Bar – Istorijski Zapisi Istorijski Institut UCG Thu, 04 Jan 2024 15:48:38 +0000 en-US hourly 1 The new issue of Istorijski zapisi 3-4/2022 is published Sun, 04 Sep 2022 14:58:04 +0000

    ABSTRACT: The paper provides data from little-known sources about the time when Kotor‘s bishop Grimoald was able to perform episcopal duties in Kotor. The document (pastoral letter) attributed to him, which refers to marriages in Kotor, is analyzed. An attempt is made to establish a

    connection between its content, which refers to the presence of clergy during the marriage ceremony and the permitted degree of consanguinity of the spouses, with the norms of the Catholic Church related to that issue.




    ABSTRACT: In the paper by Sergije Dimitrijević, A New Series of New Types of Serbian Medieval Coins [Нова серија нових врста српског средњовековног новца], published in the journal Starinar [Старинар] in 1964–1965, we have come across a peculiar piece of information – that there used to be a sub-type of the follaro coin from the town of Ulcinj, which usu­ally had a depiction of the Virgin Mary with Christ on the obverse, and a de­piction of the city walls with a tree in the gate on the reverse. More precise­ly, in his work Dimitrijević mentions an Ulcinj-type follaro with a human fig­ure with its arms and legs apart, standing in the city gate instead of the tree. We have made an attempt to find this never before published specimen of the Ulcinj follaro, and have come to the conclusion that the currency in ques­tion is not that of Ulcinj, but a follaro from the town of Drivast (modern-day Drisht), with a depiction of the Virgin Mary with Christ on the obverse and the city walls with a lily inside the gate on the reverse. The striking similar­ity in the manufacturing process of these two coins, in terms of both the de­piction on the obverse and that on the reverse, points to a single pair of arti­san hands behind the coin moulds for minting of both towns.




    ABSTRACT: The bearers of the patronymic Guliermi, which derives from the personal name Guilielmus, are mentioned in historical sources of the State Archives in Dubrovnik from the 14th century. The available docu­ments suggest that they were contemporaries, possibly the members of the same lineage, who belonged to the higher social class of the medieval Bar. They were noted in the context characterized by the cultural attributes of the older city dwellers and the solid economic background. The social prestige they enjoyed served as a link with other communities, and the testimonies they left about themselves provide insight into the imagological heritage of the native community, depict piety, spiritual needs and material possibilities, equipment and arrangement of private living ambience.




    ABSTRACT: Based on published and unpublished archival sources primarily of military provenance, as well as historiographical and memoir literature, the paper analyzes the military operations of the Army of the Kingdom of Serbia for the liberation of Metohija and Sandžak, as well as the main reasons for the misunderstanding of the commanders of the units of the armies of the Kingdoms of Serbia and Montenegro in the field. In particular, the vagueness of the inter-allied treaty was presented, which in reality led to the inflaming of rivalry between the two allied political and military leaderships.



    ABSTRACT: The collective demographic portrait of those convict­ed for sympathies towards the USSR in communist Yugoslavia after 1948 is determined in the article, based on the “List of convicts under the IB-ac­cusion”. The sketch of statistics that we drew from this list gives us a limit­ed number of possibilities because it was only an “operationally useful” list created by revising and shortening previous versions. Thus on the basis of this document, we can conclude that the arrested were relatively young peo­ple (20-30 years old), among whom Serbs and Montenegrins dominated nu­merically, many of whom participated in the Partisan Movement. These sta­tistics support the already widespread scientific hypothesis that the conflict was not an ideological dispute, but was related to the determination of Yugo­slavia’s affiliation to the East or the West. The number of Serbs, Bulgarians, Russians and Montenegrins convicted for sympathizing with the USSR was disproportionately higher than the percentage representation of those peo­ples in the population of Yugoslavia. At that time, the mountaines of Monte­negro hid the most ardent supporters of the Soviet Union.






    ABSTRACT: This paper deals with the research and study of Mus­lim gravestones located next to the cemetery of the Nizam Mosque and in the old cemetery near Tuzi. Gravestones was recently translated from Ottoman to Montenegrin language. Their epigraphy has been fixed, however, the is­sue of ornamentation from these tombstone has not been sufficiently investi­gated. On the other hand, along with the art of old gravstones, the chronol­ogy of the oldest gravstones from the mentioned cemeteries is not stated.In this work, we have made a chronological picture with the culture and art of gravestones from Tuzi.



    • Svetozar SAVIĆ, POLJOPRIVREDNO OBRAZOVANJE U CRNOJ GORI 1875-1941, 127-150  Download


    ABSTRACT: At the end of the 19th century, agricultural vocational schools in Montenegro did not last long. The Princely Montenegrin Agricul­tural School in Danilovgrad was opened in 1875 and closed the following year (1876). The lower princely Montenegrin agricultural school in Podgor­ica was opened in 1893, and ceased to operate in 1898. Nevertheless, these schools have given some impetus to the development of agricultural educa­tion in Montenegro.

    After the First World War, the interest of the state administration to im­prove agricultural education did not exist. With a lot of problems, it was only in 1933 that the Special Agricultural School for Southern Cultures “Topoli­ca” was opened for a period of one year, which in 1939 grew into a two-year period, and was called the Special Lower Agricultural School for Southern Cultures.



    ABSTRACT: The paper provides a brief overview of the Cold War relations between the USA and the USSR, and the development of Russia-NATO relations via the analysis of the foreign policy strategies and activi­ties of Russian President Boris Yeltsin. Yeltsin’s policy, to a large extent, rep­resented responses to the moves of the Euro-Atlantic allies since the col­lapse of the Warsaw Pact and the Soviet Union in 1991 until his departure from the Kremlin in 1999. In the eyes of the Euro-Atlantic allies, post-Cold War Russia became „something more than a regional power in the Third World” – visibly degraded on international and domestic level. Yeltsin‘s in­decisiveness and lack of a clearly defined foreign policy strategy were evi­denced by his empty threats regarding the expansion of the NATO alliance, as well as his lack of understanding of the Yugoslav crisis.












    • Savo, MARKOVIĆ, OFFICIA VARIORUM SANCTORUM (BnF Latin 916), Izdavač: Hrvatsko nacionalno vijeće Crne Gore, za izdavača: Zvonimir Deković, urednica Meri Zornija, predgovori: fra Domagoj Volarević, don Ivan Vukčević, Meri Zornija, Peras: GudCo, HNV CG (Tivat), 2021, 266.str, 181-186  Download
    • Sreten ĆUZOVIĆ OTILO, Dejan Vuković, ‘’LUČA CRNOGORSKE DIPLOMATIJE’’ (U PRILOG ISTORIJI CRNOGORSKE DIPLOMATIJE)’’, Izdavač: Fakultet za crnogorski jezik i književnost (FCJK)- Cetinje, 2021. Godine, 187-191  Download
    • Ivan LAKOVIĆ, Dmitar Tasić (2021), KORPUS NARODNE ODBRANE JUGOSLAVIJE (KNOJ) 1944-1953, Beograd: Institut za noviju istoriju Srbije, ISBN: 978-86-7005173, 511 str, 193-195  Download
    • Radenko ŠĆEKIĆ, Miomir MAROŠ, ZAPISANA CRNA GORA 1-2, IVPE/CEKUM, Cetinje, Podgorica 2020/2021, 197-200  Download
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    The new issue of Istorijski zapisi 1-2/2020 is published Mon, 18 May 2020 08:45:46 +0000 Jubileji

    Povodom 70-ogodišnjice donošenja Šumanove deklaracije kao početka procesa formiranja Evropske unije,

    • Gordana ĐUROVIĆ, Od Šumanove deklaracije do savremene unije: Integracioni put Crne Gore, 7-45   DOWNLOAD

    Abstract: Seven decades have passed since the presentation of Schuman’s declaration, a concise powerful and visionary statement by French Minister Robert Schuman, which proposes the creation of the first European supranational organization for coal and steel. On May 9, 1950, at the French Ministry of Foreign Affairs in Paris, the process of integration of European countries essentially began. The ideas and concepts of the Schuman Declaration, which represents a turning point in the history of Europe, are incorporated into all future European treaties, from the Paris Treaty establishing the European Coal and Steel Community, through the Treaties of Rome and all their amendments, to the 2007 Lisbon Reform Treaty. Europe developed on the affirmation of the principles of peace, solidarity, economic prosperity and common European values. Today, the idea of European unification gathers 27 European countries, and one of the countries knocking on the door of the Union is Montenegro. This paper gives a brief overview of the integration path of Montenegro towards the supranational organization sui generis, as the Union is today. The chronology of tracing the European path of Montenegro can be viewed in the broader context of establishing the first relations with the European Economic Community (EEC) of the then Socialist Federal Republic of Yugoslavia (SFRY) in the period from 1967 to 1991, then the characteristics of relations with the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia (FRY) with the then European Communities in the period from 1992 to 2003, and the relations that further developed in the period of the State Union of Serbia and Montenegro (SM) from 2003 to 2006, and finally the development of relations between the Union and the independent state of Montenegro in the period from the regaining Montenegrin independence in 2006 until today.

    • Bojan JOVANOVIĆ, Akcija i reakcija: Maršalov plan i Šumanova deklaracija, 47-69  DOWNLOAD

    ABSTRACT: The main goal of this essay is to see if there is a certain, real causal link between so called Marshall plan and what is well known as Schuman declaration; that is, in wider, general sense, it is about establishing historical link between America’s foreign policy after World War II (firstly, period 1947-1950) and the beginnings of what we now usually call European integration. The essay shows that Shuman declaration is in fact not original initiative, but rather response or reaction to huge pressure that USA, especially in autumn of 1949 and on, did put on French government and France. USA wanted from France to assume lidership in Western Europe, and to come up with solution for “German question”, that is, some proposal that would have strong European dimension, which would enable re-integration of Western Germany into Western Europe and the family of European nations…and so and by that at the same time matching one of the most important, if not the most important goal of america’s overall foreign policy of the time.



    • Gilliane MONNIER, Gilbert TOSTEVIN, Goran PAJOVIĆ, Nikola BOROVINIĆ, Mile BAKOVIĆ, Nova istraživanja paleolitskog nalazišta Crvena Stijena, istorijski kontekst, 71-108  DOWNLOAD

    Abstract: The rockshelter of Crvena Stijena (Nikšić municipality, Montenegro) is one of the most important Paleolithic sites in southeastern Europe. Its 20-meter deep sequence of archaeological deposits spans the Middle Paleolithic through the Bronze Age. The Middle Paleolithic deposits themselves, which cover an astonishing 12 meters in depth, contain one of the longest records of Neanderthal occupation in the region. Since its discovery in 1954, the site has been the subject of two major research projects; the data they have produced have helped make it a critical type-site for the Paleolithic in the Balkans. In this paper, our goal is to introduce the aims and methodologies of the new research collaboration at Crvena Stijena that we established in 2016. We first present the site within the context of the Middle Paleolithic of the western Balkans. We then describe the history of research at Crvena Stijena, and summarize the results of the last project, which were recently published. Finally, we describe the research questions that are guiding our new investigations, and the methods we are applying in order to answer these questions while preserving as much of the site as possible for future generations of archaeologists.

    • Antal MOLNÁR, Kavaljer Franjo Bolica (†1653): Kotorski patricij na razdjelnici između Rima, Mletaka i Balkana, 109-132  DOWNLOAD

    Abstract: The aim of this study is to introduce the intermediary role of Kotor in the Balkan missions comparing it to the same activities of Ragusa. From 1578 the Bolica family was responsible for coordinating the postal service from Venice to Istanbul, as a consequence of which the family acquired a vast network of connections in the Balkans. In the 17th century four members of the Bolica family which ran the postal service worked as the Balkan commissioners of the Congregation of Propaganda Fide. Franjo Bolica was the most outstanding of the four due to his personal qualities and as a result of both the importance of his commissions and the prosperity during the war of Candia (1645-1669).

    • Burhan ČELEBIĆ, O nekim osmanskim natpisima kod starog Bara; Darka Bakića, Pitanje emigracije osmanskih podanika iz skadarskog i kosovskog vilajeta u Crnu Goru, 133-147  DOWNLOAD

    Abstract: In this article, we will interpret and present Old Turkish (Ottoman) inscriptions from the Bar region, which date from the historical range from the 17th to the 20th century, with a transcription from Old Turkish to the Ottoman language, with a translation in our language as well. Namely, the basic research intention of these recent researches in Bar is directed towards presenting to the scientific, professional and general reading public the inscriptions from the stone surfaces and their meaning with nišan tombstones, fountains and chronograms, while at the same time unusual ornamentation, shapes and various decorative motifs that adorn them and essentially determine them. In addition to translations of these specific archaeological-historical testimonies about people and the spirit of the time from which these artifacts date, we also provide photographs that speak not only about the significance and values of this material heritage but also about the condition in which they are.

    • Darko BAKIĆ, Pitanje emigracije osmanskih podanika iz skadarskog i kosovskog vilajeta u Crnu Goru, 149-167  DOWNLOAD

    Abstract: The suppression of armed rebellions of Albanians, which in Kosovo’s and in Shkodra’s vilayet did oppose the policy of Ottomanization of the society that the Young Turks was carrying out at the time, had as its consequence a huge number of refugees from war-affected areas that were seeking for some refuge in Montenegro. Even though it was overburdening Montenegro’s financial system, King Nicholas I gladly received refugees from Albania in Montenegro, not only from humanitarian reasons but also because he wanted to gain their affection towards his state, in or-der to much easier, when the opportunity arises, achieve the main goal of his foreign policy to ex-tend Montenegro’s territory to northern Albania.

    • Arpad HORNYAK, The Integration of the Délvidék (Southern Parts of the Kingdom of Hungary) into the Administration of the Kingdom of Serbs, Croats and Slovenes. A Hungarian Perspective, 169-187  DOWNLOAD

    Abstract: The southern territories of the Kingdom of Hungary came under the suzerainty of the newly formed Yugoslav Kingdom and until today constitute an integral part of its successor. This study aims to introduce the first historic phase of this centennial process, the incorporation of the Banat and Bačka into the administration of the Kingdom of Serbs, Croats and Slovenes. During this, while also details the endeavors of different Yugoslav governments, it also tries to introduce the various Hungarian aspects, chiefly in the years 1919-1920, and give an insight on the effects of all this on the Hungarian population of the territories in the new state.



    • Bojan NOVAKOVIĆ, Teritorijalno-upravna organizacija Onogošta (Nikšića) od XV do XVIII vijeka, 189-213  DOWNLOAD

    Abstract: The paper is dedicated to the analysis of social and historical circumstances surrounding the origin and change in the territorial and administrative structure of the area of Onogošt (Nikšić) from mid-XV until early XVIII century. Even though the nahiyah of Onogošt was formed within its natural boundaries, as was the feudal župa preceding it, the censuses that followed proved it to be transformed in line with the principle of tribes and clans, thus being divided into four nahiyahs: Onogošt, Gračanica/Nikšić, Riđani and Komarnica. The local communities maintained complex relations which applied also to the change in their territorial position, the fact confirmed by scarce data. The recently published census of the Sanjak of Herzegovina from 1701 contained data which permit a better perception of the former territorial and administrative structure of Onogošt (Nikšić) and the neighboring areas.

    The new issue of Istorijski zapisi 1-2/2019 is published Sat, 11 May 2019 10:52:29 +0000 JUBILEJI

    • Obilježavanje sedamdeset godina postojanja Istorijskog instituta i izlaženja časopisa „Istorijski zapisi“ – SA PROSLAVE Sedamdesete godišnjice Istorijskog instituta i izlaženja časopisa “Istorijski zapisi”, 7-12   DOWNLOAD
    • Obraćanje Rektora UCG, prof. dr Danila Nikolića i uručenje plakete Istorijskom Institutu, 13-16   DOWNLOAD
    • Obraćanje direktora Istorijskog Instituta, dr Radoslava Raspopovića, 17-24   DOWNLOAD
    • Obraćanje predstavnice Fonda za javnu diplomatiju „A.M. Gorčakov“, g-đice Sandre Stoilković, 25-26   DOWNLOAD
    • Obraćanje pomoćnice za visoko obrazovanje u Ministarstvu Prosvjete, g-đice Mubere Kurpejović, 27-28   DOWNLOAD
    • Obraćanje predstavnika Univerziteta Sapienca u Rimu, prof. dr Fabija Grasija, 29-31   DOWNLOAD


    • Antal MOLNÁR, Dva neobjavljena izvještaja barskog nadbiskupa Marina Bicija o Srbiji i Albaniji (1622), 37-63   DOWNLOAD

    Abstract: The paper analyzes and publishes two previously unknown reports (1622) of the Archbishop of Bar, Marino Bizzi, one of the most prominent representatives of Balkan missionary prelates before 1622. From these documents, it can be seen that Bizzi was predominantly a representative of the old missionary concept, which placed hopes in the conversion of Eastern Christians. In these plans he had the support of the Congregation of the Council.

    • Miljan GOGIĆ, Još jednom o Ciborijumu Katedrale Sv. Tripuna u Kotoru posvećenog Petilovrijencima, 65-73   DOWNLOAD

    Abstract: On the basis of a newly discovered source, this paper presents new details in relation to the ciborium dedicated to the Kotor martyrs – the Petilovrijenci. The previously presented facts about its appearance and the writing on it are confirmed, but there are certain corrections of the statements previously made in regard to the ciborium’s position in the cathedral and the time until when it could have existed as a whole in the St. Tryphon Cathedral.

    • Savo MARKOVIĆ, Marc’Antonio Borisi: Život i smrt barskog i koparskog plemića, mletačkog Velikog Dragomana (o. 1570-1620), 75-122   DOWNLOAD

    ABSTRACT: On the basis of historical sources and historiography, the life path and circumstances related to the death of Marc’Antonio Borisi (c. 1570-1620), the nobleman of Bar and Koper, the Grand Dragoman in the Venetian embassy of Constantinople, are reconsidered. The interdisciplinary approach to the research and particularly the comparative method shed light on the work, significance and reputation of this polyglot in the diplomatic world of the Ottoman capital, Venice and Europe.

    • Radmilo N. Marojević, Tekstologija onomastičkih žanrova u Njegoševom spjevu Šćepan Mali, 123-165   DOWNLOAD

    Abstract: This article deals with the onomastic genres in the epic “Stephen the Little“ by Petar II Petrovich­‑Nyegosh, that is to say (1) reconstruction of the anthroponyms (and demonyms): personal names, patronyms, surnames; (2) reconstruction of toponyms (and adjectonyms): Serbian, Russian and Oriental; (3) recontruction of ethnonyms: individual and collective ones. Final chapter reveals onomastic reconstruction of the epic “Stephen the Little“ in comparison with the onomastic reconstruction of the epic “The Mountain Wreath“.

    • József Juhász, Hungarian Foreign Policy and Wars of the 1990s in Former Yugoslavia, 167-186   DOWNLOAD

    Abstract: Only limited attention has been paid in the international academic literature to Hungary’s foreign policy on the disintegration of and the wars in Yugoslavia — as Hungary did not play a crucial role in the wars—and the issue has not even been covered in the Hungarian literature in a comprehensive way. However, Hungary was also affected by the wars of the 1990s due to its geographical neighbourhood, the Hungarian minority living in Yugoslavia, and its NATO membership (since 1999). The present study aims to contribute to filling the literature gaps by providing an overview of Hungarian foreign policy toward Yugoslavia at that time, relying mainly on Hungarian sources. The study demonstrates the involvement of Hungary and summarises the activities of three Hungarian governments of the 1990s — the Antall government, the Horn government and the first Orbán government — in relation to the South Slavic wars and international peace missions, focusing on the most important events.

    • Radenko Šćekić, Istorijski revizionizam – upotreba istoriografije u (geo)političke svrhe, 187-206   DOWNLOAD

    ABSTRACT: Consideration of historical events and personalities often differs from country to country. Historiography and media perception of history is mostly product of a particular social and ideological organization. Through the educational process and by control of media content induces the desired view of historical events and personalities. World wars are often subject to political revisionism.

    • Bojan NOVAKOVIĆ, Tvrđava Onogošt, 207-225   DOWNLOAD

    ABSTRACT: By depicting timeline of the research on the Onogošt Fortress, the author offers a critical insight into the generally accepted thesis concerning both the construction of the fortress on the foundations of the Roman castra and the Gothic Anagastum. Neither archaeological findings nor the archival data support the thesis that the fortress and the settlement have continuously existed from the ancient period until nowadays. Reconstruction of development of the urban strongholds in XVII and XVIII century was done based on the available resources. The currently available, absolutely insufficient, data on research points to the fact that the visible ramparts of the fortress were constructed by the Turks. Whether the appearance of certain structures or of the entire fortress was determined by previously existing foundations, and how many layers thereof were there, if any, will be determined in the ensuing archaeological research.

    • Ilija M. MIJUŠKOVIĆ, Oproštaj od Savjetnika za izradu prvog Crnogorskog Ustava – Stevana Ćurčića, 227-231   DOWNLOAD

    ABSTRACT: The goal of this paper is to familiarise the public with the eulogy for the Belgrade-based journalist, publicist and jurist, as well as the main adviser during the preparation of the first constitution of the Principality of Montenegro, which was delivered by a retired minister of the Principality of Montenegro – Mirko M. Mijušković.


    • Komemorativna Sjednica održana u Rektoratu UCG povodom smrti Akademika Radoja Pajovića (5. jun 2019. god.), 233-239   DOWNLOAD


    • Marković, Antal Molnár, Confessionalizaton on the Frontier. The Balkan Catholics between Roman Reform and Ottoman Reality. Viella (prvo izdanje), Roma 2019, 268 str, 241-248  DOWNLOAD
    • Ž. Leković, Dr Radenko Šćekić: MEDIJI I GEOPOLITIKA, Medijska kultura, Nikšić, 2019, 249-251.   DOWNLOAD
    • Šćekić, Željko Rutović: Postmediji – kriza smisla ili masmedijski totalitarizam, ZUNS, Podgorica, 2018, 253-255   DOWNLOAD
    The new issue of Istorijski zapisi 1-2/2018 is published Thu, 10 May 2018 15:00:44 +0000 JUBILEJI

    Povodom sedamdeset godina postojanja Istorijskog instituta i izlaženja Istorijskih zapisa

    • Radoslav Raspopović, Uz sedamdesetu godišnjicu Istorijskog Instituta Univerziteta Crne Gore i Istorijskih Zapisa, 7-24   DOWNLOAD

    Abstract: The paper focuses on the beginnings of the institutional study of the past of Montenegro and the importance that the Historical Institute of Montenegro had for the scientific achievements in that area. Since its founding in 1948 and during the later decades of its work, together with the seventy-year-long publishing of the journal Istorijski Zapisi (Historical records), exceptional results have been achieved not only in the development of Montenegrin historiography, but also in the overall scientific thought in Montenegro.

    • Radoje Pajović, Zapis o počecima (o mojim prvim danima u Arhivu CKSKCG za istoriju Saveza komunista i Istorijskom institutu SR Crne Gore), 25-38  DOWNLOAD

    ABSTRACT: This text is an autobiographical recount of the author’s professional beginnings in the Archive of the Central Committee of the League of Communists of Montenegro for History of the League of Communists and at the Historical Institute of Montenegro. It describes not only the course of the career of historian Radoje Pajović, but also the development of the Historical Institute of Montenegro from the start of the 1970s. It also gives a recollection of the people who worked in this institution and who participated in the affirmation of the historical science in Montenegro.

    • Dragana KUJOVIĆ, Osvrt: Segmenti Orijentalno-Islamske Kulture u Crnoj Gori, kao teme magistarskih radova odbranjenih u okviru postdiplomskih magistarskih studija (Studijski Program: Istorija Kulture i Istorijska Antropologija) u Istorijskom Institutu UCG, 39-46  DOWNLOAD

    ABSTRACT: If we know that cultural studies, dealing with different cultural and multicultural registers, have an increasingly dominant place in the field of humanistic disciplines and represent a series of very different research practices, the relative heterogeneity of the themes of the master thesis proposed to candidates within the program entitled History of Culture and Historical Anthropology of the Postgraduate Master Studies at the Historical Institute of University of Montenegro. Cultural artifacts reflect their contexts and open the possibility of scientific description through the repertoire of topics on different aspects of culture and identity, so that the three master‘s theses are successfully defended in the field of Oriental-Islamic Culture in Montenegro.

    • Zoran Lakić, UZ JUBILEJ, 47-54  DOWNLOAD

    ABSTRACT: The subject of the paper is the content, authors and the importance of the journal Zapisi (1927-1933; 1935-1941) and Istorijski zapisi (from 1948 to the present) for science and culture in Montenegro and abroad. In this paper, we will try to analyze the themes and ways of presentation, the number of authors, types of contributions, present the scientific and cultural significance of the journal.

    • Dragica LOMPAR, ISTORIJSKI ZAPISI (1948–2018), 55-61  DOWNLOAD

    ABSTRACT: This paper gives an overview of the most important data on the first Montenegrin scientific journal „Historical Records”, celebrating the Jubilee of seventy years of its publication. As the oldest scientific journal in the country, „Historical Records” enabled the appearance of the articles on various aspects of Montenegrin past, such as historiography, sociology, history of arts, ethnology, linguistics, archaeology and many others.


    Abstract: The subject of the paper is the content, authors and the importance of the journal Zapisi (1927-1933; 1935-1941) and Istorijski zapisi (from 1948 to the present) for science and culture in Montenegro and abroad. In this paper, we will try to analyze the themes and ways of presentation, the number of authors, types of contributions, present the scientific and cultural significance of the journal.

    • Žarko LEKOVIĆ, Plemenska istorija na stranicama Zapisa – Istorijskih zapisa, 77-91  DOWNLOAD

    ABSTRACT: Tribal history is a condition to all synthesis which have a regional and broader scientific significance. There are no great historical studies without thetribal themes which were scientifically processed, there is no national history without them. Scientific results on pages of the “Zapisi Istorijski zapisi” significantly broadened the horizons of tribal history and discovered the genesis of many historical movements. Historical processes, even though they are situated in the field of tribal thematic, unarguably have the widest frame. Political, industrial, educational, cultural and social circumstances and socioeconomic relations among the tribes are being analyzed throughout historical essays, along with battle for liberty of our people, which hasn’t been fully expressed yet. Montenegrin politics regarding the tribes has also been shown, and the political programme of Montenegrin territorial expansion. These works represent a starting point for all of those who wish to look into their past with a new perspective, and are an inspiration to further accomplishments in the domen of local history.

    • Radenko ŠĆEKIĆ, Politikološke i opštedruštvene teme na stranicama časopisa „Istorijski Zapisi“, 93-100  DOWNLOAD

    ABSTRACT: The journal „Historical Records”, which continuously has been published for seven decades, in its pages indicated the numerous topics from history. Designed primarily as a specialized magazine for the study of historical topics, occasionally gave space also to papers and themes from other fields, such as law, economics, politology, geopolitics, literature and others. In this article we will try to present a number of such works that have enriched the enormous opus of the magazine.

    • Božena Miljić, Crna Gora druge polovine XX vijeka u „Istorijskim zapisima“, 101-115  DOWNLOAD

    ABSTRACT:‘’Istorijski zapisi’’ journal exists for over 70 years now. During that time, many different subjects from Montenegrin history occupied the minds of the authors that had published their articles in it. This paper examines who and in what way, had dealt with contemporary history of Montenegro, to be precise- with second half of the 20th century and the beginning of the 21st. KEYWORDS: ‘’Istorijski zapisi’’, Historical Institute of Montenegro, Montenegro, paper representation, research topics, contemporary history


    • Branko Bogdanović, Modernizacija streljačkog naoružanja Kraljevine Jugoslavije i Čehoslovačke, 117-152  DOWNLOAD

    ABSTRACT: As a consequence of the very scarce archive sources, the true extent of the cooperation between the Kingdom of Yugoslavia and the Republic of Czechoslovakia or its Arms Factory Zbrojovka of Brno during the period from 1919 to 1941 remained unknown till nowadays. Due to the newly discovered documents, and thecourtesy of the Military History Institute of Prague, all aspects of the cooperation came to the light, that is to say, we found out the accurate number of different types of small arms, their prices, delivery terms, arms patterns and the conditions under which Yugoslavia acquired these arms. This allowed to correct the mistakesthat have occurred in the domestic literature from 1945 to the present days.

    • Savo MARKOVIĆ, Prethodnica modernog građanstva: barski rod Alatović, 153-194  DOWNLOAD

    ABSTRACT: On the basis of documents from the State Archives in Dubrovnik and a historiography, civic kindred Alatović of Bar was considered prozopographically and multidisciplinary. Their social activity and influence in the sixteenth century announced the bourgeois dynamics of a later times throughout Europe. A member of this kindred was Ratac’s abbot between 1510/11 and 1522. The testament of Dubrovnik’s inhabitant Luka Alatović from 1591, among other, reveals the data on the property of the Archbishopric of Bar and on the church of St. Mary out of the walls (fuori delli muri di Antivari).

    • Nemanja Vujčić, Kraj Ahajskog saveza, 195-225  DOWNLOAD

    ABSTRACT: The paper examines the circumstances surrounding the beginning of the so-called Achaean war (146 BC) and the subsequent dissolution of the Achaean league by the Romans. The causes of these events, motives and explanations behind them are a source of confusion and disagreement for modern historians. The main reason for this is rather problematic, occasionally even contradictory, nature of the main sources, the book 38 of Polybius’ Histories and a segment of the book 7 of Pausanias’ Description of Hellas. In this paper the claim is made that the Achaean war was essentially a Roman surprise attack directed against a federation of city-states that displayed tendency for independence that was far too strong, at least from the Roman standpoint. Both Polybius and Pausanias (whose account is based on Polybius) describe and interpret events from a position that is distinctively pro-Roman. Polybius was not able to surmount political and ideological obstacles that stood in the way of objective analysis of the events. As in other places in his work, he decided that any serious critique of the Roman state, its representatives and their actions, is something completely unacceptable. Instead, the reader is presented with a contradictory narrative in which causes and effects switched places, the aggressor is painted as a neutral and well-meaning party, while the victims are forced to take the blame.

    • Mirjana MANOJLOVIĆ, Crnogorski period života i stvaralaštva Pavla Apolonoviča Rovinskog u naučnim istraživanjima i arhivskim materijalima, 227-246    DOWNLOAD

    ABSTRACT: Pavel Apolonovich Rovinski is a famous russian scientist who dedicated the majority of his scientific work to Montenegro. He addresses some scientific problems and questions of great importance which attract the attention of historians even nowadays.


    • Гросул В.Я., Два портрета: Н.И. Хитрова и А.Л.Шемякин, 247-251  DOWNLOAD


    • Dr Konrad Clewing, Knjiga o njemačko-crnogorskim istorijskim vezama predstavljena u Berlinu, 253-256  DOWNLOAD
    • Dr Radoslav RASPOPOVIĆ, Speech at the Promotion of the Book “Montenegro and the German Reich in Documents of the Political Archive of the Foreign Affairs Office in Berlin” (from 1906 to 1914), Volume I, Held at the Humboldt University on 28 February 2018, 257-260  DOWNLOAD


    • Radenko Šćekić, Miomir Dašić: „ŠKOLA, ISTORIJA, POLITIKA“ Izdavači: UNIREKS i „UNIREKS GRUP“, Podgorica/Beograd 2018, 261-266  DOWNLOAD
    • Žarko Leković, Miljan Drobnjak: Drobnjaci iz Štitara kod Berana hronologija i rodoslov, Herceg Novi, 2019, str. 324, 267-270  DOWNLOAD


    Zapisi 2018-1-2-271-278   DOWNLOAD

    Zapisi 2018-1-2-279-282  DOWNLOAD

    The new issue of Istorijski zapisi 3-4/2017 is published Fri, 10 Nov 2017 11:00:02 +0000 ČLANCI

    • Anđela Đ. GAVRILOVIĆ, Duhovno i materijalno značenje i analiza motiva triju ribâ sa zajedničkom glavom na fragmentu kasnoantičkog podnog mozaika iz Petrovca na moru, 7-19   DOWNLOAD

    Abstract: The paper deals with the iconography and meaning of the motif of three fish with one head, depicted on a small fragment of the floor mosaic (9 dm2 ) of an ancient villa, and found in 1902, in the olive yard of Marko Gregović in Petrovac at Sea (fig. 1). The paper concludes that the presence of this particular motif at the Montenegro Coast represents the continuation of a long-lasting iconographic tradition. The author concludes that in the case of Petrovac this motif has a Christian meaning, representing a symbolic image of the Holy Trinity – the Father, the Son and the Holy Ghost and that the head represents the Creator, or the universal Cosmic knowledge on the way of the Creator. Considering the meaning of the motif of three fish with one head, the author expresses the opinion that the building in which the motif was present once served to the Christian cult, that its owner was a Christian and that the mosaic was done in the second half of the 4th century.

    • Savo MARKOVIĆ, Izjava posljednje volje na kraju jedne epohe: Aleksandar Bazzan, 21-39  DOWNLOAD

    ABSTRACT: Based on the testament and the other documents from the State Archives in Dubrovnik, as well as histography, in the paper is reconstructed the last period of life of one of the members of the patriciate of Bar. Alexandrus Bazzan was a priest and a landowner in Bar, and in Dubrovnik he was the confessor of Benedictine nuns of the monastery of St. Mark, the chorist of St. Blaise, and a spiritual at the nunnery of St. Clares. Indicative is conditioning of his testamental provisions by the return of his native town under the sovereignty of Christian rulers.

    • Katarina JOVIĆ, Zidno slikarstvo salona u palati Brajković-Martinović, 41-52  DOWNLOAD

    Abstract: The paper deals with aesthetic features and conceptual values of wall-painting in the salon of Brajković-Martinović palace. This is the only originally preserved salon from Perast, created in the second half of the 19th century. As such, the salon is observed as the precious component of the cultural heritage of Perast and Boka Kotorska, owing to its monumental values and documentative potentials. The goal of the research is to examine the iconographic characteristics of wall painting from this salon – form, style and its symbolic significations. Additionaly, examination leads to the interpretation of its representative value, which demonstrates the evocative potentials of private-space-decoration and culture of living. Accordingly, author considers the wall-painting regarding the historical cultural circumstances of the local community and the contemporaneous European cultural milieu. Wall decoration from Brajković’s salon is considered in the context of traditional and modern compound, with local and external influences.

    • Branko BANOVIĆ, Analiza narativne komponente modela tradicionalnog crnogorskog maskuliniteta, 53-66  DOWNLOAD

    ABSTRACT: Socio-constructivist theoretical premises dominant in the studying of masculinity claim that men are not born but made. In addition to the economic context, a significant role in the “making” of the model of traditional Montenegrin masculinity was played by the overall geopolitical position of Montenegro in history. Namely, the historical, ethnologic and fictional narrative about Montenegro‘s past suggest a constant state of siege throughout the period of Ottoman rule over Montenegro. Since wars necessarily have great influence on the structure of gender relations and the creation of masculinity, given that the popular and popular science narrative about Montenegro‘s past is one of permanent war against the Ottoman Empire, we can say that the given narrative had a great impact on the structure of traditional Montenegrin gender roles and particularly on the production of the model of traditional Montenegrin masculinity, in part responsible for the creation of an extremely masculine, patriarchal culture. In this paper, I analyse three examples (Montenegrin legends of untouched independence, legends regarding Carev Laz and the inquest of Islamic converts) to demonstrate the extent to which historical truth, historical and ethnologic narratives, and fictional narratives are interlaced and inseparable regarding the narrative context in which men gained awareness of the corresponding („normal”) male gender role in traditional Montenegro.

    • Marija CRNIĆ PEJOVIĆ, Foreign citizens in Herceg Novi municipality in 1811, 67-73  DOWNLOAD

    ABSTRACT: At the time of the French rule in the Bay of Kotor (1807- 1814), records were kept on the foreigners residing on its territory. During this period, the civil authorities were subordinated to the military authorities who adopted orders on recording foreigners. The persons who did not register a foreigner immediately and offer him lodging before receiving an approval from the military authorities were subjected to a fine and military laws. On the basis of the list of foreigners from 1811, we find out that there were twenty-eight of them together with their family members residing in the Herceg Novi municipality. The majority came from Trebinje, and then from the east Adriatic coast. They arrived at the end of the 18th and the beginning of the 19th century.

    • Aleksandar RASTOVIĆ, Slučaj lažnog atentata na Kralja Aleksandra Obrenovića 1893. godine, 75-85  DOWNLOAD

    ABSTRACT: In this work is analyzing insufficiently known scandal with false assassination of three foreigners on Serbian king of Alexandеr Obrenović in 1893. on the ground of published archive documents. Soon after king Alexander committed coup d`etat, took over power in his hands, declared himself of full age, Richard Mayne, The British citizen informed Serbian legation in London about preparation of so called international coup against new Serbian sovereign. After extensive researching in London and in Belgrade it is confirmed that Mayne sent false information to Serbian authorities in order to get personal material benefits. Scandal was appeared in the moment when the power of the Serbian king was unstable and fragile.

    • Darko BAKIĆ, Pogranični crnogorsko-osmanski sukobi u Zeti i kod Mojkovca 1912. godine, 87-100  DOWNLOAD

    ABSTRACT: The border incident in Zeta began in the early morning hours of July 17, 1912, when the Turks, for no reason, wounded two Montenegrin subjects. This resulted in six-hour conflicts that killed nine and injured five Montenegrins. Turkish losses amounted to three dead and four wounded soldiers. Soon after the events in Zeta, a Montenegrin-Ottoman border conflict in Mojkovac occurred.After Turkish soldiers, by firing from the Pržište tower, had killed one and wounded several peasants, the Montenegrin army intervened. In the conflicts that took place on August 2 and 3, Montenegrins set fire to the tower in Prziste, but also some other towers in its vicinity. In these struggles, 33 Ottoman soldiers were killed. On the Montenegrin side, 15 soldiers were killed and 19 soldiers were wounded.

    • Christian PROMITZER, Habzburški vojni imperijalizam na zapadnom Balkanu: opaske austrijskog istoričara o austrougarskoj okupaciji Crne Gore (1916-1918), 101-118  DOWNLOAD

    ABSTRACT: The role of the Austrian-Hungarian Joint Army as an occupying power in the First World War is a neglected historical theme in Austria, probably because it does not correspond to the nostalgic image of a multi-ethnic empire peacefully ruled by a paternal emperor. This paper deals with the Austro-Hungarian occupation of the Kingdom of Montenegro in the years of 1916-1918, for which the Austrian half of the Dual Monarchy was primarily responsible.

    • Neda DONAT, Prosvjetne prilike u Crnoj Gori za vrijeme Austro-Ugarske okupacije od 1916 do 1918. godine, 119-127  DOWNLOAD

    ABSTRACT: The paper deals with teaching in secondary schools in Montenegro during the World War I and the consequences of the AustroHungarian occupation of Montenegro 1916-1918.



    • Srđa MARTINOVIĆ, Vojna manufaktura i barutane Crnogorske vojske u vrijeme kraljevine, 129-142  DOWNLOAD

    Abstract: The intensive development of the Montenegrin Royal army begins from the time of Prince Nikola I, for his time, facilities for military purposes, weapons, ammunition, military equipment and war material are being built. During this period, workshops for the repair of weapons and ammunition production are also being opened. From the first workshop on Rijeka Crnojević to the opening of workshops for each division, the Montenegrin army that was exhausted in the wars, went a long way.

    • Nada TOMOVIĆ, Balkanski narodi u kriznoj 1908. godini, 143-153  DOWNLOAD

    ABSTRACT: At the beginning of the 20th century the great powers started to lose control over the events on the Balkan peninsula. After the Congress of Berlin (1878), Russia and Austria-Hungary played the major role in the politics of the Balkans. After 1908 these two great powers belonged to two different political alliances. Russia was facing direct Austrian expansion on the Balkans, and had to fight to maintain the patronage over the Balkan nations. Aware of the fact that the great powers were only looking after their own interests, the Balknbnations tried to liberate themselves from Austrian end Otoman occupation witout their support. The peak of political crisis on the Balkans were Annexation an Young Turk revolution.



    • Cvijeta BRAJIČIĆ, Slavko BURZANOVIĆ, Crnogorska pisma u arhivu Antonija Baldačija, 155-173   DOWNLOAD

    ABSTRACT: This paper emphasizes the importance of the archival legacy of the Italian botanist and geographer Antonio Baldacci (1867- 1950), who was associated with Montenegro by his scientific work and interest, economic and political activity, as well as friendly and business relations with numerous figures from the country. Highlighting the significance of Baldacci’s correspondence is particularly indicative of the Baldacci’s interest in Montenegro, as sixteen letters sent to Baldacci from persons of different social, cultural and national milieu are presented to the readers and analyzed. Letters are written in Italian and South Slavic languages, and in this paper they are published in translation.



    • Miljan GOGIĆ, Promocija knjige: Crna Gora i Njemački Rajh. Dokumenti iz Političkog arhiva sližbe inostranih poslova u Berlinu 1906-1914. (Tom I 1905-1910), 175-178   DOWNLOAD
    • Ivan LAKOVIĆ, Hronika aktivnosti istraživača iz Istorijskog instituta UCG na istraživanju kulturno-istorijskog nasljeđa tokom projekta „Valorizacija crnogorskih katuna kroz održivi razvoj poljoprivrede i turizma“, 179-185  DOWNLOAD
    • Olga PELCER-VUJAČIĆ, Bilateralna saradnja Istorijskog instituta UCG tokom 2017. godine, 187-191  DOWNLOAD



    • Saša Knežević, Dr Senka Raspopović, dr Konrad Clewing i dr Radoslav Raspopović, Crna Gora i Njemački Rajh – dokumenti iz političkog arhiva službe inostranih poslova u Berlinu 1906-1914, 193-195  DOWNLOAD



    The new issue of Istorijski zapisi 3-4/2016 is published Thu, 10 Nov 2016 10:38:58 +0000 ČLANCI

    • Dubravka PRERADOVIĆ, Jadransko more, rute i luke u ranom srednjem veku prema hagiografskim izvorima (Jadranski putevi svetitelja i relikvija u ranom srednjem veku), 7-34   DOWNLOAD

    Abstract: In the article the narratives concerning the lives of the saints and translations of theirs relics are analyzed in order to establish through saints’ and relics’ itineraries dissemination of theirs cults on the Adriatic littoral. Although modest in numbers examined texts shows presence of the saints on the Adriatic shores in early Christian period, migration of the saints’ relics from Pannonia and Dalmatia in Rome and Constantinople due to the barbaric invasions, and important new cultual stratum at the begging of the 9th century, when most of the Adriatic re-entered in the byzantine political sphere.

    • Jovan J. MARTINOVIĆ, Ranohrišćanske i preromaničke sakralne građevine u Kotorskoj biskupiji, 35-44  DOWNLOAD

    Abstract: The author is reviewing early Christian monuments on the territory of Kotor bishopric. The territory of the Kotorska Diocese today occupies the belt of the Montenegrin coastline, separated from the hinterland by the mountain line of the Dinaric line, stretching from the slope of Debeli brijeg in the north to the river of the Railroad in Barsko polje. Earlier there was a much smaller area, since there were still dioceses in Risna (or Rose) and Budva. However, although the earliest bishop in Risan (or Rose) was recorded at the end of the 6th century, the administration of the Risan diocese was entrusted to the bishop of Kotor from 1540, while the Budva diocese with the earliest recorded bishop Silvester from the middle of the 12th century was subjected at first to Archbishop of Bar, but after the Turkish conquest of Bara in 1571, it was administered by Archbishop of Bara or Bishop of Skadar (as an apostolic vicar), and since 1830 it was included in the Kotor diocese. In this aforementioned territory several research in and around the sacral buildings were done after the catastrophic Montenegrin earthquake in 1979. Numerous objects belonging to the early Christian phase from the beginning of 6th century were discovered, while several objects from the preRomanic period from 9th to 11th century were previously known.

    • Mladen ZAGARČANIN, O nekim rezultatima novih arheoloških istraživanja na Prevlaci kod Tivta, 45-85  DOWNLOAD

    ABSTRACT: From 1997 to 2011 on the small island Prevlaka of Saint Archangel Michael near Tivat in Boka bay, systematic archaeological excavations have been carried out. The scope of this article is to shown one part of preliminary results of the investigations, related with the antique and early Byzantine archaeological stratigraphy (from 2nd century BC to 11th century) which were the basis of the later medieval monastery and Archbishop seat of Zeta. To understand all historical process through the large period of time it will be necessary to spent more than a decade, studying an enormous quantity of findings, and this work is only introduction in scientific approach for understanding one of the most interesting site on Eastern Adriatic coast.

    • Meri ZORNIJA, Klesarska radionica iz doba kotorskog biskupa Ivana – doprinos formiranju predromaničke umjetnosti na jugoistočnom Jadranu, 87-118  DOWNLOAD

    Abstract: The article deals with a number of pre-Romanesque fragments from Bay of Kotor which were assigned to the production of quality stonecarvers’ workshop centered in Kotor. Based on the name of Bishop John, who participated in the Second Council of Nicaea in 787, fragments are dated to the last quarter of the 8th and early 9th century. In addition, this sculpture is compared with a similar from the other eastern Adriatic cathedrals, showing common stylistic features and high quality carving in marble. These analogies point to the same artistic language used by Dalmatian carvers at the turn of 8th in 9th century on the wide area from Istria to the Bay of Kotor.

    • Igor FISKOVIĆ, O srednjovjekovnim crkvama s kupolom na obali Jadrana, 119-156  DOWNLOAD

    Abstract: With the purpose of a fuller appreciation of sacral architecture in the southern part of the eastern Adriatic coast, around twenty churches with a single nave and dome in the middle are analyzed from multiple angles. They all originate between the 9th and thee 13th centuries and are called the “Southern Dalmatian Type” or “Zahumlje-Zeta Group”, although it is around Dubrovnik that they are present in the greatest concentration. This paper seeks to illuminate their genesis and to oppose the efforts that link them to the Byzantine political dominance over the coastal towns between the Neretva and Bojana rivers. Particular attention is drawn to the common macro regional culture that demonstrates internal evolution independent of external influences. Simultaneously, the phenomenon of the dome presents a ground for a reflection upon the components of the gradual changes in the local morphology of style through the symbiosis of the aesthetics of the Western Pre-or Proto-Romanesque style and the grammar of provincial architecture of the Middle Byzantine era.

    • Zorica ČUBROVIĆ, Kotorski svetac i skulptura Dečana, 157-170  DOWNLOAD

    ABSTRACT: In this paper, an attempt was made to identify a sculptor who carved two saint figures from Kotor, which were previously known, and two of them were dated to the 14th century. The author assumes that they were the work of the Fra Vito workshop as certain parallel to the catholicon of Dečani. The contribution of the same sculptor in Kotor has already been assumed.

    • Jovana LALOŠEVIĆ, Prilog proučavanju kotorskog ciborija: nastanak, izgradnja i tvorac, 171-184  DOWNLOAD

    ABSTRACT: Ciborium from the Cathedral of Kotor was dated in 1362, based on data from Daniele Farlati in nineteenth century, transcribing an ancient, today non-existent document. From nineteenth century until today, the only major research was done by Jovanka Maksimović. She was guided by Farlanti’s text and stylistic analysis of stone sculptures and concluded that 1362 is the year of the creation of the ciborium. Considering that Farlanti in his text did not mention the word ‘ciborium’ but only altar, which was consecrated 1362., and making comparisons with carved stone from Puglia and Dalmatia from thirteenth century, I came to the conclusion that the creation Kotor ciborium may be placed in the second half of the thirteenth century.

    • Tatjana MIĆEVIĆ– ĐURIĆ, Jedinstvo jadranskog prostora iskazano u srednjovjekovnom zidnom slikarstvu istočnojadranske obale, 185-206  DOWNLOAD

    Abstract: This expositions presents fresco painting on the eastern Adriatic coast that reveals manyfold and various relationship and connections to the Byzantine art as well as the art on the Italian Adriatic coast. Those connections can be recognized on the formal as well as on the iconographic level. The best wall paintings from the Adriatic area are not characterized by some kind of homogenity and unity of expression. The frescoes of less importance and less quality reveal the adriatic character in the expression determinated by various influences approaching from different areas.

    • Ivana PRIJATELJ PAVIČIĆ, Prilog istraživanju bokeljskog slikarstva između 1450. i 1475, 207-224  DOWNLOAD

    ABSTRACT: The paper is concerned with the opinion, until recently prevalent in historiography, that Lovro Dobričević was the crucial figure in the painting of Boka between 1450 and 1470. It is in this context that the role of his contemporary Đurađ Bazilj, whose oeuvre has been so far practically unknown, is examined. The paper also deals with the icon of Our Lady of Škrpjel, attributed by the author to the anonymous Master of Our Lady of Škrpjel, trying to identify and recognise his other preserved works.

    • Valentina ŽIVKOVIĆ, Štovanje svete Katarine Sijenske u poznosrednjovekovnom Kotoru, 225-239  DOWNLOAD

    ABSTRACT: Based on the available sources, the focus of analysis is the recognition of the cult of St Catherine of Siena in the late Middle Ages in Kotor, for whose spreading the Dominicans were credited. Based on the fresco representation of the saint, it can be concluded that her cult in Kotor was formed upon two conceptual bases – the first framework was the charitable works of the saint, and the second resulted from the complex eucharistic symbolism which her controversial obtaining of stigmata bore.

    • Lovorka ČORALIĆ, Relazioni culturali e artistiche tra le due sponde dell’adriatico: I vetrai dalmati sull’isola di Murano, 241-254  DOWNLOAD

    ABSTRACT: The paper aims to investigate the presence and activity of Dalmatian glassmakers on the island of Murano during the Middle Ages and early modern times. With this contribution, the author continues her research on the presence and activities of immigrants on the eastern Adriatic coast on the islands of the Venice lagoon. After the introductory part which briefly mentions the origins of the presence of the glassmakers who arrived in Murano from Dalmatia and northern Croatia, the paper focuses on the two most well-known families of glass artisans from Dalmatia – the Dragan and the Ballarin.

    • Katarina MITROVIĆ, Opati italijanskog porekla na čelu benediktinskih opatija od Kotora do Lješa u srednjem veku, 255-276  DOWNLOAD

    ABSTRACT: This paper is based on the Benedictine arrival to the east Adriatic coast and establishing the monasteries in the south from Dubrovnik. Since the monks who arrived from the southern Italy played the key role in spreading the Benedictine order, initially there were the abbots of Italian origin at the head of abbeys founded in the areas between Kotor and Lježa, but there is almost no remaining evidence regarding that. It is certain that in the late 14th and early 15th century Saint George’s Abbey near Perasto was governed by three Italian abbots – William de Alareno, Anthony from Bitonto and Augustin from Ascoli. Almost simultaneously Saint Mary of Ratac’s Abbey was also ruled by the Italian abbots Giovanni from the famous abbey Sancta Maria de Rambona near the Italian town Macerata and Butius from Saint Nicolas’ on the Tremiti Islands. The paper also tells about the lay abbots from the second half of the 15th century and from the 16th century.

    • Saša BRAJOVIĆ, Venecijanski identitet kulture i vizuelne kulture Boke Kotorske 1420-1797, 277-286  DOWNLOAD

    ABSTRACT: This paper presents the Venetian identity of culture and visual culture of those who gave distinctive character and quality to the Bay of Kotor during the Renaissance and Baroque periods – the Catholics of this region. Venetian identity is confirmed by the social organization, culture of living, verbal and visual culture, behavioral and representational techniques, designed in the eastern part of the region

    • Vanda BABIĆ, Zmajevići – prilog kulturnoj povijesti Mediterana, 287-303  DOWNLOAD

    ABSTRACT: The author writes about three members of Zmajević family, Andrija and his two nephews, Vicko and Matija, with a special emphasis on Vicko, who was the Archbishop in Bar and Zadar. All three have left important marks in both literary and wider cultural work. Their contribution is truly vital to the cultural, religious, spiritual, literary, educational and political life of the Bay of Kotor and the Montenegro and are very relevant in these mentioned areas in the Dalmatian, Croatian, South Slavic and even wider frameworks, showing the Mediterranean spirit of European values.

    • Marija MIHALIČEK, Venecijanska kartografija XVII i XVIII vijeka iz ostavštine porodice Visković (prilog poznavanju kartografskih prikaza crnogorske obale), 305-314  DOWNLOAD

    ABSTRACT: The main topic of this paper is the cartographic material from the legacy of Visković family from Perast. Threecopiesfrom the 17th and the 18th century, printed in Venice, the most important cartographic centre of the time, possess all the characteristics and values of supreme craftsmanship. Two Coronelli’s atlasesand a rare map of Boka Kotorska Bayenrich modestantique cartographic heritage preserved in Montenegro. This material concurrently contributes to the knowledge of the perception of the geographic area of theMontenegrin coast and of the historic circumstances during the 17th and the 18th century.

    • Miroslav PERIŠIĆ, Kulturno nasleđe Srba u Dubrovniku u svetlu arhivske građe Arhiva Srpske Pravoslavne Crkvene Opštine, 315-326  DOWNLOAD

    ABSTRACT: The paper analyzes the archival material of the Archives of the Serbian Orthodox Church in Dubrovnik for the research of the cultural heritage of Serbs in Dubrovnik, and in a wider context for the history of the Serbs in Dubrovnik. Special attention was paid to individual documents for the period of the 18th to the 20th century.

    The new issue of Istorijski zapisi 1-2/2016 is published Tue, 10 May 2016 10:24:51 +0000 „Jadranski korijeni. Neizbrisivi istorijsko-kulturni temelji jedinstva. Radichi adriatiche. Le fondamenta storico-culturali di un‘unità incancellabile“


    • Riječ redakcije. Parola della redazione. Editorial Board Statement, 7-12   DOWNLOAD
    • Radoslav RASPOPOVIĆ, Pozdravna riječ, 13-15   DOWNLOAD
    • Uvodni govor prof. dr Antuna SBUTEGE, ambasadora Crne Gore pri Svetoj stolici i pri Suverenom viteškom malteškom redu, na otvaranju međunarodnog naučnog skupa „Jadranski korijeni. Neizbrisivi istorijsko-kulturni temelji jedinstva“ u Kotoru 2012. godine, 17-21    DOWNLOAD
    • Adolfo MORGANTI, Il discorso inaugurale, 23-26    DOWNLOAD



    • Nevenka BOGOJEVIĆ-GLUŠČEVIĆ, Affari legali veneziani a Cattaro nel xiv secolo, 27-52    DOWNLOAD

    Abstract: Based on archival material, the author addresses the issue of the presence and possible influence of the Venetians on the legal and economic life of the 14th century Kotor. Special attention has been paid to their legal influence, overseas wholesale trade, healthcare and crafts in the city. The study has been divided into seven sections. The first two sections following the introduction examine the legal impact that the Venetian notaries performing this service in Kotor could have had on the creation of medieval Kotor statutory law. Since they were educated at Italian universities from which they had knowledge of the rules on the received Roman law and legal standards of notarial documents and their significance, it is important to examine the degree of this influence in terms of both normativity and application. The fourth section deals with the contribution of Venetian merchants to the economic power of the town, which was, among other things, based on the overseas wholesale trade with influential Venetian trading families, thanks to which Kotor was known as one of the most important ports in the east Adriatic. The fifth part features an analysis of numerous contracts shedding light on the private practice of Venetian doctors, notaries, and craftsmen and their contribution to life in general in the town. Section 6 deals with an analysis of litigations conducted in Kotor concerning failure to comply with contractual obligations to Venetians and explains them in the context of the application of ius commune, which was the legal basis for all statutory rights of the medieval communes in the Mediterranean.

    • Jadranka NERALIĆ, Svi papini ljudi: dalmatinska biskupska sjedišta u 15. stoljeću između Rima i Venecije, 53-82    DOWNLOAD

    Abstract: In the introductory chapter the author shortly reviewed canon law rules which defined and regulated the episcopal elections in the period from the 11th to the end of the 14th century. A number of biographies of clerics whose promotion to the top of the ecclesiastical career (episcopal election) on the territory of Venetian Dalmatia, illustrate the system of papal provision as well as the influence the Venetian Senate had on their career formation and the episcopal election. The older Croatian scholarship asserted that by electing candidates who would be favourable to its governement, the Venetian Republic had influenced the episcopal appointments in Dalmatian dioceses from the early 1420s, when it took over the dominion over the Eastern Adriatic coast. However, the process of episcopal appointments went rather slowly and gradually, following the strict canon law rules. Documents kept in the Vatican Secret Archives indicate that the popes widely used their right of provision based on canon law rules to appoint „their men“ and decidedly refused proposals coming from the Venetian Senate. Indeed, out of 63 bishops appointed in the nine Dalmatian dioceses under Venetian dominion, 46 were prelates of Venetian orgin, coming either from Venice or the Veneto region, whereas only seven of them came from the Papal State. On the other hand, bishops of Dalmatian origin were only 17.

    • Francesco Mario AGNOLI, Considerazioni sul provveditorato generale di Alvise Foscari in Dalmazia e Albania (1777-1780), 83-110   DOWNLOAD

    Abstract: The 126 dispatches sent from Zara to Venice by Alvise Foscari, general Superintendent in Dalmatia and Albania, during his mandate (1777-1780) do not contain, at a time of apparent calm in the Adriatic and the Balkans, references to events of “great politics”. However, they represent a wealth of information particularly illuminating because they are coming from a Venetian nobleman in charge of the government of his overseas subjects, on the relationship between the Capital and the Provinces of the Dominio da Mar and the state of health of the Republic in the last twenty years of his glorious existence.

    • Radoslav RASPOPOVIĆ, Istočna obala Jadrana od mira u Kampoformiju do Bečkog Kongresa, 111-141    DOWNLOAD

    ABSTRACT: After the Treaty of Campo Formio, under the influence of the ideas of the French Revolution, national liberation-type movements emerged on the East Adriatic coast. Their influence can be seen regarding the circumstances in the Bay of Kotor and its relations with Montenegro. They also resulted in attempts at implementing the idea of unification, but also of national liberation on the wider territory of the East Adriatic.

    • Dragana KUJOVIĆ, Orijentano-islamsko nasljeđe u Crnoj Gori između religijskog predznaka, nevidljivosti i identitetske posebnosti u multikulturnom kontekstu: pisana građa na orijentalnim jezicima u arhivu odbora Islamske Zajednice u Baru – od evidentiranja do pokušaja vrednovanja, 143-166   DOWNLOAD

    Abstract: We believe that the estimate of a manuscript can never be final and out of context, especially if we take into account the manuscript as a part of the cultural heritage of the country and the people. The manuscript may have its auction price, to be purchased or sold, but the elements that make it into the historical testimony are not included in the auction description or inventory, and can not be expressed in monetary terms.

    • Maja KATUŠIĆ, Migracijski procesi zaleđe-grad: useljenici iz Crne Gore u katoličkim matičnim knjigama Kotora 18. stoljeća, 167-183    DOWNLOAD

    Abstract: The central theme of the paper is to study the migration processes in Kotor in the 18th century. The emphasis was on the share of immigrants from Montenegro’s hinterland into Kotor. The research was based on the analysis of the original archival material from the Bishop’s Archives in Kotor, the books of the Church of St. Tryphon. By inspecting the above mentioned material, the time span of the census, the ways of identification, and the gender and professional structure of the immigrants are presented and analyzed. Finally, the share of Montenegrin immigrants in each book of births (births, weddings and deaths) is analyzed, with an emphasis on displaying topics from the social everyday life of the population.

    • Roberto VALLE, Dall’altra riva: Niccolò Tommaseo e la koinè adriatica, 185-195    DOWNLOAD

    ABSTRACT: Staying on the other shore of ‘exile’ Niccolò Tommaseo affirms the irreducible otherness and polyphony of the Adriatic koinè, as a floating territory between southern Slavs and Italians. This territory can not be inhabited by those who are rooted in one language and in one nation. Tommaseo stated that the time of the queens and masters of the universe – like that of revolutionary France- had passed, even because of the polycentrism and polyphony of the European civilization. Indeed, European civilization is a set of various civilizations which constist of a „discordant diversity” and an „harmonic variety” put together in one civilization. KEY WORDS: Niccolò Tommaseo, Adriatic koinè, Dalmatia, Italians and Slavs, polycentric and polyphonic civilization

    • Aleksandar JOKSIMOVIĆ, Ribarstvo u Boki kroz vjekove (XIX-XXI) – istorija, tradicija, način življenja, 197-205    DOWNLOAD

    ABSTRACT: In the Boka Kotorska Bay, fishing is one of the oldest occupations, based on the coastal lifestyle of its inhabitants. Unfortunately, few documents detailing the fishery traditions have been preserved, and oral traditions can be dated back only to the 19th century. The fishing net has been a key invention in fisheries. It is made up of netting of varying mesh size, formed by knotting of the threads. Besides the fishing net, the fishing boat is an essential tool in fisheries. Depending on the type of fisheries, various types of gear were used — fishing nets (gillnets, trammel nets, beach seines, purse seines and towed nets), long–lines (set or drifting), harpoon, pots and traps.

    • Luka I. MILUNOVIĆ, Pogled na Trst u miljeu crnogorskoga glumišta od Njegoševa vremena do kraja 19. stoljeća, 207-228    DOWNLOAD

    Abstract: Strengthening economic and political ties with Trieste opened during the 19 century, the possibility of a combination of the impact on life in Montenegro. In this paper, we follow the contacts and sphere of influence in Montenegrin Performing Arts.

    • Alberto BECHERELLI, Andrea CARTENY, La questione montenegrina alla Conferenza della Pace di Parigi, 229-246   DOWNLOAD

    Abstract: The Archive of the Historical Office of the Italian Army General Staff in Rome contains reports (fonds E-8, Inter-Allied Commissions at the Paris Peace Conference, Montenegro) about the Montenegrin issue at the Paris Peace Conference in 1919. These documents give details about Montenegrin aspirations for independence at the end of WWI, after the creation of the Kingdom of Serbs, Croats and Slovenes. During the Conference and the following years, the Inter-allied Commissions had the task to draw up new boundaries of the states and supervise the application of economic and military conditions. As a consequence, the Italian military representatives, who were in charge of these tasks, were involved in the political and diplomatic events of those countries.

    The new issue of Istorijski zapisi 1-2/2014 is published Sat, 10 May 2014 08:09:10 +0000 REFERATI SA NAUČNE KONFERENCIJE


    • Organizacioni odbor, Umjesto predgovora, 7-9   DOWNLOAD
    • Jelena ERDELJAN, Jedan predlog okvira za razumevanje vizuelne kulture Duklje u kontekstu kulturne dinamike na prostoru Mediterana i jugoistočne Evrope u doba klasične i pozne antike, 11-21  DOWNLOAD

    Abstract: This paper proposes that in the study and understanding of visual culture of Doclea in the context of cultural dynamics in the Mediterranean and South Eastern Europe in Classical and Late Antiquity the transcultural or cross-cultural method be employed as best suited to the actual historical processes of fluctuation of people, ideas, goods, images, religious practice and works of art in this area in the periods in question.

    • Ivan STEVOVIĆ, Medaur, ili o prostoru južnog Jadrana i Dokleje u vizuelnoj kulturi antičkog Mediterana, 23-48  DOWNLOAD

    Abstract: The introductory part of this paper is devoted to general historical, social and cultural conditions of the time of establishing of the Roman city of Doclea ( near Podgorica) as well as guidelines for its further study. In the second part, the article deals with Medaur, an Illyrian deity – protector of the ancient Risinium (present-day Risan in Montenegro), known only on the basis of inscription found in a military camp in Lambesis. By analyzing the content of the inscription, this text strives to arrive at the origins of this deity and its iconography. Based on comparative examples, of geographic origins ranging from the region of Thrace to the present-day Tunisia and Algeria, it can be concluded that this was an equestrian figure deity, with conceptual and visual roots dating from the time of Pyrrhus, with particular attention drawn to the fact that his kingdom was in close political and cultural relationship with the Illyrian states in the south-eastern area of Adriatic Sea.

    • Mladen ZAGARČANIN, O Skadru i Dokleji u provinciji Prevalis na osnovu arheoloških svjedočanstava, 49-66  DOWNLOAD

    Abstract: The theme of this work is to monitor the mutual relations between Doclea and Shkodra based on archaeological research. Two of the largest city in the province Praevalitana are still an enigma in terms of advantages in certain phases of ancient history. Also, the relationship between Doclea and Shkodra is studied in comparison with some sites on the coast.

    • Tatjana KOPRIVICA, Dnevničke zabilješke i foto dokumentacija Dž.A.R. Munroa o arheološkim istraživanjima Dokleje (Montenegro) 1893. godine, 67-89  DOWNLOAD

    Abstract: The present paper studies so far unpublished diary notes and photographic records by J.A.R. Munro on archeological explorations in Doclea in 1893 when, in the eastern area of the town, remains of Christian buildings, i.e. of the Basilica A, the Basilica B and the cruciform church were found. Munro’s diary notes and photographs complement the knowledge about the Sacral Topography of Late Antique Doclea.

    • Olga PELCER-VUJAČIĆ, Saxa loquuntur – Kamenje govori, ukoliko ga pustimo, 91-98  DOWNLOAD

    Abstract: Four fragmentary inscriptions from Roman Doclea are presented. Mostly funerary inscriptions, informations they offer are scarce and one has to have a broader knowledge of Roman Dalmatia. Networking and using databases are important in epigraphic research, so EAGLE Europeana project of connecting all resources on ancient history is also important for presenting Doclea in this context.

    • Boško IKOVIĆ, Dolina rijeke Zete – Bjelopavlićka ravnica – i antička Duklja, 99-106  DOWNLOAD

    Abstract: In this article, author deals with the mutual influence of the valley of river Zeta and the Roman city of Doclea in the different segments in the period from the I (first) to the IV (fourth) century.

    • Radoslav BUŽANČIĆ, Svetište Dioklecijanove palače, 107-124  DOWNLOAD

    Abstract: The palace in Split, as well as his other palaces like those in Antioch and Nicomedia, which are not preserved, is completely different from all those other imperial residences. They were rationally organized, like a military camp with walled towers and walls. The architecture of the temples of Diocletian‘s Palace shows exceptional skill of emperor’s builders, their origins traced to Asia Minor and Egypt, and workforce which had an excellent knowledge of the earlier large architectural examples that served as a role model.

    • Vanja KOVAČIĆ, Istraživanje svetišta trogirske katedrale Sv. Lovre, 125-140  DOWNLOAD

    Abstract: The theme of this work is closely related to urban archeology of Trogir, exploring the sanctuary of the cathedral as well as the dispersal of early Christian finds and their reuse as part of the city center. Important findings from the recent years have been presented.

    • Helidon SOKOLI, Excavation and research on the land of Labeatea, 141-147  DOWNLOAD

    Abstract: The paper presents discoveries made during excavations in Shokdra and its vicinity. There are artifacts starting from the Paleolithic period to the Ottoman Empire. Most recent excavations are done in collaboration with University of Warsaw, particularly the Antiquity of Southeastern Europe Research Centre.

    • Dimitar NIKOLOVSKI, Zlatko KOVANCALIEV, Taking care of an archaeological site: The Stobi Experience, 149-158  DOWNLOAD

    Abstract: Stobi is one of the largest and best-preserved archaeological sites from the Roman and Late Antique period in Macedonia. In the 1st cent. AD the city was raised to a rank of municipium. In the 4th cent. AD, Stobi developed again as an important Early Christian center, an Episcopal seat and later capital city of the roman province of Macedonia Secunda. The town was abandoned during the last decade of the 6th cent. AD. In 2008 the National Institution for management of the archaeological site Stobi was created with a goal to take care of the site from every possible aspect: excavation, conservation, tourist and scientific presentation etc. Here we present the experience and the results of our work on the site so far.

    • Olivera ŽIŽIĆ, Odnos crnogorskog društva prema nasljeđu, 159-170  DOWNLOAD

    Abstract: Cultural heritage is the most direct testimony to the existence, development, characteristics of the people in general. Ancient Doklea, later Slav Duklja, represents cultural – spiritual heritage woven into the history and statehood of Montenegro. The site had suffered much destruction, devastation, the lack of adequate care and protection. This article deals with the question of the relationship between society and need for the protection, research and presentation of monumental complex that communicate with the wider world.

    • Anastazija MIRANOVIĆ, Kulturno nasljeđe u turizmu Crne Gore s posebnim osvrtom na Duklju, 171-184  DOWNLOAD

    Abstract: Theorists of tourism often point out that tourism experience is the most distinctive cultural need of modern man. Therefore, tourism can be understood as a way of life through which it is easiest to perform homogenization of culture. Cultural heritage provides the authenticity of a tourist destination. That is something what makes difference among various tourist destinations. Cultural heritage is a very specific part of the overall tourism offer which can bring competitive advantage.

    • Magdalena RADUNOVIĆ, Zaštita i prezentacija arhitektonskih ostataka i artefakata na antičkim lokalitetima u Crnoj Gori, 185-194  DOWNLOAD

    Abstract: Research, documentation and preservation of cultural heritage occupies a central place in the culture of one country and presents evidence of its identity. The ancient sites in Montenegro are numerous, but very poorly preserved and insufficiently archaeologically explored. Unfortunately, none of these sites, including Doclea, are adequately protected or even presented in a modern way, either in their natural environment, nor the abundance of materials in the museums. Good presentation of cultural treasures is increasing revenues and the quality of this experience for tourists encourages the desire to re-visit.



    • Savo MARKOVIĆ, „Una chasa in la zitade de Antivari“: patricijski rod Zupan (Župan), 195-227  DOWNLOAD

    Abstract: Based on archival evidences and historiography, considered is the patrician lineage Zupan (Župan) of Bar, during the fifteenth and sixteenth century. Members of the lineage are followed through a network of social relations, interest groups, cognatic and agnatic kinship, through architectural heritage, transfer of tradition, the prerogatives of class cohesion and spiritual community, patrimony conservation strategies and a renewal of memories.

    • Dragana KUJOVIĆ, Autorska i prepisivačka djelatnost na orijentalnim jezicima (arapski, persijski, turski) u Crnoj Gori (XVI-XIX v.) – segment orijentalno-islamskog rukopisnog nasljeđa pohranjen u Gazi Husrev-Begovoj biblioteci u Sarajevu, 229-248  DOWNLOAD

    Abstract: Library catalogues outside of Montenegro show that a number of valuable manuscripts written in Montenegro or by people originating from Montenegro stored in libraries in the region and further abroad. This paper is written on the basis of the 17 books of Gazi Husrev-bey library catalogue, with a total of 9903 units and among them we have selected manuscripts that could be a part of a more completed picture of the cultural history of Montenegro.

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    The new issue of Istorijski zapisi 3-4/2013 is published Sun, 10 Nov 2013 07:54:26 +0000 JUBILEJI

    1. godina od rođenja Petra II Petrovića Njegoša 
    • Miomir DAŠIĆ, Petar II Petrović Njegoš u revoluciji 1848-1849. godine u memoarskim zapisima Matije Bana, 7-53   DOWNLOAD

    Abstract: Petar II Petrović Njegoš expressed his political views on the revolution 1848-1849 in many letters. It is pointed out that because of the negative views of Hungarian and Italian revolutionary elite, Serbs and Croats sided with Viennese court against the revolution. Njegoš’ four meetings with Matija Ban were very significant and had serious political consequences. Njegoš’ ideas on unification are also briefly mentioned.

    • В. А. АРТАМОНОВ, Два реформатора – Пётр II Негош и Пётр I Великий. К 200-летию Петра II Петровича Негоша, 55-67  DOWNLOAD

    Аbstract: The appearance of the north and south Slavs‘ two geniuses – Peter I the Great and Petar II Njegoš was not accidental – it was intended to wrest their people out of backwardness. Both great reformer burned themselves on fire acts. Peter the Great brought Russia to Europe, Njegosh approved European authorities and strengthened the dynasty that ruled until 1918. Montenegro became a prominent country in the European arena. Njegoš became a national hero of the Serbian and Montenegrin people and the Slavs.

    • Варвара Б. ХЛЕБНИКОВА, Загадка личности поэта и правителя Петра Негоша в трудах П.А.Ровинского, 69-79  DOWNLOAD

    Abstract: Works of famous Montenegrin poet Petar Njegoš inspired Russian specialist in Slav history P.A. Rovinsky to write a monograph, containing a successful attempt to describe the personality of the Montenegrin ruler.

    • Наталья Д. БЛУДИЛИНА, Русские историософские мифологем ы в начал ьно й поэзии Негоша, 81-94  DOWNLOAD

    Abstract : This article examines the early poetry of Peter Petrovich Njegoš: his first collection of poems „Cetinje Hermit” (1833), written under the impression of a journey to Russia. Analysis was given of the metaphorical images in one dedicated to Nicholas I and the future Emperor Alexander II as well as others. There, Njegosh gives grandiose images of the Russian Empire, poetically weaves together Russian and Slavic patriotism and these poems show great respect for the glory and power of the Russian state. For Montenegrin poet, Russia was a messianic prototype of culture, he saw a new force that is truly able to renew humanity.

    • Neda DONAT, Njemački prevod Gorskog vijenca od Johana Kirstea i njegovi odjeci u nau čnoj i stručnoj javnosti na njemačkom govornom području, 95-104  DOWNLOAD

    Аbstract : The paper deals with the first translation of Mountain wreath in German, done by Austrian Johan Kirste, as well as the reflections of that translations in scientific public of the German-speaking area in the second half of XIX century. At the time, Kirste’s translation met mostly the positive critics in the press and scientific circles of Austria and Germany, providing to the spreading and positive reception of the south-Slavic culture and literature in the countries of German-speaking area.

    • Михаил В. БЕЛОВ, Черногория в русско й делово й и путево й прозе 30 – 40-х гг . XIX века, 105-116  DOWNLOAD

    Abstract: The paper presents the brief overview of Russian officers and travelers who, during their stay in Montenegro, described its people, history, social relations and political situation. While mentioning the first ones who left their impressions on Montenegro (S.Y.Puckov, M.Tarasov, S.A.Sankovskiy, V.B.Bronevskiy, P.Svinin), the focus stays on the Russian authors who left their memoirs with notes from the 4th and 5th decade of the XIX century. They were Y.N.Ozerckovskiy, P.I.Preys, E.P. Kovalevskiy and F.V.Cizov



    • Savo MARKOVIĆ, Prilog prou čavanju srednjovjekovne latinske leksike , epigrafike i socijalne morfologije Bara : case study Cyriacus, 137-157  DOWNLOAD

    Abstract: On the basis of the sources of various typology, as well as of historiography, there are followed the activities of the members of Curiaçe – Kurjaković family of Bar, in the course of the 14th – 15th centuries. Micro-historic research took into account the modalities of their connection with the home environment, especially through the lexical analysis, epigraphy and related segments of social and ecclesiastical life in Bar. In accordance with the social movements of that time, focused is the role of the presbyter Dominicus Curiace, over the decades present both in Bar and in Dubrovnik, who was the bond of religious – and traditions of affinity, witnessing the expressions of devoutness, noted in two Adriatic communes.

    • Lovorka ČORALIĆ, Maja KATUŠIĆ, Grbljani u mletačkim prekomorskim kopnenim postrojbama (18. stoljeće), 159-183  DOWNLOAD

    Abstract: The article is directed on the research of the share of the denizens of Grbalj in Venetian transmarine military units in the eighteenth century. As primary sources are used documents created by the state magistracy Inquisitori sopra l’amministrazione dei pubblici ruoli, containing lists of the complement of particular military units, which are kept in the Archivio di Stato di Venezia. In the article are analysed proportion of the participation of the denizens of Grbalj in Venetian infantry and cavalry, temporal frame of their mentioning in the sources, places were particular units operated, commanding staff, as well as personal characteristics of individual soldiers. In the final part of the article, the scions of the Bogetić family of Grbalj, who achieved considerable positions within the ranks of the Venetian army, are briefly discussed. In the end of the article are given several appendices: lists of military complement in companies of Wolf and Mark Bogetić and a list of all the denizens of Grbalj who were soldiers in Venetian army units, as established until now.

    • Dušan BOJKOVIĆ, Nacionalna politika Komunističke Partije Jugoslavije 1918–1928: otvaranje crnogorskog pitanja, 185-198  DOWNLOAD

    Abstract: In this article we have analyzed the relation between the leadership of Communist Party of Yugoslavia towards statehood and national issue of Montenegro in period of the creation of unified state of Serbs, Croats and Slovenians up until the so called Congress of Dresden. The basis of the text is composed from the documents of Party’s activity, deposited at the Archives of Yugoslavia, followed by the published sources and relevant literature.

    • Milan TERZIĆ, Plan jugoslovenske odbrane od mogućeg napada zemalja Informacionog biroa (Slučaj Crne Gore), 199-209  DOWNLOAD

    Abstract: The paper treats the measures taken in Montenegro as the part of general measures for Yugoslav defence in case attack by the Cominform countries. Its text was written on the base of documents preserved in Military archive in Belgrade, as well as the relevant scientific literature.

    • Zlatko IVANOVIĆ, Američka percepcija nove jugoslovenske politike nesvrstavanja, 211-226  DOWNLOAD

    Abstract: Following its failure to integrate Yugoslavia into the Western military alliance, American leadership ultimately agreed with Belgrade’s new political strategy of non-alliance. Still, the United States tried to retain some influence on Yugoslavia’s foreign policy through a program of military and economic assistance, thus keeping Yugoslavia away from the Eastern bloc. Eisenhower and Dulles’ expectations to use Tito’s growing influence on the emerging non-committed countries show that they, as well as Truman, based their policy towards Yugoslavia on geopolitical instead of ideological interests. With its new political course consolidated, Yugoslavia found significant political allies, creating a new force in international relations.

    • Ivan LAKOVIĆ, Prilog proučavanju jugoslovenske vojne politike 1958–1961. godine, 227-237  DOWNLOAD

    Abstract: Based on the available documents of Western and Yugoslav origin, as well as the relevant literature, this paper deals with the perspectives of Yugoslav military policy between the periods of two strategic partnerships in providing the source for its armed forces’ material equipping. Yugoslav leadership had to take into account the political consequences of joining such projects, so the most important related criteria contained preconditions needed both for continuing as more as independent foreign policy, as well as preservation of the internal system intact. International constellation allowed the space for dispersing Yugoslav directions of bonding – provided that West had remained a mayor partner for economic cooperation, Third World countries became the closest political allies, while the USSR regained its place as the source of military modernization.



    • Jovo M. BEĆIR, Jovo Nikov Bećir , brigadir crnogorske vojske , o kapitulaciji Crne Gore u I svjetskom ratu, 239-247  DOWNLOAD

    Abstract: The paper brings the overview of life and activities of Jovo N. Bećir, brigade general of Montenegrin army in the First, and colonel of Yugoslav army in the Second World War. The most important part is the translation of the interview he gave to J. Steinhardt, reporter of the “Bosnische Post” after the capitulation of Montenegro in 1916.

    The new issue of Istorijski zapisi 1-2/2009 is published Fri, 06 Mar 2009 08:40:15 +0000
  • Riječ redakcije, 7-9  Download
  • An editorial word, 11-13  Download


    • Karl KASER, The Balkan Wars, 1912-1913, An Austrian-Hungarian Perspective, 15-32  Download

    ABSTRACT: The paper deals with the position, intentions and perspectives of Austrian-Hungarian Empire at the end of XIX and the beginning of XX century. In order to maintain its status of the Great Power, it sought the area for expansion in the Balkan, as the only direction possible. On the other side, the growing power of the newly formed Balkan states, predominantly Serbia, presented an obstacle to its pretensions on Thessalonica, which was tried to overcome by creation of independent Albanian state under decisive influence of Vienna, as well as through backing the Bulgarian side in Second Balkan war. Failure of this plan led to further escalation of the conflict with Serbia, with clear perspective of the military clash.


    • Momčilo D. PEJOVIĆ, Analiza socijalnog porijekla omladine iz Crne Gore i Boke školovane u inostranstvu 1848-1918. godine, 33-52  Download

    ABSTRACT: The second half of the 19th century is the most prolific period in the social development of Montenegro as an autonomous and independent state, particularly in terms of its social, political, educational and cultural development. Until the second half of the 19th century, Montenegrin students were educated outside the borders of their homeland, primarily in the neighboring Serbia, distant Russia and other European countries of the time – Austria-Hungary, Ottoman Empire, France, Italy, etc. The analysis of the social background of 692 pupils/students of secondary and higher schools and academies-faculties in the period from 1848-1918 indicates that among them, there were sons of farmers, landowners, workers, merchants, innkeepers, artisans, officers, clan elders, clan captains, clan commanders, dukes, sirdars, brigadiers, seamen, clerks, judges, doctors, lawyers, priests, teachers and pensioners.


    • Senka BABOVIĆ-RASPOPOVIĆ, Crna Gora i spoljna kulturna politika Rusije u drugoj polovini 19. i početkom 20. vijeka, 53-79.  Download

    ABSTRACT: The paper is dedicated to the research of the cultural factor in Montenegrin-Russian and Russian-Montenegrin relations in the second half of the 19th and the beginning of the 20th century, through the framework of foreign cultural policy. The topic can contribute to further research on the topic and the like.


    • Lovorka ČORALIĆ, Pisma i poruke rektora Budve, Bara i Ulcinja kao izvor za proučavanje diplomatsko-političkih zbivanja na jugu crnogorskog primorja u XVI stoljeću, 81-96  Download

    ABSTRACT: The central theme of this article is the analysis of the archival series of the State Archive of Venice (Archivio di Stato di Venezia) called Capi del Consiglio de’ Dieci: Lettere di Rettori e di altre cariche. The documents used are those related to the cities of Budva, Bar and Ulcinj (in the sixteenth century), which – through the reports of city officials to the Venetian central authorities – speak of the life of these cities and their population in a period marked by the danger of war and a direct threat from the Ottoman army. In the article, particular attention is paid to the analysis of those documents speaking directly about the organization of the network of agents and spies in the hinter land of the aforementioned cities, as well as the diplomatic and political attempts of Venetian officials to attract the population of the immediately neighbouring areas to fight under the standard of St. Mark. These sources are at the same time valuable source material for the study of numerous various elements from the history of Venetian acquisitions in the southern part of the eastern Adriatic at the very beginning of the Early Modern  Age.


    • Valentina ŽIVKOVIĆ, Kult Svete Klare u Kotoru (XIV-XVI vek), 97-107  Download

    ABSTRACT: On the basis of preserved written and artistic sources, the stages of acceptance and development of the cult of the founder of the Second Franciscan religious order, St. Clare, in late medieval Kotor were discussed. Shortly after the arrival of the Franciscans in Kotor, the monastery of St. Clare was built, first near the city, and then inside the city walls in 1364. The veneration of St. Clare in Kotor received a special accent by including the performance of this saint within the painted decoration of the Cathedral of St. Tryphon.


    • Aleksandar ŽIVOTIĆ, Nemirna granica. Pogranične tenzije između Jugoslavije i Albanije (1948-1954), 109-127  Download

    ABSTRACT: Based on published and unpublished archival material of Yugoslav and Soviet origin, as well as relevant historiographical and memoir literature, this paper analyzes the problems of border tensions – armed incidents, disputes related to border marking, insertion of sabotage groups and illegal border crossings between Yugoslavia and Albania during period of intense conflict between Yugoslavia and the countries of the Informbiro.



    • Darko BAKIĆ, Stanko Radonjić, prvi crnogorski diplomatski predstavnik, 129-142  Download

    ABSTRACT: Duke Stanko Radonjić, the first Montenegrin diplomatic representative, performed the duty of extraordinary envoy and plenipotentiary minister of Montenegro in the Ottoman Empire. During his short stay in Constantinople, Radonjić was primarily focused on resolving the Montenegrin-Turkish border issue. In addition, he was engaged in consular affairs. After a few months spent in the Ottoman capital, at the end of December 1879, he returned to Cetinje.


    • Radenko ŠĆEKIĆ, Začetak političke propagande – od starovjekovne do propagande u doba prosvijećenog apsolutizma, 143-156  Download

    ABSTRACT: No government could be maintained on a bare force, so its ideological justification, i.e. legitimization, is carried out under the auspices of religion and tradition, mainly through the sacralization of power. The basic feature of the entire ancient propaganda is the monolithic and imposing state propaganda whose thematic backbone is the divinization of the state and rulers. The emergence of the very term propaganda, and its institutional development is related to the Roman Catholic Church.


    • Bojan NOVAKOVIĆ, Hum i Zahumljani u 33. glavi spisa De administrando imperio, 157-166  Download

    ABSTRACT: While the 33rd chapter of the De administrando imperio contains the description of the early medieval county of Zahumlje, there are many unclear places inside. According to our opinion they mostly originate from the praxis of Constantin VII Porphyrogenitus to make conclusions based on his logical judgment and, mostly, dubious etymological constructions obtained through his informers and own observations. Considering that the name Zahumlje has been disappearing with time, having been replaced by the formulation Humska zemlja (Hum’s land), the author points out the difference between these geographical categories, carried out their ubication and suggested the reasons for their change.


    • Goran BEHMEN, Ideološki aspekti arengi, zaketvi i sankcija u srednjovjekovnim bosanskim ispravama, 167-175  Download

    ABSTRACT: Arengas, oaths and sanctions in medieval documents present not only formal parts of documents, they also, through its theological intonation, reflect Christian ideological concept of European medieval society. Arengas, which appear in documents of Bosnian Middle Ages since the time of coronation of Tvrtko I Kotromanic, testify about the acceptance of sovereign – potentate, whose authority comes from the Christ himself and who is given the legitimacy only by the divine authority. Arengas of the Bosnian kings were written under the strong influence of Raska charters and, as in the case of Tvrtko I Kotromanic, correspond to authority being elicited from the family ties with Nemanjic family. The oaths in the documents, both by the governing dynasty of Kotromanic, and by other major noblemen families (Kosaca, Pavlovic, Hrvatinic) mention Holly Gospel, Honourable Cross of Christ, evangelists and apostles, while sanctions contain poena spiritualis with the threat of curse in the spirit of Christian theological concept.


    • Marijan PREMOVIĆ, Trgovina i trgovački putevi u župi Budimlja, 177-183  Download

    ABSTRACT: The paper treats the topic of trade development in the parish (župa) of Budimlje as the crossroads of caravan routes from Primorje and Zeta to the interior of the Balkans. This area became especially important with the development of mining, while in the 16th century the focus of trade in this area slowly shifted towards Nikolj-pazar.


    • Milovan ŠĆEPANOVIĆ, Najranije razgraničenje Crne Gore i Hercegovine, 185-201  Download

    ABSTRACT: Determination of the borders of some state, especially in the process of growing of its subjectivity, belongs to the framework of very important issues connected with acquiring the attributes of the free member of international community. This paper deals with the earliest forms of mar king the borders of Montenegro’s territory during the reign of Petar II Petrović Njegoš, and the existence of Montenegro in factice, but not in formal sense of international law. That’s why there was used an opportunity to, besides emphasizing mentioned question, chronologically show the development of events in this area even in the later periods of hi story of Montenegro.



    sa međunarodnih naučnih skupova

    • Miomir DAŠIĆ, Istoričar evropske kulture, O prof. dr Andriji Lainoviću (1903-1986), Povodom Zbornika “Studije i ogledi iz istorije i diplomatije”, (Beograd 2007, str. 746), 209-216  Download



    • Međunarodni naučni skup: “Sto trideset godina od uspostavljanja diplomatskih odnosa Crne Gore sa velikim silama nakon sticanja nezavisnosti 1878”, Podgorica, 20. i 21. oktobar 2009., 217-219  Download
    • Međunarodni naučni skup: Crna Gora, Boka Kotorska i Ilirske provincije 1807-1813, Kotor, 19. oktobar 2009. godine, 221-222  Download
    • Međunarodni naučni skup: Rusko-crnogorske naučne veze u minulom i našem vremenu, Podgorica, 5-6. oktobar 2009, 223-225  Download



    • Dušan J. MARTINOVIĆ, Академик Евгений Львович Немировский: Автобиографијя, Москва: РАН, 2005, стр. 300, 227-228  Download
    • Milica KOSTIĆ, Miomir Dašić “Rovca kod Berana”, Crnogroska akademija nauka i umjetnosti, Podgorica 2008, str., 383 229-232  Download
    • Milorad TELEBAK, Dr Dušan J. Martinović: “Zoran Ristović – život i rad”, IBPE, Cetinje 2008, 233-234  Download
    • Đorđije TRIFUNOVIĆ, Milan Lj. Bulatović, Lozna kroz vremena, Pegaz – Bijelo Polje, 2008, str. 189., 235-236  Download



    • Branislav Bato Kovačević 1933-2009 (Radoje Pajović), 237-240  Download
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