study aims to contribute to filling the literature gaps by providing an overview of Hungarian foreign policy toward Yugoslavia at that time, relying mainly on Hungarian sources. The study demonstrates the involvement of Hungary and summarises the activities of three Hungarian governments of the 1990s — the Antall government, the Horn government and the first Orbán government — in relation to the South Slavic wars and international peace missions, focusing on the most important events.

  • Radenko Šćekić, Istorijski revizionizam – upotreba istoriografije u (geo)političke svrhe, 187-206   DOWNLOAD

ABSTRACT: Consideration of historical events and personalities often differs from country to country. Historiography and media perception of history is mostly product of a particular social and ideological organization. Through the educational process and by control of media content induces the desired view of historical events and personalities. World wars are often subject to political revisionism.

  • Bojan NOVAKOVIĆ, Tvrđava Onogošt, 207-225   DOWNLOAD

ABSTRACT: By depicting timeline of the research on the Onogošt Fortress, the author offers a critical insight into the generally accepted thesis concerning both the construction of the fortress on the foundations of the Roman castra and the Gothic Anagastum. Neither archaeological findings nor the archival data support the thesis that the fortress and the settlement have continuously existed from the ancient period until nowadays. Reconstruction of development of the urban strongholds in XVII and XVIII century was done based on the available resources. The currently available, absolutely insufficient, data on research points to the fact that the visible ramparts of the fortress were constructed by the Turks. Whether the appearance of certain structures or of the entire fortress was determined by previously existing foundations, and how many layers thereof were there, if any, will be determined in the ensuing archaeological research.

  • Ilija M. MIJUŠKOVIĆ, Oproštaj od Savjetnika za izradu prvog Crnogorskog Ustava – Stevana Ćurčića, 227-231   DOWNLOAD

ABSTRACT: The goal of this paper is to familiarise the public with the eulogy for the Belgrade-based journalist, publicist and jurist, as well as the main adviser during the preparation of the first constitution of the Principality of Montenegro, which was delivered by a retired minister of the Principality of Montenegro – Mirko M. Mijušković.


  • Komemorativna Sjednica održana u Rektoratu UCG povodom smrti Akademika Radoja Pajovića (5. jun 2019. god.), 233-239   DOWNLOAD


  • Marković, Antal Molnár, Confessionalizaton on the Frontier. The Balkan Catholics between Roman Reform and Ottoman Reality. Viella (prvo izdanje), Roma 2019, 268 str, 241-248  DOWNLOAD
  • Ž. Leković, Dr Radenko Šćekić: MEDIJI I GEOPOLITIKA, Medijska kultura, Nikšić, 2019, 249-251.   DOWNLOAD
  • Šćekić, Željko Rutović: Postmediji – kriza smisla ili masmedijski totalitarizam, ZUNS, Podgorica, 2018, 253-255   DOWNLOAD
The new issue of Istorijski zapisi 1-2/2018 is published https://istorijskizapisi.me/artwork/the-new-issue-of-istorijski-zapisi-1-2-2018-are-published/ Thu, 10 May 2018 15:00:44 +0000 https://istorijskizapisi.me/?post_type=artwork&p=1868 JUBILEJI

Povodom sedamdeset godina postojanja Istorijskog instituta i izlaženja Istorijskih zapisa

  • Radoslav Raspopović, Uz sedamdesetu godišnjicu Istorijskog Instituta Univerziteta Crne Gore i Istorijskih Zapisa, 7-24   DOWNLOAD

Abstract: The paper focuses on the beginnings of the institutional study of the past of Montenegro and the importance that the Historical Institute of Montenegro had for the scientific achievements in that area. Since its founding in 1948 and during the later decades of its work, together with the seventy-year-long publishing of the journal Istorijski Zapisi (Historical records), exceptional results have been achieved not only in the development of Montenegrin historiography, but also in the overall scientific thought in Montenegro.

  • Radoje Pajović, Zapis o počecima (o mojim prvim danima u Arhivu CKSKCG za istoriju Saveza komunista i Istorijskom institutu SR Crne Gore), 25-38  DOWNLOAD

ABSTRACT: This text is an autobiographical recount of the author’s professional beginnings in the Archive of the Central Committee of the League of Communists of Montenegro for History of the League of Communists and at the Historical Institute of Montenegro. It describes not only the course of the career of historian Radoje Pajović, but also the development of the Historical Institute of Montenegro from the start of the 1970s. It also gives a recollection of the people who worked in this institution and who participated in the affirmation of the historical science in Montenegro.

  • Dragana KUJOVIĆ, Osvrt: Segmenti Orijentalno-Islamske Kulture u Crnoj Gori, kao teme magistarskih radova odbranjenih u okviru postdiplomskih magistarskih studija (Studijski Program: Istorija Kulture i Istorijska Antropologija) u Istorijskom Institutu UCG, 39-46  DOWNLOAD

ABSTRACT: If we know that cultural studies, dealing with different cultural and multicultural registers, have an increasingly dominant place in the field of humanistic disciplines and represent a series of very different research practices, the relative heterogeneity of the themes of the master thesis proposed to candidates within the program entitled History of Culture and Historical Anthropology of the Postgraduate Master Studies at the Historical Institute of University of Montenegro. Cultural artifacts reflect their contexts and open the possibility of scientific description through the repertoire of topics on different aspects of culture and identity, so that the three master‘s theses are successfully defended in the field of Oriental-Islamic Culture in Montenegro.

  • Zoran Lakić, UZ JUBILEJ, 47-54  DOWNLOAD

ABSTRACT: The subject of the paper is the content, authors and the importance of the journal Zapisi (1927-1933; 1935-1941) and Istorijski zapisi (from 1948 to the present) for science and culture in Montenegro and abroad. In this paper, we will try to analyze the themes and ways of presentation, the number of authors, types of contributions, present the scientific and cultural significance of the journal.

  • Dragica LOMPAR, ISTORIJSKI ZAPISI (1948–2018), 55-61  DOWNLOAD

ABSTRACT: This paper gives an overview of the most important data on the first Montenegrin scientific journal „Historical Records”, celebrating the Jubilee of seventy years of its publication. As the oldest scientific journal in the country, „Historical Records” enabled the appearance of the articles on various aspects of Montenegrin past, such as historiography, sociology, history of arts, ethnology, linguistics, archaeology and many others.


Abstract: The subject of the paper is the content, authors and the importance of the journal Zapisi (1927-1933; 1935-1941) and Istorijski zapisi (from 1948 to the present) for science and culture in Montenegro and abroad. In this paper, we will try to analyze the themes and ways of presentation, the number of authors, types of contributions, present the scientific and cultural significance of the journal.

  • Žarko LEKOVIĆ, Plemenska istorija na stranicama Zapisa – Istorijskih zapisa, 77-91  DOWNLOAD

ABSTRACT: Tribal history is a condition to all synthesis which have a regional and broader scientific significance. There are no great historical studies without thetribal themes which were scientifically processed, there is no national history without them. Scientific results on pages of the “Zapisi Istorijski zapisi” significantly broadened the horizons of tribal history and discovered the genesis of many historical movements. Historical processes, even though they are situated in the field of tribal thematic, unarguably have the widest frame. Political, industrial, educational, cultural and social circumstances and socioeconomic relations among the tribes are being analyzed throughout historical essays, along with battle for liberty of our people, which hasn’t been fully expressed yet. Montenegrin politics regarding the tribes has also been shown, and the political programme of Montenegrin territorial expansion. These works represent a starting point for all of those who wish to look into their past with a new perspective, and are an inspiration to further accomplishments in the domen of local history.

  • Radenko ŠĆEKIĆ, Politikološke i opštedruštvene teme na stranicama časopisa „Istorijski Zapisi“, 93-100  DOWNLOAD

ABSTRACT: The journal „Historical Records”, which continuously has been published for seven decades, in its pages indicated the numerous topics from history. Designed primarily as a specialized magazine for the study of historical topics, occasionally gave space also to papers and themes from other fields, such as law, economics, politology, geopolitics, literature and others. In this article we will try to present a number of such works that have enriched the enormous opus of the magazine.

  • Božena Miljić, Crna Gora druge polovine XX vijeka u „Istorijskim zapisima“, 101-115  DOWNLOAD

ABSTRACT:‘’Istorijski zapisi’’ journal exists for over 70 years now. During that time, many different subjects from Montenegrin history occupied the minds of the authors that had published their articles in it. This paper examines who and in what way, had dealt with contemporary history of Montenegro, to be precise- with second half of the 20th century and the beginning of the 21st. KEYWORDS: ‘’Istorijski zapisi’’, Historical Institute of Montenegro, Montenegro, paper representation, research topics, contemporary history


  • Branko Bogdanović, Modernizacija streljačkog naoružanja Kraljevine Jugoslavije i Čehoslovačke, 117-152  DOWNLOAD

ABSTRACT: As a consequence of the very scarce archive sources, the true extent of the cooperation between the Kingdom of Yugoslavia and the Republic of Czechoslovakia or its Arms Factory Zbrojovka of Brno during the period from 1919 to 1941 remained unknown till nowadays. Due to the newly discovered documents, and thecourtesy of the Military History Institute of Prague, all aspects of the cooperation came to the light, that is to say, we found out the accurate number of different types of small arms, their prices, delivery terms, arms patterns and the conditions under which Yugoslavia acquired these arms. This allowed to correct the mistakesthat have occurred in the domestic literature from 1945 to the present days.

  • Savo MARKOVIĆ, Prethodnica modernog građanstva: barski rod Alatović, 153-194  DOWNLOAD

ABSTRACT: On the basis of documents from the State Archives in Dubrovnik and a historiography, civic kindred Alatović of Bar was considered prozopographically and multidisciplinary. Their social activity and influence in the sixteenth century announced the bourgeois dynamics of a later times throughout Europe. A member of this kindred was Ratac’s abbot between 1510/11 and 1522. The testament of Dubrovnik’s inhabitant Luka Alatović from 1591, among other, reveals the data on the property of the Archbishopric of Bar and on the church of St. Mary out of the walls (fuori delli muri di Antivari).

  • Nemanja Vujčić, Kraj Ahajskog saveza, 195-225  DOWNLOAD

ABSTRACT: The paper examines the circumstances surrounding the beginning of the so-called Achaean war (146 BC) and the subsequent dissolution of the Achaean league by the Romans. The causes of these events, motives and explanations behind them are a source of confusion and disagreement for modern historians. The main reason for this is rather problematic, occasionally even contradictory, nature of the main sources, the book 38 of Polybius’ Histories and a segment of the book 7 of Pausanias’ Description of Hellas. In this paper the claim is made that the Achaean war was essentially a Roman surprise attack directed against a federation of city-states that displayed tendency for independence that was far too strong, at least from the Roman standpoint. Both Polybius and Pausanias (whose account is based on Polybius) describe and interpret events from a position that is distinctively pro-Roman. Polybius was not able to surmount political and ideological obstacles that stood in the way of objective analysis of the events. As in other places in his work, he decided that any serious critique of the Roman state, its representatives and their actions, is something completely unacceptable. Instead, the reader is presented with a contradictory narrative in which causes and effects switched places, the aggressor is painted as a neutral and well-meaning party, while the victims are forced to take the blame.

  • Mirjana MANOJLOVIĆ, Crnogorski period života i stvaralaštva Pavla Apolonoviča Rovinskog u naučnim istraživanjima i arhivskim materijalima, 227-246    DOWNLOAD

ABSTRACT: Pavel Apolonovich Rovinski is a famous russian scientist who dedicated the majority of his scientific work to Montenegro. He addresses some scientific problems and questions of great importance which attract the attention of historians even nowadays.


  • Гросул В.Я., Два портрета: Н.И. Хитрова и А.Л.Шемякин, 247-251  DOWNLOAD


  • Dr Konrad Clewing, Knjiga o njemačko-crnogorskim istorijskim vezama predstavljena u Berlinu, 253-256  DOWNLOAD
  • Dr Radoslav RASPOPOVIĆ, Speech at the Promotion of the Book “Montenegro and the German Reich in Documents of the Political Archive of the Foreign Affairs Office in Berlin” (from 1906 to 1914), Volume I, Held at the Humboldt University on 28 February 2018, 257-260  DOWNLOAD


  • Radenko Šćekić, Miomir Dašić: „ŠKOLA, ISTORIJA, POLITIKA“ Izdavači: UNIREKS i „UNIREKS GRUP“, Podgorica/Beograd 2018, 261-266  DOWNLOAD
  • Žarko Leković, Miljan Drobnjak: Drobnjaci iz Štitara kod Berana hronologija i rodoslov, Herceg Novi, 2019, str. 324, 267-270  DOWNLOAD


Zapisi 2018-1-2-271-278   DOWNLOAD

Zapisi 2018-1-2-279-282  DOWNLOAD

The new issue of Istorijski zapisi 3-4/2014 is published https://istorijskizapisi.me/artwork/the-new-issue-of-istorijski-zapisi-3-4-2014-are-published/ Mon, 10 Nov 2014 08:35:06 +0000 https://istorijskizapisi.me/?post_type=artwork&p=2077 JUBILEJI Sto godina od početka Prvog svjetskog rata

  • Radoslav RASPOPOVIĆ, Prvi svjetski rat u istorijskoj nauci na kraju XX i početkom XXI vijeka. O pojavama revizija istorije ili pogledima na prošlost iz „nove istorijske perspektive“, 7-27   DOWNLOAD

ABSTRACT: This paper is related to the outbreak of World War I, causes that led to it and the main responsibility. Given that the question of responsibility for the beginning of the war and its catastrophic consequences has been discussed with a great interest and interpreted in a “new” historiographical way in the last decades, the author sought to answer the question of looking at the past “from a new perspective” with whether it is about “scientific modernity” or whether the attempts of new historical perception of the Great War should be understood as a classic attempt to revise history.

  • Владимир Я. ГРОСУЛ* Приближение большой войны в общественном мнении России конца XIX в., 29-42  DOWNLOAD

Abstract: This paper discusses the relationship of Russian public opinion towards the most important European events from the period after the Paris Peace in 1856. Emphasis is placed on the question of the unification of Italy and Germany and the danger for Russia to be drawn into these events. Subsequent relations with Germany, becoming close with France, the events in the Balkans were worthy of the attention of the Russian public. The paper discusses some aspects of Russian foreign policy related to commercial interests, seen through the eyes of the public, where public opinion was divided in the view of contemporary political visions. Throughout the public opinion was of the inevitability of war.

  • Елена И. САМАРЦЕВА, Военный 1914-й год в контексте поэтических строк российского журнала „НИВА”, 43-53  DOWNLOAD

ABSTRACT: The article describes some of the poems on the events of World War I and published in the Russian magazine „Niva” in 1914. The author also pays attention to the fate of the authors of „Niva”.

  • Massimo BUCARELLI, Mussolini e la questione jugoslava durante la prima guerra mondiale, 55-79  DOWNLOAD

Abstract: The paper deals with the development of Benito Mussolini’s position on the so called „Adriatic question”, i.e. place of Adriatic region in Italian foreign policy during the First World War. That means that Mussolini’s political inconsistency and changes were not due to ideological reasons, since they were the results of opportunistic and selfish political considerations. As the public opinion in Italy took a clear uncompromising stand concerning the territorial dispute with its Adriatic neighbor, he adjusted his approach for exploiting the increasing political consensus, which the nationalist propaganda was gaining among Italian public opinion.

  • Виктор И. КОСИК, Балканы, В. Н. Штрандман и Первая мировая война, 81-90  DOWNLOAD

Abstract: Тhe text associated with the delineation of a number of Balkan stories, mostly military time, and is based largely on the recollections of a Russian diplomat Strandman.

  • Boško I. BOJOVIĆ, Guerres balkaniques, les grandes puissances et la Grande guerre, 91-103  DOWNLOAD

Abstract: The First and the Second Balkan wars could be seen as an introduction to the First World War. Unfortunately, their centennials were not commemorated the same way. This paper discusses the view of foreign diplomacy on victims of Balkan wars as well as the reports made by Carnegie foundation in 1914.

  • Михаил В. ШКАРОВСКИЙ, Святыня Черногории – Филермская икона Божией Матери, 105-113  DOWNLOAD

Abstract: This paper follows the fate of one of the holiest objects in the Orthodox world, the icon of the Virgin Filermosa. From the Middle Ages until today due to turbulent historical circumstances it often changed the place, and today it is located in the National Museum in Cetinje, enjoying high reputation of the sacred relic.

  • Stjepan MATKOVIĆ, Milan Ćurčin, južnoslavensko pitanje u Prvome svjetskom ratu i rasprave o Sarajevskom atentatu, 115-133  DOWNLOAD

Abstract: The author deals with the biography of a well-known publicists Milan Ćurčin and his wide activities during the First World War, when he was in charge of organizing and spreading wartime propaganda through the Serbian legation in London.

  • Miljan GOGIĆ, Bibliografija radova o Prvom svjetskom ratu objavljenih u časopisu Zapisi / Istorijski zapisi, 135-139  DOWNLOAD

Abstract: In this work there is a list of works concerning the First World War, published in magazine Records/ Historical records



  • Saša BRAJOVIĆ, Njegoš u vremenu tehničkih dostignuća i Velike svetske izložbe, 141-160  DOWNLOAD

Abstract: This text presents observations on Njegoš‘s interest in science and technical achievements within the context of his epoch. His was an age of „Romantic science“ which transformed the rationalism of Enlightenment of the previous century with visionary passion, as it also did the reception of science in the public eye. Njegoš‘s dedication to science and technical achievements which relied on science was an expression of the liveliness of his spirit, intellectual views and constant striving to modernise his country.Njegoš introduces new technical achievements into major state project which he initiates, into visual representation of his country, effemeral events, by which he expresses an awareness of Montenegro as an entity and of himself as its ideator and ruler. Particular attention is given to Njegoš‘s encounters with contemporary wonders of science and technical achievement during his travels. Special significance is assigned to Njegoš‘s note on the Crystal Palace, raised for the Great Exhibition in London in 1851, which offers a sublimation of the new, modern age.

  • Marina ODAK MIHAILOVIĆ, Na ponos grada: predstave gradske tvrđave na novcu Kotora, Ulcinja, Svača, Skadra i Drivasta, 161-181  DOWNLOAD

Abstract: The images of urban architecture become increasingly featured on the coins and seals issued in the medieval West in the 11th and particularly in the 12th century. This iconography is featured on the coins issued by the Crusaders and the coins of the newly-formed states after the 1204 dissolution of the Byzantine Empire. Citadels also become increasingly featured on the money coined in the coastal cities of the medieval Serbian state in the 12th and subsequently in the lands ruled by the Balsic family. The paper examines the iconography of these images, the methods and versions of visual representation of medieval cities and urban communities featured on coinage and seals, as well as the messages conveyed through this iconography.



  • Zerina ĆATOVIĆ, Fascinacija običajima ili auto-orijentalizam Živka Nikolića, 183-198  DOWNLOAD

ABSTRACT: A work of Montenegrin director Zivko Nikolic is fraught with motifs from his homeland. For the reason that he represented customs of that homeland as a caricature, this article reassess possible self-stigmatism as a result of orientalist discourse. Based largely on the works of balkanism, the paper focus director‘s approach to the stereotype. In this manner it gets closer to Nikolic‘s obsession with customs or his auto-orientalism.



  • Radoslav RASPOPOVIĆ, Naučna konferencija ROMANOVI I CRNA GORA, ISTORIJA I SAVREMENOST (Podgorica, 7. novembar 2014), 199-201  DOWNLOAD



  • Živko ANDRIJAŠEVIĆ, ODLAZAK ZNAČAJNOG ISTORIČARA – dr Zvezdan Folić (1963-2014) -, 205-208  DOWNLOAD
  • Vasilj JOVOVIĆ, Čedomir M. Lučić (1940 – 2014), 209-212  DOWNLOAD



  • Radoslav RASPOPOVIĆ, Jelena Ivanović, Milica Kostić, BRATSTVO PEJOVIĆ SA NjEGUŠA, Ogranak protojereja Sava Pejovića, Državni arhiv Crne Gore, Cetinje, 2013, 213-214  DOWNLOAD
  • Vladimir JOVIĆEVIĆ, Akademik Zoran Lakić, IZ DANA U DAN GODINA, Podgorica, 2013, 380 str, 215-216  DOWNLOAD
  • Žarko LEKOVIĆ, Vukajlo – Mišo Gluščević, Zoran Raonić: Tara i Tarani, Istorijski institut Crne Gore, Podgorica, 2014, str. 563, 217-220  DOWNLOAD
The new issue of Istorijski zapisi 3-4/2012 is published https://istorijskizapisi.me/artwork/the-new-issue-of-istorijski-zapisi-3-4-2012-are-published/ Sat, 10 Nov 2012 07:26:25 +0000 https://istorijskizapisi.me/?post_type=artwork&p=2013 JUBILEJI

Broj je posvećen stogodišnjici početka Balkanskih ratova

  • Radoslav RASPOPOVIĆ, Velike sile i stvaranje saveza balkanskih država 1912. Prilog pitanju pregovora o savezu Crne Gore i Bugarske, 7-28   DOWNLOAD

Abstract: An impact of the Great Powers on the formation of the Balkan Alliance, diverse as it was, had both positive and negative aspects. The fact that the foreign policy of the smaller countries was limited by political positions of the Great Powers leads to the conclusion that the nature and importance of this issue calls for attention and further studies even after a hundred years.

  • Maja ĐURIĆ, Fotografi Balkanskih ratova, 29-38  DOWNLOAD

Abstract: Although the first newspaper had appeared in Montenegro in 1871, photography was included some half of the century since its introduction in the press worldwide. The first photo reporters, Vaso Radulović from Montenegro and the foreigners who arrived as reporters, came to the scene only in the First World War.



  • Павел РУДЯКОВ, Последстви я посе щени я Екатерино й ІІ Новороссии дл я развити я кра я (1787 – 2012), 39-55  DOWNLOAD

Abstract: The article analyzes the range of the consequences of the visit of Katerina II of the New Russia and Crimea in 1787 for the further development of these territories that Russia consists of and within the framework of the orthodox and the Slavic civilization.

  • Andrej L. ŠEMJAKIN, Rusija i ustanak u Hercegovini 1882. godine: dobrovoljačka akcija Jovana Popovića-Lipovca, 57-63  DOWNLOAD

Abstract: The paper analyses the relation of Russia to the uprising in Herzegovina in 1882, distinguishing a difference between the policy of official Petersburg and the activities of the Moscow’s Slavophil circles led by Ivan S.Akskakov. While the Russian government has decidedly refused to support the rebels, members of the mentioned circles have tried to send some aid via Sophia. The main lever in this project was the “volunteer action” of the Russian officer of the Montenegrin origins – Jovan Popović – Lipovac.

  • Dragan NOVAKOVIĆ, Uspostavljanje organizacije rimokatoličke crkve u Bosni i Hercegovini za vreme austrougarske uprave, 65-84  DOWNLOAD

Abstract: This paper presents complex processes that followed the organization of Catholic Church in Bosnia and Herzegovina upon the decision of the Congress of Berlin to entrust those territories to Austro-Hungarian authority. New Vatican’s policy and balance of powers led to significant marginalization of Franciscan order which observed the religious needs of Catholic population in those areas during Turkish rule and showed high level of proficiency and capability to adjust to all challenges resulted from unchristian authorities determined to spread their own faith by all possible means.

  • Miljan MILKIĆ, Sveštenici u vojnim i diplomatskim misijama srpske Vlade 1915 – 1918. godine, 85-97  DOWNLOAD

Abstract: In the following article, the author provides a comprehensive overview of the activities of the Serbian Orthodox priests during the period from 1915 to 1918. The author tries to explain the role they had during the WWI and Serbian government struggle for liberation and creation of new South Slavs state. The author focuses on hieromonk Nikolaj Velimirović, hieromonk Josif Cvijović and lesser known Orthodox army chaplains and their work in Allied military hospitals. The article includes the findings based on documents from the Military Archive in Belgrade and corresponding bibliography.

  • Mira RADOJEVIĆ, On the Problem of Democracy and Parliamentarianism in Yugoslavia bet ween the Two World Wars, 99-110  DOWNLOAD

Abstract: The questions of democracy and parliamentarianism are the ones of the least researched topics from the realm of interwar Yugoslavia, remaining out of historiographical insight starting only from the standpoint of already existing knowledge. This article tries to bring the focus of attention to the relevant social categories whose interaction, according to many contemporaries, historians and political scientists, was hiding the key for solving Yugoslav problems. Their opinion was, and still is, that consistent obeying to the democratic principles would amortize inherited differences, leading to the gradual construction of the solidary, united country.

  • Ivana DOBRIVOJEVIĆ, Nadzor i internacije političkih prvaka predšestojanuarskih stranaka u doba šestojanuarskog režima kralja Aleksandra, 111-130  DOWNLOAD

Abstract: The article examines the position of the politicians and lack of freedoms during the dictatorship of king Aleksandar (1929 – 1935). The special attention is paid to the interments of the political opponents that were allowed by the Law on protection of public security and the state order. Internments represented one of the main (preventive) measures in the fight against any opposition.

  • Vanda Babić, Kristina Radulić, Interpretacija kulturne baštine kroz fotografiju, 131-163  DOWNLOAD

Abstract: In this work we can find out more about the meaning of cultural heritage and photography, developing of photography from the very begining up to present days, as well as arising of specialised Photo Library for documenting cultural heritage in Republic of Croatia, which acts in order to ponder and protect cultural heritage and can be taken as an example of national photographical heritage.



  • Miljan GOGIĆ, Gavrilov zbornik (prilog rekonstrukciji), 165-175  DOWNLOAD

Abstract: This work contains description and content of Gavrilo’s proceedings, on the basis of data that Ivan Jastrebov and Pavle Rovinski had left about him. The data of charter transcription in the proceedings are given by the order that was set in the proceedings.

The new issue of Istorijski zapisi 1-2/2012 is published https://istorijskizapisi.me/artwork/the-new-issue-of-istorijski-zapisi-1-2-2012-are-published/ Thu, 10 May 2012 07:12:13 +0000 https://istorijskizapisi.me/?post_type=artwork&p=1999 JUBILEJI

Broj je posvećen 160. godišnjici proglašenja Crne Gore za knjaževinu

  • Radoslav RASPOPOVIĆ, O diplomatiji Crne Gore nakon promjene oblika vladavine u zemlji 1862. godine, 7-24   DOWNLOAD

Abstract: The fascination of the topic of Prince Danilo Petrović Njegoš as a diplomat stems from the fact that he was the first secular sovereign in the history of Montenegro. This fact resulted in the series of novelties he introduced in the diplomatic life of Montenegro, and in the very significant changes he made in the diplomatic representation of the country.

  • Maja ĐURIĆ, Raritetni portreti knjaza Danila i knjeginje Darinke nastali u bečkim i pariskim ateljeima Dizderija i Le Greja iz fonda Arhiva Jugoslavije. Fotografija kao društveno-istorijsko svjedočanstvo nakon 1850. godine u Crnoj Gori i svijetu, 25-36  DOWNLOAD

Abstract: The paper deals with photography as the social historical testimony after 1850.th, as well as its transgression into the new phase of the industrial development, where all the unable to commercialize their business were doomed. It talks about the “carte mania” fashion, the most famous photographers, Disderi and Le Gray, and the ateliers from the second half of the 19th century, There the Prince Danilo and Princess Darinka, as well as the other notable Montenegrins, were photographed, being aware of the importance of the photography as the historical document in the period of its mere beginning.



  • Valentina ŽIVKOVIĆ, Poslednje zaveštanje kotorske vlastelinke Jelene Medoševe Drago, 37-48  DOWNLOAD

Abstract: The testament of Jelena, the daughter of the late Medos Drago, contains an exceptionally large number of various individual items of ad pias causas donations. Analogously with the number of soul salvation legacies, there was also a wider choice of those receiving these gifts of mercy. The testament of Jelena Drago reveals, on one hand, a strong loyalty of the Kotor aristocracy to the Franciscan Order, and on the other hand the acknowledgement and reverence of the general devotional testamentary practice.

  • Đorđe STANKOVIĆ, Državna uprava u Zetskoj banovini za vreme diktature, 49-70  DOWNLOAD

Abstract: Paper describes the organization of the governmental administration in Zetska banovina, one of the new formed administrative units according to Law on the name and the division of Kingdom from October 1929. It brings the analysis of its composition, including both the cadres at the highest level and those who were located much lower in the hierarchy, paying the special attention to the fact that, aside of the decade after the end of First World War, Zetska banovina consisted of the territories that hadn’t previously experienced a common rule. For that reason, ethnic, religious and political characteristics of the mentioned officials are emphasized, showing course of politics conducted in order to reform and regulate an administrative system in the country. The list of the presidents and secretaries of belonging municipalities is given in the appendix.

  • Milan TERZIĆ, Crna Gora u Drugom svetskom ratu (skica za temu), 71-78  DOWNLOAD

Abstract: Paper indicates a need for treatment of this topic trough the critical analysis of existing literature and using the archival sources that, so far, had not been available to the historiography. It would provide a more layered and complete picture on this theme.

  • Dmitar TASIĆ, Osnivanje i rad jedinica Korpusa Narodne Odbrane Jugoslavije (KNOJ) u Crnoj Gori 1944 – 1945, 79-102  DOWNLOAD

Abstract: According to the archival sources of Military archive in Belgrade and relevant literature, this paper presents the foundation and overview of activities of Corps of National Defense of Yugoslavia (CNDY) units in Montenegro. After the end of war, CNDY units faced with the large number of armed outlaws (chetniks, separatists and Albanian irregulars). These groups or individuals, although not so politically and military active, were the threat to the common security and establishing and consolidation of the new authorities.

  • Katarina KOVAČEVIĆ, Milovan Đilas i mađarska kriza 1956. godine, 103-125  DOWNLOAD

Abstract: After a brief rise of communism after World War II, the continually intensfying crisis of the system that dominated Eastern Europe manifested in the turbulent year of 1956. In the same year, immediately after the Soviet military intervention in Hungary, Milovan Djilas, a former top ranking official of the Yugoslav Communist Party and, at the time, already under a suspended sentence for public statements against the Yugoslav regime, published his views on the events in Eastern Europe in the New York weekly The New Leader. This paper discusses Milovan Djilas’s perspective and the reaction of Yugoslav authorities to the denunciations of its internal and foreign policies, as per local and foreign newspaper accounts, archival sources, and testimonies of participants.



  • Marta VUKOTIĆ LAZAR, Nataša DANILOVIĆ HRISTIĆ, Đurđija BOROVNjAK VUKOTIĆ, Prvi budistički hram u Evropi (1929-1944). Istorijski uslovi koji su doveli do formiranja kolonije Kalmika u Beogradu, izgradnje i rušenja njihovog verskog objekta, 127-144  DOWNLOAD

Abstract: As a part of the numerous groups of refugees from the Russian Empire after the October revolution in the period from 1920 to 1941, five hundred Kalmyks moved in to Belgrade and found their shelter here. Kalmyks are people of the Mongolian origin, having Buddhist-Lamaist national religion. Among the refugees there was a number of monks and the higher priest Manchuda Borinov (1872-1928), contributing greatly to the initiation of activities aiming to obtain the space for their religious purposes shortly after the immigration. In accordance with their religion, calmly and unobtrusively, Kalmyks gained affinity of the Serbian authorities and the Minister of Religion himself, who assigned them one thousand dinars monthly support for the maintanance of the rooms, later the Temple in Belgrade, although the Buddhist confession was not recognized by the State Constitution. Besides understanding and support of the authorities, the construction of the Temple was helped by the numerous donors. The first to offer their support to Kalmycs were the manufacturer Miloš Jaćimović (1858- 1940), by conceding them the complex of family property in 1928 in order to establish the Kalmyk colony there. The president of the Colony, ex colonel of the Russian Army Abuša Aleksejev initiated activities for the construction of the Buddhist temple in this location in Belgrade. The Temple was already sanctified the next year, on December 12th 1929, in the presence of the entire Belgrade Buddhist Colony. The construction of the first Buddhist temple in Europe was the greatest event in the life of Kalmyks in exile. As an attraction, in 1930 the temple got its place in the „Guide through Belgrade“, and the street where it was situated got the name „Buddhist street“.

  • Zlatko IVANOVIĆ, Jugoslovensko-sovjetski odnosi u svijetlu mađarske krize 1956. godine, 145-174  DOWNLOAD

Abstract: Yugoslav reaction to the Hungarian revolution in 1956 was contraversial and mainly determined by its unique position as a communist country trying to balance its looming non-aligned position between East and West. Yugoslavia supported the uprising to the extend it believed it lead to a reformist – communist system similar to the Yugoslavian, as a counter balance to the Soviet hegemony. However, following uncontrolled and escalated hostilities, Tito increasingly started to fear that the anti-Soviet sentiment in Hungary could turn into a general anti-communist attitude, which would spill over into Yugoslavia and imperil the country’s specific path to socialism, as well as Tito’s power. Yugoslavia was dragged into the events, following which the Soviets realized Yugoslavia will never return into the socialist camp. Just like the Western democracies, Yugoslavs did not meet the expectations of those in Hungary seeking freedom.

  • SJEĆANjE na akademika

Bogumil HRABAK, (11. 01. 1927 – 12. 12. 2010), Crna Gora u Avnojskoj Jugoslaviji 1945-1966. godine, 175-196  DOWNLOAD

Abstract : The paper brings an overview of political, economical and social position of the Socialist Republic of Montenegro within socialist Yugoslavia. Analysis of the main factors powering the movements in mentioned spheres was given according to relevant and available archival sources and press. Special emphasis was given to the role, importance and influence of the Montenegrin cadres upon the federal level, both in the state and party realms.

The new issue of Istorijski zapisi 1/2010 is published https://istorijskizapisi.me/artwork/the-new-issue-of-istorijski-zapisi-1-2010-is-published/ https://istorijskizapisi.me/artwork/the-new-issue-of-istorijski-zapisi-1-2010-is-published/#respond Sat, 06 Mar 2010 15:03:44 +0000 https://istorijskizapisi.me/?post_type=artwork&p=2812 JUBILEJI

  • Radoslav RASPOPOVIĆ, Petar II Petrović Njegoš u diplomatskoj istoriji Crne Gore tridesetih godina XIX vijeka, 7-31  Download

ABSTRACT: The paper analyses foreign political activities of the Montenegrin metropolitan Peter II Petrović Njegoš in the 1930s, which bear the formal characteristics of diplomatic affairs. For this reason, the author believed them important for the study of diplomatic history of Montenegro, even though these were not typical diplomatic actions but rather international activities of a country which in fact exists but does not have the capacity of an international subject to speak of its diplomacy in the sense of international law. In order to explain the historical backdrop of the two Russian missions of Peter II, the author uses national archive sources from the Department of Archives of National Museum of Montenegro and National Archives of Montenegro along with the known literature, and he also relies to a great extent on the documents of the Foreign Affairs Archives of the Russian Empire. Thus, many details regarding both missions which have not been scientifically elaborated are explained, and can be useful to contemporary researchers in terms of the objectives and tasks of foreign political missions of Peter II.


  • Momčilo D. PEJOVIĆ, Istoriografsko-bibliografski ogled o Petru II Petroviću-Njegošu, 33-53  Download

ABSTRACT: Historiography and bibliography on Peter II Petrović Njegoš. Place of birth Njegusi. Njegoš as a poet, ruler, philosopher. Cetinje, Montenegro, Russia, the first half of the 19th century, relations between Montenegro and Russia in the time of Peter II Petrović Njegoš. Journeys to Russia, Italy, France, Austria. Literary opus – literary works: Mountain Wrath, the Light of Microcosm, False Tzar Šćepan the Little. Njegoš’s cooperation with prominent politicians and statesmen.



  • Boško BOJOVIĆ, Entre convergences et disparités (XIXe-XXe s.), 55-72  Download



  • Lovorka ČORALIĆ, Iseljenici iz Zete u Mlecima (XV – XVII stoljeće): prilog poznavanju crnogorsko-mletačkih veza u prošlosti, 73-99  Download

ABSTRACT: The paper is based on an analysis of the original sources from the National Archives in Venice (testaments were particularly used), and on the in sight in to the existing historiography know ledge. By following the sources, the pa per thoroughly analyses fun da mental components from the past of the Zeta emigrants in Venice: time frame for their presence and activities in Venice, the way in which they were recorded in the sources, places of residence, occupations, and economic opportunities, and family liaisons and friendships. A particular attention is paid to forms of communication of Zeta emigrants within their own emigration community, and to their relations with emigrants from other parts of eastern Adriatic coast. The final section deals with comprehensive examples of the connections of Zeta emigrants with the Venice clerical institutions, and the relations with the churches and monasteries in their home land.


  • Dragana KUJOVIĆ, Smail-aga Čengić između dva epska portreta, 101-110  Download

ABSTRACT: Mažuranić’s epic poem The Death of Smail-aga Čengić described the death of mute sarrif of Gacko. The character of this Turkish hero took on epically hackneyed characteristics attributed to Turkish thugs in national poetry. The ruthless Turkish commander is contrasted with the oppressed Christian people, subject to all sorts of injustice and violence. There have been many at tempts at describing the Turkish dignitary Smail-aga Čengić, which are either epic or which surpass the epic frame, and they tend to place him in to an entirely different notion of reality, not without exaggeration which quite often unjustifiably coincides with a contrary cliché – a beautified and retouched image. By emphasizing the reputation of the mute sarrif, which he gained with courage, achievements and a dignified loyalty to Ottoman authorities, unlike inane, pathetic and hypocritical subjects, such image tells that reality painted a double picture in collective memory. However, the divided image is united by a historical con text, the same characters, events and details which enable an impartial research process, completely relieved of bias and attempts to humor the traditional, i.e. epic role division in to good and evil, “our” chivalry and “their” cowardice, which is usually blind and conventional.


  • Anđelka BULATOVIĆ, Crnogorka u bratstveničko-plemenskoj društvenoj strukturi i organizaciji, 111-126  Download

ABSTRACT: The paper is an analysis of the position and upbringing of a Montenegrin woman in Montenegro clans and tribes. From the historical point of view, her role was tied to the family, which was also her most important personal and social function. Social value of women and their acceptance in the community (clan, tribe) they belong to, from birth until different years of age, was inextricably linked to the structure of family life. Household and raising children meant that a woman had to stay “tied” to the house all her life. Moreover, she participated in the course of her social life only in directly – through her father, brother, husband, son or other male relatives. The family was, therefore, her micro and macro world. Thus the position of a Montenegrin woman on the social ladder in the 19th century always depended on her dominant role in the vertical line of family relations and the social importance she would gain through affiliation with strong male figures: father, brother or husband. This resulted in the provisions of traditional law which preached inequality of sexes in the matters of heritage and property, of law, economy and other.


  • Aleksandar RASTOVIĆ, Britanske diplomate u Beogradu o odnosima Srbije i Crne Gore 1878-1910. godine, 127-141  Download

ABSTRACT: The basic aim of this work is to show the development of the political relations between the Kingdom of Serbia, and the Principality (and later Kingdom) of Montenegro during the reign of the two most rival-ling dynasties – Petrovic and Obrenovic, and the dynasty of Karadjordjevic after 1903, as seen through the eyes of British diplomats in Belgrade. In the period between 1878 and 1910 there were so many diplomatic reports which alluded to the poor relations between the two states, dynasties and crowns especially during the reign of King Milan Obrenovic of Serbia and Prince Nikola Petrovic of Montenegro. They hated each other. King Milan believed that Prince Nikola was a puppet in hands of Russia, and that his goal was to remove him from the Serbian throne and take his place. At the same time, Prince Nikola was frustrated because Milan Obrenovic declared Serbia a Kingdom. The relations improved somewhat during the reign of his son, King Alexander, but they grew even worse after 1903 than they had been before the Coup d’Etat in May.


  • Živko M. ANDRIJAŠEVIĆ, Razvoj elektroprivrede u Crnoj Gori 1910-1945., 143-179  Download

ABSTRACT:at the beginning of the 20th century, electric power is introduced in Montenegro, but not for public use (street lights and houses), but rather for a specific purpose (of supplying machineries). The first one to use electric power to operate its equipment was the radio-telegraphic station in Volujica in 1904. Putting the Cetinje electric power plant, meant for public use, in to operation in 1910 was an important event because it meant that Montenegro had adopted an achievement of the developed world. Three years later, electric power plant in Bar was also put in to operation. Along with the two electric power plants (in Cetinje and Bar), electrification of other places on the territory of Montenegro was started in 1918. In 1941, the first hydroelectric power plant “Podgor” was put in to operation (near the village Podgor in Crmnica). The hydroelectric plant “Podgor” had the capacity of 300 kW, and its primary purpose was to generate electricity to operate pumps that delivered water to Cetinje. If we consider the first stage of development of the Montenegrin electric power industry, which lasted from 1910 until 1945, it becomes clear that a significant progress was made in this branch of economy, though the progress may seem modest compared to other parts of the Yugoslav state. The progress which was achieved may not have satisfied wishes and expectations but it corresponded to the current needs of Montenegro and the economic climate, which ultimately determined its size.



  • Radenko ŠĆEKIĆ, Totalitarna propaganda fašizma i nacional-socijalizma, 181-194  Download

ABSTRACT: The term totalitarianism is relatively new, appearing in the books at the end of the period between wars, and it has particularly spread after World War II. Etymology defines totalitarianism as such political system in which state or a party leadership administers and controls the entire social life – economy, education, culture, science, philosophy, even relations within families and everyday communication between people – by means of coercion. Totalitarian regimes are those which delighted a part of Europe after World War I, and not only people but also the educated and upper classes of society, regardless of the simplicity, violence and irrational postulates of the ideas and positions of those ideologies. In that regard, propaganda is probably one of the most important instruments of totalitarianism, where it took on unforeseen proportions. Previous propaganda principles were elaborated, and practice yielded and perfected new and more efficient action techniques.


  • Miljan GOGIĆ, Rudarska proizvodnja u srednjovjekovnom Brskovu, 195-213  Download

ABSTRACT: The paper deals with a synthetic over view of data regarding mine production in medieval Brskovo based on all available sources. In order tore construct the scale and method of production, the paper used data from montangeological reports resulting from tests done in order to re start the production in the Brskovo mine. It provides data about the sites where the ore was taken, the sorts of ore and metal exploited, places where it was processed and about the composition of the slag. The work provides field observations on the now visible traces of medieval mining, and descriptions of the artefacts found which were used in the mining process. Testimonies of previous mining activity preserved in the toponymy of Brskovo and the surrounding area are another topic of this paper. Moreover, it provides data about the direction of medieval roads which connected Brskovo with the coast and the river Lim, as well as the data about a money mint, economic importance of Brskovo and the participation of business people from the Lim region in business matters regarding the lease of Brskovo mines and metal trade.



  • Miomir DAŠIĆ, Akademik Sima Ćirković (1929-2009), 215-254  Download

ABSTRACT: The topic of this review is the portrayal of the life and work of Sima Ćirković, PhD (1929-2009), a professor of Serbian medieval history at the University of Belgrade Faculty of Philosophy, a full member of the Serbian Academy of Sciences and Arts and a corresponding member of the Academies of Sciences of Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia and Montenegro. The review shows his extensive scientific work (approximately 500 bibliography units), chronologically and thematically diverse and based on the first-class archive material from the archives of Dubrovnik, Venice, Kotor, Budapest and other archives. The works of this scientist have enriched the medieval historiography of Serbia, Montenegro and the Balkans. He was a historian with a modern take on the past of Serbian people and other peoples of the Balkans, not only in the medieval times. He was also talented at writing syntheses – chapters in the History of Montenegro, History of Serbian people, History of medieval Bosnian state, books: Medieval Serbs, Serbs among European Peoples, and other monographs. Due to his scientific reputation, he was elected in to numerous international scientific institutions, invited to universities in the USA, Germany and other European countries, where he taught lectures on medieval history of Serbia and the Balkans. He received the highest national awards in Serbia for his scientific work, and rewards from renowned scientific institutions abroad. The works of professor Ćirković have been translated to German, Italian, French, Russian, Slovenian and Chinese. Academic reviews had a high appreciation for his work and named him the greatest Serbian and Balkan medievalist in the second half of the 20th century.



  • Roderick W. MOORE, Riječ na promociji knjige Crna Gora i Sad u dokumentima Nacionalnog arhiva u Vašingtonu 1905-1918, (priredio dr Radoslav Raspopović), IICG, str. 590. Podgorica 2010, 255-257  Download



  • Ирина ВОРОБЬЁВА, Письма Вальтазара Богишича в русский город Тверь, 259-264  Download

ABSTRACT: In the paper, written in Russian language, the author publishes a small portion of a rich correspondence of Valtazar Bogišić, PhD, a renowned Slavist and researcher of Slavic laws. The letters have never before been published. The fact that makes them particularly interesting is that in them Valtazar Bogišić asks from the Head of the Museum in Tver for books of proverbs along with ancient documents. He believes that those books could be used as an important starting point in studying Slavic legal customs. Bogišić believed that the common law of Slavic people was a segment necessary for studying and understanding it. For this reason, he conducted his famous polls but, as we can see, he also used all available sources for which he believed contained elements of common law of Slavic people.


  • Milica M. DRAGIĆEVIĆ, Ugovor o braku između Viktora Emanuela III Savojskog i crnogorske princeze Jelene Petrović Njegoš, 265-276  Download

ABSTRACT: The conclusion of the marriage contract between the Montenegrin princess Jelena Petrović and Victor Emmanuel, the Prince of Savoy and son of King Umberto, introduced a new phase in the relations between Montenegro and Italy, and affected their financial, economic, cultural and political prosperity. The processes it introduced led to a strong penetration of Italian capital and Italian assistance to Montenegro. Along with the text of the contract, the author of the paper also provides a short interpretation of its content, leaving the possibility for a different interpretation of the legal and political life of south-east Europe.



  • Ksenija ĐURIŠIĆ, Konzervacija i restauracija fragmentovane amfore sa arheološkog lokaliteta Duklja, 277-284  Download

ABSTRACT: The subject of this work is conservation of an amphora from the site of Doclea, located in the vicinity of Podgorica, Montenegro. The amphora was found during the excavation campaign which took place in 1958 – 1962, when about 300 tombs were unearthed and a large number of whole and fragmented amphorae were discovered. The amphora which is described in this paper was the only one found in the southeastern necropolis of Doc lea. This type of amphora is common in the 1st and early 2nd centuries AD. The amphora was found in a very fragmentary state and the absence of its large part, made the conservation very complicated. During the process of conservation all the steps of the conservation procedure were executed and recommendations were made for the further preservation of amphora in appropriate conditions in order to eliminate damaging influence of the outside factors.



  • Ivan LAKOVIĆ, Međunarodni naučni skup, Crna Gora i Sad 1905-1918, Podgorica, 24. VI 2010., 285-286  Download
  • Tatjana KOPRIVICA, Međunarodni naučni skup, Nikola I Petrović Njegoš u društvenom životu Crne Gore i Balkana, Cetinje, 25-26. oktobra 2011., 287-288  Download



  • Radivoje ŠUKOVIĆ, Dušan Martinović, Testamenti znamenitih ličnosti i crkvenih velikodostojnika Crne Gore, Podgorica 2010, 289-292  Download
  • Radenko ŠĆEKIĆ, Dobrilo Aranitović, Djelo akademika Miomira Dašića u ogledalu stručne i naučne kritike, Podgorica, CID, 2008, str. 386, 293-295  Download


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