Russia – Istorijski Zapisi Istorijski Institut UCG Thu, 04 Jan 2024 15:48:38 +0000 en-US hourly 1 The new issue of Istorijski zapisi 3-4/2022 is published Sun, 04 Sep 2022 14:58:04 +0000

    ABSTRACT: The paper provides data from little-known sources about the time when Kotor‘s bishop Grimoald was able to perform episcopal duties in Kotor. The document (pastoral letter) attributed to him, which refers to marriages in Kotor, is analyzed. An attempt is made to establish a

    connection between its content, which refers to the presence of clergy during the marriage ceremony and the permitted degree of consanguinity of the spouses, with the norms of the Catholic Church related to that issue.




    ABSTRACT: In the paper by Sergije Dimitrijević, A New Series of New Types of Serbian Medieval Coins [Нова серија нових врста српског средњовековног новца], published in the journal Starinar [Старинар] in 1964–1965, we have come across a peculiar piece of information – that there used to be a sub-type of the follaro coin from the town of Ulcinj, which usu­ally had a depiction of the Virgin Mary with Christ on the obverse, and a de­piction of the city walls with a tree in the gate on the reverse. More precise­ly, in his work Dimitrijević mentions an Ulcinj-type follaro with a human fig­ure with its arms and legs apart, standing in the city gate instead of the tree. We have made an attempt to find this never before published specimen of the Ulcinj follaro, and have come to the conclusion that the currency in ques­tion is not that of Ulcinj, but a follaro from the town of Drivast (modern-day Drisht), with a depiction of the Virgin Mary with Christ on the obverse and the city walls with a lily inside the gate on the reverse. The striking similar­ity in the manufacturing process of these two coins, in terms of both the de­piction on the obverse and that on the reverse, points to a single pair of arti­san hands behind the coin moulds for minting of both towns.




    ABSTRACT: The bearers of the patronymic Guliermi, which derives from the personal name Guilielmus, are mentioned in historical sources of the State Archives in Dubrovnik from the 14th century. The available docu­ments suggest that they were contemporaries, possibly the members of the same lineage, who belonged to the higher social class of the medieval Bar. They were noted in the context characterized by the cultural attributes of the older city dwellers and the solid economic background. The social prestige they enjoyed served as a link with other communities, and the testimonies they left about themselves provide insight into the imagological heritage of the native community, depict piety, spiritual needs and material possibilities, equipment and arrangement of private living ambience.




    ABSTRACT: Based on published and unpublished archival sources primarily of military provenance, as well as historiographical and memoir literature, the paper analyzes the military operations of the Army of the Kingdom of Serbia for the liberation of Metohija and Sandžak, as well as the main reasons for the misunderstanding of the commanders of the units of the armies of the Kingdoms of Serbia and Montenegro in the field. In particular, the vagueness of the inter-allied treaty was presented, which in reality led to the inflaming of rivalry between the two allied political and military leaderships.



    ABSTRACT: The collective demographic portrait of those convict­ed for sympathies towards the USSR in communist Yugoslavia after 1948 is determined in the article, based on the “List of convicts under the IB-ac­cusion”. The sketch of statistics that we drew from this list gives us a limit­ed number of possibilities because it was only an “operationally useful” list created by revising and shortening previous versions. Thus on the basis of this document, we can conclude that the arrested were relatively young peo­ple (20-30 years old), among whom Serbs and Montenegrins dominated nu­merically, many of whom participated in the Partisan Movement. These sta­tistics support the already widespread scientific hypothesis that the conflict was not an ideological dispute, but was related to the determination of Yugo­slavia’s affiliation to the East or the West. The number of Serbs, Bulgarians, Russians and Montenegrins convicted for sympathizing with the USSR was disproportionately higher than the percentage representation of those peo­ples in the population of Yugoslavia. At that time, the mountaines of Monte­negro hid the most ardent supporters of the Soviet Union.






    ABSTRACT: This paper deals with the research and study of Mus­lim gravestones located next to the cemetery of the Nizam Mosque and in the old cemetery near Tuzi. Gravestones was recently translated from Ottoman to Montenegrin language. Their epigraphy has been fixed, however, the is­sue of ornamentation from these tombstone has not been sufficiently investi­gated. On the other hand, along with the art of old gravstones, the chronol­ogy of the oldest gravstones from the mentioned cemeteries is not stated.In this work, we have made a chronological picture with the culture and art of gravestones from Tuzi.



    • Svetozar SAVIĆ, POLJOPRIVREDNO OBRAZOVANJE U CRNOJ GORI 1875-1941, 127-150  Download


    ABSTRACT: At the end of the 19th century, agricultural vocational schools in Montenegro did not last long. The Princely Montenegrin Agricul­tural School in Danilovgrad was opened in 1875 and closed the following year (1876). The lower princely Montenegrin agricultural school in Podgor­ica was opened in 1893, and ceased to operate in 1898. Nevertheless, these schools have given some impetus to the development of agricultural educa­tion in Montenegro.

    After the First World War, the interest of the state administration to im­prove agricultural education did not exist. With a lot of problems, it was only in 1933 that the Special Agricultural School for Southern Cultures “Topoli­ca” was opened for a period of one year, which in 1939 grew into a two-year period, and was called the Special Lower Agricultural School for Southern Cultures.



    ABSTRACT: The paper provides a brief overview of the Cold War relations between the USA and the USSR, and the development of Russia-NATO relations via the analysis of the foreign policy strategies and activi­ties of Russian President Boris Yeltsin. Yeltsin’s policy, to a large extent, rep­resented responses to the moves of the Euro-Atlantic allies since the col­lapse of the Warsaw Pact and the Soviet Union in 1991 until his departure from the Kremlin in 1999. In the eyes of the Euro-Atlantic allies, post-Cold War Russia became „something more than a regional power in the Third World” – visibly degraded on international and domestic level. Yeltsin‘s in­decisiveness and lack of a clearly defined foreign policy strategy were evi­denced by his empty threats regarding the expansion of the NATO alliance, as well as his lack of understanding of the Yugoslav crisis.












    • Savo, MARKOVIĆ, OFFICIA VARIORUM SANCTORUM (BnF Latin 916), Izdavač: Hrvatsko nacionalno vijeće Crne Gore, za izdavača: Zvonimir Deković, urednica Meri Zornija, predgovori: fra Domagoj Volarević, don Ivan Vukčević, Meri Zornija, Peras: GudCo, HNV CG (Tivat), 2021, 266.str, 181-186  Download
    • Sreten ĆUZOVIĆ OTILO, Dejan Vuković, ‘’LUČA CRNOGORSKE DIPLOMATIJE’’ (U PRILOG ISTORIJI CRNOGORSKE DIPLOMATIJE)’’, Izdavač: Fakultet za crnogorski jezik i književnost (FCJK)- Cetinje, 2021. Godine, 187-191  Download
    • Ivan LAKOVIĆ, Dmitar Tasić (2021), KORPUS NARODNE ODBRANE JUGOSLAVIJE (KNOJ) 1944-1953, Beograd: Institut za noviju istoriju Srbije, ISBN: 978-86-7005173, 511 str, 193-195  Download
    • Radenko ŠĆEKIĆ, Miomir MAROŠ, ZAPISANA CRNA GORA 1-2, IVPE/CEKUM, Cetinje, Podgorica 2020/2021, 197-200  Download
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    The new issue of Istorijski zapisi 1-2/2021 is published Sun, 23 May 2021 09:14:35 +0000 Članci


    ABSTRACT: Epigraphic evidence from the territory of Montenegro pertaining to the Roman army testifies to the history of the province of Dalmatia and its garrison. Inscriptions imply the existence of stations of beneficiarii consularis in Doclea and Municipium Splonistarum respectively. From the reign of Marcus Aurelius onwards, the latter town might have been garrisoned by a detachment of the cohort II milliaria Delmatarum, which was stationed on the border between Dalmatia and Moesia Superior. Epigraphic evidence from Risinium and Municipium Splonistarum shows that the units of the Roman army were replenished with recruits from these towns and their territories. Onomastic evidence implies that some of the conscripts belonged to the indigenous population of Dalmatia.




    ABSTRACT: The paper deals with Strabo’s account of rivers running through the Balkans, belonging to the Black Sea, Adriatic and Aegean drainage basins. His knowledge of rivers is focused on navigable parts and river mouths, rather than on those parts closer to the source. Regarding the rivers of the Black Sea drainage basin, Strabo mentions the most important right tributaries of the Danube, and the Sava River and its tributaries are considered in relation to the ancient trade routes. The rivers of the Adriatic basin are mostly short and isolated without the possibility of easy communication between one river-basin and another, but the economic importance of these rivers is underlined and it is specified, seen from the mouth to the inland, whether a river is navigable or not. Strabo was also well acquainted with the five great rivers of ancient Macedonia and Thrace which enter the Aegean Sea. Unfortunately, Book VII of Strabo’s Geography is not preserved in its entirety, but even in the fragmentary state in which it is preserved, it contains the most complete geographical description of ancient Macedonia and the Thracian coast in antiquity we possess today.


    • Миљан ГОГИћ, О ПОВЕЉИ КРАЉИЦЕ ЈЕЛЕНЕ АНЖУЈСКЕ ЗА СЕЛО ЗАТОР (1276‒1306), 53-72  Download

    ABSTRACT: This paper analyses the contents of the text of the charter issued by Queen Helen of Anjou to the village of Zator‒which is in the immediate vicinity of Kotor –during her reign in Zeta (1276‒1306). The charter has been preserved in multiple transcripts, as well as Italian translations. The charter states the boundaries of the village, as defined by Queen Helen, which were established on the site. Penalties are prescribed in the case of any unlawful use of this area by the surrounding population. The charter stipulates legal norms which determine the pecuniary tributes paid by the inhabitants of the village, in relation to court proceedings. A fine is prescribed for any breach of these norms. The paper concludes that a part of the border of the village of Zator had corresponded with a part of the border of the Kotor district since the first half of the 14th century.



    ABSTRACT: This lecture is part of a larger project dealing with the environmental history of South-East Europe in the 18th and 19th century. It will discuss the impact of natural and meteorological phenomena on a multicultural society in a borderland of the Russian, Ottoman and Habsburg Empire. The study assesses this topic from two perspectives: that of contemporary interpretations and that of contemporary intervention measures. The population’s perceptions at the time were permeated by religious concepts, such as divine punishment, while the official perception had only started to be influenced by the rational, enlightened interpretation of the transition period to modernity. The eruption of Laki in 1783 triggered a sudden and serious climate change. The ensuing drop in temperature caused a massive decrease in agricultural production which, in turn, lead to famine in the following years. The effects of this catastrophe in this part of Europe have not yet been thoroughly researched thus far. A great number of chronicles, travel books, memoirs, official documents in Central and Western Europe mention low temperatures, price hikes, poverty and famine. Based on external sources, this research will contribute to the development of historiography on the on climatic anomalies in the Danube principalities between 1783 and 1785 and analyses the impact of weather on the economy of both Romanian countries. In comparison with other Central European countries, the impact of the weather on the two Romanian principalities was rather weak, the economy functioned within its limits; the summer and autumn of 1785 were extremely rich. The main problem of both analysed countries was the plague, which broke out during this period.



    ABSTRACT: On the occasion of the bicentennial anniversary of the Greek War of Independence, the present paper aims to briefly present the participation of Montenegrin volunteers in the revolutionary activities. Montenegrin volunteers’ participation is an interesting case study, as it is linked to the Balkan dimension of the Greek revolution and it offers insights on the impact of the French revolution in the region.



    ABSTRACT: After the 1917 Corfu Declaration several Italian political circles adopted a warm approach towards Yugoslav unity. Following Mazzini’s ideas, democratic interventionists had claimed since the beginning of the war a policy based on the national principle. They were eventually joined by more conservative sectors, which believed the international context had radically changed since 1915 and therefore it was necessary to make a general reappraisal of Italy’s war aims. They favoured a deal with Serbia and the Yugoslav Committee in order to destabilize the Austrian Empire and agree a mutually acceptable definition of the common border. Minister of Foreign Affairs Sonnino instead believed that Italian war aims had been fixed once and for all in 1915 and refused both direct talks and a reappraisal of Italian war aims. Lacking a bilateral deal with Serbs/Yugoslavs, Rome finally found itself helpless at the peace negotiations, when Paris and London backtracked from the promises made in 1915.




    ABSTRACT: The first half of the first decade of the 20th century was marked by the strengthening of gendarmerie bodies and the adoption of appropriate legal regulations or ordinances. The increase in smuggling of tobacco and weapons imposed the need to form special bodies that would oppose various manipulations and smuggling. In the then Principality and Kingdom of Montenegro, in addition to the state and military gendarmerie, three more functioned: monopoly, border and financial. These gendarmerie had different competencies, which often overlapped in the field.





    ABSTRACT: This paper presents my research on the discovery of numerous hitherto unknown necropolises of stećak – tombstones in the Bijelo Polje-Bihor region. A review is given of previous research, but also of inconsistent opinions about symbols and inscriptions on many stećak – tombstones. Unfortunately, a large part of the stećak – tombstones in this area were either broken or built into various buildings, so my intention was, in addition to finding and interpreting the symbols on them, to point out to our professional public and cultural heritage institutions to encourage further research and protection of this truly great cultural treasure. Many necropolises of stećak tombstones found in the Bijelo Polje-Bihor region are a real archaeological treasure, both in terms of their shapes and the motifs found on the stećak tombstones. In this area, we find such a variety of motifs on the stećak – tombstones that it is a real cultural treasure that deserves further research, but the valorization of existing ones.


    • Filip D. VUČETIĆ, ANEKSIONA KRIZA I SRPSKO PITANJE 1908-1909, 177-191  Download

    ABSTRACT: By the decisions of the Berlin Congress in 1878, Austria-Hungary occupied Bosnia and Herzegovina, although it was still the territory of the Ottoman Empire. The entry of the Austrian military and civilian authorities into Bosnia and Herzegovina was the first step of the German penetration to the east. From 1878, Vienna had carefully been preparing the annexation and the right moment for it was 1908. Defeated in the war with Japan, and shaken by the revolution in 1905, Russia was unable to react. The annexation, carried out by Vienna, caused dissatisfaction in Cetinje and Belgrade. Serbia and Montenegro were ready to get into war for their rights. For the above-mentioned reasons, Russia was not ready for war, so Serbia and Montenegro had to withdraw, failing to receive even territorial compensation for the loss of Bosnia and Herzegovina.




    ABSTRACT: The paper is based on the memoirs of Count Peter Andreyevich Shuvalov, the second plenipotentiary representative of the Russian Empire at the Berlin Congress. The remarks made by P.A. Shuvalov regarding the work of the Congress are kept as a written record in the Russian State Historical Archive (RGIA) in St. Petersburg, in the fund of the Office of the Minister of Finance. The significance of the Congress and the significance of the person who wrote down his own account of the said events, make this document unique among the documents on the work of the Congress.

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    The new issue of Istorijski zapisi 3-4/2020 is published Mon, 30 Nov 2020 08:11:41 +0000 Godišnjica

    Povodom šezdeset godina od osnivanja Pokreta nesvrstanih,


    • Ljubodrag DIMIĆ, AKCIJA „MIR“ (ili kako je ostvarena „visoka obaveštenost“ i „veština predviđanja“ političkih poteza učesnika Konferencije šefova država i vlada neangažovanih zemalja u Beogradu, septembra 1961. godine), 7-32 DOWNLOAD

    ABSTRACT: On the base of documents from Yugoslav archives, most­ly Archive of Yugoslavia and Diplomatic archive of the Ministry of foreign affairs of Serbia, the article covers the activities of Yugoslav officials to pre­pare, organize and successfully direct the planned conference of Non-Aligned countries, held in September of 1961 in Belgrade. These activities covered the wide range, from the communication of diplomatic representatives with officials in their host countries, to intensive intelligence work aimed at col­lecting relevant data on delegates to the conference, their political attitudes and positions, all in order of gaining the control over the event‘s flow and re­sults. The acquired data enabled Yugoslav leadership, especially Josip Broz Tito, to mitigate the tensions and forge the needed compromises among the participants, needed for the overall success of the conference.



    • Ifigenija RADULOVIĆ, Snežana VUKADINOVIĆ, Dokimasija protiv Filona ili o lošim građanima i čestitim strancima, 33-46 DOWNLOAD

    ABSTRACT: According to Lysias’ oration 31 the paper deals with the relationship citizens – noncitizens, i.e. metics, and their rights, exploring this relationship with regard to moral values. It also deals with the institution­al procedure of dokimasia which was established after the restoration of de­mocracy in Athens in 403 BC in order to prevent the immoral and inappro­priate citizens from running a campaign and from being elected public offi­cials. The paper is accompanied by the first translation of this Lysias’ ora­tion into Serbian.

    • Nemanja VUJČIĆ, Robovi s Jadrana u klasičnoj Grčkoj, 47-61 DOWNLOAD

    ABSTRACT: The paper examines the presence of slaves from the Adri­atic regions in the Classical Greece, as a contribution to the ongoing debate about the prevalence and general importance of Illyrian piracy in the pre-Hellenistic times. Traditional historiography maintains that there was wide­spread, indeed “endemic” Illyrian piracy centuries prior to the recorded ac­tivities of Illyrian pirates under king Agron in the second half of the 3rd centu­ry BC. If this was really the case, we would expect that it had a significant im­pact on the supply of slaves in Classical times. However, the examination of available sources (Old Attic comedy, prose literature, slave records from the Laurion mines, the Attic stelai, the slave lists from Chios, Athenian naval cat­alogues etc.) shows their presence to be minimal. Some slaves from Illyria are mentioned in the Attic stelai but hardly anywhere else, their numbers being dwarfed by the multitudes of Anatolian and Thracian slaves. Extant sources imply that there was no large scale export of slaves from Illyria in the Clas­sical times and, likewise, that the scale of Illyrian piracy was fairly modest.

    • Vladimir TOMIĆ, Veze Cetinja i Beograda Crnojevićki uzori u Beogradskom Četvorojevanđelju, 63-74 DOWNLOAD

    ABSTRACT: The paper is dedicated to the influence of Crnojević‘s printing on the Belgrade Four Gospels from 1552. The works printed in Ce­tinje served as a model for later, not only Serbian, but also Romanian print­ing houses. We see the repetition of Cetinje motifs in Cyrillic editions in Goražde, Rujno, Gračanica, Mileseva, Belgrade and Mrkšina Crkva, as well as Trgovište in Wallachia. If it existed, the Crnojević Four Gospels could serve as a template for the creation of the Vlach Four Gospels, which would mean that it became a model for all later four Gospels, the Rujan, Belgrade and Mrkšina Crkva.

    • Luka I. MILUNOVIĆ, VJENČANJE CRNE GORE S MOREM. O slici I. Žmirića u svijetlu arhivskoga dokumenta , 75-83 DOWNLOAD

    ABSTRACT: Relying on the previously unused archival document in the literature, the paper points out new facts and different angles of view, re­garding the arrival of the artist I.Žmirić with his artwork on Cetinje in 1881.

    • Saša KNEŽEVIĆ, Crna Gora i Istočno pitanje na kraju XIX vijeka, 85-95 DOWNLOAD

    ABSTRACT: The Balkan states saw the Eastern Question as a crea­tion of favourable opportunities for attaining positions in the European parts of Turkey, and even their potential redistribution. Montenegro also had its own aspirations, but it had to sense the mood and take position of the Great Powers. A new crisis was foreshadowed when the riots of the Greek popu­lation in Crete broke out in 1896. Open conflict between Greece and Turkey brought the issue of European Turkey back into the focus of the diplomacy of the Great Powers, but also of the Balkan states. Austria-Hungary and Russia agreed on maintaining peace and preserving the status quo in the Balkans, which greatly affected not only them but the Balkan states as well. This paper looks into the diplomatic activities of Montenegro and its international posi­tions at the end of the XIX century.

    • Peter MIKŠA, Matija ZORN, Rasparčana Slovenija 1941–1945. Na primjeru okupacionih granica, 97-120 DOWNLOAD

    ABSTRACT: Today‘s Slovenia was occupied by four countries during the Second World War – Germany, Italy, Hungary and Croatia. The demarca­tion between them was mainly based on Hitler‘s instructions on the dismem­berment of Yugoslavia. The borders were secured with minefields, wire fenc­es and bunkers. The new borders changed the traditional patterns of life in these areas and cut into the daily life and habits of the local population. With this work, we show how the borders were politically and diplomatically de­termined, where over 660 kilometers of occupation borders passed, how they were secured and how life went along with them.

    • Bogdan ŽIVKOVIĆ, Od novog pomirenja do strateškog saveza: Odnosi jugoslovenskih i italijanskih komunista od 1962. do Toljatijeve posete januara 1964. godine, 121-146 DOWNLOAD

    ABSTRACT: On the basis of unpublished sources from the archives of the communist parties of Yugoslavia and Italy (Arhiv Jugoslavije, Bel­grade; Archivio del Partito comunista italiano, Rome), this article analyz­es the relations between these two parties during the early sixties. In a few very significant and crucial years for their interparty relations, the League of Communists of Yugoslavia (LCY) and the Italian Communist Party (PCI) managed to reestablish their relations, and to elevate them to a level of a strategic alliance. The aim of this article is to analyze that process, which was the foundation of a closer friendship and alliance of the LCY and PCI in the following decades.

    • Jelisaveta BLAGOJEVIĆ, „Libijsko proljeće“: fragmentacija patrimonijalne vojske, 147-171 DONLOAD

    ABSTRACT: The main goal of this paper is to answer the following research question: How did the Libyan military react to the protest against the regime of Muammar al Gaddafi, i.e. what factors determined its role in the transition, how did that role influence the course of transition and the possibility of establishing civilian control over military in the new regime? Accordingly, the paper covers description and explanation of political, his­torical and cultural identity of Libya, the basic features of Gaddafi’s rule, as well as the position of the military in its regime. Finally, there is given anal­ysis of the influence of the military division into the pro-regime and anti-re­gime forces during the uprising, on the results of the transition. Post-spring Libya lost the elements of statehood i.e. monopoly over coercive force. Libya is ruled by “militias” that fighting for control over oil resources. Available data were analyzed, classified and systematized using the historiographical method, as well as method of case analysis and method of analysis of avail­able literature and documentation.



    • Radenko ŠĆEKIĆ, (Novi) hladni rat u novom milenijumu, 173-190 DOWNLOAD

    ABSTRACT: The Cold War refers to the period of development of in­ternational relations after the Second World War, which was characterized by ideological, political, military and overall bloc bipolarization and con­frontation between the great powers of the West, ie the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) founded in 1949 and the Warsaw Pact established by the USSR in 1955. The epithet „cold” was given to this war because its ac­tors sought to achieve their goals of supremacy and domination in interna­tional relations by avoiding direct armed conflict through the bloc and inter­est division of the world. After the collapse of the Soviet Union and the War­saw Pact, NATO continued to dominate unhindered globally. The new mil­lennium has brought an era of multipolarity and the economic and political influence of the West is declining.



    • Ivan LAKOVIĆ, Bogdanović, B., Raspopović, R. (2020) CRNOGORSKO NAORUŽANJE / MONTENEGRIN WEAPONS. Ilustrovana monografija o razvoju pješadijskog naoružanja u Crnoj Gori (1870–1916), Podgorica: UniverzitetCrneGore, 273 str, 191-193 DOWNLOAD
    • Žarko LEKOVIĆ, Budimir Aleksić, IZ PROŠLOSTI CRNE GORE I HERCEGOVINE, Institut za srpsku kulturu – Nikšić, Nikšić, 2020, 195-200 DOWNLOAD
    • Saša KNEŽEVIĆ, Slavko Burzanović, CRNA GORA U ITALIJANSKOJ SPOLJNOJ POLITICI 1861–1923, CANU, Podgorica 2019, 201-203 DOWNLOAD
    • Marek BIAŁOKUR, Agnieszka MISIURSKA, À propos d’un pays trop petit pour être une superpuissance, mais trop grand pour accepter le rôle d’une petite nation… Quelques réflexions sur le livre de Andrzej Nowak SUR L’HISTOIRE, PAS POUR LES IDIOTS. CONVERSATIONS ET AFFAIRES, Wydawnictwo Literackie, Krakow 2019, p. 623, 205-220 DOWNLOAD
    • Vukota VUKOTIĆ, Luka Milunović, CRNOGORSKO GLUMIŠTE. Od 19. stoljeća do Prvog svjetskog rata. Podgorica: Matica crnogorska; Cetinje: Državni arhiv Crne Gore, 2017, 514 str, 221-224 DOWNLOAD


    The new issue of Istorijski zapisi 1-2/2015 is published Sun, 10 May 2015 08:56:29 +0000 ČLANCI

    • Nemanja VUJČIĆ, Kasandrova ilirska politika, 7-20   DOWNLOAD

    ABSTRACT: This paper is written as an attempt of investigation of the deeper motivation behind the two Illyrian campaigns of the Macedonian ruler Cassander (316 – 297 BC). Theresults of these actions were ephemeral and they are not seen as very important in the modern historiography. They are explained either as a kind of continuation of the traditional policy of the Macedonian kings towards their western neighbors or as an indication of increasingly important role played by the southern Illyrian tribes on the wider Mediterranean scene. This paper interprets these campaigns as a part of a well-planned expansion in the direction of the Adriatic Sea, an attempt that represents a fresh chapter in the history of the Macedonian relations with Illyrian peoples. Although the exact scope and the particulars of his plans are impossible to know now, Cassander’s policy in these parts anticipates similar designs of Philip V, one century later. Failure of these attempts should be explained by wider historical circumstances: more pressing issues were occupied Cassander’s attention and resources. After the initial success, he was not in the position to devote significant forces into defense and control of the occupied areas.

    • Snežana FERJANČIĆ, Some notes on the fragment CIL XVI 19 from Stara Palanka, 21-26  DOWNLOAD

    Abstract: The collection of the City Museum of Vršac contains a small piece of a military diploma published by H. Nesselhauf in 1936 (CIL XVI 19). Close examination of the fragment has allowed us to propose a slightly different reading and interpretation of the partially preserved text. The inner side contained information on the place on the Capitol, in Rome, where the original document had been exhibited (ara gentis Iuliae). Two partially preserved witness signatures, consisting of their names and origo, are recorded on the outer side. One of them seemingly included additional elements, i. e. the filiation, followed by a tribe. Judging by the mention of the altar of the Julian family, the Stara Palanka fragment should be dated to the time between 68 AD and 71 AD.

    • Đorđe BUBALO, Nekoliko dokumenata o zetskom vojvodi Stefanici Crnojeviću, 27-45  DOWNLOAD

    ABSTRACT: The paper contains four overlooked documents about Stefanica Crnojević, the Duke (vojvoda) of Zeta; the documents are published according to the copies in the collection of documents from Kotor made by Antonio Bisanti and dating from the 18th century. Three documents are directly concerned with Stefanica’s entry into Venetian service 1451– 1452, while the fourth concerns his plea for military help in 1460, in expectation of an attack from the Turkish commander of the Medun Fortress.

    • Saša BRAJOVIĆ, Njegoš, Bajron i bajronizacija Italije, 47-59  DOWNLOAD

    ABSTRACT: This text presents observations on relationship of Petar II Petrović Njegoš, bishop and poet of Montenegro, to Byron – based on the portrait of English poet in the main room of Njegoš’s residence at Cetinje, the capital of Montenegro, as well as Njegoš’s records in his notebook. The text points to the crucial importance the English poet made in shaping the reception of Italy and its art in the first half of the 19th century, as well as the echo of Byron’s verses in Njegoš’s meditation on Italy. Special attention was paid to the Njegoš’s thoughts on the Colosseum and other ruins of Rome, which were colored by the phenomenon of Byronised Italy.


    ABSTRACT: The paper analyzes some of the events from the reign of Prince DaniloPetrovic (1851-1860). The emphasis is on foreign policy of Montenegro in this period and the aspirations to free Montenegro of Russian influence and patronage. It sets out the circumstances that led to the changeof Prince Danilo’s foreign policy; plans for Montenegro to nominally recognize Turkish suzerainty and try to get other European countries recruited for these plans, whose implementation would mean a shift from pro-Russian policy. Special attention was paid to the battle of Grahovo (1858), territorial expansion that followed the demarcation with Turkey

    • Žarko LEKOVIĆ, Piva i Drobnjak u borbama za oslobođenje 1861-1878, 97-116  DOWNLOAD

    Abstract: After the demarcation of 1858. tribe Lakes and Šaranci Piva remain under Turkish rule, which was so weakened that it was not even felt, and this limit will remain until the Berlin Congress in 1878, when the border between Montenegro and Turkey moves on the river Tara, and when that area became part of Montenegro. Piva area, ponds and Šaranci tribe were considered Turkish subjects, but they did not feel the same way, so that Montenegro gave a little tax, while Turkish tried to escape, striving with all his strength to join Montenegro. While still within the limits of the Turkish state are from 1858 to 1878 voluntarily pay taxes to the Montenegrin state.

    • Radenko ŠĆEKIĆ, U fokusu istorije i geopolitike Poluostrvo Krim (1774 – 2014.), 117-133  DOWNLOAD

    Abstract: In the period from the late 18th to the present, a relatively small area of the Crimean peninsula is often found in the focus of geopolitical happenings. It was annexed to the Russian Empire after the Ottoman defeats and the Treaty of Küçük Kaynarca, which officialized the Russian expansion and hegemony over the Black Sea basin. This area of rich history and multi-ethnic composition again came into sharp geopolitical significance during the bloody Crimean War in the mid 19th century. Forced emigration of entire ethnic groups and joining the peninsula to Ukraine, distinguished the epoch of communism. In 2014, the annexation of the Crimea to the Russian Federation represented one of the reasons for new tensions in international relations. The harsh geopolitical rhetoric, economic and political sanctions, saber rattling, distinguishes contemporary global reality and multipolar world that is crystallizing.

    • Željko RUTOVIĆ, Istorijat razvoja štampe i medijske politike u Crnoj Gori, 135-146  DOWNLOAD

    ABSTRACT: This paper attempts, through the theoretical prism, to emphasize the process of building media pluralism in Montenegro, mostly from the perspective of public policy, legislation and institutional framework in the past two decades. Since the second half of the 90s of the twentieth century, there has been a trend towards the establishment of new media entities, predominantly focused to the political sphere. The emergence of several media players on the media scene, often with clear conflict between political and programmatic positions, the turbulent political events, learning media professionalism and ethics, on the other hand, in the context of the European legal framework, required the implementation of high standards of respect for freedom of expression and the necessity of self-regulatory principles.

    • Marija CRNIĆ PEJOVIĆ, Prvi objavljeni školski izvještaji u sjeverozapadnoj Boki Kotorskoj, 147-160  DOWNLOAD

    Abstract: Thanks to the heritage of Jovan Bošković, Đuro Đurović and Jelisaveta Laketić, a Serbian endowment sailing school was founded in Srbina next to Herceg Novi in 1858. This paper deals with the first school reports from the years 1884/5 and 1885/6 years. At the time, the school had only four teachers and some twenty students. These reports belong to the group of the first published periodicals printed in people’s language in the north-eastern part of Bay of Kotor. Nevertheless, they do not lag behind the similar issues of the educational institutions with more numerous and more qualified staff and in more developed areas.

    • Pavle KONDIĆ, Dobrotvorna delatnost Mitropolita Mitrofana Bana i sveštenstva u Crnoj Gori tokom prvog svetskog rata, 161-193  DOWNLOAD

    Abstract.  During the First World War, together with the suffering of the people Church hierarchy suffered as well. Although with limited possibilities at their disposal, Church dignitaries and clergy did their best to alleviate the difficult situation of the people. This essay devotes a special attention to the charity activity of three hierarchs: Mitrofan Ban, Archbishop of Cetinje and Metropolitan of Montenegro, Mounts and Coastlands; Bishop Kirilo Mitrovic of Zaholm-Raska and Metropolitan Gavrilo of Pec. The author employs a thorough pedantry in order to expose the manifold Mitrofan Ban’s charity activity that, being supported by the clergy, embraced all the layers of society, regardless of their religious or national affiliation.

    • Dušan BOJKOVIĆ, Crna Gora u nacionalnoj politici i organizacionoj strukturi Komunističke Partije Jugoslavije 1929–1941, 195-215  DOWNLOAD

    ABSTRACT: Through analysis of archive documents and published sources, as well as press and relevant literature, an attempt has been made to present the position of Montenegro in the revolutionary perspective of Communist Party of Yugoslavia. The aforementioned problem is examined in the period between the introduction of the personal regime of king Aleksandar Karađorđević and the beginning of the World War II in the Kingdom of Yugoslavia. The first section of the work deals with the relations of communists towards the Montenegrin national issue, while the second section is about the Party’s territorial and organizational policy in the area of banovina Zeta.

    • Nataša MILIĆEVIĆ, „Gospod-in, građanin, drug, podanik“: društvene promene i jezik u Srbiji 1944-1950, 217-232  DOWNLOAD

    ABSTRACT: This paper analyzes the influence of political and social changes on language as a means of social communication in Serbia/Yugoslavia within the first few years after the World War II. In addition to the general linguistic changes which were indicating the altered social relations, as well as emphasizing the new values, this paper also discusses the changes that occurred between and within the political and social groups. Special attention is given to the reaction of the Serbian middle class (bourgeoise) members pertaining to the linguistic changes, being themselves “sentenced” to „disappearance“ in the new structure of society and in the times of radical changes. Ultimately, the linguistic changes led to the altered state of consciousness and the creation of new societal identity.



    • Akademik Zoran LAKIĆ, Politika a ne nauka traze reviziju ocjena o Prvom svjetskom ratu, 233-237  DOWNLOAD



    • Vasilj Jovović, NIŠ I VIZANTIJA – Trinaesti međunarodni naučni skup Niš, 3-5. jun 2014., Zbornik radova XIII, Niš 2015, 550 str, 243-247  DOWNLOAD
    • Radenko Šćekić, Marijan Premović, ŽUPA BUDIMLJA U SREDNJEM VIJEKU, Državni arhiv Crne Gore, Cetinje, 2012, 249-250  DOWNLOAD
    • Žarko Leković, BIOBIBLIOGRAFIJA AKADEMIKA MIOMIRA DAŠIĆA – drugo dopunjeno izdanje, sastavio Dobrilo Aranitović, Podgorica, 2015, str. 270, 251-254  DOWNLOAD


    The new issue of Istorijski zapisi 3-4/2014 is published Mon, 10 Nov 2014 08:35:06 +0000 JUBILEJI Sto godina od početka Prvog svjetskog rata

    • Radoslav RASPOPOVIĆ, Prvi svjetski rat u istorijskoj nauci na kraju XX i početkom XXI vijeka. O pojavama revizija istorije ili pogledima na prošlost iz „nove istorijske perspektive“, 7-27   DOWNLOAD

    ABSTRACT: This paper is related to the outbreak of World War I, causes that led to it and the main responsibility. Given that the question of responsibility for the beginning of the war and its catastrophic consequences has been discussed with a great interest and interpreted in a “new” historiographical way in the last decades, the author sought to answer the question of looking at the past “from a new perspective” with whether it is about “scientific modernity” or whether the attempts of new historical perception of the Great War should be understood as a classic attempt to revise history.

    • Владимир Я. ГРОСУЛ* Приближение большой войны в общественном мнении России конца XIX в., 29-42  DOWNLOAD

    Abstract: This paper discusses the relationship of Russian public opinion towards the most important European events from the period after the Paris Peace in 1856. Emphasis is placed on the question of the unification of Italy and Germany and the danger for Russia to be drawn into these events. Subsequent relations with Germany, becoming close with France, the events in the Balkans were worthy of the attention of the Russian public. The paper discusses some aspects of Russian foreign policy related to commercial interests, seen through the eyes of the public, where public opinion was divided in the view of contemporary political visions. Throughout the public opinion was of the inevitability of war.

    • Елена И. САМАРЦЕВА, Военный 1914-й год в контексте поэтических строк российского журнала „НИВА”, 43-53  DOWNLOAD

    ABSTRACT: The article describes some of the poems on the events of World War I and published in the Russian magazine „Niva” in 1914. The author also pays attention to the fate of the authors of „Niva”.

    • Massimo BUCARELLI, Mussolini e la questione jugoslava durante la prima guerra mondiale, 55-79  DOWNLOAD

    Abstract: The paper deals with the development of Benito Mussolini’s position on the so called „Adriatic question”, i.e. place of Adriatic region in Italian foreign policy during the First World War. That means that Mussolini’s political inconsistency and changes were not due to ideological reasons, since they were the results of opportunistic and selfish political considerations. As the public opinion in Italy took a clear uncompromising stand concerning the territorial dispute with its Adriatic neighbor, he adjusted his approach for exploiting the increasing political consensus, which the nationalist propaganda was gaining among Italian public opinion.

    • Виктор И. КОСИК, Балканы, В. Н. Штрандман и Первая мировая война, 81-90  DOWNLOAD

    Abstract: Тhe text associated with the delineation of a number of Balkan stories, mostly military time, and is based largely on the recollections of a Russian diplomat Strandman.

    • Boško I. BOJOVIĆ, Guerres balkaniques, les grandes puissances et la Grande guerre, 91-103  DOWNLOAD

    Abstract: The First and the Second Balkan wars could be seen as an introduction to the First World War. Unfortunately, their centennials were not commemorated the same way. This paper discusses the view of foreign diplomacy on victims of Balkan wars as well as the reports made by Carnegie foundation in 1914.

    • Михаил В. ШКАРОВСКИЙ, Святыня Черногории – Филермская икона Божией Матери, 105-113  DOWNLOAD

    Abstract: This paper follows the fate of one of the holiest objects in the Orthodox world, the icon of the Virgin Filermosa. From the Middle Ages until today due to turbulent historical circumstances it often changed the place, and today it is located in the National Museum in Cetinje, enjoying high reputation of the sacred relic.

    • Stjepan MATKOVIĆ, Milan Ćurčin, južnoslavensko pitanje u Prvome svjetskom ratu i rasprave o Sarajevskom atentatu, 115-133  DOWNLOAD

    Abstract: The author deals with the biography of a well-known publicists Milan Ćurčin and his wide activities during the First World War, when he was in charge of organizing and spreading wartime propaganda through the Serbian legation in London.

    • Miljan GOGIĆ, Bibliografija radova o Prvom svjetskom ratu objavljenih u časopisu Zapisi / Istorijski zapisi, 135-139  DOWNLOAD

    Abstract: In this work there is a list of works concerning the First World War, published in magazine Records/ Historical records



    • Saša BRAJOVIĆ, Njegoš u vremenu tehničkih dostignuća i Velike svetske izložbe, 141-160  DOWNLOAD

    Abstract: This text presents observations on Njegoš‘s interest in science and technical achievements within the context of his epoch. His was an age of „Romantic science“ which transformed the rationalism of Enlightenment of the previous century with visionary passion, as it also did the reception of science in the public eye. Njegoš‘s dedication to science and technical achievements which relied on science was an expression of the liveliness of his spirit, intellectual views and constant striving to modernise his country.Njegoš introduces new technical achievements into major state project which he initiates, into visual representation of his country, effemeral events, by which he expresses an awareness of Montenegro as an entity and of himself as its ideator and ruler. Particular attention is given to Njegoš‘s encounters with contemporary wonders of science and technical achievement during his travels. Special significance is assigned to Njegoš‘s note on the Crystal Palace, raised for the Great Exhibition in London in 1851, which offers a sublimation of the new, modern age.

    • Marina ODAK MIHAILOVIĆ, Na ponos grada: predstave gradske tvrđave na novcu Kotora, Ulcinja, Svača, Skadra i Drivasta, 161-181  DOWNLOAD

    Abstract: The images of urban architecture become increasingly featured on the coins and seals issued in the medieval West in the 11th and particularly in the 12th century. This iconography is featured on the coins issued by the Crusaders and the coins of the newly-formed states after the 1204 dissolution of the Byzantine Empire. Citadels also become increasingly featured on the money coined in the coastal cities of the medieval Serbian state in the 12th and subsequently in the lands ruled by the Balsic family. The paper examines the iconography of these images, the methods and versions of visual representation of medieval cities and urban communities featured on coinage and seals, as well as the messages conveyed through this iconography.



    • Zerina ĆATOVIĆ, Fascinacija običajima ili auto-orijentalizam Živka Nikolića, 183-198  DOWNLOAD

    ABSTRACT: A work of Montenegrin director Zivko Nikolic is fraught with motifs from his homeland. For the reason that he represented customs of that homeland as a caricature, this article reassess possible self-stigmatism as a result of orientalist discourse. Based largely on the works of balkanism, the paper focus director‘s approach to the stereotype. In this manner it gets closer to Nikolic‘s obsession with customs or his auto-orientalism.



    • Radoslav RASPOPOVIĆ, Naučna konferencija ROMANOVI I CRNA GORA, ISTORIJA I SAVREMENOST (Podgorica, 7. novembar 2014), 199-201  DOWNLOAD



    • Živko ANDRIJAŠEVIĆ, ODLAZAK ZNAČAJNOG ISTORIČARA – dr Zvezdan Folić (1963-2014) -, 205-208  DOWNLOAD
    • Vasilj JOVOVIĆ, Čedomir M. Lučić (1940 – 2014), 209-212  DOWNLOAD



    • Radoslav RASPOPOVIĆ, Jelena Ivanović, Milica Kostić, BRATSTVO PEJOVIĆ SA NjEGUŠA, Ogranak protojereja Sava Pejovića, Državni arhiv Crne Gore, Cetinje, 2013, 213-214  DOWNLOAD
    • Vladimir JOVIĆEVIĆ, Akademik Zoran Lakić, IZ DANA U DAN GODINA, Podgorica, 2013, 380 str, 215-216  DOWNLOAD
    • Žarko LEKOVIĆ, Vukajlo – Mišo Gluščević, Zoran Raonić: Tara i Tarani, Istorijski institut Crne Gore, Podgorica, 2014, str. 563, 217-220  DOWNLOAD
    The new issue of Istorijski zapisi 3-4/2013 is published Sun, 10 Nov 2013 07:54:26 +0000 JUBILEJI

    1. godina od rođenja Petra II Petrovića Njegoša 
    • Miomir DAŠIĆ, Petar II Petrović Njegoš u revoluciji 1848-1849. godine u memoarskim zapisima Matije Bana, 7-53   DOWNLOAD

    Abstract: Petar II Petrović Njegoš expressed his political views on the revolution 1848-1849 in many letters. It is pointed out that because of the negative views of Hungarian and Italian revolutionary elite, Serbs and Croats sided with Viennese court against the revolution. Njegoš’ four meetings with Matija Ban were very significant and had serious political consequences. Njegoš’ ideas on unification are also briefly mentioned.

    • В. А. АРТАМОНОВ, Два реформатора – Пётр II Негош и Пётр I Великий. К 200-летию Петра II Петровича Негоша, 55-67  DOWNLOAD

    Аbstract: The appearance of the north and south Slavs‘ two geniuses – Peter I the Great and Petar II Njegoš was not accidental – it was intended to wrest their people out of backwardness. Both great reformer burned themselves on fire acts. Peter the Great brought Russia to Europe, Njegosh approved European authorities and strengthened the dynasty that ruled until 1918. Montenegro became a prominent country in the European arena. Njegoš became a national hero of the Serbian and Montenegrin people and the Slavs.

    • Варвара Б. ХЛЕБНИКОВА, Загадка личности поэта и правителя Петра Негоша в трудах П.А.Ровинского, 69-79  DOWNLOAD

    Abstract: Works of famous Montenegrin poet Petar Njegoš inspired Russian specialist in Slav history P.A. Rovinsky to write a monograph, containing a successful attempt to describe the personality of the Montenegrin ruler.

    • Наталья Д. БЛУДИЛИНА, Русские историософские мифологем ы в начал ьно й поэзии Негоша, 81-94  DOWNLOAD

    Abstract : This article examines the early poetry of Peter Petrovich Njegoš: his first collection of poems „Cetinje Hermit” (1833), written under the impression of a journey to Russia. Analysis was given of the metaphorical images in one dedicated to Nicholas I and the future Emperor Alexander II as well as others. There, Njegosh gives grandiose images of the Russian Empire, poetically weaves together Russian and Slavic patriotism and these poems show great respect for the glory and power of the Russian state. For Montenegrin poet, Russia was a messianic prototype of culture, he saw a new force that is truly able to renew humanity.

    • Neda DONAT, Njemački prevod Gorskog vijenca od Johana Kirstea i njegovi odjeci u nau čnoj i stručnoj javnosti na njemačkom govornom području, 95-104  DOWNLOAD

    Аbstract : The paper deals with the first translation of Mountain wreath in German, done by Austrian Johan Kirste, as well as the reflections of that translations in scientific public of the German-speaking area in the second half of XIX century. At the time, Kirste’s translation met mostly the positive critics in the press and scientific circles of Austria and Germany, providing to the spreading and positive reception of the south-Slavic culture and literature in the countries of German-speaking area.

    • Михаил В. БЕЛОВ, Черногория в русско й делово й и путево й прозе 30 – 40-х гг . XIX века, 105-116  DOWNLOAD

    Abstract: The paper presents the brief overview of Russian officers and travelers who, during their stay in Montenegro, described its people, history, social relations and political situation. While mentioning the first ones who left their impressions on Montenegro (S.Y.Puckov, M.Tarasov, S.A.Sankovskiy, V.B.Bronevskiy, P.Svinin), the focus stays on the Russian authors who left their memoirs with notes from the 4th and 5th decade of the XIX century. They were Y.N.Ozerckovskiy, P.I.Preys, E.P. Kovalevskiy and F.V.Cizov



    • Savo MARKOVIĆ, Prilog prou čavanju srednjovjekovne latinske leksike , epigrafike i socijalne morfologije Bara : case study Cyriacus, 137-157  DOWNLOAD

    Abstract: On the basis of the sources of various typology, as well as of historiography, there are followed the activities of the members of Curiaçe – Kurjaković family of Bar, in the course of the 14th – 15th centuries. Micro-historic research took into account the modalities of their connection with the home environment, especially through the lexical analysis, epigraphy and related segments of social and ecclesiastical life in Bar. In accordance with the social movements of that time, focused is the role of the presbyter Dominicus Curiace, over the decades present both in Bar and in Dubrovnik, who was the bond of religious – and traditions of affinity, witnessing the expressions of devoutness, noted in two Adriatic communes.

    • Lovorka ČORALIĆ, Maja KATUŠIĆ, Grbljani u mletačkim prekomorskim kopnenim postrojbama (18. stoljeće), 159-183  DOWNLOAD

    Abstract: The article is directed on the research of the share of the denizens of Grbalj in Venetian transmarine military units in the eighteenth century. As primary sources are used documents created by the state magistracy Inquisitori sopra l’amministrazione dei pubblici ruoli, containing lists of the complement of particular military units, which are kept in the Archivio di Stato di Venezia. In the article are analysed proportion of the participation of the denizens of Grbalj in Venetian infantry and cavalry, temporal frame of their mentioning in the sources, places were particular units operated, commanding staff, as well as personal characteristics of individual soldiers. In the final part of the article, the scions of the Bogetić family of Grbalj, who achieved considerable positions within the ranks of the Venetian army, are briefly discussed. In the end of the article are given several appendices: lists of military complement in companies of Wolf and Mark Bogetić and a list of all the denizens of Grbalj who were soldiers in Venetian army units, as established until now.

    • Dušan BOJKOVIĆ, Nacionalna politika Komunističke Partije Jugoslavije 1918–1928: otvaranje crnogorskog pitanja, 185-198  DOWNLOAD

    Abstract: In this article we have analyzed the relation between the leadership of Communist Party of Yugoslavia towards statehood and national issue of Montenegro in period of the creation of unified state of Serbs, Croats and Slovenians up until the so called Congress of Dresden. The basis of the text is composed from the documents of Party’s activity, deposited at the Archives of Yugoslavia, followed by the published sources and relevant literature.

    • Milan TERZIĆ, Plan jugoslovenske odbrane od mogućeg napada zemalja Informacionog biroa (Slučaj Crne Gore), 199-209  DOWNLOAD

    Abstract: The paper treats the measures taken in Montenegro as the part of general measures for Yugoslav defence in case attack by the Cominform countries. Its text was written on the base of documents preserved in Military archive in Belgrade, as well as the relevant scientific literature.

    • Zlatko IVANOVIĆ, Američka percepcija nove jugoslovenske politike nesvrstavanja, 211-226  DOWNLOAD

    Abstract: Following its failure to integrate Yugoslavia into the Western military alliance, American leadership ultimately agreed with Belgrade’s new political strategy of non-alliance. Still, the United States tried to retain some influence on Yugoslavia’s foreign policy through a program of military and economic assistance, thus keeping Yugoslavia away from the Eastern bloc. Eisenhower and Dulles’ expectations to use Tito’s growing influence on the emerging non-committed countries show that they, as well as Truman, based their policy towards Yugoslavia on geopolitical instead of ideological interests. With its new political course consolidated, Yugoslavia found significant political allies, creating a new force in international relations.

    • Ivan LAKOVIĆ, Prilog proučavanju jugoslovenske vojne politike 1958–1961. godine, 227-237  DOWNLOAD

    Abstract: Based on the available documents of Western and Yugoslav origin, as well as the relevant literature, this paper deals with the perspectives of Yugoslav military policy between the periods of two strategic partnerships in providing the source for its armed forces’ material equipping. Yugoslav leadership had to take into account the political consequences of joining such projects, so the most important related criteria contained preconditions needed both for continuing as more as independent foreign policy, as well as preservation of the internal system intact. International constellation allowed the space for dispersing Yugoslav directions of bonding – provided that West had remained a mayor partner for economic cooperation, Third World countries became the closest political allies, while the USSR regained its place as the source of military modernization.



    • Jovo M. BEĆIR, Jovo Nikov Bećir , brigadir crnogorske vojske , o kapitulaciji Crne Gore u I svjetskom ratu, 239-247  DOWNLOAD

    Abstract: The paper brings the overview of life and activities of Jovo N. Bećir, brigade general of Montenegrin army in the First, and colonel of Yugoslav army in the Second World War. The most important part is the translation of the interview he gave to J. Steinhardt, reporter of the “Bosnische Post” after the capitulation of Montenegro in 1916.

    The new issue of Istorijski zapisi 3-4/2012 is published Sat, 10 Nov 2012 07:26:25 +0000 JUBILEJI

    Broj je posvećen stogodišnjici početka Balkanskih ratova

    • Radoslav RASPOPOVIĆ, Velike sile i stvaranje saveza balkanskih država 1912. Prilog pitanju pregovora o savezu Crne Gore i Bugarske, 7-28   DOWNLOAD

    Abstract: An impact of the Great Powers on the formation of the Balkan Alliance, diverse as it was, had both positive and negative aspects. The fact that the foreign policy of the smaller countries was limited by political positions of the Great Powers leads to the conclusion that the nature and importance of this issue calls for attention and further studies even after a hundred years.

    • Maja ĐURIĆ, Fotografi Balkanskih ratova, 29-38  DOWNLOAD

    Abstract: Although the first newspaper had appeared in Montenegro in 1871, photography was included some half of the century since its introduction in the press worldwide. The first photo reporters, Vaso Radulović from Montenegro and the foreigners who arrived as reporters, came to the scene only in the First World War.



    • Павел РУДЯКОВ, Последстви я посе щени я Екатерино й ІІ Новороссии дл я развити я кра я (1787 – 2012), 39-55  DOWNLOAD

    Abstract: The article analyzes the range of the consequences of the visit of Katerina II of the New Russia and Crimea in 1787 for the further development of these territories that Russia consists of and within the framework of the orthodox and the Slavic civilization.

    • Andrej L. ŠEMJAKIN, Rusija i ustanak u Hercegovini 1882. godine: dobrovoljačka akcija Jovana Popovića-Lipovca, 57-63  DOWNLOAD

    Abstract: The paper analyses the relation of Russia to the uprising in Herzegovina in 1882, distinguishing a difference between the policy of official Petersburg and the activities of the Moscow’s Slavophil circles led by Ivan S.Akskakov. While the Russian government has decidedly refused to support the rebels, members of the mentioned circles have tried to send some aid via Sophia. The main lever in this project was the “volunteer action” of the Russian officer of the Montenegrin origins – Jovan Popović – Lipovac.

    • Dragan NOVAKOVIĆ, Uspostavljanje organizacije rimokatoličke crkve u Bosni i Hercegovini za vreme austrougarske uprave, 65-84  DOWNLOAD

    Abstract: This paper presents complex processes that followed the organization of Catholic Church in Bosnia and Herzegovina upon the decision of the Congress of Berlin to entrust those territories to Austro-Hungarian authority. New Vatican’s policy and balance of powers led to significant marginalization of Franciscan order which observed the religious needs of Catholic population in those areas during Turkish rule and showed high level of proficiency and capability to adjust to all challenges resulted from unchristian authorities determined to spread their own faith by all possible means.

    • Miljan MILKIĆ, Sveštenici u vojnim i diplomatskim misijama srpske Vlade 1915 – 1918. godine, 85-97  DOWNLOAD

    Abstract: In the following article, the author provides a comprehensive overview of the activities of the Serbian Orthodox priests during the period from 1915 to 1918. The author tries to explain the role they had during the WWI and Serbian government struggle for liberation and creation of new South Slavs state. The author focuses on hieromonk Nikolaj Velimirović, hieromonk Josif Cvijović and lesser known Orthodox army chaplains and their work in Allied military hospitals. The article includes the findings based on documents from the Military Archive in Belgrade and corresponding bibliography.

    • Mira RADOJEVIĆ, On the Problem of Democracy and Parliamentarianism in Yugoslavia bet ween the Two World Wars, 99-110  DOWNLOAD

    Abstract: The questions of democracy and parliamentarianism are the ones of the least researched topics from the realm of interwar Yugoslavia, remaining out of historiographical insight starting only from the standpoint of already existing knowledge. This article tries to bring the focus of attention to the relevant social categories whose interaction, according to many contemporaries, historians and political scientists, was hiding the key for solving Yugoslav problems. Their opinion was, and still is, that consistent obeying to the democratic principles would amortize inherited differences, leading to the gradual construction of the solidary, united country.

    • Ivana DOBRIVOJEVIĆ, Nadzor i internacije političkih prvaka predšestojanuarskih stranaka u doba šestojanuarskog režima kralja Aleksandra, 111-130  DOWNLOAD

    Abstract: The article examines the position of the politicians and lack of freedoms during the dictatorship of king Aleksandar (1929 – 1935). The special attention is paid to the interments of the political opponents that were allowed by the Law on protection of public security and the state order. Internments represented one of the main (preventive) measures in the fight against any opposition.

    • Vanda Babić, Kristina Radulić, Interpretacija kulturne baštine kroz fotografiju, 131-163  DOWNLOAD

    Abstract: In this work we can find out more about the meaning of cultural heritage and photography, developing of photography from the very begining up to present days, as well as arising of specialised Photo Library for documenting cultural heritage in Republic of Croatia, which acts in order to ponder and protect cultural heritage and can be taken as an example of national photographical heritage.



    • Miljan GOGIĆ, Gavrilov zbornik (prilog rekonstrukciji), 165-175  DOWNLOAD

    Abstract: This work contains description and content of Gavrilo’s proceedings, on the basis of data that Ivan Jastrebov and Pavle Rovinski had left about him. The data of charter transcription in the proceedings are given by the order that was set in the proceedings.

    The new issue of Istorijski zapisi 1-2/2012 is published Thu, 10 May 2012 07:12:13 +0000 JUBILEJI

    Broj je posvećen 160. godišnjici proglašenja Crne Gore za knjaževinu

    • Radoslav RASPOPOVIĆ, O diplomatiji Crne Gore nakon promjene oblika vladavine u zemlji 1862. godine, 7-24   DOWNLOAD

    Abstract: The fascination of the topic of Prince Danilo Petrović Njegoš as a diplomat stems from the fact that he was the first secular sovereign in the history of Montenegro. This fact resulted in the series of novelties he introduced in the diplomatic life of Montenegro, and in the very significant changes he made in the diplomatic representation of the country.

    • Maja ĐURIĆ, Raritetni portreti knjaza Danila i knjeginje Darinke nastali u bečkim i pariskim ateljeima Dizderija i Le Greja iz fonda Arhiva Jugoslavije. Fotografija kao društveno-istorijsko svjedočanstvo nakon 1850. godine u Crnoj Gori i svijetu, 25-36  DOWNLOAD

    Abstract: The paper deals with photography as the social historical testimony after, as well as its transgression into the new phase of the industrial development, where all the unable to commercialize their business were doomed. It talks about the “carte mania” fashion, the most famous photographers, Disderi and Le Gray, and the ateliers from the second half of the 19th century, There the Prince Danilo and Princess Darinka, as well as the other notable Montenegrins, were photographed, being aware of the importance of the photography as the historical document in the period of its mere beginning.



    • Valentina ŽIVKOVIĆ, Poslednje zaveštanje kotorske vlastelinke Jelene Medoševe Drago, 37-48  DOWNLOAD

    Abstract: The testament of Jelena, the daughter of the late Medos Drago, contains an exceptionally large number of various individual items of ad pias causas donations. Analogously with the number of soul salvation legacies, there was also a wider choice of those receiving these gifts of mercy. The testament of Jelena Drago reveals, on one hand, a strong loyalty of the Kotor aristocracy to the Franciscan Order, and on the other hand the acknowledgement and reverence of the general devotional testamentary practice.

    • Đorđe STANKOVIĆ, Državna uprava u Zetskoj banovini za vreme diktature, 49-70  DOWNLOAD

    Abstract: Paper describes the organization of the governmental administration in Zetska banovina, one of the new formed administrative units according to Law on the name and the division of Kingdom from October 1929. It brings the analysis of its composition, including both the cadres at the highest level and those who were located much lower in the hierarchy, paying the special attention to the fact that, aside of the decade after the end of First World War, Zetska banovina consisted of the territories that hadn’t previously experienced a common rule. For that reason, ethnic, religious and political characteristics of the mentioned officials are emphasized, showing course of politics conducted in order to reform and regulate an administrative system in the country. The list of the presidents and secretaries of belonging municipalities is given in the appendix.

    • Milan TERZIĆ, Crna Gora u Drugom svetskom ratu (skica za temu), 71-78  DOWNLOAD

    Abstract: Paper indicates a need for treatment of this topic trough the critical analysis of existing literature and using the archival sources that, so far, had not been available to the historiography. It would provide a more layered and complete picture on this theme.

    • Dmitar TASIĆ, Osnivanje i rad jedinica Korpusa Narodne Odbrane Jugoslavije (KNOJ) u Crnoj Gori 1944 – 1945, 79-102  DOWNLOAD

    Abstract: According to the archival sources of Military archive in Belgrade and relevant literature, this paper presents the foundation and overview of activities of Corps of National Defense of Yugoslavia (CNDY) units in Montenegro. After the end of war, CNDY units faced with the large number of armed outlaws (chetniks, separatists and Albanian irregulars). These groups or individuals, although not so politically and military active, were the threat to the common security and establishing and consolidation of the new authorities.

    • Katarina KOVAČEVIĆ, Milovan Đilas i mađarska kriza 1956. godine, 103-125  DOWNLOAD

    Abstract: After a brief rise of communism after World War II, the continually intensfying crisis of the system that dominated Eastern Europe manifested in the turbulent year of 1956. In the same year, immediately after the Soviet military intervention in Hungary, Milovan Djilas, a former top ranking official of the Yugoslav Communist Party and, at the time, already under a suspended sentence for public statements against the Yugoslav regime, published his views on the events in Eastern Europe in the New York weekly The New Leader. This paper discusses Milovan Djilas’s perspective and the reaction of Yugoslav authorities to the denunciations of its internal and foreign policies, as per local and foreign newspaper accounts, archival sources, and testimonies of participants.



    • Marta VUKOTIĆ LAZAR, Nataša DANILOVIĆ HRISTIĆ, Đurđija BOROVNjAK VUKOTIĆ, Prvi budistički hram u Evropi (1929-1944). Istorijski uslovi koji su doveli do formiranja kolonije Kalmika u Beogradu, izgradnje i rušenja njihovog verskog objekta, 127-144  DOWNLOAD

    Abstract: As a part of the numerous groups of refugees from the Russian Empire after the October revolution in the period from 1920 to 1941, five hundred Kalmyks moved in to Belgrade and found their shelter here. Kalmyks are people of the Mongolian origin, having Buddhist-Lamaist national religion. Among the refugees there was a number of monks and the higher priest Manchuda Borinov (1872-1928), contributing greatly to the initiation of activities aiming to obtain the space for their religious purposes shortly after the immigration. In accordance with their religion, calmly and unobtrusively, Kalmyks gained affinity of the Serbian authorities and the Minister of Religion himself, who assigned them one thousand dinars monthly support for the maintanance of the rooms, later the Temple in Belgrade, although the Buddhist confession was not recognized by the State Constitution. Besides understanding and support of the authorities, the construction of the Temple was helped by the numerous donors. The first to offer their support to Kalmycs were the manufacturer Miloš Jaćimović (1858- 1940), by conceding them the complex of family property in 1928 in order to establish the Kalmyk colony there. The president of the Colony, ex colonel of the Russian Army Abuša Aleksejev initiated activities for the construction of the Buddhist temple in this location in Belgrade. The Temple was already sanctified the next year, on December 12th 1929, in the presence of the entire Belgrade Buddhist Colony. The construction of the first Buddhist temple in Europe was the greatest event in the life of Kalmyks in exile. As an attraction, in 1930 the temple got its place in the „Guide through Belgrade“, and the street where it was situated got the name „Buddhist street“.

    • Zlatko IVANOVIĆ, Jugoslovensko-sovjetski odnosi u svijetlu mađarske krize 1956. godine, 145-174  DOWNLOAD

    Abstract: Yugoslav reaction to the Hungarian revolution in 1956 was contraversial and mainly determined by its unique position as a communist country trying to balance its looming non-aligned position between East and West. Yugoslavia supported the uprising to the extend it believed it lead to a reformist – communist system similar to the Yugoslavian, as a counter balance to the Soviet hegemony. However, following uncontrolled and escalated hostilities, Tito increasingly started to fear that the anti-Soviet sentiment in Hungary could turn into a general anti-communist attitude, which would spill over into Yugoslavia and imperil the country’s specific path to socialism, as well as Tito’s power. Yugoslavia was dragged into the events, following which the Soviets realized Yugoslavia will never return into the socialist camp. Just like the Western democracies, Yugoslavs did not meet the expectations of those in Hungary seeking freedom.

    • SJEĆANjE na akademika

    Bogumil HRABAK, (11. 01. 1927 – 12. 12. 2010), Crna Gora u Avnojskoj Jugoslaviji 1945-1966. godine, 175-196  DOWNLOAD

    Abstract : The paper brings an overview of political, economical and social position of the Socialist Republic of Montenegro within socialist Yugoslavia. Analysis of the main factors powering the movements in mentioned spheres was given according to relevant and available archival sources and press. Special emphasis was given to the role, importance and influence of the Montenegrin cadres upon the federal level, both in the state and party realms.

    The new issue of Istorijski zapisi 1-2/2011 is published Tue, 10 May 2011 06:47:09 +0000 ČLANCI

    • Marica MALOVIĆ ĐUKIĆ, Još jednom o porodici Zagurović u srednjem vijeku, 7-15   DOWNLOAD

    Abstract: We have tried, for the third time, to present some new moments from the life of this notable gentry family, which had in Bar at first, and then in Kotor in the middle ages. Due to usage of some just from recently available sources, we could acquire a new data about possessions and family affairs of certain members of Zagurovic family.

    • Anđelka BULATOVIĆ, Brak, odnosi u braku i opšti položaj udate žene na tlu Crne Gore u peiodu od kraja XVIII do početka XX vijeka, 17-27   DOWNLOAD

    Abstract: The paper presents an analysiis of position and education Montenegrin woman in marriage from the 18th to early 20th century. Marriage in Montenegro was one of the most important moments in life, both for women and for men. On the basis of which created and built a family life, without which there would be no family. Marriage was based on patriarchal grounds, the unequal position of men and women in customary law and family law legislative. Male dominance and female submission is an important feature of marital relations. Personality of women is contained partly in the person of her husband. Household and raising children asked the women to a whole life to be „tied” to the house.

    • Varavara BORISOVA HLEBNIKOVA, Pedagoška djelatnost S.P. Mertvago u Crnoj Gori, 29-42  DOWNLOAD

    Abstract: Female high school education in Montenegro has been under the special Russian tutorship. In the second half of the XIX century, with material and support in human resources from Russia, a Marijinski institut, first high school for education of the female children was opened. Special mark in the work of this high school institution and female education at all, have been left by the Sofia Petrovna Mertvago, Russian pedagogue who had run this school from 1888 until 1913.

    • Marija CRNIĆ PEJOVIĆ, Seljačke radne (zemljoradničke) zadruge u Boki kotorskoj, 43-71  DOWNLOAD

    Abstract: According to fragmentarily preserved archival sources of the peasant working (agricultural) collectivities, this paper brings the overview of their foundation, organization, jobs, human resources and aprovization (guaranteed supply) of the canton of Herceg Novi for the period between 1945 and 1955. Documentation covers the collectivities from Herceg Novi, Kameno, Dragalj, Sutorina, Luštica and Bijela. Their foundation and activities in mentioned time were conducted under the pressure of the authorities, so they have never been accepted receiving a certain resistance. The attempt of collectivization had not brought the positive results, but contrary, produced some negative effects in agriculture.

    • Vukajlo GLUŠĆEVIĆ, Factors of Migratory Movements of Population of Montenegro in XIX Century, 73 – 85  DOWNLOAD

    Abstract: The paper deals with conditions of migration movements from, within and in the Montenegro during the XIX century. Although more population left to settle in other countries, Serbia in the first place, Montenegro was also on the receptive side – providing home for emigrants – refugees – from other parts of the Balkan Peninsula fleeing from the Turkish terror.



    • Stanko CVJETIĆANIN, Karla SELIHAR, Mirjana SEGEDINAC, Vlasta SUČEVIĆ, Doprinos prvog pedagoškog časopisa obrazovanju nastavnika u prirodnim naukama u drugoj polovini 19. veka u Vojvodini, 87 – 104  DOWNLOAD

    Abstract: This paper analyzes the contribution of the first pedagogical journal in Vojvodina, „the school newspaper,” teacher education in science. The journal is published in the period 1858th to 1910. year, and a display of educational thought in the region and in Europe at that time. Reviewed journals are all numbers, a selection of articles is based on an evaluation of texts. Based on the analysis of the magazine concluded that the magazine had a few texts from the natural sciences.

    • Neda DONAT KRIVOKAPIĆ, Društveno-istorijski razlozi za uvođenje njemačkog jezika u gimnazije za vrijeme Kralja Nikole I Petrovića, 105 – 118  DOWNLOAD

    Abstract: German language in Montenegro, to the extent that it had until 1918, was for the first time introduced in academic year 1903/04 in (Gymnasium) High School in Cetinje, ie 23 years after it was founded. Until then, the foreign languages taught in this High School were Russian, French, Greek and Latin. Reasons for changing the curriculum, which in addition to the above mentioned languages provided the introduction of German language learning, were the result of complex and interrelated factors. According to the results of our research, they can be classified into six groups: 1) Educational, 2) Historical (political), 3) Concerning personnel, 4) Concerning family and kinship 5) The impact of personalities around King Nikola, 6) Personal. Each of them is the subject of our brief analysis. The introduction of German language learning was very important for Montenegro because it opened the possibility of sending a larger number of students in renowned university centers, primarily in Austria and Germany.

    • Dragutin PAPOVIĆ, Razvoj informatike i računarstva u Crnoj Gori (1970-1990), 119 – 134  DOWNLOAD

    Abstract: During the 70s and 80s of XX century, government officials, business and educational institutions in Montenegro have attempted to acquire modern computers. They wanted to follow and apply the latest advances in information technology and computer science. Among the goals was the expansion of computer literacy and education experts in the field of computer science. The article analyzes how it was done and what results were achieved.

    • Bojana LAKIĆEVIĆ, O nekim kategorijama ljudskih prava u međunarodnom pravu i savremenom pravnom sistemu Crne Gore, 135 – 153  DOWNLOAD

    Abstract: This paper aims to present certain categories of human rights in international law and the modern law of Montenegro in a concise way. The content of this paper will be broken down into sections that are important for understanding human rights issues. The methodology we will employ in this paper is a content analysis of theoretical and experts’ views exposed through the use of domestic and foreign literature, the comparative and historical methods. In the historical period of human rights development it was considered that economic, social and cultural rights should not be separated from civil and political rights, but that all rights should be contained in one document. Thus, the Universal Declaration of Rights contained provisions on both types of rights and later the two pacts were signed: one on civil and political and the other on economic, social and cultural rights. The greatest number of contemporary constitutions guarantees social and economic rights of citizens. Of course, the scope, content and categorization of these rights vary from country to country. Economic and social rights in its general features are not individual rights at all because they belong to different collectivities. Therefore, we define them by entities and their stakeholders. In principle, these rights are enjoyed by each individual belonging to a particular social group.

    The new issue of Istorijski zapisi 2/2010 is published Thu, 06 May 2010 17:08:45 +0000
  • Radoslav RASPOPOVIĆ, Otvaranje skupa „130 godina od uspostavljanja diplomatskih odnosa Crne Gore sa velikim silama nakon sticanja nezavisnosti 1878”, 7-8  Download



    • Radoslav RASPOPOVIĆ, Značaj međunarodnog priznanja u procesu izrastanja državnopravnog subjektiviteta Crne Gore, 9-30  Download

    ABSTRACT: In this paper, the author deals with the question of formation of the state and legal subjectivity of Montenegro after it gained independence pursuant to the decisions of the Congress of Berlin. The decisions of the Congress were a milestone in the history of Montenegro and its statehood on both internal and foreign levels. Apart from improving the state apparatus in the normative and actual sense, they created space for the development of social relations on an economic, educational, cultural and, in a word, civic level, thus transforming Montenegrins from the status of “subjects” into citizens of an internationally recognized member of the international community.


    • Saša MARKOVIĆ, Francuska štampa i Berlinski kongres, 31-41  Download

    ABSTRACT: The paper deals with the treating of the Congress’ of Berlin decisions in the French press, which denied the right to young Slavic-Balkan people to become the nations, all in the name of the peace, European political balance and higher French interests. This work presents an insight into interesting political, historical and sociological topic, which is rarely treated by the modern historiography and political science.


    • Živko M. ANDRIJAŠEVIĆ, 1878. godina kao granica epoha, 43-55  Download

    ABSTRACT:One of the epochs in history of Montenegro ended in 1878. The international and foreign political position was changed then, as well as the frame of its national political activities, of social, economical, and culturological environment. Changes in these domains had been expected, but it seems that it had not been anticipated how deep they would be and where would lead. What is also important, some of them had not been expected previously, so they forced the winners from the recent war to act accordingly, though involuntarily. It is obvious that Cetinje had no real knowledge about the area that was planned to be annexed to Montenegro before 1878. Another unexpected thing was the inadequate change of the international position of the state emerging from the Austro-Hungarian occupation of the Bosnia and Herzegovina, especially the legitimacy of its newly-established control. When it entered the war, Montenegrin elite thought more about the enemy than about the territories it planned to take over, which resulted in a position that it was easier to occupy the mentioned areas with arms than by adequate institutions.


    • Stjepan MATKOVIĆ, Crna Gora u pogledima hrvatske politike, 1878-1918., 57-67  Download

    ABSTRACT: In accordance with the researched topic, this article focuses on outlining the attitude of Croatian political elite and public towards Montenegro in the period from 1878 until the end of World War I; in other words, from the important decisions of the Congress of Berlin until the creation of the first Yugoslav state, when the dynamics of political tendencies led to changes with lasting effects.


    • Karl KASER, Austro-Hungary and the Independence of Montenegro, 69-78  Download

    ABSTRACT: Until the outbreak of the Balkan Crisis in 1875, the Monarchy’s foreign politics of non-intervention into Balkan conflicts aimed at enabling the Ottoman Empire to solve its problems on itself. At the beginning of 1875, the minister for foreign affairs, Andrássy was alarmed by a not unlike intervention of Serbia and Montenegro in Bosnia-Herzegovina and its eminent consequences for the security of Dalmatia. Therefore, the occupation of the two Ottoman provinces became an open aim of his foreign policy. Another aim was to prevent a potential unification of Serbia and Montenegro. A sovereign status of Montenegro was a much better option. The paper’s first section will provide a short sketch of the Habsburg Balkan policy from about the Congress of Vienna (1814/15) to the Congress of Berlin (1878); the second will present an overview of the bilateral relations between the Habsburg Empire and the emerging state of Montenegro until 1878; the third section, finally aims to shed light on the Empire’s ambitions related to Montenegro at the Congress of Berlin.


    • Bernard LORY, Derviš paša: un acteur meconnu de la crise d’orient, 79-89  Download

    ABSTRACT: In this paper, the author deals with military and political career of the Ibrahim Dervish-Pasha (1817-1896). There was specially emphasized his role in the Eastern Crisis and Ottoman – Russian war 1877-1878, as well as the League of Prizren. The author specially points out the role of Ibrahim Dervish-Pasha in the first (1852-1853) and second (1862) campaign of Omer-pasha Latas against the Montenegro and in turnover the Ulcinj in 1880.


    • Antonello BIAGINI & Andrea CARTENY, A close relationship: Italy and Montenegro after 1878, 91-96  Download

    ABSTRACT: The paper deals with the relations between Montenegro and Italy after Italian Risorgimento and international recognition of the Montenegrin independence 1878. There was emphasized the role of the Italian representatives Giuseppe Otolengi, member of the International commission for establishing the state’s border according the decisions of the Congress of Berlin, and Cesare Durando, Italian diplomatic representative in Montenegro. Author also describes the sources in Italian archives for research of Italian-Montenegrin relations from 1878. until second half of XX century.


    • Slavko BURZANOVIĆ, Crnogorske misije Česara Durandoa, 97-109  Download

    ABSTRACT: The present paper deals with the missions of Mr. Cesare Durando to Montenegro during his acting in the capacity of both a special diplomatic emissary in the time of Montenegrin-Turkish War of 1876-1878 and the Chargé d’Affaires in the Italian Legation in Cetinje between 1879-1883.


    • Saša KNEŽEVIĆ, Velike sile prema zahtjevima Crne Gore u aneksionoj krizi, 111-123  Download

    ABSTRACT: Montenegrin foreign policy goals have not been fully achieved by gaining the independence at the Congress of Berlin. It was a common opinion of its leadership that the state, territorially enlarged and internationally recognized, had yet to fulfill some its ambitions. The most suitable moments for accomplishing these tasks were the times of international crises, when the order established by the Great Powers at the Congress of Berlin became violated. The one of them was the crisis developed in the fall of 1908 by Austro-Hungarian annexation of Bosnia and Herzegovina. The largest number of official documents, governmental memos, notes, letters, telegrams and other diplomatic correspondence that revealed Montenegrin wishes and intentions regarding its position in this question date from the mentioned few months of annexation crisis. These claims were not equally addressed to the all Great Powers, but the majority of them, the greatest and most determined, were a part of the correspondence with Russia.


    • Я. В. ВИШНЯКОВ, Сербо-черногорские отношения и боснийский кризис 1908-1909 гг, 125-137  Download

    ABSTRACT: The paper deals with the diplomatic background of the events between the Austrian-Hungarian annexation of Bosnia and Herzegovina and the preparations for the First World War. It provides details of the involvement, interests and actions of the diplomatic and intelligence services of the Russian and Austrian-Hungarian empires, as well as the related activities of the Serbian and Montenegrin governments. While the policy of Vienna was to secure the expansion further into the Balkans, where the annexation of Bosnia represented only the first step, Serbia and Montenegro sought their own territorial enlargement and regarded the Austro-Hungarian activities as an open threat. Due to the complex imperial relations with Austrian-Hungarian Empire and her efforts elsewhere, Russia considered it would be highly inconvenient if hostilities broke out in the Balkans at that time, and it influenced Serbia and Montenegro to turn they attention toward south and south-east. The Balkan Wars were the outcome of such policy, which further shifted the political balance in the region and led to preparations for the final showdown.


    • Senka BABOVIĆ-RASPOPOVIĆ, Prva decenija crnogorske državne nezavisnosti (1878-1888) – put ka Evropi, 139-146  Download

    ABSTRACT: In the first decade of the Montenegrin state independence, processes of constituting a modern were initiated according to the principle “Conservation par le progress”. The processes of “conservation through progress” were based on a weak heritage and were conducted in ultimately reduced economic conditions.


    • Momčilo PEJOVIĆ, Crnogorci na školovanju u inostranstvu kao stipendisti stranih vlada i država, 147-165  Download

    ABSTRACT: Throughout the 19th century there had been modest educational opportunities and conditions for the education of Montenegrin youth within Montenegro. These were somewhat improved solely with the opening of the Seminary, the Theological – Teacher Training School, the Girls‘ Institute and the Gymnasium at Cetinje in the second half of the 19thcentury. The established educational institutes contributed to the increase in the number students being educated within Montenegro and those who, upon finishing these schools, left to continue their education outside the Montenegrin borders, i.e. Abroad.

    The political reputation of Montenegro among the European public, as well as the political and poetic popularity of the Prince-King Nikola I Petrović contributed to the establishment of diplomatic relations with many European countries. With the establishment of diplomatic relations between Montenegro and the European states, there was an increase in the number of students who were educated abroad.

    Certain countries and their governments, with which diplomatic relations had been established, played a significant role in offering scholarships to the students of secondary schools, colleges and universities, since they would grant several scholarships a year to Montenegrin students who were being educated abroad. Italy, France, Serbia, Russia, Turkey, Bulgaria and other countries offered scholarships to a certain number of students from Montenegro for the studies at secondary schools and university institutions in their respective countries. Upon completing their education, only one third of Montenegrin youth returned to Montenegro to work in state institutions.


    • Uğur ÖZCAN, The loan agreement between the Ottoman empire and Montenegro, and financial aid to Montenegro, 167-179  Download

    ABSTRACT: The relationships between Ottoman Empire and Montenegro which declared its independence in 1878 were developed to a good point, especially during Abdul Hamid and Nikola’s reign. Thanks to these good relations, loan agreements were among the financial supports. In this presentation, two loan agreements signed in order to loan to Montenegro through Ottoman Bank will be mentioned and the effect of these two loan agreements on Ottoman-Montenegro relations will be discussed.


    • Dragana KUJOVIĆ, Iseljavanje muslimana iz Crne Gore nakon Berlinskog kongresa kao tema na stranicama Istorijskih zapisa, 181-188  Download

    ABSTRACT: After the decisions of the Congress of Berlin and positive outcome of the war with Ottoman Empire from 1876 to 1878, Montenegro became an independent state. This paper deals with the situation which also arose from this outcome, i.e. when a great number of the Muslims population decided to emigrate from the newly formed state. They emigrated towards Bosnia and Sandzak of Novi Pazar, and the emigration saw members of all society groups who feared possible violence of new authorities and the loss of privileges. They were called “mouhadzirs” or “mouhadzers”.

    The papers, which on pages of Ecrits Historiques deal with this topic can be divided into two categories: a) research papers that investigate mouhadzirs’ further destiny, directions of their migrations, reasons for emigration etc, and b) research papers dealing with the problem of emigration as the introduction to their land and properties being occupied by Montenegrin Orthodox settlers.


    • Suzana RAJIĆ, Ruska diplomatija o odnosima Srbije i Crne Gore (1900-1903), 189-207  Download

    ABSTRACT: The paper deals with the complicated diplomatic and political background of the events in the courts of these two Balkan countries in early 20th century. After it had become obvious that King Alexander Obrenovic was unlikely to have successors, Russian diplomatic representatives had to deal with many different, more or less apparent interests to inherit his throne. In the eve of, and immediately after the assassination of King Aleksandar and his wife, two dynasties, Petrovic and Karadjordjevic, were seen as the main contenders, but Russia also had to deal with the position of Austrian-Hungarian Empire, that fully opposed the two Balkan states coming under the rule of the same dynasty. Since this particularly applied to the Montenegrin dynasty, and since the Russian Tsar had strictly forbidden a nomination of the Russian Grand Prince Alexander Mihailovic, Peter Karadjordjevic was elected King of Serbia.


    • Gabriella SCHUBERT, Crna Gora na početku 20. veka – u očima jedne Engleskinje, 209-216  Download

    ABSTRACT: Mary Edith Durham was one of the most important English mediators for the culture of the Balkan peoples and political events in the Balkans at the beginning of the 20th century. The single, energetic young woman spent years traveling alone through Bosnia and Herzegovina, Serbia, Macedonia, Montenegro and Albania, collecting ethnographic material and recording the political situation. Moreover, she left the drawings of houses, agricultural tools, gusle, traditional clothing, etc. Between 1904 and 1928, she published 7 reports and travel memoirs in London, which had ethnographic, culturological and political contents. The historians, such as John Treadway, have used her works since the early 20th century, but she be became more famous only after her biography had been included in the National Biography of England.


    • Tatjana KOPRIVICA, Crna Gora i međunarodne izložbe i drugoj polovini XIX i početkom XX vijeka, 217-238  Download

    ABSTRACT: By the present text, the author deals with the participation of Montenegro in the International Ethnographic Exhibition in Moscow (in 1867), Liège (in 1905) and in London (in 1907), as well as with the preparations for the Exhibition in Vienna (in 1873) and in Paris (in 1900). The present paper emphasizes also great effects of the listed Exhibitions on diplomatic activities of Prince Nikole Petrović, particularly prior to 1878 when Montenegro was internationally recognized in the Berlin Congress.


    • Adnan PEPIĆ, Novine Malumat o posjeti Knjaza Nikole Istanbulu 1899. godine, 239-248  Download

    ABSTRACT: After gaining the independence at the Congress of Berlin in 1878, relations between Montenegro and the Ottoman Empire were on a relatively high level. They were especially good during the reign of Prince Nikola and Sultan Abdulhamid the Second, mostly due to their mutual friendship. Such relations resulted in two visits of Prince Nikola to Istanbul, in 1883 and 1899. The second visit was widely commented in Istanbul daily newspapers. One of them was Malumat, which on several occasions published articles regarding the Prince’s visit. This paper intends to provide an overview of Malumat’s reporting on the Prince Nikola’s visit to Istanbul in 1899.


    • Massimo BUCARELLI, D’Annunzio, Italy and the Independence of Montenegro 1919-1920, 249-263  Download

    ABSTRACT: The aim of this work is not to focus on these well known aspects of the political and military action of D’Annunzio. Its purpose is rather to emphasize the connection between D’Annunzio’s plans, and the national questions in the Western Balkans at the end of the World War I. Above all, this paper strives to shed some light on all the initiatives taken by D’Annunzio with the aim to restore the independence of the Kingdom of Montenegro. There is no doubt, in fact, that he was one of the last political leaders in Italy and in Europe who fully supported and tried to do all he could for the survival of Montenegro as an independent and sovereign State.

    Specifically, there are three crucial questions, which the paper addresses: 1) when D’Annunzio seized Fiume in 1919 and ruled the city for 15 months, did he have a global plan for the political and territorial settlement of the Western Balkans or did he have in mind only the annexation of Fiume to Italy? 2) Provided that he had a plan for the Balkan nations and countries, what was the role which Montenegro was supposed to play in that strategy? 3) Did D’Annunzio try to accomplish his political and military plans alone with his entourage, or was he supported by the Italian government, or perhaps by some Italian political and military authorities?


    • Hatice ORUÇ, Ottoman Turkish Manuscripts about Montenegro in the reign of Sultan Abdülhamid II, 265-270  Download

    ABSTRACT: There are certain papers about Montenegro composed in the process of the Berlin Treaty of 1878 and afterwards. These papers, connected with the political, military, state and foreign policy of the Ottoman State, were first written during the reign of the Sultan Abdülhamid II and also continued to be produced in the times that followed. This paper deals with works of Münif Pasha, Kâmil Kapudân, Mehmed Subhi, Ahmed Tevfîk (translation from Serbian), Ahmed Sedad and Ismail Fazıl (Cebesoy) Pasha.

    These works, published in late 19th and early 20th century, were probably composed with the didactic purpose of providing information for the political and military milieu of the time and thus, they all give considerably significant information and knowledge about the history of Montenegro, its geography, administration, army, people, lifestyle and culture.


    • Zoran LAKIĆ, Međunarodni položaj Crne Gore kroz istoriju i njena međunarodna politika s aspekta odnosa velikih i malih, 271-277  Download

    ABSTRACT: The author deals with the international position of Montenegro throughout history from the aspect of the relation of great powers towards small countries. He looks into how historical experience and tradition affects current foreign policy.


    • Žarko LEKOVIĆ, Drobnjak nakon Berlinskog kongresa, 279-293  Download


    ABSTRACT: The paper deals with the situation in Drobnjak area in the north-east of Montenegro that came under its jurisdiction after the Congress of Berlin. By its decisions, Tara was marked as the border between Montenegro and the Ottoman Empire. Despite a certain enlargement of territory after the war which had just ended, there were aspirations for a new enlargement in Montenegro. Due to this fact, Drobnjak was rich in events concerning the conflicts and upheavals that brought internal changes, surpassing large material shortage, and achievements in personal rights and freedom.

    This period is characterized by very frequent and violent conflicts on the Montenegrin-Ottoman border and by generally unstable conditions on the territory of Drobnjak. The conflicts were relentless, along with attacks, the stealing of cattle, killings and illegal commerce, which made the life of the population difficult and sometimes even unbearable. But a strong influence from Cetinje and its instructions and advice helped to somewhat ease the situation. Ottoman authorities built many watch towers and guard houses by Tara after 1878, cutting off very strong family relations and making it impossible for the Christian population to use land and pastures on both sides of the river.


    • Radenko ŠĆEKIĆ, Ideja crnogorske državne nezavisnosti u unutarpolitičkom životu Crne Gore krajem XX i početkom XXI vijeka, 295-308  Download

    ABSTRACT: The paper follows an idea of Montenegrin independence during the last 130 years. In the wide range of dates important to Monte-negro, 13th July is set aside as a synonym for „Montenegro‘s stability and a symbol of freedom.” Article 26 of the Berlin Treaty defined the international legal status of Montenegro, whereby „Montenegro’s independence was recognized by the Porte and all the High Contracting Parties that have not recognized it yet.” The Article meant that the Montenegrin independence was confirmed by the countries which had not previously done it, primarily by Turkey.

    July 13, 1941 is an equally important date in the modern Montenegrin history. In the decades following World War II, the significance and symbolism of July 13 was constantly emphasized in the Montenegrin public, as a date which should personify the free spirit and individuality of Montenegro, its courage and devotion to the ideals of honor and freedom.

    During 1992, the question of state status, i.e. of Montenegro staying united with Serbia in the form of FRY, represented a battlefield between the government and a portion of the opposition which advocated the independence of Montenegro. A referendum on the status of Montenegro was organized, and the option to stay within the federation won the support of over 90% of voters. Nevertheless, Montenegro continually sought to increase its sovereignty and independence from the federal state by transferring functions from the federal to a republic level, which reached its culmination at the referendum in May 2006.


    • Miomir DAŠIĆ, Politički i vojni odnosi Crne Gore i Osmanskog carstva 1878-1884, 309-323  Download

    ABSTRACT: This essay provides an overview of political and military relations of the Princedom of Montenegro and the Ottoman Empire from the Congress of Berlin in 1878, decisions of which Montenegro became territorially enlarged and internationally recognized as an independent country, until 1884 when the Istanbul Convention was signed between the two governments, which mainly settled the border disputes between the two previously bitter enemies. The Treaty of Berlin outlined the borders between Montenegro and the Ottoman Empire, but in drawing and marking the borders on site, there were serious disputes over marking the borders, dual ownership, mutual traffic, compensation for the property of Turkish subjects who emigrated from Montenegro, and over other problems on both sides of mutual border. Montenegrin government and the Porte initially contended over surrendering urban towns which the Ottoman Empire was in obligation to cede over to the Montenegrin state under the Treaty of Berlin (Kolašin, Podgorica with Spizza and Žabljak fortresses) along with certain territories (Lower Zeta, part of Vasojevići from the river Zlorečica to Lim), over establishing borders between Upper and Lower Vasojevići (between Trepča and Vinicika), the Šekular territory and other regions along the southeast Montenegrin border.

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